Chrimfcli. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1900. NO. 305 SI) Dalles AYiclaMclVcpnrationror As similating ihcFood andUcgula tiiii the Stomachs aralBowcls of Promotes Digcslion.Checriur rmss c-mel Rcst.Conlains neither Opituu.Morplimc nor "Mineral. Hot "NArc otic . Vr off)UJ)rS,iMUELmvWl sl'.x.Smna m,.IU Sails - Jtftirrmbil - . lit OtriiirtaMSctlit Miotir Wnk-iynmi rtanr. Apwfccl Remedy forConslipa tion , Sour Stowach.Diarrhoca Ubnns .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Far Simile Signnturc of NEW YORK. r . ct copy or wrappcr. .Much I.llm niiNHlnc Link. AuiN, Or., Oct. 17. J. G. Crnford ami Orin Beam, of this city, huvu just (llir 11 fl tll tint fit-(tt rt f Innvttn fyrnyti '"n ' wit ti iti ui vibuiu wb4Jitti in Tmjent precinct, ull the bones, with one exception, of li m tin, which in a striking manner have thu characteristics of tliu supposed missing link. They represent a iiuin abort four feist eight inches U -I'll . Tliu ekull 1b lojiho eeptalon, eithteen indies hi circumference, lock ing this usual etituies. Tho jaws nrc projecting nnd tliu tueih perfect. Tlie vertebra 1ms an extru bono, nml n socket fur a bono th.u j8 missing. Tho burner us bono of thu arm ia tho euetomury length, but thu ruditiB and ulna bones are much longer than thu humerus, wlieru generally considerably shorter, indicating an arm that would reach below the kneu. Tliu bones of tliu legs anil fet-t uru thoae of a man, but largo. Messrs. Crawford and Benin havo nnide specialty of this lino of investigation for several years, and havo a largo col lection of skulls and bones, but none "He those. They arn distinctly not those of an Indian, aud they believe thev are the nearest to the missing link ! anything found. Tho bones will be articulated into a skeleton, photographed "id pictures sent oil' to several experts 'or examination. i Lured uf Chronic lMurrhomi After Thirty VourH uf Null'orlDL'. "rfuli'ored for thirty yc.ira with di .r flioca and thought I was past lining cured," Buys Johu S. llulloway, of "crifh Camp, MIsb. "I had rpunt so "'"eh time and money anil suffered so "Juuli that 1 had given up all hopes of 'ecovery. 1 Wtt8 so feeble from the Teets of the diarrhoea that 1 could do J" kind of labor, could not even travel, Lit by accident 1 was permitted to find Utile of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nil Diarrhoea liouiedy, nnd after taking wvoral bottles 1 am entirely cured of '"at trouble. I am so pleased with the ,eult that I am anxious that it bo in 'each of all those who suffer as I have." lor "lu uy Blakeley druggist. J olio BlivruiKii blek. Washington, Oct. 17. John Sherman "dangerously ill at his residence on K lrett in this city. Tliu attack has "ken thu form of general debility lucid ei'Uo old age, and to the effects of orioua illness, from which lie suffered "ilu on a trip to the West Indies two JHrs ago, He never lias fully recovered om that illness. Mre. Sherman's th during the summer at the old CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the I t Signature Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CCNTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. homestead at Munsflt'ld, 0., nleo had lit! effect on tho venerable statesman, who deeply mourned her loes. Mr. Sherman returned to Washington eeveral weeks ago from Mansfield, and since that time lias been living in the family retiilencn here. He was then feeble in health, but was able to take daily drives about the city. For tho poet week, however, he lias been gradually growing worse and weaker, and yetttr- duy and today his condition becoming eurioue. relatives in varioun parts of the tho country were not i lied of the change. Some of them uru expected lo come to the city. There is eaid to bo no immediate dan ger of death, and it ia possiblu he .may rally, if no further unfavorable symp toms occur. The ex-Secretary is in MB 76th, year. Clnuuherlulii,a CuukIi llrincdy a Great Jruvwrltr. The soothing ami healing properties of thiB remedy, its pleasant aud prompt and periiiameut curea have made it a great favorite with people everywhere. It i especially prized by mothers of small children for colds, croup and whooping couph, as it always affords quick relief, and as it contains no opium or oilier harmful drug, it may bu given as confidentially to a baby hs to an adult. For tale by iilakeley druggist. MuKlnli'.v'n "liiiivolut Aiinllntlou." Jii'i!Ki:i.i.'v, Cat., Oct. 17. President Wheeler, of thu state university, has re ceived word that President Carl G. Plehn. has arrived in the Philippines and has commenced thu work of inquiry into the conditions of the internal situa tion, Thero he will have charge of the llrst census ever undertaken in the Philippines, Under the Philippine commission, a night school has been opened In Manila for the purpose of instructing iu English. More than 200 students are attending aud another school will bu started. Dr. David P. Uarrowe, assistant superin tendent of nubile instruction, has been given entire charge of tho schools iu vfiinlln. He w reorttaulze ttieuu ac cording lo modern ideas. Hustling young muu can make $00 per mouth nn I expenses. Permanent posi tion. Experience unmcjasBry. WrlU quick fo- particulars. Clnrk & Co., Fourtli and LocJst Streets, Philadel phia, Pa, " RdbcI.iI v.iluea iu Men aud Hoys cloth ing at the New York Cash store. Subscribe for The Chronicle. EXPERIENCE OF SHIELDS' PARTY Were Ambushed by Rebels and Uolo Men anil After Fighting Until All Their Ammunition Was Gone, Sur rendered Storv of Release. Manila, Oct. 17. Full details are now at hand as to the capture of Captain D. Shields anil Ii is party by the insurgents in tho ieland of Marindnquo, last month anil before their reecue. After weeks of captivity, bard treatment, hunger and continual marching to avoid the rescuing force, which greatly ag gravated the Bufferings of the wounded, Captain Shields and his command were delivered by the rebels to General Hart, last Sunday, at Buena Vista, on the Marinduque coast. Captain Shields and Lib party, while operating east of Torrijos, were taken in ambush in tho steep hills. They at tempted to cut their way to the coafct, but became subjected to the enemy's four-sided fire, when Captain Shields was Ehot twice and badly wounded. After four had been killed and five wounded, being out of ammunition, the command surrendered through a uisunderEtanding among them to twenty-five insurgent riflemen and 125 bolo men. The rebels divided their prieonera into 6mall parties and conveyed them heavily guarded, to lmpaeeable volcanic mountains. On this news reaching Manila, two companies of the thirty-eighth infantry, under Colonel George S. Anderson, were Immediately sent to Marinduque. This force was followed by eight companies oi the eighth infantry, under General Hart. The combined force of 1S00 men pro ceeded to occupy ail the towns in the ieland. The wounded praise unstintedly tho care and gervices rendered them dur ing their captivity by the hosuital corps men who were with them. Thu MrlliO in KmUd. Philadelphia, Oct. 17. Tho confer ence between the individual coal oper- atois and the representatives of tho big coal carrying companies, with a view to bringing about the termination of the anthracite coal strike, was resumed this morning in the private office of President Harris, of the Heading Hallway company. The conference resulted in an agree ment to accede tho demands made by theinineworkore' convention. The Phila delphia & Beading CoalA Iron company at once issued tlw following statement : "It hereby withdraws the notice posted October 0, 1900, and to bring about practical uniformity in the ad vance of wages in the several coal regions, gives uotice that it will suspend tho operation of the sliding scale, will pay 10 per cent advance on September wages until April 1, 1901, and thereafter until further notice will take up with the mine employes any grievances which they may have." Tho Lehigh Valley company, in whose region the sliding scale is also in opera tion, will issue a similar notice, as will also the individual operators who were represented at the meeting. This meets all the demands of the strikers and means the immediate end ing of tho strike. Kiiiiueiig Secretly Slurried, Bhuli.v, Oct. 17. The report that Dowager Empress Frederick was mar ried last April to Baron Seckeudorll, who wbb hoffmeleter under Emperor .Freder ick, although widely circulated abroad, had always been strenuously denied here until the present crisis iu tier dis ease. Now, however, it is being circu lated and accepted, together with a number of fresh detaila such aa that the marriage occurred in England. It is said that the principal malady of thu Dowager Empress is cancer of the kidueye. According to latest bulletins, she ia somewhat better, but a fatal re sult is generally expected by the public. Mitchell Nut IMu'lUed. Hazletox, Pa., Oct. 17. President Mitchell, when shown the statement Is sued by the Philadelphia & Heading Coal dc Iron Company, eaid he would be glad indeed to know that the anthracite operators had decided to change the notices previously posted, so as to camply with tho provisions of the resolu tion adopted at the Scranton convention. In the absence of definite knowledge re garding tho fiction of tho other companies and the individual operators, Mr. Mitchell was cautious about talking mrther for publication. The strike leaders, however, think that r.o fault can bu found with tho present attitude of the operators toward the strikers, and although nothing is said about meeting committees representing the men, they think this is a matter that can be easily adjueted. The announcement of the action of the conferees at Philadelphia was received here with demonstrations of joy, as all believe it means a speeiy return to work at better wngea. Cuts and ICiulseR Oulcklyllralod, Chamberlain's Pain Balm applied to a cut, bruise, burn, ccald or like injury will instantly allay the pain and will heal the parts in less time than any other treatment. Unless the injury ia very severe it will net not leave a scar. Pain Balm also cures rhumatism, sprains, swellinua and lameness. For sale by Blakeley druggist. Jim Ham I.evls 'thrown Down. Washington, Oct. 17. An interesting story of the way Jim Ham Lewis was thrown down in New York yesterday is told ;by the New York papers. Ham left his other campaign engagements and hurried to New York, hoping to get eome prominence by speaking on tho same platform with Bryan. He was re ferred to Crocker, and the big boss, after looking him over, paid that he had all tho freaks on hand ho could care for, and, although there were a half dczen meetings, Jim was not given a show. He then tcooted back into the country to continue his talks to small audiences, where pink whiskers and scattering vo cabulary can do no good nor harm. Catairli (Jaiiuot lie Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of tho disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to ca -e it you must trke inter nal remedies. Hali's Catarrli Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the beet physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of thu best tonics known, combined witii the heist blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingredients iB what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold bv drruggists, price 7ic. Hall's'Femily Pills are tho best. 12 Crokor la the Cabinet, Washington, Oct. 17. Tho bslief is generally expressed, since the demon stration in New Yoik, that Bryan has actually promised Croker a cabinet posi tion. No other explanation is given of the manner in which the democratic candidate accepted the attentions of Croker, tho millionaire, who has made his money out of New York corruption. It is now believed that the Bryan dem onstration will arouse the business men cf New York to tho importance of de- loatmg liryan in order to prevent uroker from being tho right hand of the nation al administration. (ilorlouit News. Comes from Dr. 1). B. Cargilo, of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four bottles of Electric Bitters lias cured Mrs. Brewerof scrofula, which hud caused her great suffering for years. l'errible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is com plete and her health ia excellent." This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters Is thu beet blood purifier known. It's tho supreme remedy for eczsma, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion and builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley Druggist. Guaran teed, 4 Htmyed. Strayed from my place on the bluff, a 2-year-old Jersey heifer; dehorned; ear mark on both ears ; branded bar Z on both hips. Liberal reward paid for her return. ol0-4tw Bkbt Baolkv. A full line of Eastman films aud sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk, BOGUS OLD MASTERS. Jinny Coiinlrrfolt Wiirku or Ar( Mndu Up tor Vlnltnrn to I'arlN TI:!h Year. There is no doubt that the counter feiters of paintings by well-known art ists are hard at work in anticipation of the rush of linlf-informed picture-buyers to the Paris exposition! One well-known picture dealer in forms us, s,ays Art Amateurs, that Brussels and Amsterdam are full of spurious old masters, and he instances the ease of a picture sold by him about a year a;ro which has turned up in the former city bearing a name more fam ous than thtit of its author, and priced at ten times the amount for which he had sold it. From another source we learn that two of the mast famous falsifiers of pictures in Europe are rushed with or ders for their specialties. The London picture factories are turning cut old English paintings by the dozen, and the unscrupulous buyer may obtain Sir Joshuas, (iainsboroughs and Komneys for $50 to $100 apiece. An expert appraiser at the Xew York custom houi; tells rs that he saw there lately three dozen false Montieellis and other pictures on the sar.-.e day. These false pictures are not sold through the regular dealers. They are peddled abrnt by irresponsible, but glib and w . 11-dressed ptrsons, who al ways tell the same story. The pic ture belongs to some private owner who is jrese ' for money, but who de sires to avoid publicity. For this reason his name cannot be given. . He could sell to a dealer, but the dealer would want to make too much profit. He would want to pay $j,000, nnd charge $13,000. The owner pre fers to sell to a collector of taste and judgment for $10,000. He will even, be ing in straits for cash, take $3,000. Finally, after much parley, the picture is sold for $GW0, and the new owner congratulates himself on having ob tained 7i masterpiece by a famous painter for one-third its value. It is easy to give a painting the look of age. It is only to mix dirt with the paints and with the varnish. Bad varnish dried quicklv produces deep cracks, and these can be made to ap pear old cracks by putting another coat of varnish over them. Diirlian a Wlnti'r Ueiioi-t. Durham, South Africa, has become n winter resort, and contains some of the finest residences in the woiMd, They are surrounded by tropical trees, fiowers and fruits. X. Y. Sun. GOING EAST If you intend to take a trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern ami up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Boss C. Clink, 1'acltlc Const Pass, Agt Los Angeles, Calif. C. S. Ciiank, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Drying1 lircnnrntions simply devel op dry catarrh j they dry up tho socrctions, which adhere to tho mombrano and decom pose, causing n far moro sorious trouble than tho ordiuary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes nnd smith) and uso that which cleanses, eoothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm ia such n remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and jileasautly. A trial nizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All ilrugnistfl sell tlio COo. bizo. Ely Brothers, fill Warren St., N.Y. Tho Jialui cures without pain, tlocti not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an Irritated and angry surfaco, reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Klv's Urcam JSulni you nro armed agaiust Nasal Catnrih ami nay Fovcr. involution of I'lirlnerHhlii. The partnership heretofore existing between J. A, Carnally and J, W. Blake. ney is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. Tho business will bu continued under the style aud firm of Caruiiby & Summers, who will collect all bills and pay all obligations of tho latu firm. CAIINAIIY & SUMMEltS, The Dalles, Oct 1, 1900. olO-whv Tho lurgest and most complete Hue of fall and winter millinery ever displayed in the city at the Campbell & Wilsou millinery parlors, l lie prices will sen the goods, s8tf Call on Mrs. Morgan for art embroid eries, also decorative work in oil aud water color. 2tf Wanted A boy of steady habits to work In a store', Iuquire at this office. oo iw Overcoat Weather is coming on with a rush. These damp, chilly days make an Overcoat oven more neces sary than tho clear, crisp days of mid-winter. We are ready with a complete line. Buy now and get the benefit of a full season's wear. '(11 III! . - ii ill. Our "Wilton" Overcoat $5.O0 to $30.00. Brown-mixed cassimere, velvet collar $ 5 00 Black melton, plaid lining 7 50 Block, blus or brown kersey 10 00 Tan covert, plaid lining 10 00 Block, navy and brown loucle, ... 10 00 Black frieze, satin yoke, plaid lining 12 50 Oxford gray coveit 13 75 Black yicuna, light weight 14 OU Tan covert, Al quality 15 00 Best dark gray melton 17 50 Dark gray oxford, silk linod IS 00 Waterproof covert, pepper and salt IS 00 Genuine Humbold chinchilla, navy blue 20 00 Gray oxford, silk lined 25 00 Black vicuna, silk lined 25 00 Beat black beayer 25 00 " " " silk lined 30 00 House Painting... The undersigned hua taken possession of It, A. Spivey paint shop, next door to tho Vogt opera house, and lias pur chased tho tools ami ladders. He hua good meehanica working for him, and will guinwituo ull work to give satisfac tion, S. K. KELLY. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is licnliy given Hint the nuilcrslifneii lins iluly lllcil Willi lliu county clerk of Wiura county, Oic'kihi, liU ilmil ticeniuit and report as exceulor of thu Cktutu of I'liocbo J, HhIhIiI, do coiifccil : mill Unit thu honorable county court hus lined Monday, the 5th day of November, l'.Hl, at 10 o'clock a. in. of Mild day us Hie time, mid tliu county court room In the county eouit lioiibu in Dulles City, Wabco county, Orcnou, as tho place, for hearluK taiil limit account aud report. All lMirkoiK Interested Iu uld otatu are here by iiotltled to HiK'ar at iuld time and pi nee ami bIiow can be. If any there lie, why mid rcort should not be approved and bald executor din charged. Dated tliUWtli day of September. 1'JoO. HUNK MrJNKFKE, Kx ecu tor of thu en late, of 1'hovbo J, llaliclit, dtceuked, oci:t yl 1