lroperlty nf The UaMe. I Mf II There is no cret excteroen. in me, u -,,.,.. ;,.;(n real-esUte tiu-kei here for t! e reason t that The Dalies is very conservative, nnl conseqnent.'y we have no bnctus, bat nevertheless, if people will take the trouble to wa?k s round the city thev will br surprised to see lw A new Department Store iust onem-d with new up-to-date; they win Dr surpi.seu 10 see . , few honses are vacat. Another very ; uoods and low prices. It s the place to save money on alii noticabie lemur :s that nearly nil of : ujms 0f merchandise. Remember the place, j the property Is we.Il kept and has aw air ; of prosperity which very few towns in O.econ of equal iixe can boast of. f Oar public -cbooK are mstnctions of ! learuinc of which we are justly prrmd. Three oi these butanes are of brick and eton, and e?pcii.y oor Rich School j which te n strcetnre of srchittcttiral ; beatnv with all the modern improve- j mints ar.d appliances. In addition to THE FHIR, 133 SSCOND STREET. CONTEST NOTICE. Sals of Keai .property, f. 5. La-i Omen, Tks DaUJW. Oa., atemler I.-. ISSB. i onr imVific school', we have a Catholic' A jnrneient eon:: rurii bavin been fifcd Notice i hereby given that under owl br vtr u" 1 ' in ht rtnee by Jrecr.B J! Sherar, corlextant. tne oi an .irder ilulx made and ctitorkd Its the chw.' and caaTr.v cooawtoo oy the i acut havwyte .dentn No. THCraaOe June 3. I'nnniy Court of Wsjco Couuty, urepw ou ihf c ..... i .i,. T.ll liiK.n. ;"lnt;ti( X or J-1 -j. and E 1st XE qr !-c , JBth day of Jucti:, IWl.tbe undefined, ad- , fctster? of the lioly artie?, ana in can T , R M E b wu:lm 'ill! mnltsiK. n uiJit;mto7 with the will annexed, n! the elate ' i4;on tbwrewi'b i-a dev school for which U is alteonl that ld IJiium ttltl ha 1 of Jonathan Jorknu. deesHi. wilt. Iruni una . aw-.ta llK'r""u , . , whn.lx .bandoncd Ud tisrt rnd caanpoj hi .('.cr she UScUy OS (.wtotur. HIW. eli at trivnto. voucr bov. These placei ot learnmr, itnce UteKtrcm for wot inan Jx moo;h ' ate In ibm manner providwi by law tor (he sale ' iriih r-hrrph o nearlv stneeniakiiif entrr, an nxt prmr t Bate ot real pTip:tr br executor and tulminMra- tOjet!er with .he CRErcnei OI tiertnj ( o, wnlel. ibAX not abandon the tors. u:l the r!nt, title and ntert of thesaid perr ,'enominalion. are attractions, ; trsct tr enter tb military ,r aaraS -wr vice o! ; Jonathan Jacxsim In and ti the following dc ever. t;riiu..1iui.ivu, c . rtejl ij, Mia p,jSt4l, h Tby no-.t- Crfbel real votr:y. being in WojCo County, , which have been the means of brin'ni : :c appear. leuomi and offer evidercf tonch- , Orivxti. tiwis: j -v,n. P.;nnJ n 1 lnc aid allesalioc at uctober The XV'4 of the E'4 of eeon Bft-n T- ; pvpie to otsr city v, ho are anions to , r .he Ie..,.ter 8nrt Tewtvr 8 the ! the ?s "f n i the . me ?w of eive their Children the advantn-es of an Vcittd -tU iandnOico iaThe lialtm. Crrcnn. ?ec:iuii twnty tu,.i f2! : the K!ri of thf jES-4 give wteif n. . . The ald contestant navmj:. m a nfli- ' of stotion !teen :'! the of the nd I edoc&tlon and snrrounu tbetn Rltn i darj. aid An;n: il. ww,.et forth iaos which , theNK of thesE- of Motion twenty-two :S2'., i i,.(inc,- Jtc nwitk: fur i? ! that a(t;r dne diilrenee i-n.-nnal niviee ' tbe Ki t thf NLH and the sW of iheNfc'! Cbcrch mHnsaee:. it IS nesoiesr tor U: j tJjjs l(OUee n not j,,, u h h-j:ebr . and the iKh of tne WH I ctlon twenty- to ear that thv--e attraction1 are nsaaliv ' otdeied and dl wted that nes notice be given ever. f. all in tnvuihin nmr oth. lanse - " , . ' hi doe and proper pctilieation fourteen (lit e.-t, W. M.: sohl sale to be lor! bonsSt br people OI rtrfinement, and , pi JAT 1. i.l"CAS, KflsUter. cash or nnou rreaf. in the mminer provided bT :,r. Q iMifi in Qn- ! 1 ' :h ".le nf 'eal.w'ty upon eredtt by . ' m"-"--' - i - j , . i executor ana actnmt tmiurs. i K. t. sAl.l MAtSSUt.. Administrator, with the will ancesed. of the J estate of Jonathan Iaex.on, deeeu.'d. epl-ii that or popclation is larsrely composed: NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. of the rerv beet classes. Kottre i hereby clven th it the nndersicned ha duly ated wllh iheCt.un'y Clerk n! Vns"o I Mesrri Hndson and arawnhiii have a , fmnty, Oruon. hi- final aeconnt ai..i repirt a' few derirtiWe h (r ial nd rnt ) ndtnintottator of thf tate of Adolph Agidini, i t!3Bs-S Jor aie ano rent,, j Atenfesi aoA tha. ,be Honorable C.mnty Court 177 fast beinr disposed of and h ftx-d Jloudaj.h'.-jth day of November. 1S. bnt tbev are fast beinr tjispo to avoid win; too Jale yC Dan twner . .ne county Coor: room of the onnty fonrt j Hit) o clnek a. m. of said clay a the time, and ol. t hnxtte in Dallecity, ivoun'y. Or:on, as cat; cc mesa. xue BrUk.u n.- the pUee lJ. hf a:llJ ftllwi account and re ways ready and 7l-aed to show j on ' port. All prn intertsted in Mid estate are ' J, nviwy -' --u t'j t jy"aii a :aiu ttuic iu t'unvi. l,. Lane, nroend the cttv. tneir ence i on , an(j ,h0vr cmi,--. ii u there tx. wnv said imrt Wa5htD?toa street next to Frecch & Co'a ! deabl1j,,bc 8 j vd du(i satl1 adtntclitrator batij:. xiati tnts jsd aay ot ucinse-. i . ' j AdmitiUtrator of the estateot Adolph Asidius. 2 duaitl. cctr iVf.AL ft f t 35 It The Dtllos, Or. The Ghffoniele, Job Printers rA f i i 15 - i i it- 3 nr.riRT tihs KiiKhctt a... FOR i HOM IUuLi Foi Taut Mnll 12 26 p. in, salt l.akr, Dcnvi- y Worth. Omahit. Ukd-Olt)-, St. l..ul., OliiCiiCO end Kum, Atlantic (Salt Ijtks, Denver t ! 12:S6 h. tn. I Vl lluut ' instnn. mik niiv. -it i . Chtoago uiid Kn"! SwiXano M.ill Hint r.rptei 9 IS p. m s p. tn. Wnila WuJIr, S-prik i: i y.lllIlL'iwi!Ii. M. : . ill lU t ti, illlv.,!-;... . nhleaso anil KK.t ;u StoV'Hiicnt-dllui. iHti: dUo nil imi . M'uihlliutni) uiu! ha,; urn Otcgon, r'ROJ! I'OIYTHM' Ocean Stwrmnhn i Every five Daw l:f p a I Ria. Stolunt 5UII . n4 l-ttt3i r.x.aUWlHV Ci'llimtilr. Hv. itwin. -,. Exw'. .To AtTOKtA nnd V, 10 p. m. , 'tstiicxttxitr 0. in. i '.S'n.rJJKTrK lttTEn. ; Ex -dindiryttrxan Ottr. .Nowu-s, j halum i Way ijisid t I -. ; . ! ' . m, 'WtLI ASOtTK J.N1) VAM j Toe,T hnr.( tau. Kirxun. 1 and bat. 'Orecmi City, Iv;.,:. ; and Wny.landinK- i.t Kipartn dii' 3 'Mi R. in. i SSAEi: IttVEL. Itljrid to I.'wltim. Dp.a. KX.SUD15J 4j f . K. UonWei aud Fit I.rirr dally 3'C0.n i:apttt Mici'terlal Conference. .DMINISTRATOK'S notice. BlaoKgfflllH THE CELEBRATED Tne program of this eventD's eret cises of the Oregon Baptist Ministerial Conference, now in session at the Cal vary Baptist cbcrch, is as follow; : 7:30 Devotional. Prayer for otir Ecbco'. in Oregon, led by J. F. Day, of N-w: nrz. 7 :5C Report of committee on educa. tion, 'r y A. Biaefcbarn. of Portland. S McMinnvilie cle?e finances, by W. rl. Latonrette, general agent. S:23 "The ObiicBiioR Upon Biiptists f Patronize Their Own Schools," by J. E. Spinet, Grass Valley. 9:10 "ii.ccid .Vc.MinnvtHe Coilese Undertake Ministerial Edncation?" by H. L. Boaiduiaa. T-jtnorrow will be "Denominational 3Iiss;oc Diy" and the entire program of ei Tcises, njornhi? and evenin?, will be related to mission". Iii Kveut or I'artltlon, New Poec, Oc.. 17 No cnr.eealnjfnt is made at the state defragment, sate a ....t ' n ir,..,' : that said proof will l; mune before the tteginter , te:.inytjn sp-cia! to the Joorna. of , au(1 htwj.r e. The orevoc, oa W&n- Commers.-. (A the r.urnoie of the United dr. October it, 19CO, viz: States to inHt upon the inlfi Iment of ! the pledpcs s maintenance Chinese eoi', whether parta of the ..AND. Bsisesloer !! .. .GOItUlHBlA BREWEftY ... Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. TiiM and Jslftii. PhonBl59 Notice i hereby given tiiat the undcrs gned has teendnlr app4ifntt!d by the county court of , g, thestate of uretron, for Wa-coconnty, adminls- 1 1.' trutor Of the estate of Elizatth A. Southern. , deeenied. AH person bavin? claims against p tne estate of said deees'-id are hereby notified; to present the fame, with tne prrrpur vouchers ' thereior. to me at my otbee ia B d, Oregon, ' h witbiu six month from the dale hereof. : Uatisd September :i. 19C0. ! S C. H. SOVTHER.N, , .-e 26 Adrciuistrator ' f , u NOTICE OF FINAL SEiTLEMENT. is' J I lijrir,iT,iY:T.r-iKi-itJy-,T-ir?y..T.t.: Kntiee is hereby ?iven ths' tne ondeniicned , bare filed with the Clerk of the eountj eiurt of the stateof Oreson for l eo eiuntv,the1r 8nI ac onnt a executor? of tae last will and teta. ment of Uenrv Birccm. derwued. and tha! Monday, the 4lh dey oi November, Y.Uii. at the hour of lto'el!ck a. m.. has ten fixed by tne couuty Court for eld county a. the time, and tne county conn room ,n imnin ciiy as tr, place for heariD-of obe'.Icn to 9id Suoi at tonnianc tnese;imcai oi .nesime. , J. w. French, Letters of Credit lsaned available tn the F. l. MA.V8. Eastern States. : Executor, t x.,u Eichan and Teleraph.'. ' ixransiers Hold on cw i nrk, Ohtcaco, AUGUST BUCHLEH. Pron. 5 0 0 CO" 1'iir.irjs deMmn; to so t, Hcppncr w I -. nits on .ilomhlH Southern vlt Hutu, should ake No. 2. leaving Hie DrImk nt :.' i p. o. makiiit: direct connection at Slepi '-t juncllcn k'I hunts llulurnliiR :nHtii(!dir-teonuwtion a' Hh'P iit junction mid lllpgn i'U No. Lit rulntr at The Dalle at li::!i p. r... F.r lull purtiuulan ! r. O. v. N, ti r.ptr.t Tne l'ttllo. or rid,. u . H i I : l" RT, ( .i, !'. Ant . :tjaml,0r Of the t,r"'.'art of thi well-know n brewery the UVtstl States Health I FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rit.VN.-At' I A ENEKAL SAN KING BCsINEii Reports f'.r Joije 'Jis, IthK), gay?: "A more supei ior brev. never entered the iabratury oi the United states Heal'h reports. It i ab.:ilutely devoid of the tightest trace of adulteration, but on trie other Land is cut. posed of the bt-ct of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the liiirti fi and it can be ued with tii createst beueSt and pallafnction by old nnd yonns. Its use can conscieniionsly lie precrthed by the phyeiciuns with the cersatntv that a better, purer or more wiiciestue bovernpc conld net possibly he found." Intel Psil 0 East Second Street, TEE DALLES, OREGON. 0 ; Yellowstone Park Line. NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. La:i Opwce AT Thk lUHE. K., I .-Titamber 1 1VJ0. t Notice Is hereby given thnt the fpliuwing narced lettler hat tiled notl(e of her intention to make final proof in rapport of net c!im, und Janet Stowart, of Ttie Or , St. Lonis son, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Wenhtnctor. Collections m ia at nil pfilnts on fav orable term. . " . j H. i;. f0r the El . SE SE qr NE qr f-ec jrj lven by the powers tor the ii.Tpl N, rise, and sffi qr NW qr Hecaj, Tpi jl of tbf "open door" on j 'sn"e''iianii "the following wi:ne-e to prove :ij A present territory of Cnina are annexed to'otber sovereignties or not. A deter mined stand wi'.' be made by the United States aca'.nst the Chinese Etujire, in nzcordance with the principles set forth in tae note oi Secretary Haj on July 3. IJ Fooled tlie Surireori'. AU doctors told Kenicb Hamilttn, of West J-jflerson, 0., after suffering IS months from P.ect&f Fistula, life would die nnless a costly operation was per formed ; bnt he cared himself vith rive boxes of Bnck'en's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Eorth, and the best Salve in the World. 'Jo cents a box. Sold by Blakeley, lircsgist. 4 Troi.'t ltub It In, Jns: wet theBtTscied part freely with ijysteriou! Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the t ain ie gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured bv Clarke & Fait. Clarke & Falfc's fnvortuir extracts are the best. Ask yoar crocer for them. her continuotu resiaeue upon and cnltivatioa of ti!d land, iiz.- I. D. Xebor, E. F. Star--., John Fleming, tutniei r:ewu:t, all of The I vile. -epl5 JAY I'. LUCAS, Regitlar. Stephens .Dealor In.. Clarke & Fa'.k have on eaie a full line of paint anil artist's brushes. Wanted. A woman to take care of a child, 5; months old. Apply to P. Henninj(on, NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. EiKnOrncE atTke Ijaix!, Or., Oct, 3, lfO. ( Notice is hereby Liven that the fullovjlus named settler ia ritt-1 notice of hl-t intention to mase final proof in support of III claim, and tha: said proof will te made before the renter and recei7tr of the !'. ?. land otllee nt The bdilea, Or , on Saturday, Not. IC, IM), viz: I'eter ""toiler, ,Jr . of The Imllei. Or.. H. E. No. iB7. for the W hf , N W or and St iir N W or fcec l,Tp z N, It It E, '. He v.nm& the following witooea to prove hi eontincoo residence upjn cud cultivation ; of said land, viz: John nalryrapK Fred, C. C. Eng. ' Mh, J. E. Johnson, all of The liallea, Or. I OCt6 JAV Jr. 1.1CAS. Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Omce at The DALtEf, Or,, ftepternber 10, lift) i Notice i hereby given that the following- , named ctt!er has filed notice ot hli intention to 1 make final proof in support of hU claim, and that .ld proof will t made tefore the hesbtcr and receiver at The I)alle, Oregun, on .-atrsr-. day, October , V., viz- Arrllnuft P. Fox, , of The Dallei. Oregon, it. E. No. 5151, for the .-. hf NW (Jr nd hi SW fjr, iec Is, Tp 1 B, U 11 , E, W. il. He names the following witnesses to prove his (outinuou residence upon and cultivation of old Und, viz: I. (J. Matney, V. SI. Slotney, Charlen Gosten and W. C. Clark, all of The built, Oregon. ept5 JAV I. LUCAS, KeicUter. , Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Grandall & Barget DEALERS IN r- ryObSS, Hl1 kindS 0f UNDEETAKSRS BuriaSh Fanepal Supplies embalmers tc. Tho Dalles. Or. rusu I Tilt tlNINfj CAE UOI'IE Fit- TO THE EAT. I Til E ONLY DIKUtT LINE T' Til' i I LlJJtV- HI ONE 1'AUK IfEtcn Depet, nrihanti I s;: ansr NO,- IUxjU, Shues- HaU, apt. 'was. for W. 1. Iwiigia-i nh&e. Agt. I Telephone No. &8. J 1 H secunc at.. The Dalles, Or, , WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sta. All orders attended to promptly. Txing distance phone 433. Local, 102. i octlld2t-i3t Mosier, Or. Nasal CATARRH In all iu itasi there ahanld be c!eaa:mM4. Ely's Cream Balm clean,iooifc and heals the d me3ibrut. It core catarrh and drive away a ccid la tho h-rad qoiekly. Cream Balm U pUeaj Into the nostril, fpnad over the membraae and la atjaorbed. lUUafUlja ntdiata and a cure follow. It U not drying dot cot produce laeezlag. Lare Hixe, SO csU at Dvuf gbu m by mall ; Trial 81xe, 10 eeoU by null. . ICY JXlOTilEKS, M Wants Straet, New York. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lawd OrriCE at Tiir KxLr.r. Oi:., i neptemb:r,1u,iJ.'0, i Notice l hereby given that the following. named tettler ban filed notice nl lib Intention to make final proof In tarnn of hi claim, and 1 that tald proof will bf made Lelore the register Mica fAXLE Crease i i- 15' 15' !S' I C. J. STUBblG MH'LLS,LK A'-D llLTAf. Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. 4 Phone 234, Nest door to A, M. Williams A Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. Fant mall for Tufm x EuhUIu. Olviabla. 'iru. - , Hnrltor and Sou to 'pOlnU, dp-ikiuic. K..-- IttUd, E. C, I'UltM!!.' MlM-OW, iA.'MistOII. H Jf 1:15 A. IL Iulollump mining c trv, Hulenn, .Miiinenjr )Ha, St. l'HUl, Omul..-. ' K:iaH t'lly. nt. Ijk. .- Chlcxso nnd i ent nnd noiitbeaNt. I'ueut Pound t.xpn--ll;a) 1'. il. for Tneoinu and .-.en" and intermediate jkhi : No. No 1. - !. JI, A Jl. l'ullraan lirat-claitH nnd touri p""1 .VlnneaiolU,e:. 1'aul uud Ml!"i.r. r. or .mil wutiuiu Vmtlliuled trul lis. I'll I on ( in all irliictpal cttlc. liugKHgc otiwked to dc-iilimtii!i ' For hnndiiomely UIiihii nt-l doer!' ticket, alecptng-ear reservatloiu, et write A. D. CHARLTON, AsilKtui!t 'ttmerul ranwiiger Ager' - MMfl on ottett, corner Third, I'ortlunJ. ".i'Cn. .dt-etU'Di i:n. matter, i'.: on or SOUTH and EAST via Souinern Pacific Co. Shasta Route Train leave The Dalle for I'ortlund and WJT Htatluti ut it. in. und li p, in. lightens tha load sliortcna tha read. t, . . 'i . rn' hclp3 the team. Saves wear ana spensc. tioia everywhere HA CT. BT 8TANDAR0 OIL CO. fit and receiver at The Dalles, Oiegun, on Baturday, I Octobers), l!XO,vU.t C'liarlra U, Slatney, of The balles, Oregon, It. K. N'o. US-0. for the 8 , Twit. K hf N E fir and W hi bK qr, hec 12, Tp 1S,KU 1 r., v, ji. He iiame:) the following witneica to prove bin continuous residence upon and cultivation of ald latid, viz. : A. 8, Fox, F, H. Fagan, Charles Goaaon and V. C. Clark, ull of The Dalit, Oregon. iep!5 JAY I'. LUCWK, hlater. Why pay T 1.75 per gallon (or inferior palnta when yoa caa boy Jaraea E. Pattoo'a sun proof palate for 11.60 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 yean. Clark k Falk, agenU. ml Clothes that fit the man and fit the pocket-book at tbe New York Cash store. K. fKflGUStlN, Physician and Surgeon, Office, Vogt Block (over Foiiofuce), aaplmo-dw THE PALLEH, OHEOON. j . r. Mcoaa. Johk cavix MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOUNEY6 AT LAW Boom XI anti -iO.over V. fi. Lund Office Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given lo lurcery. Tel. SJS KoomaSlandS, Vot Block Jetimng from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. , Dfy 9.0I?;1,',?!otl,ln.f I!n.0,81 Bnd sl'oeB. at "" less than wholesale prices, Vi ill sell Id bulk or in iote, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must "be closed out before 30 days. All Rootle will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets and Butterlck Patterns. oor prices will be mine. Call early and secure hargains. ' J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. Leave I'ortlund " Albany Arrive A.shlnnd . ... " hncriimeiito .. " bun Franelnco . 8:3) a m " Wl'W .U'.liOa in 1" ' I' m . 12:3:( n m V Vm . b:vo j. m I M . V.ljpiu F 'w AnlveOgilon " Denver " KiinsiiiClty... " Chlcnto ..... . , 6: 15 n m 1 1 ' ' U . U;W u in 7:'J3n m ' - 'SJ1 ,7:13 ma Arrive Ijd Angelea 1:S0 p m " El i'aao G:W) p III " Fort Worth C;:iu lit " f :ty of Mexico D.M a m 11 Hounton I:(j0m lit " New Orkitns GrJJuui " WmliliiKtoii r,;l.' uln " New York 12:13 pm T Warn f, i.e p m , 'I u w li a m 4 IAI II M f, .'S p ni 6 13 a " U p State fiormal Sehool, MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. gtadTuVuon.rtW Stat Certincato Immedlatclr Oraduateireadlly lecure good pwltloaa. Exjiento ol year from l) to 1150 Strong Academlo and I'rofeaalonal CJouncj. Now tipeclal Dtirtute in Vtell equipped Training Department. wii-anuje in , I'lillinun nnd TourUt earn on tioth tram. Chair r Batriimcuto to Ogdon mid El I o, ; nnd tourist cam to Chlcugo, Bt Louli N" or U-niiiand WanliliiKton. Conneotinr at Ban Francisco with .,.t'i ateninohlp llnea lor Honolulu, Japan, Uim I'lilllppliica, Central and South America. bee agent at The Dalle elation, or addn C. H. MARKHAM, General Faanengcr Agent, Portland, Of on Manual Training for catalogue containing full announcements add rem F. U CAUFUELL, Fre-ldent. or W A. WANK, 8:ttUry o! Faculty. T)K. K. K. HM1TU, Osteopath. Rooms 10 and II, Chapman Block, The D Ortgon. l'-