The Dalles Daily Chronicle.1 FRIDAY Tor ri-estdcnt WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or outo. Tor Vicr-rrrtdcnt THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of Tf Ynrk. 'plain people" can afford to punish twelve OCT. 19, 1P00 dollars' worth of crab (exclusive of j wines) r.t one sitting, it is plain that I somebody must be prosperous. It nay be remarked, in this connection. ! that twelve dollars' worth of grub (exclusive of wines) is sadly oat of place in a man's belly who continues to sewail hard time nnd rant about an empty dinner pail. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. i to be ter-. i- The CLARENDON ftESTAUiWT And CAFE. J. B. Crossen & Co., Props. 57 Second Street cases on record is that of a Kansas bank ' that recently went out of business I because it could find nobody to loan 1 its money to, says the Cleveland i Plaindealer. on watch repairing, jewelry work and encravtnj. Their price is a? low ns con sistent with pond workmanship. Tber are prepared to do ail work in the1.: several lines, oc short notice. Work sent by sail or express will rewire prompt attention. Sign. "Big Red Watch." THE CANDIDATE'S LAST TRICK'.. Tne democrats r.pcar He tried imperialism and found , ribV worr,crt b-v lue rePrt lh1 A Difficult Problem, there was nothing in it. ', Hanaa 55 raUin? lar?e sua5 for n ie ,DonS tLe most difficah prob- He tried lamoastinc the trusts and , campaign expenses. However much ieuls of natural science for one to become . . nt imiii mm- l. in this it nt expert in several lines. J. i.. Adcox & found there was nothing in it. of tmh lhere ma-v ,,e Ia lul5- ,l at Co., br their combination, over- He tried denvin that prosperity lci5t U ccrta5n that be is not getting come this ditBcnltin a practical man existed and srtinc that it it did, ' them from the protected saloons and i3 5?5 it wa on the wane, and neither his' oibcr disorderly places of New ork. -0rk and engraving, while Theo. H. , , i Ltehe is an expert optician and : Wi aemat nor uis assertion uihuu. . , , . , , , One of the saddest financial ie tneo tne wnote p'auorm ana special parts of it, and neither parts nor whole would work. He tried Absalom, but the young man would not be scared. He tried the commercial travelers, but thev were too busy to be bothered. He a Life And Death right. tried the farmers, but they had too t ilr. W. A. Hinee of Manchester, la., much monev in the bank. ; writinc of his almost miraculous escape " t j u ... . tic.... r. Ma Ttnri ucnoc norflmrinnT CTift 7 subordinate, and there was in them. He tried militarism in a hemorrhages and conshed night acd day. general "W3y, and nobody was All my doctors said I must soon die. frightened. At last at Indianapolis, Thcn I bejan to use Dr. Ktnt's New , . j . . , . . Discoverv tor Consumption, which corn where he delivered bis labored essaT , , - . ; ' . . ' " . . pleteir cured me. I would not be without on imperialism, he sank to the depth it eyen it con M a Hondreds of saying that the republicans want a have used :t on my recommendation and strmlinr army "so that they can all say it never fiils to enre Throat, Chest and Laos troubies. Begular size 50c ' and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeiey Drue Store. 4 nothinc .,.j,i ; ,- ,.. t ET build a fort near every large city and use the army to suppress by force the discontent that ought to be cured by remedial legislation." "We don't believe that there is m the country ODe laboring man so much of an idiot as to swallow such an assertion. It marks t'ne desperate and demoralized candidate whose gull-catcbing tricks and high pre tences have failed ; who in the final day? of bis hopeless struggle reverts to his real self and returns to his essential principle and method; the belief and practice that ignorance, envy and "class" hatred are the ruling forces in the American elect arate. New York Sun. 'The financial conditions here," saj-s a London dispat'.-b to the 2sew York Tribune, "are dependent to a, large extent on the resources and ' investments of America, which, as ' the creditor pationj now controls J European exchange. The chief prob- lem of the money market from day 1 to day is whether New York and Chicago will transfer gold from Lon don to Berlin or call it back to America, for healthy remittances arc constantly due from immense pur chases of exports from the United States." Only four short years ago,' under the last democratic administta i tion, gold left the country or went , into retirement to such an extent that President Cleveland had to bor row $202,000,000 to save the govern ment from bankruptcy. Under less than four jears of republican rule the country has redeemed itself end, for the first time in its history, has advanced to a position where it con trols European exchange and bids ) fair, in a short time, to become the money center of the world. Human Listory has nothing to compare with , this record. There is a moral to this : story and the man who sees it not is j Wind indeed. may s & Ciowe . pi CHOCOLATE BON BON5. DIRECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. The only store Ii this city where tht Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold Geo. C. Blakeiey, The Druggist. ,lf , i !i i I, Complete ; ; i Cino i f ! ;' at I M. Z. DONNELL, g f TH DRUGGIST. S 0 Just What i!-- Yoa cnant.,? L i z w'-v J - .1. .( Vv U -r. I .. ,':fney NSE. i mm A'i i ii vv - Urn - r- 1 1 $1.00 per month. Strictly first cl&?9 local un l long dietnnco telephono st-rvitts within your home. I.iues do not cross-talk. Your con versation will bo kept a secret. Ko cost for installing. You cet tho Ftnndnrd Huniiing Ixng Distant Instruinvnt. Coutinuou day and night service. We will nrcept your contrnct for ten years Rnd allow you to cancel same on giving ua thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 008. a- rr-r-i-i.-rj,T-iC--j.-rA-T jrrmn r?-. cram, -r iyAT-r. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY .-lonmerf, o! ttifc Htculator Unc tll run bs t thtlol.'j rw.ju t Jittfuli', the Company reserving tL rlpht to chs?e'S .. iilcwii .l ut notice. Sir. Regulator vr. A little higher ic price, but outlast! a dozen pieces of so- called cheap enam eiea -ware. J. A. EBERLE, f pire Jailori Xew ideas in Wall Paper here. wide variety as we are showing never be fore cracd a single stork. Heal imita tion cretun effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper priceE. E.egant desiens, tasteful colorings, yours . for a small price, at our store cn Third street. Also a fell line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Ship your Freight via Str. Dalles City. 4 .t t'nr(!iud a ' x. J(. Wedtn-HflHi Ar.ifi Regulator Line, ffeuiia at b r. V. MVS Lv. Ilnllm nt A. n. .MuIKtKV Wclncdy Cf 'i 't'j.-.tSJ at ' f v M. at i :.TO y. . i .ttT,J Mittitdar I A'r Puling M r. J!.,! ii M FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ? I. Travel by the Htesinery of the Recuintnr Une. ions tne Le: serviw iHstEie. i ( W. C. ALLAWAY. Gen. Ast. i, Portlantf 0!2ee, Oak rtreot Doct. '3 The T'lmjumr will endeavor to gi vc lti 5 at-,5 rr further liiloriautiuti uddreib k : BEWARE. ; complete line of Fall and Winter1 1 c ! Saitinzs, Pantines and Overcoating, now '' 6 r-i . :. 1 1 - .rtiT ir wiuer ftweaiuuB 02 uispiBv. iuy uiuerenr. varietiej to se-1 liieit,butthegenu-, lec: from." 1 ine has the name ' 1 LT0lkeLit, Suits, $20 3T)d up. Do not be deceived I First prize at ' Call and esamine goods before coin? International Eshi ' elsewhere. Second street, opp. Mays bitions. Highest ; & Crowe'e, award at Worlds Columbian Eshibi tion. Chicago. Pre ferred bv the best coobinfrauthonttea I certified to by the moat famous chem iats for purity and durability It is cheapest because 1 F- s. Gunning, BEST. Blacksmith, 1 Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Eemember this celebrated enam-1 eled ware is special 1 v imported for and eoiq m mis cny ei- clusively by us. , Rflr SSUGQd & LSfllD. TfiOfle 157 ..CHflS. HUl. 1 4 Buteheri and farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on dranzht the o.-lebraled CC1XMB1A KEEK, ncinow:;. edswl the beat b:r in The Dellti, at thetiscal jrlc. Come in, try li anil be convinced. Aho the Hunt brands oi Wines, Ll-juor end Cisan. Sanduiiehes of Kli Kinds &itravs on band. 4. . ScncNci, l-reaidect. H. M. KtXIZ., Cazhiei U. E. FALT & CO., DtTinrlnr avt? . . f of" Commercial Sample looms. Purest Liquors for Family Use? Delivered to any part of the City. 173 Second Street. PhoiiPE; 51 Local, bg-s Lonp Dielance. PIONEER BAKfeRY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. It does not rust nor absorb rjrease, does not discolor nor catch inside: is notairectedbyactd; in fruits o: vegetables will boll,;i stew, roast f g nnd bate '5 v i t h o u t , impartinE V flavor of r previoualy ; 0 The Boise Statesman thinks that "if one had to rely on Bryan's speeches to fix his genealogy he would be likely to come to the con clusion that the Isebraskan was close-1 y connected with the families of U it ff ttrQ rr T"tMC ni.f1 Dnnla Tn n in All ! then there is the additional cir- uuusiauue ui uis uiuer name ueing i Dennis." cook c ilii food r.nd wlli last for years, -4o , "We cau. tion the public r.K3ir,3 imitation , CMcfaB Lies Congnerefi. USE Carbolineum : Avenarius. The molt etlir-Ient Wood Preserving I'aint alio a Hadieul Kerned? u(,'r.!n-.: Chicien Lie", itt niipllration toin liide nails of poultry house will p-r-manei-'.ly cxtermitiatc al! life. Ke ulti healthy ctuefcenii, p.eiity tit fctrju. Writ lor circulars and pilcex. Meuili.'i. this paer. Jos.T. Peters &. Co. THE DAl.LEH, OHKGON. Fifst national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposite received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collectione made and proeeede promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange eold cn New York, Kan Francisco and vort J l land. 2 DIRSOTOKS. D. P. THOMP80M. JllO. S. Bchxnck, W En. M. WiixiiMB, Gso. A. Libbe. UM.BKAru w IWascoWareli ouseCom pans 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE MATT SHOREN, It is still insisted by Col. Bryn that our present prosperity is largely Tisionary. Well, there is nothing visionary about that twelve-dollar-a-plate dinner (exclusive of wines) that the colooel got away with the other evening, seated between Boss Crocker and Mayor Van Wyck. General Blacksmith and Horseshoer. All kinds of blackimithing will receive id will be execu Give him ft call. prompt attention and will be executed in uret-clme ebane. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The Dalle, Or. trace marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anrnne sendlntr a iketrb and rtcCT1ntlon ma lulcklr ucertAlH ntir opinion freo whether a Intention H prohably j-iilontable. Commnnlo (liinjitnctlrcoiitldontui!. Handbook on l'ieuu lent Iree. OMe nuencr lor ccunnif Latent. I'.-ueuu Uken tnruuh llunn it Co. lecelrw tixeiai notice, vlthoat cnanre, Ui the Scientific JUHcrkan A hndiom!r lllattratcd weekly. Iircwt Hr. calalloti of nnr 'lentlflc loura!. Ttfnii. S3 eari Jotir niontLt, L tiOid byttll iwwtdealet. MUNN Com . New York anadi 0eo Ob V HU Wubuwlon. V.T t me GoinMa Mm u., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTDBEKa OX i Fine Lard and Sausages , Curers of BRAND IHAMS & BACON jiRlFD BEEF, ETC. Ciark & Falk'a drag (reeb and complete. stock Is new, PILLS one worn A OOSI. Rmof Plmpltj, Prarroi ! II ."'"JfprUlooC. ..?.ilTHl'',VwU. If 2 imtiidet miM tin MlMh i Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds, j Headquarters for Feed Grain oi ?n kin 'Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind? : Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, ! Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton ST iOUT" Thl8 I'lonr "if.nufactured cxpreeBly I","1'' .... , , ufco; fcvurv Rack ie nuarantoed. to give eatHfnctiOD. Vr wl, our "oode lower than any hoime Ui the trado. and if you don't think W call f.nd net cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. 7? d A TT I T i W nr. I SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! the larI Z, " tor l-oof " .w.iuk iiuiiecb uj niuerictir Do von Inuiu-tlmi l,.. ., m ,.)! ..... . . . .. .. a . "v rc" )V" tun, mnue io vour oruur, o Tr twA... it..i i .t dS and wtnw., ,..,1 .7 i 1 . mn M'' on hand for the coming ihii Z ?n The Dall? "ndnomeet nd finest line of samples ever ehown JOWNT "PACTTXPtr mr i m 4HHHEiHMr4HgHM( Pa