The Dalles Daily Chronicle.; EARNINGS VERY LARGE. THURSDAY OCT. 1?. llKfO , For rtenlrient WILLIAM M'KINLEY, Of Ohio. Sleeplnsr Cars Par tar Thinurlrc In Cnnatdrrnhl) Lea Thau a Year. Tor Vjcr-rrenldent THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of eir York. A New Orleans dispatch in the ew York Commercial of October 12th says: "In the excitement throushout the South, of the extraordinary rise in the price of cottcn to 10c a pound, the still greater rise in vslue of cottonseed has been overlooked. sidered it will be fouud that the cot ion grower is not getting 10c a pound for his product, as is popular ly supposed, but 12c. Cottonseed The-vell-patror.:7ed fleepin;: car pays for itelf in eonsic't-rnbly Ie than a vear. Take the rur. frotr. Xew York to I Chicago, l.ttt! milcr. Every road in the I United States pays thrt-e rents a tnjle ' for the- privi'.ere of bcul'.nsr a -let per ' sad contracts, to return s-aic car in as rood Aape s it is, received and to pay for all damares. The journey on the limited expresses to Chicago is rence in S4 hours, therefore the car earrs I S3"., u day for travel, j If it is fu I. vb:ch is peneral'.y t In case, receipts from herths. sections ar.r" TOWin" out s-t-aterooitfc amount to $I:5, makiri; a total revenue of ili a tinv. Out o: this OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE. J. B. Crossen & Co., Props. 67 Second Street A Difficult Problem. ; It is among the most difficult prob- ; leins of natural science for one to become ; , expert in teveral lines. J. E. Adcox & ; f must come the wase of the orter and j Co., by their combination, havn over conductor the latter, however. u?"ua".ly come this difficulty in a prnctical man bavins- eharpe of several enrv the ' ner. J. E. Adcox is an expert watch , , . w - - .......... . - 't V , 1 UWlt. It tbis oe con- i aniountinr to but a smail sum. Then there are the wear nnd tear and ceneral depreciation, the daily cleaning-, the annual relittirc- nnd re paiRtinc. ?et these charpres down at ten per cent, and rive the car three trips a week of l.OuO miles each, and we have its; earninc.i at over SRO.UCO an- n earn a creat deal is selling for 17 a ton in sew vjric-HUi, against a ion at tuis nua;ty. some c lime last year, and the price is tend- sre- ing upward." . A Llf(. And enUl rlc.t. "With these extraordinary prices Mr. W. A. nines of Manchester, la., prevailing for the great Southern writinc of bis almost miraculous escape staple, an advance of over 100 per I from deatn- sa?s "Exposure after mens i . .. , A, I.-., I les induced serious lnne trouble, which cent above the times of the A llson , , . T . , , , .,, .... ; ended in Consumption. I had frequent bill and a democratic administration, ( hemorrhas.e6 and conched nicbt and dav. the South is marvelously prosperous, i All my doctors Faid I must soon die. TVe were not surprised, therefore, to Then I beean to use Dr. Kind's New Lear one of the ministers now at-' Discovery tor Consumption, which com ,. t, . .. i pletelv cared me. I would not be without tending the Baptist convention , r. .,.,. . nn .... u , , 1 it even if it cost So.OO a bottle. Hundreds himself a Southerner and of course a ; have used ,t on mv rsc0mraendation and ' now lean- j maker and is good on jewelry, optical work and engravinc, while Theo. ll. Liebe is an expert optician and is good on watch repairing, jewelry work and i encravinp. Their price is as low as con sistent with pond workmanship. They ; are prepared to do all work in their several lines, on short notice. Work , sent by mail or express will receive prompt attention. Sign, "Big Red Watch." born democrat, although ing towards the prohibition party say yesterday : "A ministerial friend of mine has just made a trip that t covered the entire state of Mississippi and he was surprised to find the cotton planters, every where. solidly for McKinley. Rightly or wrongly they associate McKinley with 10-cent cotton, as cause and effect, and as thev want more 10 cent cotton they are going to vote for McKinlev." all say it never fails to enre Throat, Chest and Lunc troubies.I' Regular size 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Rlakeiey Drue Store. i fiT i3'1TfR13 Complete Cirje of . Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. $1.00 per month. Strictly first class local and long distance, telephone set vice within your home. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con. versation will be kept a secret. No cost for installing. You net the standard Ilunuiug Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day nnd night service. We will accept your contract for ten years and allow yon to cancel same on giving us thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 003. p-A-r-j rracrTa.-r t at. a-t a i a Just What You taant. mays s Growe CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIRECT from the FACTORY j AT EASTERN PRICES. ! The pen of Ambrose Biercc is as sharp as a scimitar. He wrote to the New York Journal and the Journal actually gave his statement publication, calling attention to the abuse which the democrats heaped ! upon Lincoln thirty-sis years ago.,' He remarked that they as a parly j opposed the war for the Union 1 "with a ferocity in comparison withj which their present dislike of thej Philippine war i3 merely good humored dissent." They denounced Lincoln as an ambitious and danger- f ous tyrant, nnd they went to tie verge of insanity in hurling epithets at him. On this record Mr. Bierce thinks it is in the highest degree absurd for the democrats to quote Mr. Lincoln now, and remarks that whenever they do so it reminds bim J of a medieval princess who went in tears to the village notary (who hadj mastered the mystery of writing),' and asked bim to compose a beauti-j ful eulogy on her dead lover, the , noblest of men. "Certainly, madam," assented the writer, pocketing his, fee, "of what did his excellency die?" "I 6tabbed him Ofty times," she said, j Our democratic friends will see the , application. - j -AO The only store ft tbis city where thi Qenuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold j A little higher ic price, but outlasts j a dozen pieces of so- called cheap enam ! eled ware. j BEWARE! ! c Other wares look has the name Stransby - Steel . "Wareoneach piece. ' Do not be deceived j First prize at 16 International Exhi bitiona. Highest award at World s Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago. Pre ferred by the best cookingauthoritiea certified to by the most famous chem i3ta for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. J. A. EBERLE, pipe Jailori A complete line of Fall and Winter Suitings, Puntings nnd Overcoating, now on display. 100 different varieties to se lect from. Suits, $20 aid up. examine goods before coing Second street, opp. Mays if Jrm 1 wi n Str. Regulator REGULATOR LINE, j DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY. COM j Striimerx ot tlit lU-RUlntor Une will run ns ir the tol-'j nw.riK 'ctiululi-, ttie C't)iniHiiy untrvlng tho riRlit to cIuiek'J rv.e(.ulu "it. out notice. -5 rrtl New ideap in Wall Paper bore. Such , wide variety as we are showing never be i fore craced a eingio stock. Keal imita tion creton effects ut ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. I 'VN Iv ln:ie . Ht 7 x it. TUWilH'. ThlliMlnJ saturilnv . Arr. T'lrtlHiiil at 1:3) P. M. fl'. Lv rortl.tutt II' 7 a. si. Monday WedtieodHy friilay Arr Diilli-s ut 5 r. X. Ship your Freight via Begulator Line. Str. Dalles City. JKIWN I.v. Dulles lit 7 A. M. M-inrtuy frlilny. Arr. l'ortliiixl nt 1 r. . IT. 'J I. rort!ar.i!,J nt 7 CO n x, Tiicsclij- Thursd.iy ,5 'ntntiliy i Air DMa-j FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, j Travel liy the Stetimcm of the HcRiilBt-ir Line Thf Cfmt'iiiy will einleiivor M gKt Itii rat- ,5 run? the Uht M'tvice (I'MslMe. Fur lurther lnlorjiiitlou uddress 3 1'ortlRiid tiHirc.Ooi Strict IhirH. W. C. ALLAWAY. Gen. Ajrt. , Call and elsewhere. & Crowe's. p. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Remember tbis celebrated enam eled ware is special Iv imported for and ; bOlU 1U LUIS tlL w clasively by us. ; pr & jj jpng to ' , . It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor cntcb in3ide: is fnuta or ..GHAS. mu- Bufceherrs and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on druUKht the celcbraled COLUMBIA 1JEEK, ncknnw: edged the tst te;r in The Dailfs, at the usual price. Come In, try It and be convinced. AWo the Finest brands o! Wines, Liquor and Clears. Sanduiiehcs ol all Kinds alwayit on hand. J. S. SCIIE.NCK, 1'residttat. H. M. IlKAJ.L. Cashlei i t A republican campaign speaker) wbo comes to Ttie Dalles and talks ! 'of protection and sound money does j worse than waste bis time. lie isj peddliDg Ins wares in a graveyard, j The free traders and free silver lunatics in these parts are all like the Irishman in the story, not dead (per baps) but speechless. ! vegetables, will boil, S Weil Lice Conprei. First Rational Bank. J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors Gommercial SampIe Qms Purest Liquors for Family Use 5 Delivered to any part of the City. T 173, Second Street. Phones: 51 Local, S5S Loiik Dipinnce PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Wesco Warehouse Company The speech of General Carr at the Vogt opera house last night settled the question bejond the 6hadow of a1 peradventure that the republican na-. tional committee is dead certain that! Oregon is safe for McKinley in spite 9 .11 .i. . i t . I ui uii mi; puiniuui jinouiuuD in cm ation. The Campbell & Wilson millinery parlor ie the place to buy np-to-date bead wear at right prices. All the new tbingi in street bats. I'atterna and trimmed bate can be fonnd there, alio a fine line of children's school hats and baby bonnet. tf Yon will not have boils if you take Clarke Falk't tare care for boils. use Carbolineum : Avenarius. stew, roast and bake without imparting flavor of previouniy j c o o k c cl j food and will lastly for years. ' ate 0 We cau. " tion the public against imitation I MATT SHOREN, General Blaeksmith and Horseshoer. All kindfl of blacksmitbing will receive prompt attent'on and will be rxecuted in Mret'dasB ehape. Give bim a call. The most elticlunt Wood I'rovrvliiK 1'itlnt also a llxrilcul Huinvdy Cblckcn Uc". It njiiillcation to In side wailii of poultry houcs will ior nmnently i-xtermliintu nil lice. He units healthy ctilcki.-iib, p.enty of ecKs. rite for circulars and piicvs. Mention Uii paper. Jos.T. Peters 5j. Co., TIIK UALI.LH, Oia;0()N. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE mm THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking BueiiieBB transacted Depoaito received, aubject to Sight urait or uneefc. i CollereSteTodnda?ra for Seed Grain ofaii kinds, Sight and Telegraphic Exchantre Bold on !TTkQr1i n o lnn -(V,. TTi ,1 ri J i.j New York, Kan Francisco and ort. --clj. W.&L UCJLO XJX' J2 UCU. UTX tUIi OI Fii Kiu land. ncl all kind f MILL FEED DIHBOTOR3. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kindE eo.m. William, , gko. a. liBEk. j Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, J "".i iHeaflnrjartfi-ps fot "lRxroTo' "Roof" 1 I lie CBimnDia PaciiDs Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF ! Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUI rllia I,1our ,H inninifacturel expreaBly for fmf , use: every nack Ih guaranteed to jive enttefnt'tton. a eell our coods lower than any house in tho trade, and if you don't tluiie0 call and oi our prices and be convinced. HigkGst Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats MANDKACTUKKKH UV trade marks Jesiqne COPVRIOHTS Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, - The Dalies, Or. Anrnno lending a nVetrli and detcrlnllon ma' i a ntetat nctkt, without, cliargo, In tut Otilcklr a.icrtaln our oplninn free nfietlior u.( urn. .t tittbucv lor securlnff D I'.ilei.u taken tlirouuli ilunn ft. Co. rccalru liiTonllnn U prohnblr tiatentob: llntiamrictlrconllilciitul. Hand tent tree. Cildcm taency for iccurniK -firnnitinlM. Handbook on l'ateuu aiemj. I Fine Lard and Sausages . Gurers of BRAND HAMS & BACON I D1UF.D BEEF, ETC. Scientific Jfotericmi A handsomely lllatrtd weklr. lruett dr. eolation of nnr leleniiao lounial. Termi, 13 a veari bold by all newdeler. MUHNfcCo'-New York Waocb Ufllco. cavut, WiulilDaton, V. (' Clark & Falk'e drug fresh and complete, ntock ie new, -sfi- a.wi ONE FOR A DOSE. Brao Plmpltf. ProTtot III linn Untit K.. Ill mams aft14b, itniMuu. DR. 0tiNKb "c0.flSil SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! . 1)0 "uu know tlmt John Pashek, the tailor, Ih OKOut for too( j, the larKeet inorchant tnilorintr houees in America? 11 rT. Do V0U know thnt hn will ci.ll ran u ...).. n nrilnr. IIS cheap as the hiuid.ii;e.dovn, ready-made, you buy in the Btoree, nnd Kuarauteo u lit or no sale? Do you know that he has already on hand for tho cominc M and winter trade the haudsoiuest and flues t line of samples ever shown In The Ditllus? TfTJTVT O A OtTTSW . n A A. jhl i-ADnaA, jw.eroni,ni raiior, Ageuu