THE FHIR. I liT'- 1 I II ! I HERS WE AR2 Si ! arment as" f ! Ci.a. i I if MS Si if, K6 urn . G-oif: A:- i " .-:1 of Ladies" Underskirts m color-. -.d;f.L ire ' r -t oft..:;.. : . - i:. j or. r skirt fell t 81.55. Ikavewdi are all Manufacturers Sanpies. We torch, uiem a; a price; to enable us to sell for less than other merchants have io pay ho)e3el. Far CoUareUes a 125. 2.25. 190, 3.60. 4 Ah and fx 75. J Jdiy?T Jackets zi 3.25, 4.00, 4.50. 6.00. 7.C& 7.-50. 5.00 and up. Compare 'r 12.00 earm-:-nt with apv l-S.Qo or 20.00 g&rroenl in lown. li---" :x;e iV-m $1.00 and cp. Misses' Jackets from $1.35 a::d tit.. .hi K:;"r? ct 1.25. 1.50. 1.75. 2.00, 2.50. 2.7-5 and up. THE FAIR. The VOGT Opeta House, F. J. CLAPKE, Manager, TiAU&H 1 f"w5- THE COMPANY VaodrTflje Artiili : Bsrtir Kfer4a Crwirr Griium Joy and Ciayioi; HazieA -Z-r- cn4 Ou-er?. CnIJC ASI G015G. ti& from a bninrr- lo ?ori:aud. Koa. C. JI.72:trizbt,of Hay Crfrfr'r. Rrrired hw- on the n&ac tresa and 5e r-jjteied e! Uie Ucitiun H.iQ. Mr-. Pearsc L Z'sk, of L'-icisfieW, l!L. od ysf'. Dn1i-r E-b".infca, of Teon). ars ?oi4 of L'r. od ilr. 2'biJaD. CASTOR? A ?or IzrastE ana Children. TSs Kind Yes Kava Always Bosshi Bears lis . .-tra. f.-ora aiy j.Iace 02 tbe b':off, e 2-yecr-oid Jersey heifer; deboraed ; ear aisrfc oa bott ears ; branded bar Z on o!0 4tw Beet Bagi-ev. u:Sri Miir- sn; Kuui.. Xaotica! njii. urni knz:- are u'uin in a mate cf effusion, ri.-: i the iLiMl. e rf told that bc it.ained kncitK, u-ben, uf a iniitter of fact fct;e traverea tukt uumhT ot nau ties' iaW. A cauticaJ mile ij. not a kmn i A cautical wile j not a knot. Tbe latter i :be mark put on a lo line to show tbe rate of at whi .-. the vnfl it pwefdiapr. Wben j a wrn 11 r.nmir of ltuu run out j on ?U- . ne in 2- tteeond it demon- "4;a ' fc IJ dl Tnfi ' ' JUkkint, -bat luau.i c.'tui hour. Tbe knot U tiro- ' . . ... .. , . , j.w. nouBi ii, ir aute, uui II Ih not a 1 mile. Ji i 47 feet and a fraction. No I sailor tnaa vrould ji-a: of a vebw! irnvtumtj so jjiac Knots, tbou"b h ' ai th?. W,. .... . . would t-j-ai: of ber oiiiL' a r. .n l.i.t .n 1. . ti 1 ... 0 "-" diJfererice between tbe heaman and tbe landhman. J. V. Titneis llnrd to .Suit. "JSf.',by went up to hee the Thou-! hand Ulancft. on a njureial rate excur- , jon ticket." : "Jiow did he enjoy the trip?" r "ile came back tbreatenlnir to imTTTT apreaos iweii the railroad comjiany." "What for?" "Jfe liouldii't count but 53 islands." Cleveland JMain Ueaier. Yon can aliryj do better at The Fair. V '' Yon can aliryj do better at The Fair. ill : 'ew abtMt'lor full and winter just re .JI ' -ceived at l&JSew York Cb Store. jP ' Tour money's worth, or your money III ; "back, at The Fair. jLadirs" and Misses Jacket?. Plusa. a?.d Cloth Capss ... Remember Its the Place to Save Money. WIS GUY Nasal U M A El fl II la tu tirt irr Ely's Crtia Balm lit des4 n.r. -sr Jt ctret taiirri suC tr - , vmtj i cs.d lis iii Creara Ealm if jjiA-5 !3V; tit rcstr. . fprtids srrer tae acsarsss tad .1 tawirati Kt..e1 :r loeii tad 1 curt isoirt. crfjittt tt-t priyj ;.rt t paring. La-?t JO ccr.u t: ln.;- U.V .tjTHTHS, S5 WiTTK; i--e.-., 7n Tort. He fouled tin- .ScrKfuDi. doftori ioid Kecici: Ka-iniluu, of WeEt Jtffersoc, O., after iaScr.U" Id ra-jBtbi frotc liectaf Fistola. "at woald cue aiiies; a easily opera'j:n sras jer- , -I L . I - - . ' 1 . ' - I . ' juriiieu; us; i.t ccrw vim 2tc ,box-s of Enchicm's imita Silvf, ibe'I ! EareEt Pjle cere oa ir:h, and the b-u ; elve in tie World. 25 cecls t. box. SoJd by 3!tke2ev, hruzlsi. . tM 4 n nace tOi) ;ier mvaih s ni ezpeaeE. Prtunneut posi - - 1103. -E.rjerii.'ice CDafceiiary. i rue ; quick for particoiart. Cl3rk & Co., Foortb and Locnst Street, Phlndel- pbia, t. ib u I CUaiiber)li., ConjU Erniedf Gr"t Tbe t ootbtDf and betline jirorjerties ; :. ..,..., .1.. ;.- ..1.. ... .... . . .1 . I , 5 I U. fc.JIC ICUJUt . lliCHTBlll r. I i T . Ill .1111 1 i . C"J '"Jtt"JC"-. tu'" Ulaue " " - B javorr.e with reorjle ever wbere. 11 's especia'.lr prized by taotbere of fctnti! children for cold?, croo; r.nd whooping tfanph, as it alvraye tlfotde quick relief, and as it cr-mainr no opiotn or otber barnifnl droir, it mar be civets ..;.iI..i..;i . . k.i . ... &fe confifJentiailv to & babv as to adult. For br Dlhkek 3ro?y:B 1.111111.1 . 11 1 id . 1 . .'j 1. uavi as ij 0u If3in preparations Bunply devel- 'ury catarrh; tbey dry up tbe Mcretions, -iacb adhert to tbe inembrane und decom. me ordinary lona of catarrn. AvoJdalldrT- iag inbakutU, funic-, Ewofce and .-nufla and tiae tbat vrbicb ck-anw. aootbes and j bttla. Ely's Cream Balm is Bucb a remedy and -will euro catarrh or cold in tbe head easily and Tileanaatlv. A trial size will bo , mailed for 10 cents. All drugguAii sell the , sue. Ely Urothen:. CC Warren fit., K.Y. Tiio Balm cores vrithout pain, does sot 'j . I - , ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Buttnyon are armed against xiaaal Catarrh and Bay xever. Tbe largeet and to oat complete line of fall and winter millinery ever dieplaved in the city at the Campbell k Wiltou millluerr parlor. The price will cell the goods. i8tf Call on Mrs. Morgan for art embroid eries, alto decorative work in oil and water colon. tf THE FAIR. ONE NIGHT O.N'-Y Monday, Oct, 28 1 1 irre-.u? H?? lb' T: 1 .ir ' iJsrv C.r? " tad '-'Mtr 2t E:cr Prices, 50 and 35 Cents i .in ti.rt-t jowj, ToEis. L. Lane, AKD... Horsesnoar Wagon and Cs.-riage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. i. ffjj1 gnj! jgfjCr'CE. Fi5B2 159 j. i C. F. Stephens f f , j .Dealer in... 'i j " VPy GOOUS, Clothing, Gents' Furnishinqs. 5 Boat. 5li. Het. ' bj Sotioui. lor V." L. longla Hhoe. Act. is . ! K Ttdehune So W. Tte Mis. Or. f' wiiwoaflnt.. ' 121' i fi- . ' WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. .,, . .... Al orders attended to promptly. Jyjng distance phone 33. Iocal, 102. Mica lightens the load chorteaa 'Axle Crease the read. helps the team. Saves vear and erywaeie 3. w. acoac. JOHX CAVia MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOENKY8 AT LAW Koohu SO and i0, over U. 8. Land OtBos 3? t, h i Zx fx i i -it' I ? - I I f 1 i ; y I i - I i r- , I n I J i i i T . It i i ; I I i I 4 ; i , 4 i I- . r t T II 6 'S THE CELEBRATED .. .COIiUjVlBm BREWEfiV ... AUGUST BUCKLER, Prop. Of :Lp ; r:oc-t of 1. s we. -tt3. brmtry :L; Uo'ted ?lz'.es He;th Bt-r-or:? for Jot? 31 f hv; . 'A a .-re tsptiior iirtrr atver entered l t UbrJi:orr of :Le t"r:ti Suits Hfs.'.h rtrfvjrts. It it Blx:otely devoid ii ttit t !r4.:: trace of Eda.tfretjori, bo: en the otbtr bmud i cjc"poed of ti- bert of n-'tit fciid fjC'fl of 'o;t-. lis toaic qntiitie are of tbe bij:b tit ttJ .t can be avtd wit': be crt-ttr". beaeS: tnd rkthfaetion by old und raci:r. lis oj-e eta tioiitcEtjoi!'; be ;.rercr;bd by tbe fihyticiia-i itb tbe crtiatr :bu i bt:er, jutrer ar trore boiestaie bevt-rspe coo'.d tcl Irttib.T f-jocd.'' East; Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. 4 Crandall ? DE1LEF I.N- j fill kinds of UlsDERTAKERS EMBAJLMERS The Dalies. Or. ? Funeral Supplies C. J. STUBLilfJG, Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. , "t door to A. M. WiUiame & Co. I Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. e---.- ".---r-i-rjrrJjj.ri.;i -run r.n rirj yi j Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days andButtA bargain. ''i-ee win ue luir.e. Call early aud eecure J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sis. State formal School MONMOUTHr - . OREGON. ' Fall Term Opens September 18. 1900 rJu KUUj cruneato bauttdutdr op WeleSuf,.JTraiBnfWi?tSefi?, -NeMr iHrluK tn Maausl Tralniu For catalog ue oonUlnluj lull announteineau addrt. . U CAMJ-HBLL. rweat or W A. WANK, S,.u,y ol ,,,. i he Chronicle, r. s Or. Job Printers. s f ii 3fe i VI 3T 32 & Barget 1 A'AAt i 14 Robes, BuriaSh Etc. 1t llt-' CiitoSMt.Ji,.. 1 j M. kKo: j. ,. .jt j rrox I'ocjiirs J 0a .'IMlrJi, ; , HftCT fttc I- ,. WouxrnttiiTtt I Mtc Mica 5. V . ' aV"-Yr WULK;Tt:.v MoB.,VrS' lirriR. :r t UlTI 11 )ns7 "J b. t; 2 a l otrrrt wjrftl'.:, tt !,n j.ter Jsnrtin t Hr; ) "T ;ttorttu Ji'is- ,ti Xo. !.t;. I or 1uU rKinifolarf r re wreiii Tiic t'nt, r hi- - i .V. Cc.1 . h . nuirr.r, u. r&K At' ''ortiicijl? SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Treim lenre The IUt-t f t V viui ad ; MKtiuat ut 4:2a a. m. too : j ru Uxre "cirtUntJ AtUmr Arrive Akbland " sbcrswenta .. " sun i'mneboo u. lu.-ypn jt is in jiin OaCtm " iJfltttW " Oiii;o . .. .ami: Vita MB 9:iu . m ,ia , ara Arrtrc 1 AJtctftct . a I'm " Ito M'rtU. " Otijr ut Xeitoo . " liouttoa w OrU-tii ' Vnl,iup:ii " SvwYrL t , IU C.M)pB . .- n C.luo ; a in iifa . 5 a li-Upo i'uUmici nod Tourlt cn both train. ' hBlrcarf WBtnerito f. -g4. a4Qrft aiKl Umrlt! Cam to CblCJ,-'. ft , lu.n aud Wnbltigton. ' Connw-Unt; nt ftoi Kia:.i .- with ktw! i teainiil; linMi lor llatx.. . i .'jia. thlif. i'lill)ljii!ii.-, CciitnJ nutl Ai-crlca. ' Ew egcu: t Tbc Met, o-ndiirtu C. H. MARKHAM, 1 OentrBl lkMiiecrAKt rarflni,Of 1 Yellowstone Park Line. T1IK D1NINU (AH kOt'TE H M fOlSTUM I TO THK KAhT ' THE ONLY DUiKCT LINL T'lTllE yELW' MONK t'Al'.K umoc oepst, rmt scd : s:s w '8t tuU lor Tar una, No- No. a. .Kcwttle. Olj ini'l" ? Hurbor wl 8ulb M-xd lntid, II. ('., I'Ui.u', Mmcoir, U-wlMOli. tl'l . ji 11:15 A.M. IwloHiiiiifininlnifCi'U'i try, JIvK-un. Mluuoil IU, at. 1'AUl, OinKlm, Kniim. City, fi !-"' C1iIcbo and all inst .. , No. i, ea.t and kuutliint. i,h' I'uuet ftound Kxu ,.AX a, 11;'J0 y. M. lor Tacoma and boUtic , and lutcrmwtlaU' oiiiU Tullinan flit claM and tmirlft J'nuluud MImoujI tlttfoa VoaUUulcd tnin. I'ulou di-jwt conneuw In all rliicljxtl t-ltlt. , ,,-v.i. IKtntNKe clKVkwJ todtstluattitn of l j"e"Ittr for liundwinely lllimbttttd d'"1.l'""fMor ticket, alwiilng car rrvatloii, etc., c write A. D. CHARLTON, Au.tant General l'aMeuacr Acunt. ou blicet.coriier Third, l'oriland. Vtv DK JK. K. HMITH, Osteopath. Roomi 10 and II, Cbanmau Block. TM" rt-vnn w Ortgou n nnnifin nn ouu u rduiiiy yu If tien P n i ilia