The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 22, 1900, Image 1

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jks jma -.-i
NO. 368
Vegetable PrcparalionforAs
similatintf ihcFoodandRcfiula-
ling ihc Stomachs artdBoweis of
Promotes DigcstionCheerlitl
ncss andRcst.Contains neilher
Opium.Morplunc nor Mineral.
'Attpe of rtd UrSAMlTl PfTCHEl
lit OutanotrJiait
h&lmyrmit rknw.
Apctfccl Remedy forConstipa-
non , sour aionvacn.uiarrnoca
S onus .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
Facsimile Signature of
Archbishop IrelBuil'a Vote,
New Yokk, Oct. 20. Archbishop Ire
laud today nave out tbe following per
eonal statement as to hie attitude In the
political campaign :
"It cannot ut flrft sight seem more or
less impertinent for uny citizen to tell
the public bow he iutetidti to vote. In
vjUng, each citizen obeys the dictates
o( his own eense of civil duty ; be hhould
tltnpiy do this nnd leave the others to
do likewise. However, since n certain
Dumber of newspapers have undertaken
to nay bow I intend to vote, and in eo
doit tr bavu misinterpieted my intention,
anil bave not been unwilling to make
political capital out of my supposed vote,
1 will give to tbe question bow I Intend
to vote a categorical and unmistakable
reply. 1 intend to voto for William
MeKitiley und Tbeodore Roosevelt. In
giving my voto for tbe candidatee of tbe
republican party I cm eatietied, in my
own eoribcience, that I serve tbe bett
interests of the country at borne mid
abroad j that I contribute to tbe main
tenance of tbe country's material pros
perity and of peace and good-will be
tween tbe several clusees of its popula
tion , that I aid tbe country in bringing
about tbe safest and meet honorable
fculutions of tho complex problems Which
confront it us the result of the lute war,
and in retaining for itself the exalted
position which it holds nt present, com
mercially nnd diplomatically, befote
fiber nationB of tbe world."
Glorious News.
Comes from Dr. 1). B. Cargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes:
"Four bottles of Electric Hitters has
cured Mrs. Brewerof tcrofulii, which bad
caused her great suffering lor years.
Terrible sores would break, out on her
bead and face, and the beet doctors
could give no help - but her cure is com
I'leto and her health Is escallent." This
shows what thousands have proved,
that Electric Bitters ie the beet blood
purifier known. It's tho supreme
remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum,
ulcers, bollo and running eoree. It
stimulates liver, kidneys .and bowels,
exiiole poisons, helps digestion and
Guilds up the strength. Only GO conts.
Sold by Blakeley Druggist. Guaran
teed. A
Wo offer for a limited period tbe
twice-a-week Chkomchc, price tl.60,
nd the Weekly Oregooian, price f 1.60,
tath papers for 2 a year. Subscriptions
under this offer must be paid in "
vauue. t(
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the A
Signal M
Thirty Years
The Notion' lVrll.
1'itiNCKTos, N. J., Oct. 20. Commem
oration day exercises of the 151th year
of the founding of Princeton University
were held iu Alexander Hall today be
fore u very lurge au dience. Tbe board
of trustee and faculty, led by President
Pat ton, Secretary of State John Hay and
Bishop Henry Yates Sattcrlee, of
Washington, marched in a body to the
Bishop Salterleo delivered an address
on tho"Ethicsof Amoricau Civilization,"
in which ho denied that tbe government
bad developed imperialistic tendencies.
"Tbe Nutiou," he said, has lees greed
fnr if rriinrv todav tlian wlieu Jeffereon
jbouKbt Louisiana or Monroe Florida or
) Seward Alaska, and far less than when
; the annexation ot Texas brought on tbe
' Mexican war. Wo had no thought what
! ever of territorial aggrandizement when
J we went to war with Spain, nnd now bo-
fore we had time to realize the lull mean
inn of passing evente, certain islands, as
the result of.that war, bave becomo de
facto, an actual part of us. We cannot
go back if we would from these new re
sponsibilities which have been thruet
upon us.
'The greatest danger of all is the poril
of mi arrested development. Whatever
has life must giow, or it must decay. If,
on the other hand there is danger of de
parting from the original ideal of civil
ization, on the other hand thero Is equal
imminent danger of becoming short
sighted in our views of our country's
future, or falling to reud the aigus of tho
times and to realize tbe historic, situa
tion as it stands today."
Cured of Cliroulc UlHi-rli-iua A fler Thirty
Yi'itrs of suirerlnif.
"Suffdred for thirty years with diar
rhoea anil thought I was past being
cured," says John S. Halloway, oj
Canin. Miss. "I had spent so
much time and money and suffered so
much that I had given up all hopes ot
rniovorv. I was eo feeble from the
effects of the diarrhoea that I could do
no kind of labor, could not even truvel,
lint hv accident 1 was permitted to find
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
.nri Diarrhoea Keuiedr, and after taking
several bottles I am entirely cured of
that trouble. I am so pleased with tne
result that I am anxious that it be in
reach of all those who suffer as I have."
For sale by Blakeley druggist.
km li tbe the time to buy your winter
suit; A full line of Men and Boys cloth.
Ing at the New York Casa Hore.
McKinlcy for Best Interests of Coun
try Leader on Subject.
Gomiexdale, Wash., Oct. 20. Demo
crats here and nil over Klickitat county
are forsaking Bryan and his many iems
and are lending assistance to the re
publican campaign. One ot the moBt re
cent and notable democrats to renounce
his party's leader is R. O. Whitbeck.
Since bis residence in Washington, Mr.
Whitbeck baa been one of the pillars of
the democratic party. Well educated,
and thoroughly in touch with the issues
of the times, he was looked up to as a
wise counselor, nnd such ho proved to be.
But he finds that bis duty as a loyal
American citizen is to leave his old
political associations and come out for
the best Interests of tbe country, which
he is of the opinion will be eubseryed by
Mr. McKinley's election. Asked as to
his reasons for change of.'political faith,
Mr. Whitbeck said:
"I am an expansionist. As to tho
Philippines, our whole policy turns upon
the answers to two questions :
"Shall we shirk the responsibilities
brought by the Spanish-American treaty?
"Are the Filipinos qualified for self
government? "To both I answer, No. If correct, our
duty is plain. The insurrection must be
quelled ; order established, and the future
of the islands consigned to the care of
congress. It is useless to theorize or
picture ideal conditions. 'An emergency,
not a theory, confronts us' ; and we muet
rise to meet it. If there are no preced
ents, make. them. If n colonial govern
ment is necessary, establish it. If the
constitution does not provide a suitable
insrna of government, amend it. 'New
occasions teach new duties,' and if we
are to rise to the full measure of greatness,
we must accept whatever may come.
The future is uncertain, difficulties will
bo encountered, and mistakes will bo
made; bat these are no reasons why we
should shirk the responsibilities that
come with progress. The Filipinos
should and will be given all tho liberty
contistent with their civilization. The
laws of any country are in very close
touch with the public sentiment of that
country, and I cannot believo that the
American people will ever be guilty of
an oppression.
'These in brief are my views upon
what are considered tho vital issues of
the present campaign, und as they are
essentially republican 1 cast my lot with
that purty and will support tho republic
an cause until such time ns my views
ate more in accord with those of some
other party."
Sherman In Dyluc.
Washington, Oct. 21. The condition
of ex-Secretary Shermau showed a de
cided change for the worse today, and it
is not believed ho will survive the night.
La6t night was a very bad one for him,
and ho failed to recover uny of his
strength during the early hours of the
morning, which was characteristic of
the period of the critica"! stage of his
elcknefls. His naturally extremely en
feebled condition refuses to yield to
treatment, and ho is sinking gradually.
However, be shows extraordinary vital
ity for a man of his age, and bscause of
this it ie pouelble ho may livo through
the night, though early In the evening
his physician thought this hardly likely,
Dr. W. Johnston came to the house
early in the evening and Is constantly
in attendance to relieve tho needs of the
dying man. A number of relatives
gathered at the house on K street, op
poslte Franklin Square, during the
thuevening, some of the more intimate
of whom remained at the bedside of tho
distinguished patient.
Duii't t(ub It'In,
Just wet the affected part frooly with
Mysterious Pafu Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain Is gone. Sold by Clarke &
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies Just received by Clarke & Falk.
Clothes that fit the man and fit the
pocket-book at the New York Cash store,
Clarke & Falk's Savoring extract! are
the best. Ask your grocer tor them.
Snd Fnte of llm Hoy Who lln cd I'oul
In the Gnmc of Flicht
Inir. "I don't know what to make of that
boy of mine," said the fond father,
who is always talking about his son,
pettinp his friend in a corner where
he couldn't escape, says tne Philadel
phia Bulletin. "When I went home
last night my wife told me- that he
had been lighting with one of the
neighbor's boys, nnd needed n talking
to, so I summoned him nnd snid,
" 'What have you been doing, my
" 'Fighting,' he nnswered, shortly,
looking nie straight in the eye.
" 'So I see,' snid I, looking him over.
" 'He's bigger than I ho flashed,
with a ring in his voice.
" 'Who?'
" 'Jimmy Jones.'
" 'So you have been fighting with
Jimmy Jones?'
" 'Yes,' he said.
" 'Son, snid I, sternly, 'have you for
gotten what 1 said about fighting?'
'"He hit me on the cheek!' shouted
my boy, with kindling eye.
" 'Oil, son, son,' said J, 'don't you
know what the Bible says about turn
ing the other cheek?'
" 'I remembered it, pop honest, I
did and turned the other cheek, but
instead of hitting me there, he
smashed me on the nose! Say, pop,
wasn't that a foul?'
" 't looks like it, son,' said I, trying
hard not to laugh.
"'That's what I thought,' he ex
claimed ns quick as a wink, 'so I
sailed in and licked the stuflin' out of
him! 'Tnin't no use, pop,' interposed
the boy, quickly, forestalling my re
marks, 'he's been to Sunday school
just as much as I have and knows the
projier thing to do as well as I do!'
"Now, what could I say to thut," ex
claimed the fond fatherbeaming with
satisfaction. Philadelphia Bulletin.
Clarke & Falk haye received a carload
of the celebrated Jame E. Patton
strictly pure liquid paints
Wuntf i.
A woman to take caro of a child, 5
months old. Apply to
P. Ilenningson,
octlld2t-n:n Mosier, Or.
Puint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
hare them.
Strayed from my place on tho bluff,
u 2-year-old Jersey heifer ; dehorned;
ear mark on both ears ; branded bar Z on
both hips. Liberal reward paid for her
ol0-4tw Brut Bagi.ijv.
With Shampoos of
And light dressings of Cimcuiu, purest of emollient sltiu enrca,
This trcutmout at onco stops fulling hair, removes crusts, hciiIcs, mid
dandruff, soothes Irritated, itching surfaces, Btiintilntes tlio hair folli
cles, supplies tho roots, with energy nnd nourishment, nnd mtilvcs tho
hair grow upon a sweot, wholesome, uealthy scalp, when nil clso fails.
Complete Ixterrml and Internal Treatment, for Kvery Humor,
H i coDltlng of Ci'TlcuBA Soap (25c), to cleue tho iklu of erutU ml
lift tctWt iu4 ofatD tbe thickened cuticle, OuTlcuiu Ointmimt (Wo.).
1U11LU1 CM to luiUutly kllay ttclilog, liilUuimollon, end Irritation, Mint noothv and
itil, ud Outicuiu IUoi.YCNT (iOe.), to cool and cltune tuu blood.
I., m t m m A SlMOL Sbt Ie often turflclent to cure toe eovereft bumor, with
TM tVIZD Jow ot blr, when ell le falle. Bold ttiroug .out tbe world. Pot
TU Datra AW Oilix. Cos., Hole frepe., Uoewn. ' All about the Uklu, Scalp, and lialr," (re
A And Dentil 1'lRllt.
Mr. W. A. Hiiies of MnnrhcMor, Ii.,
writing of his almost mirntuilona Of-cnpo
from tleni h, tays : "Exposure after iiu'hs
les induced serious lung trouble, which
ended in Consumption. I had freqnuiit
hemorrhages and coughed night nnd day.
All my doctors mid I must soon die,
Then I began to use Dr. Kind's New
Discovery lor Consumption, which com
pletely cured me. I would not be without
it even if it cost $".00 a bottle. Hundreds
have used it on my recommendation und
ull say it never faita to cine Throat, Chest
and Lung troubles." Regular eizo 50c
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley
Drug Store. 4
If intend to take n trip East, nsk
your ticket agent to route you via The
Great Wabnsb, a modern and up-to-date
railroad in every particular.
Through trains from Chicago, Kansas
City, Omaha or St. Louia to New York
and New England points. All trains
ruu via Niagara Falls and every-through
train has free reclining chair cars, sleep
ing and dining cars.
Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni
agara Falls. Roxb C. Cmke,
Pacific Coast Pass. Agt
Los Angeles, Calif.
0. S. Ckane, G. P. A., St. LouiB, Mo.
Dissolution of I'm tncrshlp.
The partnership heretofore c xisting
between J. A. Ctrnaby and J. W. Blake
ney is this day i.issolved by mutual con
sent. The business will be continued
under the style and firm of Carnaby &
Summers, who will collect all bills and
pay ull obligations of the lato firm.
Caunaiiv & Summers,
The Dalles, Oct 1, 1900. ol0-w-lw
Tho largest and most complete lino o'
fall and winter millinery ever displayed
in the city at the Campbell & Wikon
millinery parlors. The prices will sell
the goods. eStf
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Falk, agents. ml
Tho New York Cash Storo is tho Eole
agent for tho Hamilton Brown Shoe
Co.'s line of footwear.
Floral lolioii will cure wind chapping
und sunburn. Manufactured by Clnrko
& Falk.
Gallon Mrs. Morgan for art embroid
eries, also decorative work in oil and
water colors. 2tf
Wanted A boy of steady habits to
work in a store. Inquire at tills office.
Special values in Men aud Boys cloth
ing at the New York Cash store.
is coming on with a rush.
These damp, chilly days make
an Overcoat even more neces
sary than the clear, crisp days
of mid-winter. Wo are ready
with a complete line. Buy
now and get the benefit of a
full season's wear.
1 1 1 i
Our "Wilton" Overcoat
S5.00 to $30.00.
Brown-mised cassiniere, velvet
collar 5 00
Black melton, plaid lining 7 50
Black, blue or brown kersey 10 00
Tan covert, plaid lining 10 00
Black, navy and brown Loucle. ... 10 00
Black frieze, satin ypke, plaid
lining 12 50
Oxford gray covert 13 75
Black yicuna, light weight 14 00
Tan covert, Al quality 15 00
Boat dark gray melton 17 50
Dark gray oxford, silk lined 18 CO
Waterproof covert, pepper and
salt IS 00
Genuine Humbold chinchilla,
navy blue 20 00
Gray oxford, silk lined 25 00
Black vicuna, silk lined 25 00
Best black beuyer 25 00
" " " silk lined 30 00
The undersigned lias taken possession
of 11. A, Splvey paint bhop, next door to
tho Vogt opertt house, and has pur
chased the tools anil ladders. Ho has
good mechanics working for him, anil
will guarantee ull work to givn sutUfnc-
Notice Is hereby given Unit tho ututerslmu'il
Iiuh iluly lllcit Willi llio county clerk ot Watvo
county, Ou-koii, his Html iieuoiiut mill report uh
executor of I lie catiito ot t'hovbu J, HuIkIU, de
eeukeil : nnd that tho honorable county court Inm
llxed Monday, tho fith day ot November, I'.KH), at
)U o'clock ii, in, n( bald day uh thu tlmu, unit tho
enmity court mom Iu the comity comt homo In
Jlallei City, Wiibcu county, Orugnii, ub tlio plant
for heurliiK btili) lluul account and reio;t.
All nerMiiw interested iu Huld estate uru here
by nollllod to appear at mild tlmu und placu uud
show came. If uny there be, why tuld rcort
nhould not Ihi approved unit said executor die
churned. DaUd this '.nth day of September, 1000.
Kxecutor of tlio tstuto of I'hoebo i, llulgtit.
decuated. octi