Hi tea .,i 1; s t The Dalles Daily Chronicle. P01"0.?; !im,?' is eh.?k,n ;!,c A Difficult Problem. iw vuiRj "unj vitiwi.iw hospitals with loathsome disease, the , , , t,. , , , ---- rr--- -. - - . ' . It is ii ni on p ilia most dithcolt prob-l OCT. LM, 1900 I'ri!Us yuwvu, ihu pui- lems of natural science for one to iK-come . tor's field with an ever-growins train expert in several line?. J. K. Adeox A of nameless and dishonored dend? cotne hi? a.fticBlty in a practical man- t Doe3 Mr. Brvan, in brief, realize , ner. J. E. Aliens is an expert watch.-, .... , , s maker and is cooil on jewelry, optical that he is petting a pnrt of the pro- worh Bnd ,.ner8Vlnc, while Theo. U. cccds of the "Cost of Tamuianv Hall Liebe is an expert optician and ii pood . . . , T , , .., " on w.iioh repairing, jewelry work and in t-leili and litoO'lr encravinp. Their price is as Sow at enn 2 ' eistetit with c.o"d workmanship. They , - The Cew York "World is frank, I are prepared to do nil work in their , .i -i i t. several lines, on short notice. Work ! i anyhow, says the OreRonlan. It gen. by or esiire55 receive;; 'Big lied!! "WEDNESDAY Tor l'tFl(lciit WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or oi.io. Tor Vlcr-l'relilent THEODORE ROOSEVELT, ()f rr York. B WAX'S CIIAXCES SUM. ?Ifc'n. carload i ' nubhshes the result of n canvass of ! prompt attention ' Watch.'' "Ur Ttrv.in eirs that cvfirv frnet is ' its Own establishment on the presl-; " , , L.T-L-.i-.jltlnl nnndmn frnm nhmh it nn. ' Clarke A Falk haye received a cj uau.iuBioeryinoDopoiyisuMii.ni., -m . - - " "'" 1 of the celebrated Jam? K. Patton ought to be smashed. That is what ; pears that a majority of those cm-; jmro ,.qaid pain,s is really going to overwhelm him in ployed in its editorial department . the elcciioD, says the Salt Lake 'are for McKinley. the leading edt- " ' Tribune, for there is much truth in tonal writers standing tour tor aic what Mr. Stancbfield, the democratic ! Kinley to one for Bryan This looks candidate for governor of Sew York.; as if the "World's editors didn't take says, for he confesses that the com-1 much stock in their own editorial bines which Mr. Brvan is denouncing counsel 'represent every important industry in the land." The hostility of Mr. Bryan to all these, for he does not discriminate, has caused thousands of contracts to be made subject to McKinley's re-election, but case of Brvan's election. DNoolutlun ( I'nrtnervlitp. The partnership heretofore existing between J. A. Curnaby and J. W. Blake- ' ney is this day dissolved by mutual con 1 sent. The business wilt be continued ! nndor- Mid ctvl nrtri firm nf f!nrnnhv A- void in , samnjerS wj10 will collect all bills and pay all obligations of the late firm. Already, too, mam- manufacturers; Caunakv & Slmjiek, ol0-vi-.v are beginning to prepare for what j The Dalles, Oct 1, 1900. . r 1 Mnrifr in case oi a populism: , nwiiwc . All outstanding warrants tnumnh. anc a these things are Thisi J1 Ul!'"" ,u; l-' iuuui , iUAS TiUK-JN ftiiUHib. ' flrpann. will h nr.ii! nn nrpopntation to i lUUUillll IS U.IHHI1C UU milllUlIS Ul ,t, ,ln,-:.,0,l ; ceases on and I the seas: Brvan's: . r . i m:an paralysis to apainsi w 1 t- , , r, : ; . -- ,o Tl baying their effect on voters. is ua wiling ou minions ui fV, ,,,,, !, minds: ''McKinley's election would , after this date carry with it no menace to any in- i 20 Gt C. L. Schmidt, Dist. Clerk. dustr' between election would business." That knowledge will decide the election. The people think with Eckles, '"What is the use of electing a president who will have to be put under bonds to insure the country against loss?" The tide has turned, and Mr. P.rt-'-n will Artft fnvMinr nn.l fnrflinr from success every day up too-! Two nicely fnruished rooms. I'.ent vember Cth. ' reasonable. Call at 20 Second street. ' joct20-lw " HAS THE JOUIIXAL FLOPPED? Have jas; secured the very latest and 1 j handsomcEt designs in picture molding. - Even the Salem Journal, that used j cMl and see them. Win. Michell. j to be one of the most rabidly radical j f,om1 ioUon ri cure wmd ohappin- : free silver advocates in the state, has and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke 'flopped" on the money question to ' & Fa,k- the extent, at least, that it insists on j A full line of Eastman alms and euj- 1 the election of a United States sen- i Plies iU2t received by Clarke & Fulk. ! CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIRECT from the FACTORY WuutPtl. A woman to tnke care of a child, 5 months old. Apply to P. Henninsson, octlld2t-Kot Mosier, Or. Mraj'c tl. Strayed from my place on the bluff, a 2-year-old Jersey heifer ; dehorned; ear mark on both ears ; branded bar Z on both hips. Liberal reward paid for her return. olO-ltv.- Bkp.t Baglev. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. , MATT SHOREN,; General Blacksmith j and tosesto. j Complete Cir?e of at M. Z. DON NELL, TH DRUCC1ST. Jdst "What You mant $1.00 per month. Strictly Jlrtt cin's local nn-1 lout: distance teiepl.one h i vice w f thin your houie. Linep do not cross-tnlk. Your con versntion will w kept a eicret. No cost for InctiiHlntr. You cct the standard Hnnninc lnp Distant Instrument. Continuous day and nicbt service. We will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancwl pAuie on civln us thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 003. p-n c-rA-r a -rrx c?-a a-ta.-! a--aj i-a-t -at a-j a jApcpcrprr jjrrA-rA-rr-ATinrT 2 I REGULATOR LINE. Str. Rofrulator 1 i DALLES. PORTLAND k ASIORIA KAY. COMPANY ! i .-U-ai-iiTd til tin, IIcKnlutor lJnn will ran Kk s-r the foV J iim.ik M-hiti., tlic Coinany rcscrvlnt; tliu rlclit to cJiniise'Jj . .5 5 All kinds of b'.acksmitbing will receive ; prompt attention and will be executed : in first-class Ehape. Give him a call. I Wi Jr C I tin ;. t', Hi 7 A. H. r. tiiujhIhv sattinlny . H Arr rortlanil J. at4 r. M. rr. I nrtl.Ulli T X. H. rlrtny Arr ImllM lit . f. 31. Ship your Freight via Str. Dalles City. 1MIWN I.v. Dnlleo r.t 7 A. i. Mntidny Wc(liif()uy tr l.i V'-tlKiul 4 utT i.l A X. T-jroilay 'J Tl.iirxlar ,J Silt- duy T7nr-,,1ninn 7 inn I'rldny . ncguittiuj ajAAic. Arr. PortlnhJ jit i .w r. i. ii r a. , P en 1 FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, I C Travel tv the feteaniw of thn Hcruintr I !m The Cnmiuiiu will midvHVur c e . ia 5 ; " .. ... .1... i...- ........ . -n .. f ...i.i. ... ? W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Apt. X i Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, Tho IW.es, Or. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ' New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such j wide variety as we are ehowinu never be- fore graced a single stork. I'.eal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. , Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful coloriuu'H, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a fail iiue of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. 5 TortlajiJ Oflir?, Oak Street lMK)i i-ri) ator, who will maintain the existing standard of monej- so as 'to insure security and stability in our Onnncial affairs," remarkable language for n paper that used to insist that the "security and stability" of our finan cial affairs depended on free coinage at 1C to 1. The Journal savs: Paint your house with paints that are fully ynnranteed to last. Clarke k Falk j have them. You will not have boils if von Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. take ' Your money's worth, or your monev back, at The Fair. New shot-s for fall and winter just r e 1 Vo i I g Ell tf JlJ I "Oregon should send a man to the 1 ceived at th Xew York Caah Store sennte who is a positive quality and as this is a republican legislature we shall advocate the election of a man who will maintain the present stand ard and currency system as a matter of principle to insure security and ' stability in our financial affairs. The ! gold standard is established in theory only. "We still have a credit paper system resting on the fiat and , promise of parity, with nearly four! times as much currency as there is gold to redeem it with. The money ' question was the issue in 189Cand. should not be disturbed by electing , trimmers and uncertainties to the senate." m JEBIPMB r"fTVTN CopvmcHTS &c. Arrcnft lending r. kct T and rtcrtD' no sic in T iweertalu our opui -m (reo wbt'lier & t.iTc-.'x i) H probnbijr r t'Htal ic. ' mmui.lo Hoi'j tricilycotitidomlal. llniid-rfikcn I'otenii icnf fr -e. OI let neenny fc. euri:.p aten:. l'-:'- taien tbr-juch Jlanu k C. rctelvv ti'tcia. tr tlre t7i hout. charge. In the jvivxi turn. Does Mr. liryan know the com- pany he keeps? nshs the New York Press, that ought to know what it is j talking about. Is he aware who is paying his waj ? Is ho cognizant of the methods by which the vast sums Lave been collected necessary to, make his visit, with its enormous I demonstration of bands, banners and ' red fire, with its trained hosts of marching mercenaries, the lavish climax of the most costly campnign that the city of New York has ever beheld? Does he lenow that the price of his barbaricully magnificent welcome is wrung out of the poverty and extorted from the vice of New York? Does he know that this pageantry which greets him is an item in the expense of an extra municipal government which, in ab orbed attention to its primary function of working for my own Stress after eating Is ciud from tho ctomach not b(rinnlna its nork injniod!atly. until Ii pate to work you feel d s- trw?f,',"""ti") fowl kya in your stom ach like ii weight. To start digestion to maVo tho Btoraach do its work yoa must asxiat it if your stomach ia weak or slow U wurlc. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 taken nfter meals suppllea tho tom ach with neccuary acldfl and juices which diKftst'tho food rjulckly in a proper mauuor. To Kt tho best rwiultsuw JJaldwine Health TaMuta .0. Stt with the Dyspopsia Tableta. The DypepMa TolUta C03t Uls and can be had at Clarke & Falk, The Dalles, Origon. A haniliomelr ll!ntrstl wwkly. Jurr.est rlr niUiinr. t nnr ."(cii'IU , urnal. Tcni.3 I.', a x.ir: lour monthc, 51. fcolduyai: nnis-srleolcr.. MUNN&Co.""-r-New York UraiicU H0ici 1' Wet hisgtuis. 1. ' J. A. EBERLE, 1 Butehers and Farmers pii?e Jailorir;; ..Exehange.. Keeps on dransht the oulobmled COU'MHIA 1JEKR. ncknow: ei?td the best Ix-er in The Iulli., a'theuiiuiil price. Come In, try it mid )c c-ouvluced. Alio the Hlieitt brands of Wines, Ll-juor and Cigars. ISandu-jiehes oi ell Kinds nlivays on haad. a. Hub rni. I oo of ' Commercial Sample ffooms. Purest Liquors for Family Use ? Dfliveri'! 1 any part of the City. lhon,e- h5sLS Dietance. 1 3 Second Street, y H. ECHEHCK, l'xinldut. U.M. IlKA.I., Cathie) PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Gt ocer. . A complete line of Fall and Winter Suititn."i, Pantiniraand Overcoatinp, now on display. 100 different varieties to ee- i lect from, i Suits, $20 ai?d up. Ftet national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A Goneral Bunking BuaineBB transacted DepoBitB received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly , remitted on dav of collection. & Crowe's. Infill nml (ivnmSna ftnr,ta attrt rmmn eleewhoie. Second ttroet, onp. Muve ! nWl no ioiegrapmc iixeliango eold on , ew i orK, nan jrancmco inz "ort- . ) land. I DIKEOTOKS. D. P. Thomphon. Jwo. 8, Bchknck. En. M. Wiluaiih, Uto. A. Likui:, H.M.Beau.. jGunning, House Painting... The undereigned has taken poeeession of li, A. Splvey paint shop, next door to the Vo't opera home, and has pur chaied tho tools and ladders. He has good mechanic working for him, and will guarantee ail work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. TAB GoHia PBEKinn Go.. Blacksmith, PACKERS OF Wagon Shop, poRKand BEEF norsBsnoeing. manokawukkkbok Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, iFine Lard and Sausages Oor Second & ImWt 'Fliouc til , Curers of BRAND FRENCH & CO.,; HAMS & BACON BANKERS. ritANSACTA E.VEHALUANKUIU BUH1NK8 Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern SUtea. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav arable terms. JRIF.D BEEF, ETC. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi eii kin Headquarters -for Rolled Grain, an kmdf Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, VS?i& Headquarters for "Byers' Best' Pendle ton FlOUr 'I'LiB I'luur iti manufactured expressly for family , , nau : every flack in Kuarunteed to five cittiofaotloi). a sell our (jooile lower than any bouse in the trade, and i( you don't think cull and yet cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. DbGUNN'S ONE FOR A OOtK. Qll IUwom Plniplc, PrM,t I'll I m tut hcilib. 'rh.jr n.lt hr i r i uZaa r io k T!f "j wl" ,n "mp" fr."or fSil ES??," w-tteWdroMuu. Bf.60s4l6 cO.Vws! $ SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! u, i J.,0i? kn,ow .llm, John '. tho tailor, irf aceiit for two of tlie I,rest niurchant tailorinj: houses in America? & ..!., ?a0,?,,Hi,s,,0,w ll,u,t 1,0 Ml" ho11 'ni to yr ordor' "? mwi in?2.U K"0.? ll,'nt !' ,m8 lady on hand for the coming fa" hi The ! 1Kb? ,'an(leoi,,liBt "d Hueet line of eainples ever shown M, - mnajv, xaercnant xaiior, Age"" a