The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MOXDAY - OCT. ?, 1KO Far IrlJst WILLIAM M'KINLEY, Of Obi. For Vl-rrt THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of.Vtw Tk. BISTORT REPEATS ITSELF. Distress after eating Is cvnsi ii ttrs-.v art Vrts Is to -wcrk Ten ttl i tri.' it ixtl Ixti ir iter kccs- 7c ia-s iaaic ta -it ti rVcaa is ir we- yot irsrt asm, History repeat il5lf. The ia stitcU tbit coTerneu the copperbeic of tha civil war period stGl govern their political successors- The fol lowing refolatioa idopted it a Oecocratic rzeeting held in New Tork Septenber I, li4, -iib ilurht chicges and the case of McKIsky rabiUiDted for that of Lincoln wouli pass a an extract from one of Bryan's speeches: 'BcKtlved, That the adnsicUtra- tion of Abraham Lincoln, by its irxbecilit in the cosdnct of the war r.nd its rcinoni financial policy has forfeited the connderce at-d respect of the loyal states. It has usurped power not granted by the constitu tion, has endeavored to render the executive, aided by ibe, military, superior to the legislative and ja-: dicisl branches of the government; ( it has assamed to destroy life and Beadick' confiscate property by unconstitu tional proclams lions; it has caused the arrest and impeachment of per sons ibont warrant or due process cf law; it has violated the right of tsylum by surrendering to a despotic poer persons entitled to protection Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 ix awr rrli t75S ii -ices- -rtasi it-si tie to&i tUr ia a -T' i"T. To pet ti i-si nrzZn Baliwii-- EetU Taii-a Sa. 2 tii DT-yessa Tab:. Tbs !TpjUTi2s cor: iCc a-j Clarke & Fali, The Dalle. Or-go. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTflURAJlT And CAFE. J. B. Grossen & Co., Props- 57 Second Street A Difficult Problem. I: i ics&3 tLe tcoit d"::Se;r prob-', leas o &tarl science for oae to bnsej exprt in iiTeral line. J. E. Adccx fc 4 Co.. by their wrabisaUa, htre ti- soe this diSc-ihy is a pricucil rsic J. E. Adcox ii aa exr-rt witch taaker a&J is cxi ca jsrlry. opiitU -rcik asd tzgrxxiaz, while Tfaeo. K. Iieb if a expert optician as J is good . 03 witch repairing, jesrrfrr work aid ; ( eacrariEi;. Their price i as low t; coa sifteat iih motkniaciibip. Tbej ' ( are prepared to do all work ta their srerl Ua, oa bort not:c. Work : i teat bv asi! or extre will rerfire ' proas pt attejtioa. S:ga. "Big Red f Watch.' 91 Complete Cipe of at $ i .oo per month. Strictly drit claJS local an,l long diitanc telcpfioae leivici within yoor home. Line do wot crojMslk. Your con versation will b kept a secret. No ciit for installing. Yon rot the Uml.irJ Hunaing Loa? Diitaat Instrument. Coatinu jo! dy sad night eervice. We will twpt your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel Mme oa civic ni thirty day writ ten notice. PAOfilC STATES TELEPH05E 003. VOGT Opera House F. J. CLARKE. Manager. Oae Jolly Nirbt, SATURDAY. OCT. 27th. Gorjoas Specticalar Zxtrsv- ajaci-i, BUCK CUR. Jfi. M. Z. DONNELL, K TH DRUCCtST. 5 3 5' 40 complete sets of sceaery. Eewrittea and elaborated. Every thing new and up-to-date. Pretty girl. Graceful daacers. 5-eet siagers, Foacy coraediaas. 10 great vacdeville acts. See ibe weird ioraatatioa fcese. see the raaainceat scenery. See the rorgeocs sceaery. See the Europeia novelties. See the vaudeville bits. 30 European &ud Araericaa artists. No objeetioaable features. The at tractive cater to ladies aad csHaren. POPULAR P BICES. Seats now on sa.e at Ciarte A Falk's. At Arkansas City, Kan., last Tnes- day, Postmaster General Charles 1 JTJJQJQ'QJJ CO. imory smith answered 31 r. Bryan s f well-known qnerv about rat haul-: ing down of the flas tbu: '3Ir. Bryan's query about the past hauling ' Le" ! Crrfit iseued available is the . . ' . i Eaetern States. down of the fl3g is a fair question, Sight Exchange and Telegraphs ender the law of nations, and by its general conduct of public affairs and its notorious extraragance and cor ruption in'erery department of the government has created an enormous ; debt, impairing the credit of the! nation and seriously diminishing the resources and happiness of everrl citizen." CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIRECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. Just What You cuant. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND 4 ASIORLV NAY. WANTi i Srtaen el U Ktxaltf,r line lt! ran 11 ;rr titfc4-' iiCs!e. tfce CorajAaj- rcwrrini lie rtftt to eiasjt' cc xiv witi've: serif. Str. Regulator Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. BANKERS. XEASSACTA EXEiiAiSAKKISG SCsl5S J. A. EBERLE, pipejailorip 6' .5" itT x X. i J. l 4 i.KirdT . Ship yonr Freight via Str. Dalles Ctty. :4:tr. . I.T. l'ortla(l U T i. X. tvjD-er Ar, r5n Regulator Line. t 5 t. X. ; Lr. IMlle : 7 jl. k. rcT.. arr. I'crtUad at I JO r. x. it" H i . 7hrnti7 JUT l'll if FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, w ideas jn Wall Paper here. Such ' wide variety a we are showing never be fore Eraced a ficple sto--k. Real fmita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good paper at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yoarn for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house painta. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. and deserves & fair answer. j fin ira&sters soid on rew i ore, unujago, ' 5t. Lonts. sn rrinriwi. Pertlinii Ort- try to give it. The flag was earned . ?oril Seattle Wash,, and varioui poinu to Mexico by the law of war. it to aad Wwhiapon. . , . . , . i Collectjons made at ail point oa fav- was carried out by the law of peace, i orable terra. for the terms of settlement provided for the cession of California and snr- j rounding territory, but not of Mex- f ico. The flag went up in California ! and has never come down from there- It was canied to Cubs to free humanity by the law of war; and it will be taken from there under the pledge of the law of congress. ! prompt attention and wiH fee txeented T. ..,.. . . in first-c!ai shape. Give bitn a call. ministers and missionaries, and" it will be taken from there, since that A complete line of Fall and Winter Suitiscs, Platings and Orercosting, dow on displsj. 1W di Jerent varieties' to se lect fro i. j Suits, $20 apd up. j Call and -iamine zooii belore going j elseibere. Srcond street, opp. Mays ' & Crowe's. ( r MATT SHOREN, p . General Blaeksmith Gunning, and fiorseshoer. All kinds ol blscksrxtithing wfll receive j Richardson's Old Stand, is accomplished, and because we are j Th5rd t.f Bear Federal, The Dulles, Or. not an imperialistic nation. Jt was Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing, Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, ..cpAs. mu- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Ker on dmBEbt the celbmtel COUllSIA BEZK. "Ckooir:. etfptri tte bt beer la The Dtllci, at tie ntc&l jirlce. Ccsae In, try It tad Lc eosriottd. Also the Fint brand of Wlaen, Ll-jnor tea Clrtnu SaDduiiches of til Kind tlnajs on htad. carried to the Philippines by the iawjIathe canty aTtol tb.te!Orepai- r.r war. nml will TPrrmin i.hrrf br thp ' thef.-cctr of V.n.-o. ..... , j jn tiii; imeiter o! tseetltteo: unili ecawt- 7 m n : Utctivr.dtrsw.teiL Nciliet it lxrjebr tfitrn tiit ' w Ccf seccsfl & tet'liB, Tisse 157 J. B. Bcaesca, fxenldost. H. il.Btii:., f. rtrt by th rj the Rrait-r Use. Th CtnrtnT srill "33fTor to 5iT?tti:-, ru tit tnt n- toM:b. For futtiier latormstloa dxl:tt I, I'ortUad 0S, Oti-itrwt Doct W C. ALLAWAV. Gen. Agt. rt wwj,.J 9 J. E. FALT & CO., Commercial Sample Rooms. Proprietors of Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of the City. Phonee: 51 Local, ,-r- r oa i. 6-53 Long Distance. 173 SeCOnd btreet. 9 PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. FiPst National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGOf s the nbdrkigod hm hem fleir iyjicini td',t) I filPrPn IIP? I fiTlfUlPrPn A General Banking Baflineei transacte ; nsiaiKriWr, the wiU tooeresl. ol th t- , Ik Uillui.l'U JJIllU U'JllllUUluU. Dtsoosite rfcceivl. eubiect to Eitfht U.le ol lralt scii wr iicaer, deces.l. All ir- . 5 ? n o. Vv. oiv ' Avenarius. !feSn? p"7 Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds. c .. t t i t. . .i wa: oi iraie sziwuncaer. aeeea.en. Ail .-senator iisnua uas uet-n uartooneu wm. htrinr claim, aiut tit tut.ri L-id witbout mercy and maligcea and dai Tericed, to t?js aaae:?r.s t ai osee la abuied as if be were a public enemy. ; vtUTt lB xil,. CJ:r OJ rortuad, or4oa, withia ; ' tlx zaimmt jium :cs oa e arreo. liated tal ib d v ol (rtW. iy. & MiSUE. i USE- Carbolineum Wasco Warehouse Company Mr Bryan Las been tbe chief offend, er. In every speech, in any part of tbe country, he hai held Senator IJanna up to scorn and ridicule. He did this in his Salem speech in the June campaign. Every true American will concede Mr. Ilanna's Corrosr. Text & Mtsue. Attjmty for ACrctaittrttor. fcCti&M 0 KOTIC?: FOK I'UBLICATION. TL rstKt cJS'dent Wood bicttii lit-. JU Pi.:i tide rit.U of iyiltrj 1 utt besltbT chiettct, ji.entr ol test nt Ifr cittii!:i jtui JI.i.02 tbif i-tytj. LlXli Omcc AT T HE Ouui, Otr,; JotIc ii hm'ur given that tbe loiiwlur- i named teller ha. li!t3 ijotlce ot bl. istentlon tlun to rackc UqbI urxif in tcrMrt i! I n right to defend himself, in all fair- j JWb. ." nes. He rested under the calumnies .oeoaftofcturdjijr,Ktfwnaberio,i!f riz , . . . . 1 Calt'ln J. Ituimklu, for four years and more, without '"f or., n. i:. xo, 5:21, tor tbe iet'ir, s 1, T ' It Vi K V"ii. asserting this right. But now that " iieTiaiitteioHoviinrwitatiitoirore w ... . contlnuouaWttcnpoB, and culUvatlon o! tie lias UQUtTlUKfU llie lUili LIB IB . aiJ toiiQ rir; , . . . . ; iHcba Iiorle, It. E, uoing iue joo xery completely, jie ijaw . r c-u. . niium, UEO, a. ltiez. I JLJ.O,U.U U.0,1 tCld 11J1 JDlfcL II. CSTICJI'LH. PEED H. M. Beai.l. I " . a f A uos. i . feters t uo., THE UALLZn, oiteco.v. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE He j Jainn Jl. Urowa nit 'iutl J. i Carltoo, of Mo-' fchows himself fully equal tbe task.. Salem Statesman. Tile Apctll of a Guvt It envied by all poor dyspeptics irboce ttoroach and liver are out of order. All aocb feboold know that Dr. King's New life Pille, the wonderful etomecb and liver remedjr, gives a splendid appetite. sound digestion and a regular bodily bablt that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25 cents at any drog store. 4 tisbacriba lor The Chronicle. JAV 1'. iUCA?, mm 5 me CoiumDia PacKingGo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF ; Headquarters for "Byers" Best" Pendle ton Flour NOTICK FOlt PUBLICATION. La Kb Oi ntE at Tur. Valix, Ok, I fcejittinber 12, VAX), Notice U berebr Kivea that tbe lollotrlng named iwtt!-r ban filed uotietijl bw intention bundle final jnwif In tuppon of her claim, and that aald proof -will be made before tbe roKlctcr and m-t-lver at Tbe ballw, Or tt on, on Wtdnt day, October ii, WQ,rz; Kltaa K. Vlckan, widow of SaxDuel J. Vicken. decetud, of Mo ler, Orepon, H. E. So. WH). for tbe NU HW4 and Ui XW Utc 15. Tp 2 K 12 E, W. if. Rbe uaran tbs lo!lowln wltneftea to prorc her i ontiuuou reaideoce upon and culUvatlon of aaid land, riz.; Georae fteuoe, of Tbe tiallaa, Orcfon: J.inta lliler, Lte JCraoi. Eric Grsnland, Moaler, Or. JAY it bUCAB. JUfUter. TfUDC MARKS Copyrights Ac. Annvu mttnMnm a fc4lfi and dMWlDtLffl mM qnlekir aacertaln our opinion free wttther a-. iinna.cnccirconoaemiai. rtutsuooaon raienu imhi free. Oldeat aaencr fur weunu natenu, latei.u taken tbruturli Mono A Co. reeelTC ipttuu iwhcc, wnnooi cnarge. u ine scieiuiiic nmtm. A hasdaomelr IUatnUe4 vaeklr. Trat etr. tulation of anr arfenttse fnurnal. Terna. S3 1 iuf : iiitir motitiia. aL. MoulLjrali nMlaalar.. pit Clark A Falk's drag frssb su4 SMaplsU. stock is new, JfAJJCfACTOKKKB 0V Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DBlFJi BEEF. ETC. Dn.BUNM'S ONS FOR A DOM. femora Pimp!.,, Vtitot A..T.VHL'..Wriai wHM SS.S8MHM MfMis,sii 1T '- M.iaaaij W I iciti7 Tu coa" iE"v1iil V " Thifc Hour te manufacturod expressly for family UR:: cvprv KRolr Id timrintl i ulv Pailfactt0 We tei! our poods lower than any house in the trade, and 11 you dou't ttinkw call and get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats I oiix ! .Lena me Your Ear! , , Do you know that John I'oshek. tbe tailor. Is aceot for two of the larj-eet merchant tailoring houses in America? Do you know (hat he will sell you a suit, made to yoor order, as ""r6i' m i'i.ii.ij-uown, reauy.made, you buy in tbe stores, abu guarantee a tit or no sale? Do yoti know that be has already on hand for tbe coming fall and winter trade the handsomest and finest line of samples ever sbowu in fbe Dalles? JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent, t