The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 19, 1900, Image 3

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Our Third Shipment
of French Flannelettes
for this Pall, just arrived.
They aro the most po, ular sellers of tho
se.Hon. Forty different patterns, selling at
18c per yard.
New Arrivals of
Ladies' Underskirts
In all the newest shades, at
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50,
$2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50
Every one a special bargain.
ease &
All goods marked in
e Dalles Daily Chronicle.
19, 1000
At Andrew Keller's.
.New shoes full aud winter just re
teived at the Xew Vorl; Cash Store,
Have juet secured tho very latest and
handsomest designs in picture molding.
Cil, ami see them. Win, Michel).
Mr. J. X. Batty and Miss Jessie!".
SraUh, both of Wapinitia, were united 1
in umrriHKe at urn uimrr hotel lain even
inc, Oct. IS, by Rev. U. F. Hawk.
Adjutant Evans, of Portland, will con
dust special meetings on Saturday, Sun
day and Monday, Oct. 20, 21, 22, "at the
salvation Army hall. All are welcome. '
7 ; A' "ly. O.U., editor of tho
, . B Lb'1. 'vc a sterioptican
lecture on missions m (V.vnrv HnniUti
on missions at Calvarv Banlisti
churcli in!,!,. I, . a f ...... i.-.
bitlv c i
, '
t-1 upadayniornlnp, n feather boil,
wiw'-eii fourth street and tho Keti'ii-
'wnw a. suuume reward win jo
Inrl. t ...!...! I . ill I T
Klvi'ii U tin- finder if it bo left at the
store jf a. M. Williams k Go. 10 2t
The ' j.u, Klickitat, that was no!d Die
ot-'r day in Portland for $0,500 to but.
iffy a number of claim for labor against
lho 1'"1' Mohr portngo load, has been
Pirct.a'.iid by the O. 1. & N. Co.
County Superintendent 0. J.. Gilbert
returcHd to-lay from viditinc the icIiouIh
U Five Mile. Klelit Mil... K.i.ii.rslu-
Fairfii'l I, Dnfur, Kingsley, Tygh, Wnp'l-1
"'ia. ictor, Wamic und Smock. Next j
oek he wlil visit those In the eastern
"'il northeastern part of the county. '
MieriH' IColly this afternoon turned i
Her tj County Treasurer Ilamp-
sMret'.otumcf ("0,011 07, tho amount
oltaxe collected during hixteen days of j
present month. Of this sum ftS,30G(- j
:i3 he.
Jiigs to tho riublii! schools of tho
'oanly, $2,005.10 to The Dalles public 'tho finest Le ever s.uv in any country,
Mhoolo and $1,073.08 to Dalles City. i Hood river and Mill creok valleys did
Pny thousand boxes ?f apples ml - !liein9lvea proud, and Wasco county
Mptueiil bt priinea will itavo Oil tl.o tinJ Tim Dailes have nollilng to Le
mxt steamer for tho orient, save tho i nehtUnud of eo far ai the fair is con
Tltgrani. This, togethfr with the par- j eerned. A 120-ponnd pumpkin was one
""I npplu crop fuiluru in tho Koit, will! of Ilcod Klver'a attractions, nud nil
li,fvo to siifTcn the local market for np- Mlssourhms and other eastern plo-lovers
I'iw. which le already qulto flrin. Ap- lifted their hats rovcrtiitly when they
P'f's now Wing from T6 cents to $1,25 I stopped to admire It. The Midway was
f"" tax in the Portland market. , tho samo old Midway, but It seemed to
Tho Dalles .Meet fair and carnival was , catch the dimes just the same as of yore.
wwpleto fluccess In evorv war nnd The Dalles ople are royal enterUiners,
r.,l SSr,onS: 'ilTrprhlS , J thocarnlval were Klven
WvW the matter In charge. 1 the cl y afTo ded
eil worth the tlmo and money it took
o tnnlce the trip to aee it. It was a
Plendld advertisement of the rich re
'oorcjs of the country "Immediately
No. 312.
No. 2746
Men's II
plain figures.
tributary to the Gateway city and is
greatly appreciated by the jrood citizens
of that territory. Watco News.
The rtlr n,1(l carnival held last week
I at Tho Dalles was the greatest advertiB-
hip medium that place has ever had, as
) everyone we heard speaking of it seemed
j to be more than pleated. One thini we
I noticed and this cannot be eaid of some
other places the hotels and restaurapta
did not raise their usual prieee, nor
could we detect any difference in tho
stores. Some places take advantage at
these times and think because there are
a great mauy people in town they can
; charge what they want To. Skamania
' Countv Pioneer.
Ex-Sheriff George C. Sears, of Port-
laud, died suit against Sheriff William
Fiazier to recover $18,000, being the
amount of salary of tho sheriff from July
1S0O, to July 2,1000. The basis of
li,ti uclio" 'B that Mr- Fiazier wtl3 "ot 8
citizen wtien he wu9 elected sherill in
June, ISOj, nud had no legal capacity to
receive the votes cast for him, and that
he, Sears, was wrongfully ousted from
the office, and is entitled to oil of the
cjmpetuation since. Mr. Frazier came
to the United States with his parents
wllt!() he wn8 7 year8 old ftml to 0regon
when Wll3 u yeMfio( .lfc,e.
Prof. J.. S.
Davis, of Tho Dalles, a
professor collector of fossils, and
;Oainoiit, Berkeley, a graduate of tho
University of California, were in the
) ,. ,,,,. nnd .iaij ,i1H Grant Countv
News office ti pleasant call, says that
paper. These gentlemen left California
five months ago with Prof. Mcrriam's
party and have been studying the geol
ogy of this county and collecting fossils,
most of their work being done in the!
vicinity of Monument. Meters. Davis
and Ogiiiont did not return with thu j
party, but are still engaged in gathering
fossils for the University of Munich and
iho Unlversltv of California. They
liavo now gone down thu river in the
vicinity of Dayvillu, where they will be
ong.iged for about a month, and then
r, - turn home by the way of Tho Dalies."
The editor of the Condon Globe nays :
"fiie Dalles carnival and street fair,
h shl last week, wae quite succestful.
Tho writer had tho pleasure of visiting
the fair on Friday uud Is constrained to
em - iliai dir. dlmilnv fif fruits, etc.. Wlis
Valley, affords another striking instance
of the value of the wuters of the hot
prings near Collins1 handing as a cure
rheumatism. Mr. Smith called at
It doesn't taho the wiseet man in the world to tell that the
time to make the chanpe in underwear ia at hand ; and take our
word for it, a little forethought now may keep you frco from one
of those nasty fall colds that often do serious damage.
Men's Heavy Fleeced, full-fashioned Shirts
Drawers; well trimmed and finished
Men's II uidom Wool Shirts and Drawore;
fashioned and stayed throughout; (elastic
No. 9951.
Men's Wool Shirts and Drawers; full fash
ioned with covered teams ; a garment that is ti 1 rf
worth $1.25 tpl.UU
W e are Sole Agents for the
American Hosiery Co.'s Underwear.
The best, line of Underwear in the world, rantring in price
from $ 1.50 to $7.50.
X. B. Just received, our Fall Line of Hats, including all
the best makers; ako the celebrated Koelofs Hat.
thiB office two weeks ago. He was on
crutches, with limbs stiffened and in
flexible from rheumatism that he con
tracted years agivwhen camping out in
all kinds of weather with his sheep.
From here lie went to St. Martin's
Springs, where he took daily baths in
its waters till last night when lie came
here on the Regulator. He ieft his
crutches at the springs, and when asked
how tie felt he answered by kicking his
right foot nearly os high as his head.
After a short trip to Portland Mr.
Smith will spend another week at the
springs, when lie expecte to be as free
from rheumatism as lie was when a
A bright little farce comedy, "A Wise
Guy," opened a week's engagement last
evening at the Third Avenue. A packed
house greeted the company. Every seat
was filled before tho curtain rose, and
tho full allowance of standing room was
also taken. "A Wise Guy," while not
remarkable for depth of plot, has a
thread of a story sufficient to sustain a
large number of excellent specialties
and to serve as the vehicles for a large
number of jokes, which have more than
the usual flavor of youth. Tiie part of
Spike Ilennessy, the wise guy, was ably
played by William Sellery, who inter
preted t he pare in a way that was a de
light to persons who have had an oppor
tunity of seeing in real life the charac
ter ho represented. In tho far West the
type of Splko Ilennessy is unknown,
but in eastern cities he is a familiar
figure, and the presentation last evening
was true to tho smallest detail. Ilen
nessy lias the merit of being a new char
acter, and ho made nu instantaneous
hit. The specialties are, without excep
tion, good, nnd taken throughout thu
play is very good of its class. Seattle
Post-Intelligencer. At the Vogt Mon
day, Out. 20th.
.Itlrntliili, itidint'll!
All members of Wasco tribo No. 10,
I. 0. It. M., are urgently requested to
trait toward the wiiiwarn next Tuenlay,
setting of the un, at tho 7th run, !!0th
breath, liusincss of the greatest im
portance will bo Drought before tho
tribe. As Kishe Manitou lias directed
our traile straight, and thiough agree
able regions, tho chiefs, warriorB and
hunters will be regaled witli corn and
Uy order of the Sacheirt, ol8-23
Tor Infants and Children.
lh Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
A beautiful and artistic art exhibit
may be seen at Mrs. Morgan's studio, on
Third street, near Court. 0-13
Now Is the the time to buy your winter
suit. A full line of Men and Hoys cloth
ing at the New York Cai'a store.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday.
Dau't forget this.
Will buy Ladies' handsomo cloth-top
Lace Shoes.
Will buy Ladies' heavy-solo kid Lace
Shoes; full coin too.
Will buy Ladies' patent leather tip and
trimmed coin toe, Lace Shoes.
Will bu' tho best wearing shoe you
ever put on your boy.
Will buy a solid, serviceable shoe for
men; four stales of toes; all new lace or
See Shoe Window for goods as advertised.
full ?Krt
All goods
Convention Donates S80 to The Dulles
Baptist Church The KoBter.
Last night was tho educational session
or the Baptist convention. The speak
ers, as arranged on the program, all
delivered interesting addresses. That
of Dr. Leslie was especially instructive,
and was ordered printed. His subject
was "The Obligation Upon Baptists to
Patronize their Own Schools."
A collection amounting to $80 was
taken for the purposo of aiding the
Calvary UaptiEt church building.
The report of the committee on en
rollment showed the following iTelegates
present :
Portland, First Church C A Woody,
D. D. ; Mrs Woody; Alex Blackburn, D.
D.; Mrs Blackburn; W W and Mrs
Brooks, Jas and Mre Edmunds, L B
Kaff, I F and Mrs Failing, Mrs I G
Malone, Mrs G 15 Jamison, Mrs S J
Henderson, Kev F' A Agar, Miss CO
Portland Secoud Church Kev Ray
and Mrs Palmer, Mrs Wallaner, Mrs
Mary Pattee, Mre W B Hall, Mrs L S
Ball, Miss Clara Webb, Jas Wall, Miss
U King, Mrs H E Hopensett.
Portland Third Church Kev E M and
and Mrs Bliss, Mrs W K Barrett, Mr
and Mrs Shelhouse.
Portland Immariuel Chinch Kev S C
Lapham , Mrs C A Alvoid, Mrs Julia
Hale, Mr L A Whitcomb, Mrs M Boet
ler, Mis3 M Dunn.
Arlington Kev M M Bledsoe, Mra M
B Kimball.
Astoria Kev L J and Mrs Trumbull,
Mrs Belher.
Amity Kev J II und MrH Douglas,
Mrs Mary Weston.
Athena Kev M Bramblelt.
Brownsville Kev W P Klmoie, A W
Stannrd, Mrs 15 K Stannrd, Mies Minnie
Stanard, A H Stanurd.
Baker City Kev GT Ellis, Mrs W S
Dallas Kev A J Ilunsaker, Mrs I 15
The Dalles Marshall Hill, T Julme,
Kev C J' Bailey, Kev W B Clifton.
Eugene Kev 0 0 and Mis Snoot,
Prof and Mrs Strong.
Grass Valley Kev J B Rpight, C A
nnd Mra Heath, Miss Bertha Hill.
Q.-le il Mre Maxwell, Miss Claggell.
Koioburg Kev ft A and Mra Douglass.
Salem-ltev K MeKlllop, Mrs 15 M
Springfield Kev B 0 Cook.
Ilellx-LE Penlatid.
Grfliils Pass-Kev Kobt Leslie, D 1).
May ville Frank Simmons.
Ml. .ion John Campbell, Mih Kjbt
Lowe, D L Duttou.
Mt Tabor Mra T Shornian, Mrs A
Wakeloy, Mrs J W Mills.
Looking Glass S 0 Miller.
Weston Kev It Hargraves.
Yamhill 0 Nundlnger.
Independence-- Kev 0 11 Muttoon,
Miss Paitio Cooper.
Ia Grande Kev U It Lamar.
Heppner Rev J V Btockton, M 8
Devmt, Mrs E 15 Lacy.
Holley Uev W P Elmore, Key George
marked in plain figures.
and Mrs Finley.
Newberg II M Milieus, Mrs Olive
Oregon City Kev J H Beaven3, J J
Burgess, D C and Mrs Latourette.
Portland Swedish church Rev G A
Swedish conference Rov Chas Asp
lund. Visitors Kev George Varney, Spo
kane; Kev W II Lntourette, McMinn
ville; Kev A W Rider, Los Angeles,
The state mission board was in session
until 4 o'clock this morning. It is re
ported that several of the members re
turning nt, that late, lost their way
in the darkness and were run in by the
night watchman. Up till 10 o'clock
this unrning two or three preachers hud
not put in an appearance, and various
surmises arc expressed as to the cause.
The .next session of the convention
will meet with tho second church of
Portland in October, 1001, Rev. C. C.
Smoot, of Eugene to preach tho intro
ductory sermon.
C. A. Wooddy, D. D., will give n etci lecture on "Missions" tonight
at 2 o'clock. Everybody invited.
K. iil l.rtiti (or Sulu.
Twenty-three lo's, located from Sev
enth street to TwelMi, for sale at from
$50 up. Ic.quiro at the Columbia
i Intel. a20 ti
mh One thousand styles and sixes. s&Fa,
I fcfef Fm cwokiS a"d heating. JlWL I
P m. 1 , Prices from $5 to $50, eM
M Ranees ttiA'--Fji.v- EES I- Ulft'lJ V'fl VClft'" . II ..I
The genuluo nil bear the b
, and ore sold with a wrltf ?J
and ore sold wiiH
L wfcFii:ch8
Chas. Chandler, of Hood River, spent
last night in the city and returned homo
today on the afternoon tram.
McLiughlin O'Brien, one of Klickitat
county's solid men from Conturvllle,
wan in town today for n few hours.
G. II. McGreor, ton of Hon. T. II.
McGreer, arrived here yesterday from
California, whither he went overland ti
short time ago with 100 head of hortcs
that had been bouvhl in tho neighbor
hood of the John Day. Ho left on tho
noon train for home.
Thu Appetite i f it Gout
la envied by nil poor dyspeptics whoso
stomach and liver are out of order. All
such should know that Dr. King's New
Life Pille, tho wonderful stomach and
liver remedy, gives n spl jndid appetite,
sound digestion and a regular bodily
habit that insures perfect hoalth nnd
great energy. Only 25 cents at any
drug store. 4
The Campbell & Wilson millinery
parlor is tho place to buy up-to-date
head wear nt right prices. All the new
things in streot hats. Patterns and
trimmed hats can be found there, alto a
fine line of children's school hats and
baby bonnets. tf
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated Jame E. Patton
strictly pure liquid paints
Tho New York Cash Store is tho sole
agent for the Hamilton Brown Shoo
Co.'a-line of footwear.
You will not have boils if you talco
Clarke & Falk'a sure cure for boila.
after eating
is ciused from tho otomach not
lioginnlng Its work immeilintely.
Until it KOts to work you feci d.s
trebsed tho food lays in your stom
ach liko woijjht.
To start digestion to mafco tho
stomach do its work you must asust
It it your stomach ia weak or slow
to work.
No. 21
taken nftornicah supplies tho stom
ach with necessary acids and juices
which ilijjest tho food quickly in a
propor manner. To Bt tiio boat
results uso Uald win's Henlth Tablets
No. 25 with thoDyspopsia Tablets.
The Dyspopsia Tablets cost tOo and
can bo hud ut
Clarko & Falk, The Dalles, Oregon.
Ice Cream and
Oyster Parlors..
Mrs II. L. Jones has opened ico
cream nnd oyster parlor in Carey
lard's old stand. She cariioi
A full line of Candies,,
Nuts and Cigars.
Tho place has been thoroughly ren.
ovated, and a khateof the public pation
ago is solicited.
a wrltf .avkMm4t
1 -f javilWVt
.an .Stove Company,
ami Mangos lu tli.i Wn'i.i