The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 20, 1900, Image 1

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vi I) c Dalles
vol. xir
NO. 307 ,i
IT ANcCclablcPrcparalionforAs
siaiuaimg mciooaanaHcguia
ting the Stomachs andBowcls of
Promotes Digcslion.Cfieerfur
ncs1? i idncst.Conlainsneitlier
0mini,Morpliiac norImcral.
ryr aTMdJlrSAKUIimCltCR
,l!x Srnna '
IkrKtlU SJtl -
lt CurlxrinJrSvda
f lilted Jiugnr
hhtnyrn nanr.
Aperfccl Remedy forConslipa
non. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature or
Why Congressman Sibley Flopped In
the L.qht of Duty and Concsience,
in the Interest of the Broadest
Hnnjjflity aud for the Sake of the
Greatest Number Abandons ilryatj
ism and Supports McKiuley.
Uoa Joseph C. Sibley waseltcted as a
inumt to theoGth congress from the
-Ttti Pennsylvania dish ict. He is low a
ciadiJatt- from the same district fb a re-
, 7, 1
.nui u ouuri time ago ui wruuiuru
'lervee tt.e reasons whi;h prompted
tun to denounce Bryaniem and all its
ke. Hefiaid in part:
oueiarge me with changed opinione.
T!e e -rue. Each day of life differs from
oy day preceding. The man who stande
'Mcr Larks back to the dead past will
k left in the rear.
"New jr is-ons mute new duties;
T ; 'Rket. undent good unuoutb.
, '"X h onward stilt nnd upward
nil u ktx.,, Hbunst of truth."
lou t urge me with being n flopper.
ti, I irut.6e that its bo. It h tlorvier mav '
JJr v to defined as one who did not
"wr it u , yesterday, ie wiser today aud '
tint Lt propres tomorrow, then I am a j
11 P1 per is one who finds a position
"JterJav untenable today, and poM-
J" Kroug tomorrow, who seeks to
ffc untenable position the ocenpa-,
toaol wtiich would stultify hie intelli-
, dwarf his conscience and work au I
lsKv to hie fellows, then vou may de- j
mengu iln,.,,r "
II look ng at the present and trusting )
grander future, rather than facing j
fcukviard to fan tin ..,!, i..ri., miur.
past, constitutes one a Hopper, j
enumerate me as such,
believer 1 ee in hi t.pen i
"oring for one dollar a day, able to
44,0 to dollars; when the man who,
two dollars can have the oppor-j
to earn three. I will flop as often !
iny te necessary to help that con
Wi! at u,au t0 coutnuo-
hn from 1893 to 1896 47 per cent of
ge taruera of this country were
Moyed or working on short hours,
i"'i . tr.
I sftiniiTT ... 2.-jir
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
a .d today only three-eighths of one per
cent rf the wage earners are unemployed,
I wiii Hop to help keep these men em
ployed whenever and wherever it ie
When under Free-Trade Tariff bill wo
B.iw our nation largely ituiortinu its
manufactured ntc?sEitiep, and when
loader this administration, we are manu-
i laciU'IIIi: IJUl vn) ivi uuictucti uui flic
supplying the othi r nations of the world
with the products fabricated by Ameri
eau hands in American workshop?, you
can make a fair guess tint 1 will flop to
help that eauee along.
I.aEt year we tent from our American
workshop to foreign nations 339,000,
000 worth of manufactured products;
thie year $432,000,000, ami with the as
sured certainty that with the present
policy maintained these exports will
within six years reach more than $1,000,-
000.000, thereby requiring
, . , . .
double the workhops of the present and
affording double the.'preteut opjiortunity
for hontEt labor and honest capital to
meet with substantial recompense, I will
flop, and flip until I can be right stile
up in line with that policy.
When a pound of wool brings the
farmer from 12 to 15 up to 50 cents to
day, and when his sheep, that were only
eaUble at a dollar per head in 1S06, aie
worth today three to four dollars per
head. 1 "ill flop whenever it is required
for me vi do to to help maintain that
coudition for .he woo. grower.
When I tind that in 1890 we imported
230.000.000 pounds of foreigu wool ; in
1S97, 351,000,000 pounds of wool ; while
in the year 1S93 we imported but 70,000,-
000 pounds of wool, to give the best
market of the world to the Americau
producer ratherthan theforeign producer
of wool, makes it ear y for me to flop for
the benefit of that wool-grower.
When cotton, that sdJ for 4 cents per
pound under the last administration,
lirintfd from 9 to 10 ceuti lr pound
under the McKinley administratiou, I j
will tlop to help the cotton crower.
When I see au advsuce in the price of
all farm products ranging from 25 to 125 1
I iur rent, and mv flopping from my at-
litude to another will help that firmer,'
I will try to be the tirst man to cop.
When I see furnaces bhuin. forit
glowing, looms weaving, when I hear
shuttles clicking and spmuies nummiog,
wnen urau uu -..
coiupeuse whether in factory or in field,
I will, as a man who aims to be loyal to
his fellows, his couutry aud his Creator,
try my level best to maintain that con-
dition, call me what you will.
When wages havo increased from 10 to
100 per cent in nearlv all industries;
j when in 180D we paid 709,000,000 more
Inf itlllnta In trnna r. ...... n t H.In ,1
. w. taw......? !TG cm ucia UI 11113 IUUU
than we did in 189G, with the assured
I certainty that they will still further in
crease, It wo will only lei our partiean
ship shrivel and our patriotism expand ;
aro yon justified in doubting if my at
tllude of yesterday hinders that increase,
1 will flop until my position of today
shall be on that higher grouud standing
upon which, humanity, from the heights
of the delectable mountains can see grand
visions of a more glorious future?
When I see tiio miners of the Hocking
Vallev, who received hut fortv cents n
ton for digging coal, now receiving eighty
cents per ton for the same work, and
with a proportionate advance in all the
bituminous coal fields, with steady work
for all, it is an eaBy matter for me to
When I eee the glass-blowers receiving
from 20 to 30 per cent advance in their
Ecale of wages, with stoady employment,
for a continuation of each happiness for
them it will not be difficult for me to
When I eee the flag fired upon ; when
l see the brave boys m blue, your
brothers, your eons and your sweet
hearts, eliot down by men in ambuBh,
my sympathies go out to you and to
them rather than to a Tagal eavage, and
I have got to flop. Aud as I lovo my
country, my fellow men and my God, no
man will flop ahead of me.
When we seu each month a surplus in
our national hugct instead of a deficit;
trhen we eee, instead of borrowing money
of England, as we did under the last ad
ministration, we have loaned within the
last two yeart) to Sweden, Russia, Ger
many and England more than $200,000,
000; when we see our exports doubling
and our imports dividing; when we Eee
happy faces of a well fed and a well clad
citizenship, and contrast it with the
days of the Coxey army of the un
employed; when the pinched faces of
hungry men and women and little child
ren, clad in tatters, in the biting blast of
the winter's storm, sought for cold
charity and cold soup in the eoup houses,
let us pray that God in Hie grace grant
that you and I ehall never witness those
scenes again, but if we do, my eameEt
prayer is that Ho may eo guide us all in
His infinite love and wisdom that no
vote or act of ours, whether in public or
private life, ehall be responsible for tho
return of such conditions.
Olnrloiis Kewn. '
Comes from Dr. D. 13. Cargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes:
"Four bottles of Electric Hitters has
cured Mrs. IJrowerof Ecrofula, which had
caused her great sufTering ior years.
Terrible sores would breah. out on her
head and face, and tho best doctors
could give no help; but her cure is com
plete nnd her health is excellent."- This
shows what thousands have proved,
that Electric Jiitters is the best blood
purifier known. It's tho supreme
remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum,
ulcers, boils and running soree. It
stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels,
expels poisons, helps digestion and
builds up tho strength. Only 50 cents.
Sold by Blakeley Druggist. Guaran
teed. -1
lCeiiublliuim to llavu a Dollar Dinner,
Chicago, Oct. 19. Arrangements havo
nearly been perfected by the Marquette
Club for its harvest homo prosperity
feast, which is to he held next Wednes
day evening at the Coliseum, The vast
hall is to be tastefully decorated with
grain and (arm products of all kinds.
E.ue of corn and sheaves of wheat and
oats will hang from the gallery aud will
also be arranged about the sides of the
interior of the structure. A second and
no less Important idea of tho meeting is
to make it a grand reception for Senator
Hanna upon his return from his speech,
making tour of tho western states.
Members of the Marquette Club call it
the dollar dinner meeting. Covers will
be laid for 3000 persons.
Mark Hanna, J, C. Hurrowe and JK,
Cubb. son, United States senators from
Ohio, Michigan and Kansas respectively,
will be among those who will address
the meetiug.
We offer for a limited period the
twice-a-week Chuonicle, price (1.00,
and the Weekly Oregonian, price f 1.50,
both papers for 'i atyear. Subscriptions
under thia offer must be paid in ad
vance, tf
An up-to-date junk denier in James
street hniifrs out this sifjn: "I Am a
lluj- Mctnlist." Town Topics.
An Up-to-Dntc Ureakdown. "Yep,
they eloped in an automobile." "That
was nice." "Oh, 1 don't know. They
came back in a hayrack, dragging the
auto after them." Cleveland Plain,
Seeing' nnd Hearing. A boarder
"down east," nccustomed to tho noise
of a city square, writes back that "The
stillness is so great at night you enn
hear it. The. darkness nlso is visible."
Host on Transcript.
How It Worked. Mrs. Hix "I don't
believe in these faith cures brought
about by the laying on of hands."
Mrs. Dix "Well, I do. I cured my lit
tle boy of the cigarette habit in that
way." Pearson's Weekly.
Urgent. A Winfield lawyer received
a letter from n client .the other day
urging him to hasten a certain collec
tion. "I am hard up," concluded the
writer, "and need the money bad.
Hoping this will find you the same,
I mil yours," etc. Kansas Citv Jour
nnl. "Stop!" she cried, ns he attempted
to kihs her. "Vou must!" He, having
had but little experience in this sort
of thing, was inclined to take her at
!ier word. She noticed it and hastened
to repeat: "Stop! Vou mussed my
hair." Then lie resumed, but more
carefully. Catholic Standard.
Deficiency in the Attic "J am n
self-made man," said the proud indi
vidual. "Well, you arc all right, ex
cept as to your head," commented the
other part of the conversation. "How
is that?" "The part you talk with is
out. of proportion with the part you
think with." lialtimore American"
Druggists' Prices. Druggist "Peo
ple think they arc very funny when
they talk about the exorbitant prices
asked by apothecaries." Customer
"So there is nothing in it, eh?" Drug
gist "No, indeed. I consider my
prices quite reasonable. I never ask
for an article anywhere near as much
as I should like to." Poston Tran
It (l lil l.iifoitiotiou,
Mistreas You say you are well rec
Maid Indeed, ma'am; I have 39 ex
cellent references.
Mistress And you have been in do
mestic service?
Maid Two years, ma'am. St. Louis
Strayed from my plate on the blulT,
a 2-year-old Jersey heifer ; dehorned;
ear mark on both ears ; branded bar Z on
both hips. Liberal reward paid for her
ol0-4tv Birnr Uagley. i
With Shampoos of
And light dressings of CtmcuitA, purest of emollient skin cures.
This treatment at once Btopa fulling hair, removes crtiatH, wales, mid
dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces stimulates tho hair folli
cles, supplies tho roots with energy nnd nourishment, and makes tho
hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy sculp, when all else fulls.
Complete external and Internal Treatmont for Every Humor,
wu. AAak I fm A BlNGi. Bet 14 ortiin aumclunl to cur toe tutoreft humor, wltti
H Wa VliD um of bulr, wheu all lo fall. Bold tbroug .out tlio world. 1'oT
fU Dauu alto CHSM.Coui-.,Sole i'ropa., Uoalon. " All about thu Skin, Scalp, and Jlulr," fro.
A I. Ife Anil Dentil Fight.
Mr. W. A. II fries tif Manchester, In.,
writing i f his almost mir;HU)lnm escape
from death, says: "Kxposure after mens
les induct tl serious lung trouble, which
ended in Consumption. I had frequent
hemorrhages and coughed night and day.
All my doctors said I must eoon die,
Then I began to use Dr, Kind's New
Discovery (or Consumption, which corn
pletely cured me. 1 would not bu without
it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds
have used it on my recommendation and
all sr.y it never fails to cure Throat, CIiCBt
and Luna troubles." Regular Fiza 50c
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley
Drug Store. 4
If you intend to take a trip East, ask
your ticket agent to route yon via The
Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date
railroad in every particular.
Through trains rom Chicago, Kansas
City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York
and New England points. All .trains
run via Niagara Falls and every through
train has free reclining chair care, sleep
ing and dining cars.
Stop over allowed on al! tickets at Ni
agara Falls. Ross C.,
Pacific Coast Pass. At,,
Loa Aneeles, Calif.
C. S. Crank, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo.
Dlssi. lilt Inn nf I'm tnerslilp.
The partneiehip heretofore txietinc
between J. A. Cirnaby and J. W. Blake
ney is this day dissolved by mutual con
Bent. The business will bo continued
under tho style and firm of Camaby &
Summers, who will collect all bills and
pay all obligations of the late firm.
The Dalles, Oct 1, 1900. ol0-v4w
Tho largest and most complete line o'
fall aud winter millinery ever displayed
in tho city at the Campbell & Wilton
millinery parlors. The prices will sell
the goode. s8tf
Why pay $1.75 per cation for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Patton's eun proof paints for $1.50 nor
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A
talk, agente. mi
The New York Cash Store is the eole
agent for the Hamilton Brown Siioe
Co.'o line of footwear.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Fall:.
Call on Mrc, Morgan for art embroid
eries, also decorativo work in oil and
water colors. 2tf
Wanted A boy of steudy habits to
work in a store. Inquire at this office.
Special values in Men and Boys cloth
ing at the New York Cash store.
confuting ot CutIcuba Soap ')o., to cleuwe tho tkfu of cruta ana
I .... ... r .... . l. 1. 1 n 1 .1 .,,1i . . . .. .. . n.uu.u. fuu i
vvrfii huu .v m v .u iuivrviivu k i t . i . v , wu tiuum miaRI1 1 luvv.i
to liMtunUy ulluy tolling, liillauimulloD, and Irritation, and tootlio and
)iel. and C'UTlcuiu Hkholybnt (60c). to cool and clcauno tliu blood.
is coming on with a rush.
Those damp, chilly days make
an Overcoat even more neces
sary than the clear, crisp days
of mid-winter. We are ready
with a complete lino. Buy
how and get the benefit of a
full season's wear.
Our "Wilton" Overcoat
$5.00 to $30.00.
Brown-mixed caosimere, velvet
collar $ 5 00
Black melton, plaid lining 7 50
Black, blue or brown kersey 10 00
Tun covert, plaid lining 10 00
Black, navy and brown bouclo. ... 10 00
Black frlc.u, eatiu yoke, plaid
lining 12 GO
Oxford gray covert 11! 75
Black vicuna, light weight 14 00
Tan covert, Al quality 15 00
Beat dark gray melton 17 50
Dark gray oxford, silk lined 18 00
Waterproof covert, popper and
ealt IS 00
Genuine Bum bold chinchilla,
navy blue 0 00
Gray oxfoid, silk lined 25 00
lilack vicuna, silk lined 25 00
He6t black beayor 25 00
" " " silk lined 30 00
The undersigned has taken possession
of It. A. Spivey paint bhop, next door to
tho Vogt opera house, and has pur
chased thu tools aud ladders. Ilu has
good mechanics working for him, ami
will guuniiituu all work to give satisfac
tion. S. K. KELLY.
Kotleo In hereby given Unit tlio uiulorstunoil
lius ituly lllvii wlth'iliu county clerk or Wunu
county, Oregon, his lliml neeoiint mill report hm
executor of ilieestuto of 1'hnvbo J, llulglit, ilc
eeakvd; unit that tlio liouoriililo eoiinty court lain
tlxi'd Monday, tlio (Hli ituy of November, 1U0U, ut
10 o'clock ii. in, of (.aid day im tho time, uiul tlio
eounty court room in tbo county com t lionso in
Dalles City, Wiitco county, Orogon, i tlio jilacu
for bearing vaUl Until account unit report.
All iit-raoiM Inlercbtecl In sulit estate aro here
by nofllled to amiear at Bald tlino and iluco mid
khow caute. ( any there be, why mill report
should not be approved uud salil executor dli
Charged, Iaic 'ins vuth day of Keptember, 1 '
Kxecutor of the estate of t'hoebo J, llalgn
ilw J