Q.R.&H. THE FHIR. si m to Ell "it Also a lnnre assortment of Ladies' Underskirts in colors, of cloth. Come and see our skirt we sell at $1.58. The above goods are all Manufacturers' Samples. We bought them at a price to enable us to sell for less than other merchants have to pay wholesale. Fur Collarettes at 1.25, 2.25. 2.90, 3.C0, 4.45 and 6.75. - Boies' Jackets at 3.25, 4.00, 4.50, 6.UU, 7.00, 7.50, 8.00 and up. Compare our S12.00 garment with any 18.00 or 20.00 garment in town. Misses' Capes from SI. 00 and up. Misses' Jackets from $1.35 and up. Children's Reefer: at THE FAIR. PEtII.K cosnvr. AND OOlNG. frait-r of Victor, whs iti town to-'.uy. Joint McDonnl'. of Mor.kisnd, is registered ct tl.e Utnaiiila Hons-. Jaa. P. AUbatl, the w! I:nown Vapi nitia sheepaian, v.-t iu toivn today. Rsjbert Lauhlin. a pi.-aeer f.irmBr of the Wapinttu couutrr, was in town todjv. Judge W. I. CiHt'inwattfr?, of East Tennessee, srifnt Satitrriay and 'undny as a pumx of C. J. Simpson o the New York Caeh Slor. Robert S::iitli. i. prci-inent ehefpinan of SU.if Cr;vk mufcty, was in town todav eccoitintnifd Iv his "nrother-in- Iot, Dison Tay!ir, of Xew Brans ick, Cana-ia. Alt"itl..ij, Ittdiacii! AH miinberc- 01 Wasco tribe No. 10. I. O. R. M., '-re nrcentlv requested to tnii toward tiic wit watn next Tuesday, eetti is n the tttr, a' the "ill run, 30th breach. Bus nf-s of the crealest im portance will be Drought before the tribe. As K:k- 3I:tr.ztos has directed our trails straight, and through ogree nbl recur.E, ti.e fltief--, warriors and banters wii! be regaled with corn.and venison. By order of the Sachem. olS-23 Auction Sale, The entire stock of S.""L. Brooks, con sisting of dry imui's, men's and women' underwear, boots and shoes, ladies' and children's hose, men's hats and caps, men's clothing, men's overcoats, blank ets an I rubber ejnd, ladies' cloaks, ladte:' coraalf , and r host of other things in ' i- I n wi!i be soli! at auction, com mencini; Saturday, October -0th, and continu nf from day to day till all is diejoae . of. J. P. Ci!OrK.v, Auctioneer. You can alwaye do better at The Fair. New ahop fir fall rtmi wiiiter- just re ceived ut the New York Cash Store. Your money'e worth, or your money back.'at The Fair. Have just secured the very latest and handso.wa designs iu picture molding. Call a'ld see them. H'm. Michell. For bargainfl, go to The Fair. NOTICE. All oitstiiiiiiii warrants against Schoal District !'o. ?. Waco count v. Oregon, will be paid , n presentation to j the undersigned, lntfsrest ceases on and attir this date. 20-Ot C. L. Schmidt, Dist. Clerk. Catarrh t'stnum lie Cured. i with local applications, as they cannot I rpach t-iP pt-t nf tin. dtspasn fato.ri, reach t.te stat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it yon mmt take inter- nal remedies. Kali's Catarrh Cure if! taken internally, and acts direetlv the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine, It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in tliio country for yecre, and is a regular prescription. It Is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the (test blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful reeolu in curing Catarrh. Bend for testimonials, free. F. J. Chknky k Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drrnggiste, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 Clark k Flk are never doted Sunday. )oa't forget this. HERE WE ARE. ..250.. Garments Ladies' and Misses' Jacket?. G-olf. Plush and Cloth Capes , All in the latest stvle. 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50, 2.75 Remember its the Place to Save Money. Nasal In r.U its etsts there shoald be c:eau.ine.'. Hlj'3 Cream Balm cicanjes. soothe and heals the discatcd membrane. : Jtcnrescatarrhanddrive3 j ar a caia in we ncau quickly. Cream TSalm Is placed Into tic nostrils, Bpreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief is irn inediateandacupjfo!low3. I: is not drying docs cot prcda:e sneezing. Large Size, SO cents at Drog 5!.tT .;r by call; Trial Size, IB ccnU by mal!. H.Y LtlOTHSRS, 35 Warrec Scree:, "ew York. TIr Kiiiilpil tUf SnrL'pnn. ' 411 dnptnro tnld Ppnipir TTamiltrn nf I All aociora 101(1 JieniCK iiamnicn, I West Jeflerson, 0., after enffering IS i months from Rectaf Fistula, he would (die unless a costly operation waa formed : but he cured luraselt with live: ! boxs of Eucklen's Arnica SiIvp, tbejj eurest Pile cure on Karth, and the bestJB' j Salve in the Worid. !25 cents a box. Sold by Elakeley, Drapist. Cuts and Ui ulci OulcklyIIeuldil, Chamberlain'e Pain Balm applied to a cut, brnise, burn, scald or like injury will instantly allay the pain end will heal the part? in !e?e time than any other treatment. Unlese the injury ie very severe it will" net not leave e ec.ir. Pain Balm also cur.-s rhnmatism, eprains, swellinus and latneuesi. sale by Blakeley druggist. For ' Husllinc vonn t' idao can make $60 ner ! month and expenses. Permanent posi - tion. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars. Claib & Co., Fourth and Locust Streets, Phiiadel- phia, Pa, sS-tf Chamberlain' Cough Ittmutly a Great favorltr. The soothing and healing properties r of this remedy, its pleasant and prompt , . and permatnent cures have made it a j great favorite with people everywhere. ' ' It is especially prized by mothers of small children for colds, croup and j whooping couph, as it always all'oids j quick relief, and as it contains no opium or outer tiarmtu! urug, it. may oe given as confidentially to a baby as to an adult. For sale by Blakeley druggist. Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh j they dry vp the secretions, which adhere to the membrane and decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble than ' ! ' . . . . , It , e onuwxyianam catami. votuauury. and uso that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy kt f UM1VU) (J1A4WUVW UL WMUU , and will cure catarrh or coldintho head ' easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho COc-azc' Ely Brothers, CCWarren St., N.Y. cures without pain, dots not !rritato or cause aneez5uK, jl fl,,read3 ltfief over an irritated and angry surfaco, reliov- ing immediately the painful inflammation, Wth Oream Balm you aro armed ffUMt hasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. For Halo. Fine seed wheat for eale; red Russian. Price, 75 cente per bushel. W. W. IUwkon, eeplO-lm Tho Dalles, Or. Are you ready to buy your fall shoes? We are solo agents fur the celebrated Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.'s line of foot wear. If yon want the best shoe for the least money, call and see us. No trou ble to sbbw goods at the New York Cash Store. For (Cast. Two nicely furniibed rooms. Kent reasonable. Call at 20 Second street. ocl20-lw which we sell for less than cost; and up. THE FAIR. Sale of Eeal Property. Notice is hereby civen that unfier and oy .r- i tue of an urder ituli ninde mid entered iu trie , C ounty Court of Wasco County, Ori'p;oi, on the ' ?.Uh duy of Aucust, I'jOJ, the underslcned, ad- I mlnistrator with the will annexed, of the estate of Jonathan Jarloon, deceased, will, from end efter the 1st day of October, VXO. tell nt jirivnte I of real inojierty by executors nnd udrnlnistra tors, nil the risht, title and interest of thetnUl Jonnthan JhcIcixju iu nnd to the follon-inp de scribed real projcrty, being In Wasco County, Oreson. to-wit; The SW'U of the SE'- of section fifteen (13). the Ss of thet-E'-, unit the Snf the SWi of ectiou twenty two ; thcsEJijofthe sE'i of section filiwu (."). the K1-. of the E' nnd thcNE! ot theSE! of rlion twenty-two SI), the Eli of the NhW and the SW'U of the KE'4 and the BEK of the NW' cf section twenty ievcn (27). all iu township four I) south, rantro fourteen fit', oust. W ' fa!,D,or H"u In the uiHUtier provlDed by , law for the i-ale of real i.rotertv urou credit bv 31. : saia sale to be lor . executor cud adminiaruKrr. vr.SKI Administrator, with 'the' uinHiinWed. of the I : tate oUonathan Jackson, deecued. set.i-U '1 i ; L. Lane. ' jj 1 2, J? j jj ! jj' 5' ' W GENERAL f '5' o 1 .AND. orsesnoer 1 k' Wagon snd Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Mum Piione 159 A' '2' j F g. I 'cs 1 w 4 WVAJ.AJ0 ...Doalor In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Bhoes. Hnts, Caps. Notions, for W. L. Douglas Shoe. Agt. Tclephnne No. bS. 131 Second hit., TUe Dalles, Or. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third nnd Washlnerton Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance piione 4,iis. Local, iu. Mica lightens the load shortens 'Axle Crease tho read. helps the team. Saves wear and expeusc. bom every where KADI T TANDAJtf) OIL OO. 3.W, MCOM. JOHN OA VIM MOORE k GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Booms IV and id, over U. 8. Land Office BHSlltll ft r 8 J s 4 n tc ra m-jxnumum-i'iniuiii"iii iu-iuLjimz.ijiii' THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUfUBM BREWEKY... AUGUST BUOHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-know n brewery the United States Health Reports for June 1DM, nays: "A more gupetior brew never entered the labratory of the United States Health reporte. It is absolutely devoid of the blightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is lornponed of the bpst of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est nnd it cau be used with the Rreatet benefit and satisfaction by old and voiinc. It? use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with the cereainty that a better, purer or more wholesome bevernge could not possibly be found." East Second Street, Grandall DEALERS IX fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS tP EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies; iJ' IJ, !'! G. J. STUBLIHG, W I10I.CS M.U Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. i' V 4 I f Next door to A. Phone 234. -r ii '5' etitfing from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, OlothinK, Boots and Shoes, at miifh louc ii,a t prices. Will sell in bulk'or in lots, or any ;jayo" uit purebSwa hk'8a,e Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All goods will be sacrificed except Thomron's Glovn.fliiii.fi p.,,.. i. bSrSBnr,Ck 1,flUrnB- YUr pr,C" W,U lb n'U"' An J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sis. State flomal Sehool. MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. irJub.'u urMuawireMlirCBWKoolvo.Itlons. Expense of year from Ilia to siso 8troDf Academic ana Profwialonal Courses v !- iT' WeUeflurppetlTwtalnfUeUrtmSut. 1 vou'- I!lal Departure in Maausl Training ror catalogue couiaiaing full announccracnU address P. U CAMPUELL, rnsldeni. or W A. WANK, BwtsUr, of .cultr. j. ! at. if 1 2 ' '5 IS, to 'S3 1 3s! The Chronicle, The Ocllca, Op. Job Printers. 3S nr. ! 1;' 1 i2t J '! P "SI -J m ;'ir iiu-:n-:.mii-iimiii' rj:':mVjkaai THE DALLES, OREGON. & Burget Robes, BuriaSh Etc. r, ... AND I: UT AIL, Si '3 A, I M. Williams & Co. rr nai i r-r . . 4 State Certificate hnmedlstclv o, dkpaut I rou Kl'.OM IlAI.LRS, Fro I Knst ii'iilt J.iikc, Donver vt I .Mull i W.uth. fmh i-J.?- ? 12 85 !. la.! win City, St. U,u!l .J Mill Atlantic Express 12:1uih. tii. Suit Ijiks. Denver, It, j-it. Wottli. Omaha, Km,! Ua-a- City, M. Urns, Chicago mid East. I VU Ilunt i lngton. , Mall Minneapolis A i-au; b$ I ,.""1 I ''tiluth.AllUwmfcve, , I.xpress ( Clilj-nco and EaM, via eJ,, wikillllkkil llui.iln.. "r-W .ton; Mno nil point in W lodiUijiton nnd Hast- a;m, ttn Oregon. .i.b b p. m. FHOH I'MVTLAM? Ocean Hteumshit t For Smii Frnnrisw Every I'ivu I)uv. Ma. 4 J. Jr.. Kx.Su(lny.Ciltimt)l Uv. Btraniin. Exnf. J To Aotowa and Way Fmurrtny Uiiiltun. 10 ).. iu. .1 J WlMaMSTTK IftVER. m. ; Mtli-ia i oy Uad'm ' a. m, tWlMAMtTTB AMD YAK- 3:3)Ma. iitiJ -tit. Orrpon city, Davton ; uud Wuy-l itndlnj-s. Mnn.,Voj aaFri. KSAKJC UlVKH. Klfmrla ti lwUtoa. I v Itlimtln' lUl.y , i ;kii. id. , Lriri LlWlfTCJ diUy !:G0.E 4 ( tW" 1'itrai rtitrtrc to kh to llcpnwt 4 lilutx on ( olutnhln Southern vl Msft. iboald , take .S'n. 2, lenvlug The Dnllii. at 12 40 p. B. 1 mRUiitrdlrvrtriift'Cclloiuat IIi-1-jint.T jnrjotton ' itiil IiIcbh Hotunilnir mailtiedlrwtcoiintctlnn 1 at llciiniii.- Junction him) IIIckh ultb Ko. l.tr ! tlvltis "t 1 he Dalles at V. M ;. m. " S lor full particulars rn .n O. .v x, a.'t HReni i ne imiici. or i' e ; Ui W, 1 r KI.lll'RT,fH (..a. I'uk. Act riirtlAnd.fo SG'JTH and EAST via If: Shasta Route Trtilnn lenvo The Dslleo for J'ortUud mil wsj htulions ut I: -a n. in. and " , ta. Ix'nvo r.irtlttnd Albany Arrive Ashlnud " Sucritmento " Bun I'mnulnco ( TO n ra 7:0' pn l2.;iQiim 10:10 p ia M Si am ll'-Wtn .vu.m 4;Ua . 7 lij. ra Arrive Ordon " Denver v. . . " KiiiismOlty " ChlcB'o .... f, 15 ii a 11:11s n 7;. it in 7iSn ; I., urn i:Wtn Arrive Ui Atujeles . . " Kl 1'iimi " J-'ort Worth.. " City of Mexico " Houston New Orlentis . 1 W.ra 7.00n o ft' pra CXOfE r, a am C.'J)m It ..mn ,Wa lUJiim l:C0n " WllHtlillRtOIt. - c 12 am o-csB New York U lynx 12Cpa t.llllnifi.l n,w1 TnlirUt ffffA fin both tial. j Chulr curs Hiicrnmuuto to' OiMen and El ftM una inuiist enrs to i iiicago, ot ujuii v. tcuus uud Wunhiligtoii. ConnectliKt Ht Ban Kruneisco with " stenuihlil Hues for Honolulu, Jinm", LlilM, HhllliipliiCK, Central nnd Koiith America. See ufunt at The Diilles atntloii, or dilr(H C. H. MAKKHAM, GciiwrI Pusscnger Agent, rurtltad.Or i Yellowstone Park Line. THE D1NINU tIAK ItOUTK I'ltOM 1'0KTUM TO THE KA8T. the o.vi.y Dir.KtrruNi: to the veuo- 81 ONE I'AltK LEAVK. ; Union Depot, nnt and I Sis I No. 2. Fnst mull forTneoma. Ko. fctiittle, Ol)in.lii,Otny ' lluriior ixnu nuinn o'" ! points, Spokane. It,!,' limd, U. C, I'lillmn". i Moscow, U-wlsloii, Hul u. ,, 11:15 A.M. fnlulluiiip inlnliiKcoun . try. Helena, Mlnnem'- Us, Bt. I'uul, Oinuliu, Knnsus City, St. Louis. ChleuBO and nil t COJit uud Ullltllfllkl- l'uet Bouuil Lxprcss M . jj. for Taoorua and heutt e 7,w". nnd lutcrtndl8te IH"" No. !. 11 ;30 p. M.: I'ullinHU llrat elasH nnd tourltt 'y'SjU MlunuaiKills, Ht. 1'aul nnd Missouri rivcrpow. without change. ,.nniitl' Vestlbuled triilna. Uulou dcjK)( conn""" In all principal cltlef. , . .krti, lloiiKasc checked to destination of t "ar, Kor hundsoroely IlIiutiutidMCtll'tlve tlekets, sloeplnu car reacrvatlons, etc., cu write A. D. CHARLTON, li.LI.nl .'......I t....nur.r AireUt. - on Street, corner Tlilrd, I'ortland. Orsfw J)B. K. K. SMITH, Osteopath. Rooms 10 and lr. Chanujau lilocki T VjSf Owgon. Soutnem Pacific Co Irilifiii Fill