THE FHIR I, Si 3r fx U HSKS WZ AHZ. 3 i i 1' 4 ..250.. Garments Indies" and 2-Tisse- Jacket?. G-oLf. Plush h.:.L Cloth. Capf s . All in the .att -rrTes. . jv. a. M4 , , Ci-oaiV-.l JS 1 3 i 3 KiMtu Wrts. fn-k.t it Ht tTOWHB K fat:. 4 in of eiL. . - and our kiri fell at $1.55. Th love wods as all fa c Hirers Sampies. We bows"., ihssatt a jrice to en&We as to -all for ka -ban oiber xaerchani.? have io pay wlioie5ate. Far CoHarsUas fit 1-25. 2.25, 2.90, S.60. A Ah and 0.75. , ijadks' -inched at 3.25. 4.00, 4Mk 6.00. 7.00. 7.50, S.0Q aad qy. . ComW.r- S12XK.' earmeni vriih any 3.(ft or 20.(0 garment in lovm. Mi?." v'ar from 1.00 and np. Mi5e .Isekeis from $1.35 and tjj. (" h 'A:rz. - Rtrfer? at 1.25. 1.50. 1.75. 2.(0. 2.50. 2 75 and up. THE FAIR. FJ-msrobsr its the Place to Save Money. THE FAIR. if 3 i he Chronicle, rie D-Ile-, X. Or. i 4 55 Job Printers. it, j o4 . its!! h.X: , i , ivotuMit liHr ; . t ;l rt. Uvtejn-tiif. -T Aa 1,4 v.plUl"" T.. talfR. IC 910 t.a The V0GT Opera House, I ONE NIGHT ONLY I 1 ' BIG r.AU& 1HL 1 ST7CCESS I Monday, Oct. 29 1 the company mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm k; iuclo3-r lie r- -caTi TFT"'' . r, , .. " JT" Mover "JVirJiEia S-flitrr 7ie Ia?ena Hors-r CssriH 'jratiss: ' " Jor ssi Cltfo: 'L.bertr Behi-' L;adv Loi" rJiriOT T T V ' He i s '.Vise tic" -Ssrilje viiA S:-vs.rt I Y t I 'J'srv Csrv" nad itbtr aem sons 4wtjd Bis Vr JL 3a.-4e.l f5irr.--r Prices, oO and So Cents r THE CELEBRATED .!0aM.n,rt.; hirtlw Nasal CATARRH 0 Tr.E3C7oit, J On. "2S Ti.s Treu Trae American wili toifiorrcw qtioie t-r- P.'t'WEt Ci-Tr!sJ a tvi;p : Is ni: its rj&ztn tlct "I ta t t t:; 01 hsrsaz made anj w c:3-rf- ftsiemsBi icjtiftiiii: Jbe tistrtiDU that I Hy's Crena Balm am renur t ia;.;.&rt jt.:n.f j. S diitd . Mr. ClfTsl&ad Jf,LedtO ajfcfct acr ' l: ears catrrri tad c.';tm stsltasfeiilririirdia ui? .ilior.t d lie t"7.i C3i: -4i- sard- laM'-d Kj.-f io rpfprnit to s ecc- ,, - ,T . . .u..,-.- . . A. ' - Cream Iairn -i j cec tic onr. rprff-wf Ce-lks from tijf r'-jsOr'T the! 8 rrct or-r iht sae5rsae Sid :s s-sor-. Ls. f j - ltarot U r-iirrstiar Lii fna&cifc: vicWE znviizxt zi.t z ctre lalovn. 1: i t-t crrtr.; c-.s iituiMuwu unnjijwi. jj.ii..i.-.. . c . IxOTHIIES. V.'irrti. Srrar., Up Foolfd Hit- Siirsfoni, L. Lane, ! f ...AND... I HoisBsfifiRr i I- .. .COItUJlBlA BREWEKV ... AUGUST BUCHLEH. Prop. O! '.Le ;irtidcr of :". re -kto!) Lreery ibe Ua:ted Mtt Hfklth Kef.orir .'i.:! snyt . "'. more fOfteNar hrtv never entered tte itbrtlarr oi t!.e Uasied !t't-i He:?.1, reports. It is abaia:e;r devoid ttf Ihe EJJci.te?: trsce of hdclierjiti-jc, lct on Uie other liud u cow"pDM3 if the of ict't ta ch, icsrt A !:;&. Its tonic qukhlies are of the high est EU-j i: tai be ced wiifc tbe grofcteit beaeSt tad utitf&clioa bv oid ad ytnar. In n?-e ta.3 caaM:entioctiv be ;)r--crjed by the pbjicias with tbe etrsatatv tbU a better, ;mrer or a. ore wholes; ale U-verage could u:t ;:riibiy tt focod." East Second Street, THE DALLES. OREGON. v r4 4 4 0 i 0 0 I 0 0 mi K)cr. jKJirohic ::.r rerteniiSKCiB U1 iier ;uutn -c l.-rr -t So. Lit n . if. it ltc I-t-'ln it j j a " V , p. ..tret Grandall S Barget 1 fiJI kinds of t2r;:K UI DEPJ TAKERS BuriaSn Fucerai Supplies embalmers Etc. - Th3 Dalies, Or. SCUTH and EAST via SoumeFQ Pacific Co. Shasta Route i 7riiu VtfcTe "lie !tU - 1' T.i.aS Had i? ire I'urtlmd .... .. " ABy .Vrrlre Akfaliod ' ?n 'H'J.D Anirc Ontcw - TSitf .... pwetw .... ) n ".'.Tin k 1.1 . V Til ".IB Wagon and Carriage Werk. r ish Brothers' Wagon. A Lire ..ue! iitatti ritiit. i A!i docterE told Heaici: Hansilscn, of Sir. W. A. Hiaer of Mar-cbtrter, !.,) "est Je2erfoa, O., efter EofftfriEs IS vrritiog of Li filo?t .irCo!oas fcicepe : nantfas from Eectnf ri,-to'.s. he wouid t. TiHTfi EH JSUCfCE. PllDEE 153 5 froa death, ssvs ; rrccre after ixieas.,16 unlets s c'.ly o;ratjoa vras per- r ,5 Its fndnced fcerioor Ion? trocWe. bu-b ( Jo-'mea ; oat u e t-sreo riH5Efci! viu, DveiD ended iti Coascmptioa. 3 had frtfjoeni j t02 of rJncfcJen Arnica .-slv, ibe heinorrbaget and conged cizht ecd dar. enreet Pile core on .Earth, and the best A!i a:v doctors ?aid I tnoit toon die. ' the World. 5 cents & box. Sold ? Thee 1 Wan to ote Dr. Hint's ew "-v iaceier, j.raggist. 4 s' Discovery for Ccnuom J'tion, j.ich com- j HnslH . ... J50 pletely cored a.. I vroutd not be withom : . tnA'.nu.. vTm. ..n.i. : f 1 it even if it cost i-'j.OO bottie. Hundreds ; ,, r-, I"..-.......- f.: II h. Co.. ,U j C. F. Stephens .Dealer in.. xi-ve use. u on my retxa.euuwuu uuu . jck f ..-.jj-.. .1 . r TVv a i'tt. a ' ' c n never jzhb io care i uw, , Founh acd Locust S ana .nait troubles. iiegU!r me i p,ia P unu ti.w. ina. ooiiiesxree ai uiejey sry Cl-rt: ra:;?i..Si:r Dry Goods, Clothing, ss-tf : Gents' Furnishings, n Druz Store. KlUrfacu TrlctA and Meaturt-t. Four teaspoonfa! of liquid mate one j and permament cures buve mad t rhkrnlirlaln. nnuph 1 ! . n i .1 r u r?r-t , , ; T V IfJ ouf"- ..( pt .Votlout Art. : iue suuiiiiuz anc neajinz projieriies ii ! of tnii remedy, its p!eaant and prompt ! U lor V. L. iHrtiglai! no:. tables poonfol. Fuir t-bleeposnfals of liquid, one giil or b quarter of a cup. A tableepoonfcl of liquid, ball an ounce. A pint of liquid weighs a pound. A quart of sifted flour, one pound. e it aijj where, i N; Telephone ;;c tfs. 121 nocond a, great favorite with people every It it especially priaed by mothers of sni all children for colds, croup and : whooping cue pit, as it always affords quick relief, and as it contains no opium ; or other barrofu' drug, it may be given ; as confidentially to a bby as to an m vws. ur, jj 4- C. J. STUBBING Arrive lot A-mt-E . " Kti1! ... " Inrt Wrlh.. u Cftf at J!oxl. ' Nr Orin.t " KewYwi - fiut : . t 11' f r '. ill I. . p" t. CtD -I f 1 1 : Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Se-t door to A. M. Williami k Co. Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. ! : I WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. ; I I ulltn :ifl TecrU: a- MS tal hiilrt-nrr rnciemento tv Url : Lil- uud tottrixt car to C't-e-cu. .-t . t"1 icnaf mi. N Oflil!i5;ou. Cmiuwtinr et Pnn Ki-i)'-t w;Ui mt1 t'-nniftt;. Uni" Jor Jioi":i tbiw. l'tiUiiiiJi.c. lutr d '..t. .-u-ica. Et rpct.: t Tbe Iilc Ul . stSd.t- C. H. MARKHAM, tucri l'M-nscr Asr ! nMt liii'i fa 11 Yellowstone Park Line. Tmee kitchen cupful, of corn meal, one j adult. For sale by iil-kelej druggist. ' tKjaod. I Four kitchen cupfole of flour, one Drj-ing-preparations eimply devel-" ... , . . nound ojdT7 catarrh; they dry up the becretiong, All orders atlended to promptly. Ing n . i , , . . , '--hich adhere to the I membrane and decorn- distance phone 43. Local, 102. I One cup Of butter, halt a pond. , IKB.iitiinpnfariorerioatroubletiin I One eolid pint of chopped meat, one . the ordiaarj- ionn of catarrh. Avoid all dry pound. ' uig inhalants, fumee, smokes nnd buuOb A daBh of pepper, an eighth of a tea- ma. tVVWCUT, . , : .M o V. V t. . .'u f)U.. .vuicui and trill cure catarrh or cold in the head easily end pleasantly. A trial oize -will be mailed for 10 cents. All dr-fjgi-lg fcfcll the 50c. raze. ElylJroibor, 5G Warren HL.21.Y. TliA ltalm m lrr.c vittin.if rMtn 1r-.c rtn Da' i irritate or cause eaeezing. It spreads itfitlf We off-r fir a ii-iuted period the ?rer. cn imtated ana arjgry 'fiurtaeo, rehcT- ejmnful A pint of brovn -unr. tiiirteen ounces. Two ccp'cls and u h-if of powdered eugar, one pound Ldie" Home Jour- twice-H-w eek Chkcsicj.k, price $I.D, aud the Weekly Orgoruar. price fl &O, both paprefor f2 a y-r. feUOscriptioriB under this effsr n.uft be. jiaid in ad vance, tf Hou't i:ub 11 lu, Just wet the i-flected pari freely wilh Mysterious IV in Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the ruin is gone. Bold by Clarke & talk. ing immediately the painful inflammation. With 13y'e Cream JSulin you are &nned agabairt 2ital Catarrh and Hay Fever. ' The largest and most complete line of fall and winter millinery ever displayed j in the city at the Campbell & Wiltou ! millinery parlors. The price, v. ill sell the goods. s8tf Call on Mrs. Morgan for art embroid eries, also decorative work to oil and water colors. 2tf Axle J Urease 1 he!js the team. .Sav vicr.r ana Jp BL c-Jjcu.c. Jiold tr.r-vhcrc k uahz cv E 8TANOARO Oil. CO. Bfe Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. pncee '"ci J IO fcUH fcuit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All goods will be sacrifii!(l i.n-.t ti,, . d Butterlck Pat.Prn. V. ' r 'W-UlUDr.U,rteti ra,B .-.('"m ueuimc. uall early aud itci an bargains secure J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. THE UlNINO CAT. IlOl'l- KKOM IVKTUM1 TO TUK I'.AiT T1I ONLY DICKCT-JXK TO THE VELIO' 610.VK l'AKK No. 2. U.ios Depot, ntU 2-4 Hi No. . r. cok. M00KE & GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Boom & and iO.orcr V. . land Office State formal School MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. ' Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. gJmtoUX bUf truncate ,inlUIlv ou Or-duatcirt-dlly tecureoo ptwitlo.u. Kipenwol year ttom n-n toiiv Kttone Ae-dcmlc mid 1'role.i.lonal Ooarxt. sw i ''IU Welle-iufj.jlTMlnlnKiA-Hrtmc it uoa,iu- VtM "Kd"! li.rtutc lu Mnau.i Triulii u' ""ue voumiuihe mil nuowitctnenu hddrt-e K U CAMfBEhL, rretJdeut. or W A. WaNK, bsmt.rj ij Fm.uly, K.H raati for Toman Fcnttlv, 01-Jiipi V!" l!rbori)l tKiuth Hend poln. 6j.iiiiie. to It.d, U. t.. l"u."j Moscow, IfwUtoii. H :' ... i. a 11:15 A. M.'InloUumiunlnliiRC' ' trr, Ileliim, Mlm.wixi llf, bt. I'cul. Ora-Ji KmiiMi. City. f I-'' CMcko ud Mi ! .. , No I. cnt find MuthtKi J'UKft bound ... . jj, 11.30 P.M. Jor Twa) -ml J-nfrf . Hiid lnteruiilla' 1 t l'ullinn llrit rlftKS nod ". ' .SfjJnU Voitibulwt train. I'nloii dija cwuw"" lu nit priuoli'iil ciUv. L ,.,lftJl ltiHe cliwkitl (o dc-lMitJm -i,nttrr. i kel, ltf iilne citr iwrfrvuini etc . i A. D. CHARLTON, write Ai: .Vlmit Gemtiil Mml. -JL n blicct.eorncr Third. I'orilnnd. Off"- Jjt. It. K. bMlTll, Osteopath. Koonu 10 an1 II, CU-pm-u BIjc.. Te .j Oregon.