mmmtsxrrTjrrtrw w EASTERN OrtfGOftS GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE. Special Offering for the Week. Ladies' Eiderdown Dressing: Sacques, in assorted shades, at $1, $1.15, $1.25. Every one a special bargain. Dress Goods Remnants. About 100 short lengths, running from 1 to 8 yards. All good values. Ladies' Underwear In fall and winter weight. Look at our leaders 50 and 60c. Special value in Union Suits, at 50c. French Flannel Waists. The latest styles of the season just received. Pease & Mays, All goods marked in plain figures. Undepcueap. It doesn't take the wisest mnn in the world to tnll that the time to make the change in underwear is at hand ; and tako our word for it, a little forethought now may keep you free frdni one of thoso nasty fall colds that often do serious damase. No. 312. Men's Heavy Fleeced, full-fashioned Shirts and Drawers; well trimmed and finished No. 2746. Men's Random Wool Shirts and Drawers; full fashioned and stayed throughout; (elastic rib'd) 50c 75c No. 9951. Men's Wool Shirts and Drawers; full fash ioned with covered teams; a garment that is worth $1.25 $1.00 We are Sole Agents for the American Hosiery Co.'s Underwear. The best, line of Underwear in the world, raneing in price from $1..")0 to $7.50. see xvhstodo-ots. X. II.- Just received, our Fall Line of Hals, including all the best makers; also the celebrated I'oelofs Hat. These Shoes FIT Like gloves smooth and without pressure. They are comfortable from the moment of trying on. Queen Quality Shoes for Women Are the height of fashion and com fort. One price always $3.00. Pease & Mays. . All goods marked in plain figures. mey 8r o d! ill The Dalles Dally Ghfonicle. TUESDAY OCT. L'3, 1900 ( ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The Co-operative IJrotherhood juve nile band will j;ive a performance in The Dallec Nov. Int. Final fit zi-n papers were issued yes terday afternoon to Enoch E. Anderson, a native of Sweden. here were accorded hearty npplause. Tiie company made tiin inoet of every opportunity, and n really meritoiiouB performance was given. Iowa Capital, Sept. 18th. At tho Vogt Saturday, Oct. 28th. It appears certain that the men ar rester! Bt Antelope Saturday, by Deputy Sheriff E. II. Wood, were not tbe men that robbed Mr. Campbell, keeper of the Summit House on the Harlow road, a short time ago; nor is it probable that they are engaged in the business of passing counterfeit coins. One of them had $11)00 in good money on his person, while the others had lesser sums but all genuine. What the antelope authorities did with them wo have not learned. The men wore probably ordinary toughs that went to Antelope to practice some skin game during the fair. For IIih first time in tho bistort of Come out to the meeting for tiie or-1 .tin nnilntv u fllll.litnnitprl Ttlflirtn flip other day, paid his quota of county tax, all the same as his pale-faced brother. And all the same as some white men, I'ete let his taxeB become delinquent and had to suffer the consequences. Indian I'eto line run a baud of horseB on the Deschutes below Sherar'e Bridge for many yeate, but never till thte year was liej honored with a place on tho assess ment roll. His share of tho public burthens was 21.78 and some C of this amount was for mileage of De Sheriff Wood in collecting it. This afternoon nt the auction sale of dry goods at Mr. S. L. Urooks' store, in the East End, the bidding was for a time tame and slow, and in order to givr u little variety to the entertainment Mr. Crossen held up a $'20 gold piece ami asked for bids. Mr. Crosteti atsured the crowd the coin was genuine and some bo ly offered 25 cents, then ."0, then 33, and thin slowly arid cautiously tho bid ding went on till $15 was leached, when somebody asked what kind of money whs wanlcd'in payment for the $20, and tho auctioneer answered "Silver dol lars." llut nobody wanted to bid any highu'r.aud tho sale was called off after Mr. Croeten hail assurred Ins audience that if Dryan is dieted on tho Oth of November they won't see a ij'20 gold piece for the next four years. Tho stage novelty promised for tho near future in this city ia a musical farce eutltled "A Wise Guy. Geo. M. Cohan, a well-known creator of sketches, is held responsible for tho now piece, and it is said to be his best attempt at the fashionable pastime of blending luuelc and mirth. "A Wise Guy" tdls a pretty Mttlo story, and derives Its comedy dement from a source previous- l.. ...tll..a1 ...tlli imwili nil.... t Iii nthprfl. 11 Ullll(W ...... Iintvii .vv -. w, Wiz: The happenings at a miiimer his head has I iioarding house, filled with a party of Of course Kanizatlon of a football team at 8:30 at thi armory this evening. All athletes and others interested invited. At the popular millinery parlors of Campbell fc WiIboii can bo found all the latest things in street hats, trimmed 'ite, children's school hats, and also tam-o'-Bhantere. Mr. J. K. KuuiUB whb united in mar riage last Sunday to Mies Annie Hute n at the residence of the bride's dtlier, Mr. Thomas Huteson, near Sum mit Ridge, The marriage ceremony was performed by Elder I. i Underwood, of Boid. V.'lifn Mm-k jjmma visited Winside, Kansas, last Saturday he found the 'oii placarded with tho following no tice: ' i'opulibt farmers beware 1 Chain your chi Iren to yourselves, or keep diem tinier the bod! Mark Haonu is in town 1 We have a beautiful little cottage, Kith two lot" well Improved, for sale cheap. (,,o,i location and convenient lo fctin.. h. j( eohl within the next 'My days will sell for 800, on easy twine. Ti.!s is n snap. We have nu merous other bargains for salo or rent. Apply Hudson & Browuhill. Tim distillery will commence opera- ions toim --row. Tho company received' un met night's boat twenty-two mldi tionnl mnf.l, tubs. Mr. Stringer, the jailor member of the firm, went to "orilai lids afternoon on a fhort busl ,fc9a tr-l'. On his roturn he expects to luV "I' all tho apples ho cau advau "W.tis.y bundle. I HID I jj leputy L tha interpretation, chief among whom are William Sellery, Chas. Graham, Ed ward San ford, Anna Mortland, Bertie Haydn, Saville and Stewart and Joy and Clayton. The people of The Dalles believe th they have the material for a first-clas football team and are willing to sub scribe the money for the same if th young men of our town, who Eiiould b interested in this, will organize tor good,' hard effort. The football game between Heppner and our home team was playet without any practice woith mentioning and though our boys were not defeatec by a very large score, yet such a ahow ing is not creditable, A meeting ia called for the armory in the opera house at 8:30 this evening, for the purpose of' completing an organization. All ath letes, Bnd everybody else interested, eiiould come out. Remember that The Dalles people want to be represented in this matter, and propose to give aid fin ancially to aorganization that means business. years. They wore blue overalls and one of them had a particularly high standing collar. GIRL TOOK CARBOLIC ACID. Mlns Jeniiin Stewart Committed Suicide ut Portland Last Friday. Look Out for 8iurluuH Silver Collin, A- H. Curtlse, of the Dlumond fiour "Binl i, paid h visit to tho mill this trenoon. Mr. Curtis, wo are pleased o It-arn , is slowly recovering from his It 'tenccldfntand has ugalii full use of I "'8 limbs, but the fall on Ills head has faulted ill. 1 1. Ill linr. tl at nt local ' I .....IJnia , Moit. V.iflr . , - fvt ... ., n. .V..D., wvn . . - rttJUUK ICPMIvlllo V. U H IU(A t'ltn of the siiht of one of his eves. iinnrrllnir Iioiish is bad. mill of courso V- f" c , "Isck Crnnlr. utnnl.l ylan.l cuvarul more purformuncee at the Grand, but "inimgeinent waa able to place only 0ne '"Ight here. It is a bright medley 01 vaudeville specialties presented by Performers who in the main are artiste. J"e Mark Crook Jr. played to a good "on last night, and the various uura- the uueets are disgusted, but endeavor to make themselves comfortable by devising means of amusement of their own. The result is naturally a eerioB of misunderstandings, complicated flirta tions, and other material valuable to thi construction of a farce. A company of more than ordinary note is engaged in ' There is little room for doubt that certain "shovere of the queer" have been doing a land office business in the neighborhood of Wapinitiit, Tygh, Shan iko and Antelope. It is said, with pos sibly some exaggeration, that these places have been flooded witti spurious ollars and half dollars, and that a single business man of Antelope has had $500 worth of them palmed off on him. ' Deputy Sheriff E. B. Wood, who has been out in these districts collecting de linquent personal property taxes, brought in a samplo dollar and half dol lar aud these arj now in the hands of Sheriff Kelly. They are remarkably well executed and are scarcely dis tinguishable from genuine coins except by their ring on the counter. The dollar is dated lSH'J and the half dollar 1J00. FraukGabol,of Wapinitia.who inspected them, says they are much better exe cuted than those that were distributed in his neighborhood, which were some what clumsy imitations of tho genuine coini. If Mr. Gabel is correct, it is probable that more than one party is engaged in distributing these coins. It la curtain that olio of the parties consists of the tluee men who passed some of them on Charley Erear of tho Clear Creek saw mill west of Wapinitla. Tho men had three horecs and a pack horse and were heavily armed. They are supposed to bo tho men who robbed Mr. Campbell of $17.50, at the Summit House on tho Barlow road. Tho men wero Been last Friday at Wapinltia aud crossed the Deschutes at Maupiu's Ferry. A. M. Kelsay saw them next day In Hhaniko, but they staid there only a short time. They wero next seen in Antelope although tho testimony as to their presence there is conflicting. It is believed that when they left Antelope they went north or northeast rather than south, but there is no certainty as to their movements after they left Autelope. Tho men are described as youug fellowa of about ,21 Miss Jennie Ethel Stewart, of 432, East Seventh street, took carbolic acid with suicidal intent last Friday, and died shortly afterwards. An attempt has been made to keep the matter se cret, and those who took part in hold' Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's sun proof paints for .$1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Fa'.k, agents. ml VOGT Opera House P. J. CLARKE, Manager. One Jolly Night, Keadick'd Gorgeous Spectacular Extrav aganza, BLACK CROOK, Jl. 40 complete sets of scenery. Rewritten and elaborated. Every thing new and up-to-date. I'rettv girls. Graceful dancers. Sweet singers, Funny comedians. 10 great vaudeville acts. See the weird incantation scene. See the magnificent sconory. See the gorgeous Ecenery. See the Europenn noveltieB. See the vaudeville hits. 30 European and American artiste. No objectiouablo features. Tho at traction caters to ladies and children. POPULAR PRICES. Seatri now on s.ile at Clarke & Falk's. One thousand styles and sizes. tor cooking and heating. Prices from $5 to $50. ing the coroner's inquest were pledged SATURDAY, OCT. 27th. not to reveal what they knew. The verdict was "suicide resulting from de spondency." The fact that Miss Stewart was wide ly known, especially in fraternal circles, caused wonderment that she should bo dead and buried before ecarcely any one knew of it. As stated, she died Friday and waa buried Saturday. She was very popular and well known nuiong the lodges, and many of her friends cannot realize that she. is dead. Miss Stewart's mother and herself ived together. They were in comforta ble circumstances. The girl was L'3 years old. According to witnesses and intimate friends, Miss Stewart went out calling Friday with a friend from Salem. After reaching home she said ehe would run up stairs a (moment. First, however, she was palled up by a girl friend, who asked her fiow she was feeling. "Oh, I am feeling flret rate," she is said to have replied. She also intimated that she was going on a journey. "Where are you going'" asked tho friend. 1 "You'll soon know," she replied, and ; rang off. J Then sho went up tho stairs and a moment later the Salem friend heard a I Found as of something dropping on tho lljor, and also a scream. The noise on the floor was made by the falling of a cup out of which ,she had drank carbolic acid. ( Those who knew tho young lady moht intimately say that sho had been In poor health a long time, and waa subject to (its of despondency. At such times she i seemed to take a very datk yieiv of life and imagined troubles when there was none, She was un uptight, honest,' young woman, of a loving disposition, and she made friends uverywheie. He-, cause of theeo attributes her violent j death aroused more thad ordinary In terest, Portland Telegram. Auction SmIh, The entire stock of S. L. Brooke, con sisting of dry goods, men's and women's underwear, bootH and shoes, ladies' and children's hose, men's hate aud caps, men's clothing, men's overcoats, blank eta and rubber goods, ladies' cloaks, ladles' corsets, and a host of other things in this line will bo sold at auction, com menciiig Saturday, October 20th, and continuing from day to day till all is disposed of, J, B. Ckohskk, Auctioneer. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Tho only atom ft thi i city whoro thf Genuine imported Strnnnky-Stcel Ware iu eolil. A littlo higher in prico, but outlast! n dozen piccesof so called cheap onam eled ivuro. BEWARE! Other wares look hm tbo name Btransky Steel Wnroon each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at 16 International Exhi bitions. HiRhcet award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by tho best cookingauthoritiea, certified to by the most fatnouschem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember tbia celebrated enam eled warn ia special y imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. - c It does not rust nor absorb fjrease, does not discolor nor cntch inside; is not affected by acids m fruits or vegetables, will boil, ttew, roast and bake withou t imparting flavor of previously cook e d food and will last for yesrs. We c:;u lion ti public iusitatio -d Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors Mrs IT. L. Jones has opened ica cream and oyster parlors in Carey Bal- lartt's old EtanU. &tie carries A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. The place has been thoroughly ron ovuted, and a share of the uublio patron age is soiiciteti. k. k. rKiiniisiiN, Physician and Surgeon, OlllCf, Vogt Illnck (over J'ostDtlli'iv, aourilino-aw THE, OtKtiON. Ranges Catl Ranges j Worlds fTbe genuine all bear the above Trn-Ic-Mark, ana are sola witn a written guarantee, Awardid First Prize Paris Exposition 1900 OVKIt ALL THE WORLD. fold by Flrit-Clatt Stove Merchant! everywhere. VUSOnif uy J i.u ..t.v...M. umiw Largest Makers of Btuvod and Huugeu In tha World. NTON. SOLE HCSNTS,