v mm hb mm h x jiiirr. t" a VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 19, 1900. NO. 3GG ,. Ul AN'cgclable Prcpnrationror As similating HtcFoodandRcgula imt the Stomachs andDowcls of 1 Promotes Digcstion.ChecrfuF nrss and Hcst.Contains neillier 0)iuin.Morpliue norliiicral. Sot "Narc otic . ttrijif arOldJJrSAMVELPITVIlEn JmiJan Settl' ,l!x.Srniui IXMktlU Solo -jtllurSrril f Jilprnnim -JltCcrtxiruihSala HUtft-Stttl -Cltmfiii Migmr UhUfyrrm nam: Apcrfccl Remedy forConslipa- uon, sour aiuuuicji.uianiiota I Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness iimlLosS OF SLEEP. I . , Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. I T COPY Of WRAPPER. SURPRISED THE MINERS They Hud Not Expected So Complete a W'tnr) Reaily to Resume Work Hut Will Not Do So Until More Companies Have Accepted. I'oiisvm.i.i:, Ph., Oct. 18. The news received hero tlmt the- demandflol tho anthracite coal miners' convention had ''(en granted by the Reading Coal & Iron Company was ns welcome ua it was Hiirprieinu' in the Schuylkill region. Tho labor Imidere were not in tho secret. There will now ho bonfires, meetings, parades and a general jnbilntion by tho miners. Some of tho conservative leadera favor a quiot acceptance of tho victory, out it in doubtful If their counsels will prevail. The Heading Company employs J8.000 men, one-fifth of tho anthracite workers, and they will undoubtedly be ruadyto go to work juet as soon us they are ordered to do so by President Mitchell. The Reading Company has been rush ini; its cars into tho coal region ever since the strike began, and it ie estimated that it lias in the neighborhood of 10,000 emp ties now on siding throughout the 'egbn at pointseasy of uccefB. Ktrlker wrc Firm, Piiamokik, Pa., Oct. 18 Notices that the terms of tho Scranton convention have been accepted by the Philadelphia & Heading Coal & Iron Company were poatud in public places hero and at the colliisriea early thia morning. Strikers 1 1 the employ of tho company say that while they are highly pleased over the action of tho Reading Compauy, thoy will not think of going to work until tielr brethren employed by other com panius and operators are granted the increase, It is the general impression here that all employers will have fallen Into lino by tomorrow, aud that a notice from I'roeident Mitchell, Informing tho rikers to go to work, will be Isaued Saturday or Monday. ! Up the Attempt. Ahtoiiia, Oct. 18. Word comes from 'ort Canby today that the attempt of WolA'&Zwivker, the Portland ihipbuild era, to float the itranded lightship lias GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the X, i Signature Am In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THE CKMTAUR COMPANY, WCW YORK CITY. been Hbundnncd for good, and the con tractors are taid to be thoroughly disgust ed w t!i the iob. It Id questionable- now whether there will be eulCcknt favorable weather to permit of taking the lightship overland to Biker's Hay, and the contrai-tors wlio favor this means cf cettins: the vessel oil tho beach cxprete the opinion that there would be gieat risk of hiiancial loss at taehed to the work. It. is again stated by parties who have visited the Fcene of the wreck that the vtesel is bidly etrained, and practically worthless. Want In Give l.lliuoliiilitiil it I't-uklou. Honoli'I.I', Oct. 11, via San Francisco, Oct. 18. The democratic party adopted a nlatform at its convention last Monday night in which tho national ticket and tihitform were endorsed. The local plat form declared against the acquisition of mix- more sutrar-producing territory uy tho United States. An appropriation for a nunslon for ex Queen Lilluokalatil In- the next lecislature wtis favored. The I ayment ol just fire claims caueed by the firo in Chinatown during ttie uunonic p ague siege waa advocated. OlorlotiN Nvwa, Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargilo, of Washita. I. T. Ho writes : "Four bottles of Electric 11 ttcra lias cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great Buffering tor years Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and tho best doctors could give no help; but her cure Ib com plete aud her health Is excellent." This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is tho best blood nuritler known. It's the supreme rpmedv for eezama, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers," boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, exnela poisons, helps digestion and builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by BlaUeley Druggist. Guaran teed. 4 Another Wuuld-lle ttlii. New Yoiik, Oct. 18. The police of KIo Janeiro, recording to a dispatch to the Hemld, Iibvo arrested an Italian named Angel Manetti, who ia known as tho friend of Caserio, who assassinated President Carnot of France, and of Brescl, who killed King Humbert, of Italy. Manetti, It Is charged, waa plotting to take the life of President Campos Salles, of Brazil. One new ease of plague la reported. One death occurred. SuUcrlbe for The Chronicle. GENERAL BLACK UNDER THE FLAG Declares He Can Not Stand Anywhere Else While His Country Is at War Si-KiNGriKi.D, 111., Oct, 13. "For my part, I can not, while my country ia at war, stand anywhere but under ita flag. Like Martin Luther, "Here I stand. I can not do otherwise, God helping me.' " With this utterance, in a tone of deep feeling, the climax of one of the most remarkable meetings oi the campaign was reached in tho opera house at the Tlinois capital tonight. The speaker was Gen. John C. Black, n life-long democrat, a gallant Union Eoldier, democratic con-urpssman-at-larce from Illinois, and comtnlteioner of pensions in President Cleveland's first administration. The occasion was Gen. Black's appearance in the campaign in favor of McKinley's re election. Capt. J. B. Inman presided. He placed Gen. Black before the audience in appropriate words, referring to his gallant military record and bespeaking the satisfaction which those present felt. He Bpoke of Gen. Black as a representa tive of "a militarism not to feared, but ta be loved and revered." Rehearsing the story of the general'e terrible wounds in the civil war, and of his refusal to go to the rear, insisting rather on remaining at the head of his command, Capt. Inman Baid : "Refusing to go to the rear, he stands now where he stood that day, for the honor and glory of that same flag." Gen. Black stood before an audience which filled tho auditorium to tho doors. Ab he looked out upon the sea of faces over which an expreseicn of intense interest played, he said : KKratS TO PALMER "That mighty gathering meana that the people are attending to their own business. And when the people attend to their own affairs they settle them right. (A burst of applause here broke in upon the speaker.) He who recently stood among you, a towering leader, juet called to his rest, gave us all an aphorism that will endure. He said: 'The af fairs of the people are safe with the people.' " A hush followed this reference to the late John M. Palmer. Thus Gen. Black began. He spoko at considerable length, and as he proceeded the interest deepened. The intense earnestness of the speaker spread to tho listeners. "A'ext Monday will be two years and eight months since Spanish treachery lifted the Maine into immorality and buried her crow in the waters of the gulf," he said. Then followed his de scription of the uprising of the nation and of the beginning of the "war of patriotism." "Men said: 'Until this war is ended I know no party. I know only my country.' Of them I waa one.' " LOGICAL AltGUMENTd. Then came the logical argument which was unanawerable. Step by Btep Gen. Black traced tho courae ot eventa from the blowing up of tho Maine until the present time, with the government pledged to the support of ita sovereignty In the Philippines. "Aud still It was a war of patriotism," said the speaker again anil again, as he traced the sequence. He described the treachery of Agulnaldo. "Somebody, God forgive him, has called him George Washington," said the sneaker. Gen. Black told how hostilities were forced. Ho went through all of the in cldenta fixing the responsibility, with a soldier's tense of loyalty aud duty. And that great audience followed breathlessly. The time came the speaker dealt with the character of Agulnaldo. He quoted from the Insurgent chieftain's own ac count, as given in his appeal to the civilized nations, and then he asked his hearers to imagine, if they could, Ad miral Dowev uieetlni: this man uuon his quarter deck and asking his consent as one of tho eoverued. "Thia la the man," he said, "upon whom that Kansas City crowd they were not democrats have been wasting sympathy, aud whom they haye been asking you to upuoiu. Cured of Chronic IHarrhona After Thirty Years of Sua'orliiB. "Suffered for thirty yars with diar rhoea and thought I was past being cured" says John S. Halloway, of French Camp, Miss. "I had spent so much timo and money and suffered so much that 1 had give l up all hopes of recovery. I was so feeble from the effects of the diarrhoea that I could do no kind of labor, could not even travel, but by accident I was permitted to find a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after taking several bottles 1 am entirely cured of that trouble. I am so pleased with the result that I am anxious that it bo in reach of all those who suffer as I have." For sale by Blakeley druggist. Lake Bhoro to Grant Pension. Cleveland, Oct. 18. Following in the footsteps of the Pennsylvania railroad the Like Shore railroad ia now consider ing plans fcr pensioning its old employes. Preliminary steps have been taken to wards establishing a pension system ; ac cording to the plans proposed no person can be eligible to a pension until ho has reached tho age of 65 years or has been in the service of the company 30 years. Chmnberlaiu's Couch Hewed? a Great 1- Hvorlte. The soothing and healing properties of this remedy, its pleasant and prompt and perrnament cures have made it a great favorite with people everywhere. It ia especially prized by mothers of small children for colds, croup and whooping couph, as it always affords quick relief, and as it contains no opium or other harm.' j! drug, it may b; given as confidentially to a baby as to an adult. For sale by Blakeley druggist. Catarrh Cannot l!e Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh ia a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to c ure it yea mi'it take inter nal remedies. Hali's Catarrh Cure ia taken internally, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It waa waa prescribed by one of the best physicians in thia country for yeRra, and 'ib a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the beet blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props.," Toledo O. Sold bv drrnggista, piico 75c. HaH'B'Family Pills are the best. 12 He Fooled the Surgeons. AH doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., after Buffering 18 months from Rectaf Fistula, he would die unless a coetly operation was per formed ; but he cured himself with live boxes of Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, tho surest Pile cure on Earth, and the beat Salve in the World. 25 cente a box. hold by Blakeley, Druggist. 4 GOING EAST If you intend to take a trip Eaat, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair carp, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Fulls. Ross O. Clink, Pacific Coast Pass. Agt,, Los Anueics, Calif. O. S. Cma.se, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Strayed. Strayed from my place on the bluff, a 'J-yoar-old Jersey heifer j dohornedj ear mark on both ears ; branded bar 'A on both hips. Liberal reward paid for her return. ol(Mtw Hukt Uaoi-ky. Hustling young man caii make 400 per month and expenses. Permanont posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars. Clark & Co., Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel phia, Pa, 68-tf Tho largest aud most complete line of fa l and winter millinery ever displayed in the city at the Campbell & Wilson millinery narlora. The prices will sell the goods. s8tl Special values In Men aud Boys cloth' lug at the New York Cash store. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke it Falk. Tiixc BIRD CAME BACK. It Hi; (urn cil Alone from California to It Homo lit IloK-rn I'nrk, III. A story illiisrtrntinK' the- remarkable instinct sometimes' dis-phicd by birds if.' told by a Rogers Turk man, Miys the Chicago Chronicle. He had a pet orioli- to which a friend ititinjf lilm from California tool: ngrtnt fancy. Al though thi l,irc' l ad bet n in the family ranee the day it was picked up as a fieiifr!iii;r by l;e head of t he household, the C.iiifoinian was made its. owner. The gift was s?o appreciated that the oriole became th Cnlifornian', com panion on the return journey to the Pacific coast. Of coiitse t ho bird was caircd during- the trip, but it was al lowed a degree of ('oinestic freedom on its arrival near the Golden Gate. Soon the Rogers. Park man hcaid that the pet had disappeared. Fancy his sur prise when he awoke one morning to find the bird scintehing at one of the summer screm.- of his bedroom win dow. The exiled oriole had returned, but it will always be a mystery to the owner how the long journey was made whether the hcir.vW arc! itight of tht little pot was ncror. the reat divide of the Rocky mntir.tuir - r.v by way ol the no less trying route cf the Arizona deserts. Gnu Pipe I.lnos to DlKlrthnte rower. The attention of electrical engineers has been attracted to the prospective use of. the gas engine oir a vast scale for the generation and. transmission cf' power. .Mi-, treorge estingnouse ue- lieves that a great saving of expense as compared with presort methods) would result from the distribution of power by means of gas generated at central j points and conveyed in. pipes along the , lines of railways for the operation of gas engines anil electric generators. lie suggests the installation of such a sys tem in connection with the electrical equipment- ot railways, especially metropolitan nnd suburban lines; and also the use of. fuel gas and gas engines to supply light nnd power for the whole of Manhattan island. Youth's Companion. Cliliivnc I.i-nrnliiK. There is much to be learned.af ter the world captures! China. Many scientists believe that the nucleus of great events is imbedded anvid the mysteries of that great region of country, which may not be so benighted us In generally sup posed. Tin- preservation of grapes, to make use of one illustration of Chinese industiy, is one of the many things that is only known in that country. Million have been spent in civilized countries in futile attempts to pre serve this fruit. The Chinese have known the secret for many centuries and millions more hove been vainly used in the effort to drag from tJicm the recipe. Proud of III I'roinollon. A West Virginia girl writes to a friend about her hero, who is a soldier in the Philippines. She says: "I got a letter from . He's getting along splendid. He lias been assigned to the guardhouse for five days. Says it is a pretty hot place, but then, you know, lie never shirks from his duty. Ma and I aru naturally proud to hear of liis promotion." Wheeling Intelli gencer. , The Dumper on Joklnir. Census Taker You live here, do you? Well, what relation are you to the head ot' the house? Citizen See here, now, don't you get too funny or I'll go nnd cull her ill. Indianapolis Journal. Drying preparations! simply devel op dry catarrh j thoy dry up tho secretions, wliinti ndlinrrt in tllft ITinftllirAim flllll flni-Dlll. 1 t. . .J V ' vr --- " poso, causing a far moro serious troublo than tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry- f i "j ....iv.. IHg lmilUulim, lumen, miumtn ium muoia and uso that which cleanses, soothes and lionV, T.-K.'u rirAnm Unlm in sueli nromcilv and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily aud pleasantly. A trial nlzo will no mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho 50o. size. Ely Brolhors, fid Warrou St., N.Y. Tho Halm cures without pain, docs not irritato or causo sncoziug. It spreads iteolf over an Irritated and anRry surfaco, reliev ing Immediately the painful inflammation. Willi Kly's Cream Balm you aro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fover; DUvuliilinu of l'arluerMlil, The partnership heretofore existing between J. A. Carnaby and J. W, Blake uey ia this day dissolved by mutual con sent. The business will be continued under the style and firm of Carnaby & Summers, who will collect all bills and pay all obligations of the late firm, CAKNAIIY & SUMHKItH, The Dalles, Oct 1, 1000. o!0-w4w Call ou Mre. Morgau for art embroid eries, also decorative work in oil and water colors, 2tl Overcoat Weather is coming on with a rush. Those damp, chill' days make an Overcoat even more neces sary than tho clear, crisp days of mid-winter. We are ready with a complete lino. Buy now and get the benefit of a full season's wear. Our "Wilton" Overcoat $5.00 to $30.00. Brown-mixed c.tssimere, velvet collar 5 00 Black melton, plaid lining 7 5U Black, blue or blown kersey 10 00 Tan covert, plaid lining 10 00 Black, navy and brown koucle. ... 10 00 Black frieze, eatin yoke, plaid lining 12 50 Oxford gray covert 13 75 Black yienna, light weight 14 00 Tan covert, Al quality 15 00 Best dark gray melton 17 50 Dark gray oxford, silk lined IS 00 Waterproof covert, pepper and salt 18 00 Genuine Rumbold chinchilla, navy blue 20 00 Gray oxford, silk lined 25 00 Black vicuna, Bilk lined 25 00 Best block beaver 25 00 " " " silk lined 30 00 House Painting... The undersigned lias taken possession of R. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to the Vogt opera house, and has pur chased tho tools and ladders. Ho htm good mechanics working for him, and will guarantee all work to give sutisfac- S. K. KELLY. NO HUH OF FINAL SK TTLFiMKNT. Notice Is lieretiy given Hint Hid umlerslKiu'tl turn itnly illcil with tliu county vleik of Wtuco county, Ohwhi, hlu llnul iiecouut sail report as executor of iliu ektutu of I'lioelio J, IIiiIkIiI, lio eciibeil: unit that thu lionorulile county court Iium llxcii Moiuliiy, thu 6th iluy of November, 1UU0, ut 10 o'clock a. in, of mill cluy us the lime, mill thu county court room In tliu county court lioutu in Dulles City, SVuki'o eouuty, UroKon, an tliu pUvu for liearlliK "Id Haul account and icMirt. All pcrkoini lultrettil lit mild e.tutu aru here by nollllul to appear ut unlit tlniu anil place mid Kiiovv cause, tf any there be, why tutd report should not bo approved mid bald executor dU chanted. Dated UiU IWtu day of September. IDoO. KHANK MENKKEB, Kxecutor of tliu cktste of Phoebe J. Ilulgbt. deceiwcd. octi MPT "-II