The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 24, 1900, Image 3

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Special Offering
for the Week.
Ladies' Eiderdown Dressing Saccules,
in assorted shades, at $1, $1.15, $1.25.
Every one a special bargain.
Dress Goods Remnants.
About 100 short lengths, running from
1 to 8 yards. All good values.
Ladies' Underwear
In fall and winter weight. Look at
our leaders 50 and 60c.
Special value in Union. Suits at 50c.
French Flannel Waists.
The latest styles of the season just received.
ease & Mays
All goods marked in plain figures.
We Wantsa
Suspicious clothing buyers to come here men
and boys who never get suited. The very sight
oft our handsome clothing, at such low prices,
will wed them lo us. A combination of dash,
style, fit and quality is what lias built up our
big clothing business. We've always something
a little better, a little under the price of the
other fellows.
ask; to see oU$
Men's all-wool trown melton suits at 07.50
Men's nil-wool, block day worsted suits in round dH f fr
cut sack, E(jnarc cut and frocks, at tplL.JU
Men's worsted and cheviot suits in dK tzr 4-r dOK
all the latest styles, from tpO.OU 1U fCD
These Shoes
Like gloves smooth and without
pressure. They are comfortable from
the moment of trying on.
Queen Quality
Shoes for Women
Are the height of fashion and com
fort. One price always
Pease & Mays.
. All goods marked in plain figures.
he Dalles Daily Chronicle.
- our. uj, lnno
L At Andrew Holler's.
) hourb' delay to the passenger train that
j ie ihie here at -1;.'!0 p.m. Nobody Mas
injured, so fur us wo could learn.
j Hon. 0. 15. Moores, register of the
I land office ut Oreeon City, will address
tho people of Dufur !n the interest of
McKinley and IJoosevelt on Thursday,
(November lit, ut 7 :.'!0 p. in., and the
j citizens of Antelope nt tho eame hour on
j Saturday, November ISJ.
' It is said that to furnish the Sunday
i edition of one of Xew York's largest
j papers it requires the product of twenty
seven acres of wood to make the paper
witli which to print its enormous oat-
A full line of Indies' dress skirts just i,ut- At this rate, how lon will it be
reculvud t 1 the New York Cash Store. ! befori! our sta are denuded of their
An exchange retnaiks: "The news
paper is u law-book for tho indolent,' a
sermon for the thoiitrhtlese, a library
for tliu poor, and un uduionieher to the
lawless. It may stimulate the most in
different, it may instruct the most pro
found, but it cannot be publshed with-
The audi m of the S. L. Iirool'.a Block
ofdry gnuls Is postponed until further
L'lilies' all wool, blnck dress skirts in
fancy stripes und figures from .UIJ up
to i5.(i!) at the Now York Caeh Store.
Ciovertujr (Jeer will speak in tho inter
net of imiMnal und itidividuul prosperity
at Hood lliver next Saturduv evening,
October U7th.
A. M. Williams & Co. will sell ladies'
kill clove", worth from $1 to .fl.GO u pair,
at li!) cents nest Saturday. Some choice
tannins are promised.
Mrs. 1. t,a K. YickerH, widow of the
late Samuel .1. Viekers, made proof of
lir homestead claim near Moslnr tndnv
Mori' Holster J. I'. Lucas.
Tliuentertninitieiit of the Iiluel; Crook
Compoiiv, which was billed to be uiven
JiithiHfi'y next Saturday evening, has
1bii postponed indefinitely.
'in snr.. ami HUo our line of drees
6klrt9. Wo nro olfming Fotno pplondid
JJrrfHiiifl in these goods. Notioubloto
" giils ut tho Now York Cash
At the popular millumrv parlors of
wnipliu.l & Wilson can be found all the
l',eH tts,"J in street huts, trimmed
I'ate ''' iMren's school lints, und also
An uid. line, John C. Culliouii, Jell"
"'vif, uiirecoimtructed democrat culled
111 tlue iillk-o today and offered to bet
n to live on ihe general result of Jlry
"6 eeleetl ui, to i, uitlOUIlt of 1000.
I' is said u,nt thorn la just one demo
lull In the North Dulles precinct of
Mickitat county mid arrangements huve
'ee'l llllldu Willi fltii PlIlKWI. I . tl.nt tt
"hoped, will result In his conversion.
1,10 i;i,itor of this paper la billed to
in the intorust of McKinley nnd
"OOeOVUlt Ut tniml Tl,l
ooeovult at Mount Hood crove, Hood proeIilunt yet, und these busts will
r vuiiey Saturday, November :?d, atlM!ll j Mr. Uonnell's store.
out cost and mailed Iree to subscribers."
F. V. Wakefield obtained n deed to
day for a strip of land three feet wide
oli' the north side of the Jole residence
lot on Washington street Tho strip
ill be used for an entrance way to Mr.
Wakefield's new buildingiear thesouth-
j nasi cjrner of the church, ihe
prico of tho strip wive -,bOj per Iront
foot. -
The lailles' of St. haul's Guild have
decided to udd n social feature to their
entortuininent of Friday night. After
the program I buy ask their tiiends to
remain and refreshments will bo served.
Among thu pleasing numbers on tho
program i a dilll by lifteen young
ladies in costume, carefully trained tiy
Mies Jenkins. Seats may now bo re
served at Ulukeley's without extra
charge for this entertainment nt thu
iiuldwin on Friduy night. Adults 35
cents; children !& cents.
Don Keuvis, of Salt J-uko City, repre
senting the Fort Wuyno Drug Co., of
Fort Wayne, Indiana, was in town to
day. Mr. Ileuvis is introducing u fu
niJiis old herb remedy, Lincoln Tea, nnd
tho medicine Is said to be at' good as the
nainu would imply. Mr. M. , Dunnell,
thu leading local drui'giet, has taken thu
agency for the renudy, nnd in a short
time bio shelves will contain u large con
signment, lie suru and look for the
Lincoln Ten window display, and don't
fall to get ii free sample. A feature of
tho advertisement of Lincoln Ten will
be two beautiful busts of the greatest
L-Wis Guy" is said to fairly bristle with
.amusing situations, und the judicious
injection of a liberal sjpplv of up-to-
dnte music is declared to have produced
one of the best entertainments of the
They had lots ,.of fun in Sherman
county a few days ago over u young cou
ple that got married at Wasco. The
biidegrooni was from Hulsey, arid after
the mnrriago at ) n. in., the young cou
plo boarded 'the next train for their
home in the Willamette valey. When
they arrived at Wasco Station they
found their trunks labed, "Handle
with care. The contents are wedding
presents. For further particulars in
quire ot the liottl clyjk or train con
ductor." To add to Abe gaiety of the
ud'air type-written cads in red ink were
distributed broadcisy among the passen
gers which said: "Present this curd to
the conductor and le will introduce you
to the bride and bridegroom, Mr. and
Mrs. McWilliams.'' It is said the moet
active disttibutors ol the cards were
"Dutch" McCoy nud George Crosefield
SayH a Chicago correspondent of the
New York Sun : "Chairman Saunders,
of the Uepubliean Ruilroud Men's
League, states everything is coming into
the Republican camp, nnd thnt u recent
Spoil taken ot railroad employes at the
ijfollowing places gives great encourage
ment: At Galesbnrg 1000 men are for
McKinley, while but COO uro for Uryan.
At Aurora, the home of Cundi'duto Al
schuler, McKinley has 578 suppoiters
and Uryan 120. Hock Islund, 7S Mc
Kinley voters to 12 for Uryan. At Pe
oria there are 121 McKinley men to 13
for Uryan. Danville shows 310 for Mc
Kinley and but 34 for Uryan. Mr.
Suundeis states that this is a gain over
I S90 or sixty per cent, in tho said jail
toad yaids visited, und is of belief that
Illinois will recoid 85 per cent of it?
railroad vote for the Republican fundi-
iju Vuu wi.ii ( 1. 11111:11.'
I'urto ICleo Ii Satisfied.
I'; and ut Pino grove, in the snnie
CI..... r.
, hchoin A. 15. Clmrry, of the
oeimiitleiit Order of Jted Men,
UM!i tribe net uloht. Afinr tlm
A brand new farce comedy is an
nounced for this city next week under
j tho titlu of "A Wieu Guy." Mr. Cohan
I ia said to have constructed n right hut-
.... .. , I t i ...I....
JRii.u .... - . r y uuuiuuv vui oj huui iiiikiu urgur
hi.,. l".u' l'ow-wow tnoro lolluwca u during a visit of an English lord to a
and J ' ,a,nuck with moro pow-wow counlry bourdlng-houeo filled with pret
...oi me paio mco would call a reg- v Ldrls. Summer outiniie have nrevl
i - .
"Noualy served uu the basis of laughable
IKIVfill nr i.L.1,1 ... f . . ! . I . I . I .. .. .......1.. U. .....I.
I i " viKtii unin ui tl hi Jl,t I Mlll,"l ..uu i.v.i.ijr ninpo 11 hii uuu
wore it
11,art'ood time.
re ditched und wrecked in the effect, and
of the John Dav ut 1 libulldlng of
Mr. Cohan's skill in the
furclcul vehlules has beeu
'ou thla mornlnif, caulni about ilxffrequently demonstrated ncntly. "A
If ono teeks ninusouierit, to enjoy
good music und to be entertained with
out u dull moment, the genuine farce
comedy, properly presented, Is thu most
satisfying. In evidence "Kelly's Kid'e."
In this successful ftucj there ia u coinbl
nation of pretty girls beautifully cos
turned. Single nuinbeis of tho latest
hits in thu song world, laughable inci
dents in rapid succession. Specialties
above tho average, clean, wholesome
and gratifying in its entirety. In a
word, "Kelly's Kids" is a legitimate ve
hicle of American humor, ujid will be
seen ut the Vont'oporu house Tuesdny
uitSht, October 30th.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Bigafttare of
Clark & Falk'e drug
freib and complete.
tock is new,
Dr. J. H. Hollender, treasurer of the
island of Porto Rico, and formerly as
sociate professor of economics of the
Johns-Hopkins University, delivered an
address to graduate students of t he uni
veisity a few evenings since, on the
condition of the island. After describ
ing the manner of government and the
conditions of local self-government, he
said :
"The condition of aiTairs is hopeful, I
and everywhere the best element of tho!
island is rallying to the Eupport of Mr.
benefit the
needs is
down that thoroiighfnrn, entered a
Iiurness tliop to beat a hasty letreat,
was prevented from entering two grocery
stores and a barber shop by the efl'jrtP
of the proprietors and bystanders, ran
against n pair of horses hitched to a
grocery delivery wagon, causing u runa
way that wrecked the wagon and ruined
tlie harness. This stampede caused tho
horses of another delivery wagon in the
immediate vicinity to become frightened,
resulting in wrecking the veh'cle. Tho
horse continued in his course down the
hill, and it wn? later reported that the
horse was Ivina in a dvintr condition
aiCJvinieys au.i.inisirauon. uiu wei-. below town from tho eflV;ctg of tue
ing is growing among the people that j st(unpi;d At tho requeet of the pro
the administration ia doing its be3t to , nnptnr nf nnn nf t(lB ,vr(,M,ft(i vehiclnB.
( (- - - - - - - - -- - - -i
. this iiftttrnnon. (his vntiriL? tnnn tonk tho
an intelligent appreciation of j ...,.. ,0 ehoo t0'ililve tlie nec.eesarv
tne real conuitions oi Americms. j uoj
not now think that an intelligent man
'could feel that tlie Porto Rico tariff was
janything but a necessary Cecal device.
no jiecu ir-,uvv,vuu iui uju j:iuiiu 11 i u
!are to accomplish anything. Tlie alter
natives of the tarifl' law were either a
-lubeidv from the United States or else
the pauperization of tlie island. At the
present time if tlie alternatives were
presented of deriving tho neceseary
money from direct taxation or from tho
tarilF, tho decision would be overwhelm
ingly in favor of tlie tariff. The diecon
tent that once existed was caused by
the delay that occurred in taking liny
action ut all."
IInw Wiiiicm lluvn Ailvuiicfil,
repairs made.
Mr. und Mrs. Hfiiry Xweidler were in
town today from Victor.
Rev. C. P. I'.ailey anil family, who
hhvu ic-ridi'd in. thih city for Home time,
bft on the b nit this morning for Oakland,
Or , where they expect to make their
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paint" when you can buv James 12.
Patten's sun ptoof paiute for $1.50 per
g lliii. guarantee. 1 for 5 years. Clark &
Falk, agents. nil
Clarke & F.i'k liav on oalo a full line
of paint and artist's bruihee.
Tho only store ft
this city whom tli
(lcnulno Imported
Ware is sold.
A little higher in
price, but outluBt!
a dozen picccaof so
called cheap otiam
fled waro.
Other wrtres look
like it, butt hefjenu
ino has the name
Stransky Steel
Wnrconeach piece.
Do not be deceived
Firbt prize at 1C
International Exhi
bitions, II if; best
award at World s
Columbian Exlnbi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by tho beat
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it 13
cheapest becauso
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled waro i3epecial
y imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by u3.
It does not rust
nor absorb fjiease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside, is
not affected by acid-:
in fruit3 or
will boil,
stew, roast
and bake
with on t
flavor or
foo.l ;mil
will last
for years.
Y"o v:u.
tion t h 3
Ice Cream and
Oyster Parlors
Mrs II. L. Jones has opened iea
cream and ovster parlors in Carev Ual-
lurd's old stand. She carries
A full line of Candies,
Nuts and Cigars.
Tho place has been thoroughly n-n-
ovated, and a thateof the uublic patrnn-
ugo is solicited.
Physician and Surgeon,
Oilk't?, Vngt IHoclk (uvit roto!lkt',
20apluio-dw Till: DAI.1.K3, O'iKtMN.
Tlie extent to which wages in the.
United Stutes have advanced in the past
few years is ono of tiie marvels of tlm
time. Hon. Carroll D. Wright, United
States commissioner of labor, has jiift
got out a bulletin which makes a com-.
parison of tlio wages in 192 occupations I
for tlie past few years. The aveiagu
rate of 1891 Is taken as a basis, and is1
put at tho figure 100. On this Imp is the 1
wages in these employments was down
to 99.32 in 1893, and to 97.S8 in 1805.
Tho ayerime was up to 101 ol in 1809,
and it Is at the 103. nmik in 1900.
1 no Dusis ol comparison makes a j
rather rigid test for the present tune,
for 1891, with which coinpatison is
made, was a jear in which the lepub-
lican party was in power, and the'
country was at a high level of prosper-,
ity. When the democratic panic came
in 1S93, however, as u (tonetquence of
tho democratic victory in tho preBldeu-1
tin! canvass of 1892, the wago levt l, of '
course, wont down, 'und it whh ut its
lowest point around 1895 und 1890, the
latter being the year of liryun's financial
ro'gn of terror. An advance cuuio just
as soon us tin) republicans won in tlie
latter puit of that year, und the tendency
has been upward ever elnco. v
Tlm IImiI Ituy ut Wot k.
An'Oregon City dispatch of last Sat
urday says :
"A boy named Iioylun created a panic
and caused serious damage this morn
ing by tying an empty five-gallon coal
oil can to the tall of a vagrant cayuse at
the head of upper Seventh street. The
frightened animal rushed frantically
m pffji3j One thousand styles and sizes. 3jfc
fcrrr! Fr cooking and heating. WiW I
I 9m9 , Prices from $5 to $5o. gg
I HBEEifThe genuine all bear the above Trade-Mark tMMrn v I
JUmmm and are sold with a written guarantee. Jl'
I flffi Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900 Wmr? I
I APilEwlb OVER ALL THE world. fMMlMi m
Sold by Flr$l-Clas Stove Merchants everywhere, 0rs$y:M
F n Uiwiaouiyb The Michigan Stove Company, o
I Jngunnft Largett Makcra ut wovea una Kuuuca in ilia World. pak 8lol.