The Dalles Daily Chronicle. and tbe tvorkiuj: people of ibis Difficult Problem. 2 country bsd ali tber of ih&t TUESDAY Tor rit'ldftt WILL1AM WKINLEY, Of Ohio. lera of n:cra. ciene lor one to icm ' -tpr: in fe-rerat itnc. j. t.. Aceos s; There was a democrat once who Co., y iatir combination, hnv over- ,.t, .. . ,, ... corae lhi diScchy in a practical jaa-' sud: "If any man attempts to biul apr j. . Adcsx 3 w Wfnteh.: down tbe American flap. sboot bim raaVeraal is cood cn jerlry. optical" ;on tbe spot," a3'5 l3C se,t' York Tor Vler-rreMdmt THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of en York. BP. YAS'S H Yl'OCRIS Y. srork tad encraviac. withe The. H. Liehs 5s aa x;tr optician and is rood 'San. The panmooBt chief of tbe oa welch leptiriac, jexrr work acd csJled democratic party of today 't$'Z .kmbfe tV ;ssvs, In effect and substance: "I are prepared to do ail work ia thel? Wr man fires on tbe American flag """V1". lL?0! Jl . sent br i prompt . Watch.' . bsu! it down." i prompt attention. Sicn. "Big Red If tt were tvrone for tbe United i States to acquire and bold possession ; en V; . "" 5 5IH'C'CbeJ .bar,C ; Clarke & Falk aire received a cartel . j . succeeueu in fining up tue ikiiiuiitu oi tae ceieoraiea jarae i&uon;- of tbe Philippines, tbe man Bryan ... . .. iu me u.vaa menagerie 10 a iticf responsible for tbe wrong more than - fr any man under tbe stars. The senate , . alone bad power to ratify tbe treaty uu.oiutu, of i'iturr.hip. t.- u. t j.i The partnership heretofore t listing which transferred tbe sovereignty of , , ' , , y . . . . T), . - J between J. A. Caraabr aad J. Blake- tbe islands to tbe United itites. JJr. ae. js this dav djKOjv"ei jr n,ntnil can "Bryan knew this as even school boy at. Tbe besiaess will be continoed laows it He knew that tbe repnb- cader the Jtyle aad Sraa of Carnaby & lican two-thirds majority treat v. He knew the treat v conld partv bad not tbe necessary crnaers, who will collect all bills and . , " ... .-x .1 i pav 'l oh;itraiion! o! the late firm, iirds majority to ratify tbe r ' . , - act be ratified without democratic! Tbe Dallef, Oct 1, 1SO0. olO-vi4w the endersiraed. Interest ceases oa and 1 after this date. 20 6: C. L. ScHnmr, Dist. Clerk. octlld2t-3t Mosier, Or. Distress NOTICE. votes, fle knew the treaty directed; Al! oatstandiac warrants against tbe paj-ment of 20,000,000 to S'pain School District "o. 12, Wasco connty, and recognized tbe absolnte, actual : Oregoa, w:.! t-e paid oa preseatatioa to possession of tbe United Slates in and to tbe islands. He knew if tbe treaty were reieetpil both thp ra.v. ' ' - Vntfd. Dent of tbe 20,000,000 and tbe, a woman to take care of a child, 5 cession of tbe islands wonld fall to months old. -4pply to tbe sronnd: onr troons In that case P. Ilennineson, would have been withdrawn and Dewey would have sailed 3way from ever fate might befall them. Know ing all these things, as eTery intelli-' gent man in tbe United States knows them, Bryan left bis regiment at Tampa and, hastening to Washing-' ton, used bis personal influence to secure sufficient democratic vote? to ratify the treaty. Pnt Bryan on the stand and be must admit everything we have 1 said. Now, why did be urge the ratification of a treaty that be now denounces as imperialism and de- . structive of the constitution ? There is only one answer. He wanted an issue. Free silver was dead. He had to have something and, failing , to gauge tbe temper of tbe American people nhen tbe honor of the flog is assailed, as be failed to gauge tbeir sense of honor when he attempted to degrade the currency, be grasped tbe imperialistic bogey as a drown ing man catches a straw, and in holding this manufactured and lllu- --- people brands himself as tbe most I CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIRECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. after eating lz cs2 2ros tha coaacfc not hoinaajy la work imsiedutehr. CntU U gat to work you fel di trestd the food lave ia roar Htcna ach liie a weight. To star: digeetion to mate tbe stomacti do its wor jos must lvu. it if your stomach is weak or aioir to work. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 taken cftr meal supplies the (stom ach with necemarr acid and juices which ciKfestthe food jjmcilr a a proper zaaaner. To get the trett reanlu use Baldwin Health TaUetg ISo.ffiwith the Dj-spepsia Tablete. The Dypejma Tablets cost iOc aad caabeta4st Clarke !: Falk, The Dalles. Ortgon. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and Horseshoes Complete of at M. Z. DONJJELL, TH DRUGC1ST. Just What You uuant. $1.00 per month. Stricl'r firt c!ass oci an.l lone distance t;fphone tetvica within yenr bomc. Uocs do not crois-lalk. Your con yersatwa will be kept a secret. Ko cost for iastnlUns. Yoa eft tbo standard Hnnainj: IjOcc Distant Instrument. Coatinaas day and nipbt service. We will accept yonr contract for ten years aad allow rou to cancel fame on civing ns thirty dar writ tea notice. PA0IFIC STATES TELEPHONE 00 S. All kiads of blacksmithing will receive prompt atteatica and will be executed ia Srst-class shape. Give him a call. If) js 5 Str. Regulator tM'.V ' S I.T Vtiltt k at , k. .. J Tbnifcdy rstuldKr . fc Arr I"irtland 5, at-.aar. j;. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLMD i XSIORIX NAY. G0MPANY:! itraraer of tt. ItciruUUir line will ran t s thtlol rc chtdule. the Comjnj' rcenlot the right to chtsjt'i KL..4. wtt QI aotlo. Ship your Freight via Str. Dalles City. Lr. I'ortUnd t 7 a. x. , . .Voudij . WedtitCur Arr.i2?K Regulator Line. lows I.T. Dalle nt A. M. Mund' WlarJdar Trlder. Arr. I'tirtUtid at 4 ..TO r. it. L t'nrt!id.l Air rllnj FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, TrtTdbr the Stfuoert of the P.ifrolAtnrlJne. The rn!at"nr will raJ.vo? ti vcitu jet-, roa me lot k-iviw jaiiwr- ror tunner luiormatiou 3are 5'orJand 0!hcc. Oak itrest Duct, W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agrt. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE mm New jdeae in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we a:e Ehowini: never be- ; fore graced a eingle stork. Keal imita- ' tion creton effects at ordinary prices. ' Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant desipas, tasteful colorincs, yours for a small price, at onr store on Third I street. Also a full line of house paints. !D. W. VATJSE, Third St. J. E. FALT & CO.,l uommercial bample poms. f Proprietors of arrant hypocrite that ever pretended to a seat in the White House. CMctefl Lice Congnerefl. USE Carbolineum : Avenarius. The most e&ricnt Wood I'lcscrrine I'aiut alfco a Kadical Eemedr efrnlns Cblcten Lie. JU Hiipliratlon to ln Mde walls of poultry houe jr roanentiy erteraiiuatf; ell Hee. Ke tult healthy chlctenii, p wity of evp?. tt rite for circulars and price. Mention this paper. i. The trusts know no part. Demo crats, populists. Bryanites, icpub llcans, all and equally are in them to make money, for trusts are organized to make money and for no other purpose. No one blames Bryan for5 JOS.T. Peters & Co., assaulting combinations of capital f the, oiiecox. wtiose operations are detrimental to ' the interests of tbe Llame lies in bis utterly fnl'f nrf-tfn , iu lue jim-.icr oj iu;uKui ixuii t:nw- , . i " .l,i!f..r. orr. .Cr,c;v.l v.,.i- bacher. deceactd. .Notice 1 hereby cli ca tljBt ; ltcl Tom- TRADE N1KRK8 DtSISNS Copyrights 4c. AnTone ?endln a ekrtcb and dMerlptlon nr quldely aarertain our opinion free whether a iuTntion is probably iwiicmable. ommunle. Uon strictly couadcntlaL Iloodbook on I'aiccu v?nt trfi. Olttevt mreney for neeurraF paten la. l'i:Lt t&Ven tbroturu Jlcr.a i Co. reeclvi, tfttiaX ftrtia, wtthoa' cliarce. In tbe Scientific Jlmericatu A handsome'T lllnntraled weekly. iJircest rir rotation if uny xrlemine Jnannl. Tcmn. ti a jvxti t oar months, f I. bold by all ricwsin-nlem. MUNN & Co.3018"1- New York branch Offico d V E' Wajhtnct&n. Ij. C t J. A. EBERLE, pipe Jailorip' ..CflflS. Butehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keep? oa drannht the celebrated COLl'MDIA 15EKK, ckno-;. edced tee bft beer In The Jiellca, at the usual price. Come In, try It aad be convinced. Alw the Finest brand of Wlae, Uquor and Clean. S&Ddrjuiehes o! all Kinds ahrayt oa baud. 5 Purest Liquors for Family Use) 9 Phones. Delivered to any part of the City. u 173 Second Street. 51 Local, aSs Loaf Distance, S. HcRencc, i'reeidea H. 31. Beali, Cablilei PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. masses. The ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A complete line of Fall and Winter IS hj'pocritical and jn the County Court of the fit-te of Oregon for Suitinire, Pantinue and Overcoating, now (.-tension that only SfSttKlb. .ute of u.uu fc.-hwa- 100 diffreul varietles 10 first National Bank. the underaiRiied has been duly antrfilnted ad. tr IfUlmnac 1 r. "U"""aHJr, WIIB IUC Will UuIlcZcU. OI fH IS- ai-.u-wutia iu tale o: vmiis acnwatscner, ueeeaea. All jr tons bavins clcirn u(;iijt tbe estate i l tuld aeceavefl me aereoy uouaea to preterit them, i Suits, $20 arpd up. Call and examine jjoods before polns THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Depoeite received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly icuiweu uu uuv oi collodion. IJated tbi lTrh day of October. 190. o jWHOK JIIKbCH, Adrainlatrator. Cotton, Tkai. & ilisou, Attornej-ii for Adrulnlstrator. octiO nt NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lxxv OrncE at Tin; Vxu.r.h, Or;.,i ! fcIt2fi, W. i 1 J.otlce it hereby given that the following- 1 risaied settler ban II led notice of hi intention I tion to make final nroof in suinort of bin ! cltlra, and that said vroof will be made be- F. s. Gunning, existence or bare the be connected with them. As an honest, candid fact there is no party . ae'storem of vmT aK j hTwhe e. CCOad re.-t oTn Mbvb : Ri?ht ttnd TelegrapfalaExchenge Sid ca which sustains or looks with tolerance ' " ' ! York, San Francisco anort- . .. risteo tnm ivrn oav or ueroner. isi. - upon anj' conspiracy to monopolize trade, to destroy competition or artificially to fix tbe prices of raw material on tbe one hand and fin ished products on the other. There Was co Ware house Com pant Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?n kin d.p.thompboh. jio7B.soH.ncE. -cauuuarierB ior icoiiea u-rain, ruw En. M. " 1IXIAHB, (iEO. A. LltBH. H. M. BKAtu TTaQ mi n iinn T- -iT find iXCClUtiUai bCI O UT Jamil, OliUI'tS, of MILL FEED all klnca is no party that has aught but antag onism to conspiracies of greed Uf'ainst need connirnrioK nE jerrUter and rcr.tiver at Tbe Juillti, j u0mui mtii conspiracies V.UIC1J, as , Oregon, on fenturday, November lO.iVA, viz: j the doniocratic platform truly enoub i ... , cuivm ., iunkiii. ! , , ... " ! "I M&iler, Or., 11. K. .No, 5121, for sue BE itr, Bee declares, 'rob both producer and si.ias.uiaK, w.m. ., . ' ' lie names triefollowinKwltneM. to prove bin ! Consumer. Certainly the retiubli- ontlnuoiu reiideuce ujn, and cultivation ol j ' aald land viz j Jamc-H 1!. Ilrfivfl Hlifl I n?l -I K f'ur)i,i,i nf fn. 1 This Hoar is manufactured expressly for family UfcH! Hl'Mrv urii'V la unnraiitml In 1MVK mtlalnCtlOD' We sell OUr L'OodH limnr limn 11 rii' I illicit ilit. i,Ir. tf flntt think eo l call and uot cur pricee and convinced. test Prices Paid for Whoat, Barley and Oats. l'J9 clients us these. If this were all that ! Bryan means by bis denunciation of trusts, there could be no issue ou that subject between him and re-publicauB. JAY V. I.UCAfi, Itcaatcr Yesterday nt Huntington, W. Va., Bryan attempted to answer the re publican dinner pail argument by eaying that "Jvnau sold Lis birthright for a full dinner pail." Mr. Bryan ia mistaken. Esau only got a "mess," and a mete of vegetable aoup at that; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I.AJ(i Orncr. at The Uallki, Ok, heiternU.-r 12, llfJO. j .Notice la hereby given that tbe followlnir named tettler bao filel noticonf ber intention tliMfikfe fllifil Tirrif In fttlttrifirt (if ifr nlulrn unit that aald woof will be made before tbe rcvlaler i rBAWBACT A and receiver at Tbe Imllea, OreKOti, on WeUnea day, October 'ii, W, viz, ' Kllxa K. Vlekeri, Wdow of Samuel J. Vicken, deceated, of 11 o- f T 1 .. . J n tfmm. . m m ... 1 1 TfiR Rnlumfiia Doninrrnn quaners ior dyers' iest" renai iu uuiujiiuiu i uunmy uu., ton Flour DldbKbmiin, ; PACKERS OF West Wagon Shop. :PORKand BEEFlnSe nUlbCbnUClllg. MAKDr-ACTDKKKHOy i' Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, jFine Lard and sausages 'J &tM&9f A aSl a a, m Cor Second & lan, THoae 167 Curers of BRAND ' to A Y ! ljend Me Your Ear ! FRENCH & CO., HAMS & BACON S BANKERS. K.VKKALBANKI.NU BUtlNKH Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Blifbt Exclianire and TWrann. hbe uarae ths foiiowinK witneuea to prove . B Lools, ban Francisco, Portland Ore ber coutlnuoui realdenc upon and culUvatlon !gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points GWeireVoe. of The Dallee. Oron; J.m 10 "r.?"9 na WaSUUIflOn. ner, ix-e iivana, trie uruniana, Jioicr. ur. aplS JAY f, LUCAH. Hegliter. Collections mada at all Dointa on fT. orable terms. i)R1KD BEEF, ETC. one won A DOtl. Htmnrt flmpht, Fr.vnt .i.i.ncniulllJ,I,ndi, J DLLS so ov wMn i Do you know that John Pashek. the tailor, ia agent for two of the laruett merchant tullorinjf ttouses iu AiRericaV Do you know thut he will ell you a suit, made to your order, ns clienp us the hand. iLo-don, reudy-iuado, you buy iu tbe stores, nud guarantee tt lit or no euIu? Do you know that ho has already on baud for the coming full ana i winter trade the haudEomest and finest line of lauiples ever shown In The DilleB? JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent.