EASTERN OREGON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE. Our Third Shipment of French Flannelettes for this Fall, just arrived. Tllcy aro the most po, ular sellers of tho season. Forty different patterns, selling at 18c per yard. New Arrivals of Ladies' Underskirts In all the newest shades, at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 Every one a special bargain. Pease & Mays. All goods marked in plain figures. JVfen's Underuuear. It doesn't tako the wisest man in tho world to tell that the time to make the change in underwear is at hand ; and take our word for it, a little forethought now may keep you free from one of those nasty fall colds that often do ebrious damage. No. 312. Men's Heavy Fleeced, full-fashioned Shirts and Drawers; well trimmed and finished No. 2746. Men's llmdom Wool Shirts and Drawers; full fashioned and stayed throughout; (elastic rib'd) 50c 75c No. 9951. Men'e Wool Shirts and Drawers; full fash ioned with covered teams; a garment that is worth $1.25 $1.00 We are Sole Agents for the American Hosiery Co.'s Underwear. The best lino of Underwear in the world, rancing in price from $1.50 to $7.50. N. B. Just received, our Fall Line of Hats, including all the best makers; aleo the celebrated Hoelofs Hat. $2.00 Will buy Ladies' handsome cloth-top Lace Shoes. $2.00 Will buy Ladies' heavy-sole kid Laco Shoes; full coin toe. $2.00 Will buy Ladies' patent leather tip and trimmed coin toe, Lace Shoes. $2.00 Will buy the best ever put on your boy. wearing shoe vou $2.00 Will buy a solid, serviceable shoe for men; four styles of toes; all new lace or congress. See Shoe Window for goods as advertised. Pease & Mays. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY - OCT. J0, 1900 ( ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keillor's. CO- WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Vou ecu always do better ut The Fair. New shoes far fall tmd winter just re ceived at tho New York Cash Store. Your money's worth, or your money back, at The Fair. A union open air religious service will 1 held at "t o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the earner of Second and Washington. Have just secured the very lateBt and liandsouieet designs in picture molding. CU ami see them. Wm. Michel!. For bargninp, go to The Fair. Mr. Campbell, who keeps tho Summit Houee on the Mount Hood and Harlow 'oaJ, was robbed hint Monday by two nitn, Hbo relieved him of ?17.G0. Atljutuiit Evans, of Portland, will con flict special meeting:) on Baturday, Sun lay ami .Monday, Oct. 120, 21, 22, 'at tffe Salvation Army hail. All aro welcome. On next Monday evening all iupih l ol Jrk-ndbhip Icdo No. 0, K. or. P. a'fi r(,'H.f,tcd to bo present at their cast e ha.', with their families. A social tune. The wcretnry of the carnival com 'nittee, Mr. H. J. Maier, has drawn checks for nil the claims that have been presented to the comimtteo and tho claimants are requested to call on Mr. Maier and e,et their checks. 'Hie elocutionary entertainment to bo vn by Misa Margaret Jenkina for tho cmircti building fund of St. Paul's Kulld, w'li be held in tho Baldwin opera houso on Fr.day 0f next We k, Oct 20tli. Miss nkitlB will be assisted by tho best local taleu'. Mrs. st. Ohiules, of J.i Crosee, Wis., f'ftl,e i:"h hist.,Kttve birth to five boyH. w' 1 as had sixteen children in tevrn triplets and twins preilpminatini! "")ri them. Mrs. St. Charles is evl ""'ly ft believer hi Washington's fa WU' muslin, "In peace, prepare for ar." . u' in Kansas, says tho Now York winmerclal, tho banking bueinots is 'nxiileliing. Tho "bloated gold bugs" 'our yearn ago nro In eome instances "; forc0(i to shut up shop entirely, iere being nobody to borrow their aotiey. i the towu of KIcutnomi tie rutnain bank "arjuinir has notlfiod the state "vwung iu It" anymore. This bank nothing iu If anymore. This bank " deposits of lOtt nnn tim inane Jf douoti amount to only 18,000. "pltal of this Institution mid over w.000 of tht farmers money on de posit in its vaults aro lyinsf idle. Pros perity in Kansas lias made the farmer a lender instead of a borrower. And the money changer must not back to (lie soil cr starve. A Washington, D. C, dispatch Eays that it is stated there that copies oi the official P.oer records are in the hands or a gentleman in New York, which prove the charge that Webster Davis received $125,000, Mucrum $75,000 and Montnguo Wliite $1,000,000 to raise a pro-Boer agi tation in ttie United States. An official in the state department snid that noth ing in the official records furnished proof of the charges. This official had seen copies of the put ported Boer records, however, and private letters from Africa corroborated every charge. The gcniuB who wrote the "Realistic Romance" of jolly old Uncle Josh's gen erous purchases for his newly married niece in last night's Tunes-Mountaineer played a mean trick on our esteemed contemporary. "En routo to their home," says the witty author, "the party called at tho Times-Mountaineer office. 'You'll want tho news every day,' remarked Uncle Josh, 'and as this is tho favorite local paper here I'll sub fcnbe.' When the trio readied the house that tired feeling teemed to come over them all at once." Just why "that tired feeling ( ime over them all at once" the truthful narrator modesty refuses to etate, but the plain iiiferenco is that they found a copy of the paper they had just subscribed for on the doorstep, and after they had read it Uncle Josh, it ap pear?, had to send to Charley Stubling's for a bottle of Green I'iver whiskey to brace them up. Attention, Ittiliiifii! All members ol- Wasco tribe No. 10, I. 0. P.. M., are urgently requested to trail toward the wiitwam next Tuesday, setting of tho am, at tho 7th run, 30th breath. Business of tho greatest im portance will be brought buforu the ttibo. As Kishe Maniton hue directed our trails straight, and through agree able regions, tho ehiefe, wairiors and hunters will bo regaled with corn and venison. By order of tho Sachem. olS-23 Auctluu SiiIh, Tho entire stock of S. L. Brooks, con sisting of dry goods, men'e and women's underwear, boots and shoes, Indies' and children's hose, men's hats and caps, men's clothing, men's overcoats, blank ets and rubber goods, ladles' cloaks, ladies' corsets, and a host of other things in this line will bo sold at auction, com mencing Saturday, October EOth, and continuing from day to, day till all is disposed of, J. U. Cjiosskn, Auctioneer. Dal leu Public School. Following is the report for the quar ter (5 weeks) ending October 12, 1900. TEAC'HEItS. ..-TltV.'nll il 1' " ,1U mid 5!) SO Wi ai 1 1st, 11 I -li ' M .V. 50, H 1 M KJ lb 17 U ,. ..4th, 01 .r.2 W -' M So! 4s' 42 8 . 1 'JH-3B no, 10 41 :; J .' 4H-5!)! 4'.)' 33' 37 3 I 40, 40 311 0 Ml t A Cth. Tth. 8thL-J2-,0sini 4 I I ( II s J 81, M S2 Katl Hill Primary, riivk unemlle MIts Huberts. . . A.3A Court Street: Miss DoutlUt... Mls Klton ... . .Mlia lliomjisoii ....a Jilts w renn ... Academy i'ark. ! Miss Cooper . ..s MlBb Hi tin . Mi s. Hoche Mlbsllall ,' 5th IlKjWScliool. I ilhs U ltlntoti. MlhsT. ItlntoUl Ml..' Mini. nil t mivulii Jf. .Sy Department. MIks Hill . .Mr. Nell . Totals 175704 iv;7' 68 Number of days of BchdoVSSr-) Per cent of attendance on number be longing, 95. School holidaye, Tuesday, Oct. 9, Fri day afterncon, Oct. 12. Twenty-nine of the instances of tardi nes8 in the High School wero by four pupils. The enrollment this quarter is two less than the corresponding quarter of luet year. J. S. La.ndiius, .Superintendent. Ailvertlgeil l.tter. Foilowing ie the list of letters remain ing in tho poslofllce at The Dalles un called for October 10, 1900. Persons calling for tho same will give date on which they wero advertised : tiKNTI.UMK.V. Carter, Mr Crow, James Ilni th, Chue Lo.is, I Veil Mengher' Daniel Parks, Nathan Heeve, Parv Wheeler. .1 W Waller, Oliver Collin, I)r II h liausel, Wm C Koontz, Hlton G Mooro, Wash Otto, Max Parker, h C Kavugo, Mark Ward, John W Young Rev V Ij 1.ADIKS. Bantu, Mies Myrtlo Banta.Miss Gnsaio 5 Bolton, Miss hula Edwards, Charlotte Martln,Mrs AmaudaMeddunes, Virginia Nechtle. Paulino Jtlggs, Mrs Pink Swift, Mrs Talor, Mrs W Ward, MrP A H Wells, Mrs M H Whitmore, Mrs M h Tliu DalleK l:trli lri. NOTICE; All outstanding warrants against School District No. 12, Wasco county, Oregon, will be paid on presentation to the undersigned. Interest ceases on and after this date. 20 Ot 0. h. Schmidt, Diet. Clerk. You will not have boils if vou take Clarke & Falk'e sure cure for boils. Wheat No. 1, -10 cent f. Barley $1-1 a ton. OalH $1. 15 cental. Wheat liaj: !f8 loose; $9 to $10 baled. Timothy-f 10 baled. Alfalfa Loose $7.50; baled 8.50. Potatoes 00 cents n sack. Flour Diamond mills, $3.50 bbl; Du- fur milW, $:;.2o JCgs 25 cents a dozen. Butter Creamery, CO cents; dairy, 55 cents. Cnickens $3.50 a doxeu; spring $2,50 to $3. Apples Table, 60 cents. Fur . Two nicely furnished reasonable. Call at 20 oct 20.1 w OUR CHURCHES Services will be held in the Christian church tomorrow morning and evening by the pastor, Elder Paul Kruger. Zton Lutheran church, Saventh and Union stre Us Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m; German services 2:30 p. mj Lutheran League meeting 0:30 p. in. Catechistical class will meet on next Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the church. Itev. W. Brenner pastor. Rev. Ray Palmer, of 'Portland, will preach at the M. E. church tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Theme, "Tho World's Bible." Rev. R. W. King, of McMinnville, will preach at 7:30 p. in. Both these gentlemen are widely known as able and earnest preachers and should have a large hearing. Congregational church corner Fifth and Court streets. Rev. Poling, pastor. Morning worship at 11; Sunday school at 12 : 15 ; Young People's Society 0 :30 p. in.; evening set vice at 7:30. In the morning Rev. Alexander Blackburn, D. D., pastor of the First Baptist church of Portland, will preach. In tho evening Rev. C. O. Woody, D. D., of the Pacific Baptist, will occupy the pulpit. Both of these gentlemen are exceptional speakers. The reorganized chortii choir will furnish tho music, both at tho morning and evening services. I'KUI'I.K CO.MINtJ AM) GOINO, H. W. French went to Portland on the noon train. Attorney W. B. Presby,of Goldendale, is in the city. Mrs. A. J. Dufnr and daughter woro passengers on tho afternoon tntiii for Portland. Walter Johnson, a pioneer of 18.j0. now a resident near Hood River, was in town today doiu business ut the laud office. Judge Bennett went to Wallowa county today on legal business mid, in cidentally, to do some campaign work for Brvan and Crocker wa menu Bryan and Stevenson. Sainuel S, WolfTaolm, special commis sioner of the Pan-American 'xpositioir to be opened at Biid'alo, N. Y., May l, 1901, wai in town today iu the luit rod of having Oregou make an exhibit at the exposition. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Announcements. On tomorrow the following appoint ments will be filled by visiting ministers attending the Baptist state convention : Methodist church At 11 a. m. Rov. Palmer, of Portland; 7:30 p. m., Rev. R. W. King, of McMinnville. Congregational church At u a. ni., Rey. A. Blackburn, D. D., of Portland; 7:30 p. in., Rev. C. A. Woody, D. D., of Portland. . Baptist church At 11 a. m. Rev. Robt. Leslie, D. D., Giants Pass; 7:30 p. in., Rev. G. T. Ellis, Baker City ; 3 p. 3 p. m. Rev. A. W. Rider, of Los Ange les, Calif., will deliver an address on "Recent Events in, Relation to Baptist Foreign Mission Work." At 5 p. ui. a street meeting will ho held at the corner of Second and Wash ington streets conducted by Rov. Ray Palmer and others. All invited to at tend and take part. The Campbell k Wilson millinery pirlor is tho place to buy up-to-date head wear at right prices. All tho new tilings iu street hats. Patterns and trimme I hats can bo found there, also a and tf . line lnm of children's school lints baby bonnetc Kctil I'.Mntf fur Snlu. Twenty-three lots, ! c'ed from Sev entli street to Twelfth, for salo at from $50 up, It.quiro at the Columbia Motel. " n20 tf Plans & Crowe . Tho only atorc ft this city where the Oenulne Imported Stransky-Stcel Ware is sold. A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen pieceaof so called cheap enam clod ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has tho name Stransky Steel Ware on each piece, Do not be deceived First prizo at 1C International Exhl bitions. Highest award nt Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago. Pre ferred by tho best cookingauthorities, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember- this celebrated enam eled ware isspecial ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. j It docs not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is notaflectedbyacids m fruits or vegetables, will boil, stew, roast and bake without imparting flavor of prcviouoly cooked food auit will fast (or years V.ro cau tion tha public nu.'tiit imitutio .i Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors ' Mm IT. T.. .TntiHH linn rmptipi! cream and oyster parlors in Carey Bal lard's old stand. She carries A full line of Candies,. Nuts and Cigars. The place has been thoroughly ren ovated, and a share of tho nnbliu patron age is solicited. J)lt. IC. K. VKKOUSON, Physician and Surgeon, Olllco, Vogt lllock (over l'ostotHee), iMapliiio-ilw 'I'UK HALM:?, O'iEtiO.W One thousand styles and sizes. lor cooking and heating;. - - - - - V .w (v Steel Rinses ISO. Call tew Bears tho 81guaturo of I S2? Now is the the time to buy your winter suit. A full line of Men and Ilova cloth. lug at the Now York Cash ttoie, Clark k Falk are never closed Sunday. , Don't forget this. rooms. Kent Second street. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's bruihee. Clarke & Falk tiaye received a carload of the celebrated Jauie- E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints Wauled. A woman to take care of a child, 6 months old. Apply to P. Henningion, octlld2t-3t Moeier, Or. fTho genuine all bear the above Tra-lcAlark, and are soia witu wruicu guarantee. Awardid First Prize Paris Exposition I900 ' OVER ALL THE WuHUDi leld by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere. If ul. only ly The Michigan Stove Comnanv. rgot Makera of tltuvcM and Haugea In tho World. St BENTON, SOLE KCINTS,