Chronicle, VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 24, 1900. NO. 370 l)c Hulks AVepclablc Prcparaiionror As similating ihcFoodandBcgula liiig Uic Stomachs and Dowels of Promotes DigeslionXheerfuF ncss and Hcst.Contains neillicr Opiiun.Morplunc nor Mineral. Ts'ox TCarc otic. mix ofVMArXlKUnrtmiW JrnifJan Sntl' sllx.Stnnit ' Clenfod Miay Apcrfccl Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea emd LOSS OF SLEEP. l'uc Simile Signature or NEW YORK. tx, .CT copy or wrapper. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature f lr IF Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THt CINTAUH COMPANY. NCW VORH CITT. DIPLOMATIC HYPOCRISY Ham Hocliefurt Denounces (lie Anglo (leiiuan Alliance us a Puree and Says That it Drives France and Russia to Mutual Protection. Xi.w Vokk, Oct. 23. A dispatch lo tliti Juurnul and Advertiser, from PariB Henri Rochefort, speaking of the Anglo-German alliauce, says: "England's protended respect for the integrity of Chiim iH a mere farce. Her :al for (lie integrity of .China is nbotit b real 119 her respect for tlio integrity of die rrunsvual rvpubllce. Tliie newly found anxiety to keep tho nation's integ rity did not formerly characterize Eng land's policy why, she permitted Ger many to dismember France. "The 'opeu door' and 'Integral Chinu' are mere phases oi diplomatic hypocrisy. The real object of the Anglo-German alliancu is to prevent Russia from taking Manchuria. England uud Germany are olfo trying to break the France-Russian alliance. Should RuBsia hold Manchuria, "r rivals, England and Germany, will l!u war against her. Franco cannot tand by and see Russia beaten, for with Russia vanuqiehed, these two powers ould turn thoir force agaiuot Fiance, "Wo have now to deal, not with a triple but with u quadruple alliance, ''"gland oud Germuny are both in fluenced by the principle of might, They u-epect nothing but superior force. The Utsiinan emperor line gone back to his Kruudiuothor'e leading strings. Ofcourse, ho uta some consideration for Ills friend. fcl'l). The socialists make it dlflicult for J'ini to not money through tho Reichstag 'or lua ambitious schemes, mid England H probably supplying it in consideration of the now nlllhuice. ftlltOllllll'M btUttltllllllt, U.uixiox, I'a., Oft, 22. President Mitchell, in nn interview tonight, pric tlenlly ndinitled that tho anlhrticito coal ininorb1 s(rlke would end as soon as the watoro presented a notice guarantee "K tho payment of a 10 per cent advance '" "ages until April 1. President Mitchell said: "The prospect of an early settlement the coal strike is becoming brighter. Some of the operators have not yet posted notices signifying tiieir wi'linpness to fall in line either with the Rending com pany or with the opposition made by tho Lehigh Valley company, in the Ilay.leion region. If nil of them notify their employee by posting notices or otherwise that un actual advance of 10 per cent wili be paid each mine emi;!oyp, and L'uaranteo its continuance until j April 1, together with the abolition of J the bliding scale, 1 believe that tho terms would he accepted by the uuueworkere. The reduction in puwder from $2.75 to $1.60 has confused tho minds of the miners, hut some ol tho operators have bo fully explained how contract miners could lecelve the full advance of 10 per cent, ua wrll as nil other employes, that 1 believe that this obstacle can be over come." Uliiilixis News, Comes from Dr. I). B. Catgile, of Washita, I. T. Ho writes: "Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great Buffeting for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and tho best doctors could give no help; but her cure ia com plete and her health is excellent." This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters Is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remody for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, exnols poisons, helps digestion and builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by Blakuley Druggist. Guaran teed. 4 lU-tum uf VoluuteiM", 5 an FitA.NCisco, Oct '-'.'J. At military headquatters here it Is stated that the first installment of the volunteer army now in the Philippines will leave Ma uila November let. From that time until next Juno the transports will biinghouw ubout 25,030 at tho rate of from -1000 to 5000 a month. Tho sick, poFsible, will he shipped on earlloi traripporto.that they may travel without crowding. The vailous regiments will bo mus tered out and paid ua r.oon us possible after they atrlvu here. By this arrange ment tho camps now established at the Presidio will by suilli-leut to accommo- date tho entire army. - ' - 1 4 lieul fcntttle for Hulu. Tweuty-three lots, located from Sev enth street to Twelfth, (or sale at from 00 up, Inquire at the Columbia Hotel. h29 (f INVENTOR'S AIRSHIP PROVES A SUCCESS Recent Trial Showed Thai He Has Per fect Control of the Steering Ap paratus Decisive Trial Has Not Yet Been Made. Nr.w Youk, Oct. 23. Count von Zep pelin is satisfied with the performance of his airship, says a Herald cablegram from Friederisbafen. He eays it bag been proved that it was absolutely under the control of tho steering apparatus. This apparatus, however, was not in most perfect order on tho first ascent. One of the twb rudders below the machine at the stern would not work freely. Thus, instead oi moving parallel with each other the rudders frequently Lformed an angle. This defect hampered Giuiit von Zippelin very much indeed. Opinion in general is somewhat un Bettlid. The decisive trial has not yet been made for the machine is still in ex perimental etagc, though an undoubted step toward the achievement of aerial flight has been made. A former nautical engineer of Geneva, who is watching the trial, Livential byname, expressed him self as being dubious of the machine's ultimate success. "The prime condition of a navigable airship," be said, "is that it must be able to go windward. This was not done in the present trial ; at any rate, not con clusively, nor do I think it can be done." The technical observations noted dur inn the trial and other instructive de tails will not be available for Et-veral days yet, and until they are known it is impoeeiblo to do more than register Count von Zeppelin's summing up of the trial : ' It proved that my airship is absolute ly under my control." Han, C. V. l uiton at Moru. Mono, Oct. 23. Hon. C. V. Fulton, of Astoria, opened tho republican cam paign here last night by an address in the opera house. The speaker present ed tiue republican principles in a plain, easy style, and completely won the favor of tho large audience, who often interrupted his remarks by loud and continued applause. Residents from almost every section of Morrow county were in attendance. Saved it Man I'rinii tlio OhUoivs, Chicago, Oct. 23. A special to the R cord from Wheeling, W. Va., says: Just a year ago the circuit court of Fayette county, Judge Montgomery pre- aidinp, sentence! Lnd Madison, colored, to be hanged January 11, in the elato penitentinry at Moundsville, for tho murder of another negro. Two days be fore the date of tho execution, Governor Atkinson issue 1 n respite for nine daje. Tho judge who sentenced him died be fore tho reprieve expired. Two weeks ago Madison'B csBe waB forced upon the p.uthorities by a report of it to Governor Atkinson. The governor decided that the judge being dead and the time for resentence having passed, no one can now resentence Madison. Durtber, the date of the legal death having passed, Madison cannot be hanged on the original sentence As lie was never sentenced to imprisonment he cannot be kept in the penitentiary, eo Madison will probably be relsased in a few days. Cured uf Clironlc Illanhnra After Thlitj Years of Sufl'erlutr. "Suffered for thirty years with diar rhoea and thought I was past being cured," says John S. Halloway, of French Camp, Miss. "I bad spent so much time and money and suffered so much that I had given up all hopes of recovery. I was so feeble from the effects of the diarrhoea that I could do no kind of labor, could not even travel, but by accident I was permitted to find a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after taking several bottles 1 am entirely cured of that trouble. I am bo pleased with the result that I am anxious that it be in reach of all thoso who suffer as I have." For sale by Blakeley druggist. Iteliels Treated as Guc-fU. Hong Kong, Oct. 23. The situation at Canton is comparatively quiet. It :s reported that tho consuls have received letters warning them of danger. Refugees from Ilni Chow say the rebels are welcomed everywhere. They take nothing without payment and are treated as guests instead of as enemies. Their leaders are supposed to number 10, each commanding a separate band. The ono operating in tho How l.ung hinterland is a mere stripling, but is everywhere successful. He is reported to have defeated a large body of imperial troops, killing lOOof the Chinese soldiers, The surnames ot four of tho rebel chief's are Fpnsr, Ho, Ching and Chan. Cuts and Unices Oulckly llcnlad. Chamberlain's Pain Balm applied to a cu', bruise, burn, ecald or like injury will instantly allay tho pain and will heal tlio parts in less time than any other treatment. Unless tho injury is very Bevero it will not not leavo a scar. Pain Balm also cures rhumatism, sprains, swellinus and lameness. For sale by Blakeley druggist. Clarko & Faik's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your crocer for them. BAD COMPLEXIONS Dry Thin and Falling Hair and Red Rough Hands Prevented by CUTICURA SOAP. Millions iiso Coticuiia Soai oxclutuvcly for preserving, purifying, tuul beautifying tlio skin, for cleansing tlio scalp of crusts, scales, and daiidiulf, and the stopping of fulling hair, for softening, whiten ing, and soothing red, rough, uud sore hands, in tho form of baths for annoying irritations, inflammations, and dialings, or too freo or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes, for ulcerative weak nesses, and for many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily sug gest themselves to women, and especially to mothers, and for all tlio purposes of tlio toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used it to use any other, especially for preserving and purifying tlio skin, scalp, and hair of infants and chil dren. Cuticuua Soai combines delicate emollient properties derived from Cl'tk-i'ka, tlio gieat skin cure, with tho purest of cleansing ingre dients and tlio most refreshing of flower odors. No other mcdfaitud soap ever compounded is to bo comparer! with it for preserving, puri fying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other for eign or domestic toilet soap, -however expensive, is to bo compared with it for nil the purposes of tho toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it com bines in Onk Soap tit Pkick, via., Twkntv-i'ivi: Cunts, the iikst ekin and comolexion soap, must toilet and iikst baby soap in the world. Complete Extornal and Internal Treatment for Every Humor, CoiirUtltiS! of CuiK-Liu Hon-, to tU'uiuo tin-eklu uud cl uf vrutU anil tcvlt-i, uud lolttu tlw UiU'Uiud cuticle, Cuticuua Ointment, to limtimtly ullay llculug- uud Irritation, and ootba and iu'ul, uud CVncuiu IIkhoi.vent, to cool uud cluuiuo thu blood, I'rlco, Tuts Skt, tlM; or, tfoiV, -J5c.,OlNTit:M. !'0c., II nsoi vent, Wc. Sold llirouidiout the world. 1'ottch Diiuii inii Cut a , Cotif , Solo l'roi'6., Doilou, U, 3. A. " Uuw to uuvv IkuulMul tikiu, JUIr, una LUndi," f r, ressiiig Sacques Comfort and Attractiveness Combined. All these are of Eiderdown all-wool Eiderdown soft, warm and prettily colored material. Ws show by far tho best styles mid largest variety we have ever offered and prices are low very low, quality considered. At $1.00 All-wool Eiderdown Dressing Sacqtio; gray and red, edges crocheted with worsted; tight-fitting back with full double-breasted front ; finished armholes. A natty sarque and a good value. At $1.50. A dainty style, all-wool Eiderdown S-tcque; satin bound, pointed sailor collar, full front, tight-fitting back, silk ribbon bows; edges crochet ed with worsted in black. Colors red, lavender and silver-gray. We have finer stvles some effectively trimmed with silk cord, appli que an.l ribhon-ruflles ; prices are $1.75, $2,50, $3.50 and $3.75. Eiderdown Robes, New, Handsome, Luxurious Kinds. More attention has been bestowed on fit than formerly. The figure of the wearer is not wholly lost in these latest cuts. And there's an impiovemeut in the trimming effects. Most conspicuous in this lot are the attractively appliqucd robes. Ribbon is also used on some; others with neat designs of cording; stripes and solid colors of new shades. Prices: $3.50, $4, $5, $6. $7.50. A. M. WILLIAMS C0, Catarrh Cannot lto Cured, with local applications, as thoy cannot reach tho seat of tho disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the beat blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Ciiknky & Co., Props,, Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, prico 75c. Hall's Family Pills are tho best. 12 GOING EAST If you intend to take a trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Groat Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to Now York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair cars, Bleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Ross O. Cmnis, Pacific Coitbt Pass. Agt,, Los Angeles, Calif. O, S, Ciiank, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Tlio Al)ttilo nfu (lout Is envied by nil poor dyspeptics whoso stomach and liver are out of order, All such 6hould know Hint Dr. King's Now Life Pills, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25 cents at any drug store. -t Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday, .Dou't forget this. VOGT Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager. One Jolly Night, TUESDAY, October 30th. The New York World's Latest Success, KELLY'S KIDS... 25 FUNMAKERS ! THE OTTS, BOULDKN A GRIFFIN, i CARNATIONS, GRIFFIN & CRll-FlF, N E W S BO YS' Q U A RT HIT K , FEMALE QUARTF.TTH. One Carload of Scenery ! First 3 Rows, 75c; Balance House, 50a Seats on sale at Clarke & Faik's.