1; - mniiiiiiiiiiiiH mniiiiiiiiiiiH - sub ihh THE TRADE IN TEA. ; We cordially invite vou to visit Rot Affected as Yet by the Chinese Trouble. j THE FAIR 6 f i 1 f A new Department Store jnst opened with new up-to-date unie3!rr t n riii the na.i- jsootU and low .rices. Its the place to save money on air u" " i.V,. Kr" kinds of merchandise. Remember the place, j i .si to rt Mall iz 2-" p. ta , Malt 1:06 p o f ta C'tty, ?t. !,. Chicago and i ts' dutaut 1 tmx Hlir.t.iL .. j nit. m I VI A recent report from San Fraacfce j to the effect that tbe rerolatkm in China had interfered with the sea j export bosineas to uch on extent that s -there would coon be a tea famine and that the price of tea wooW so np canseri a atir is the tea drinking corn- j One t the laerwtt hmwrter of tea i 10 J ! in tbe Vnilpd Atatr attil. aecOTtJJriS' a seffirtect "contest aVdavi; hvu bc-n Sied ' Notice is berfby ch-eu that cnCor and by vlr tv v- Vr-T-k Triham- that the in 1is -& r i'MH ba, ciotfeUnt. . tu oi an irder dnt made and entcv.i iu the to the e icr- inOOBe. Ifiai toe J, homcate d ertry N-- "a. made Jane 3, Canty Conrt of Wasco touury, orepm. .r. the Chinese trrvcble hat not in acv way , lorShf sw ir fc 2, and E hf NE jt e 2sh dy of ,neot. ISO, Use Badf-rvsms. ad . tmd a ret Coo- f tp i It 14 E. b Elian, 'jif rcnttsiw. tn . mtnittrator with itae annexed, of tr,e -ti- i.Sf:e. the tea tnute a jnei. on- sp . th4t d tlliam OtH has f Jonathan Jarfcs4m.awa:. t".. from and. tract art- beiitt: esasctiteo a owwal ; WhoJly abaDdocied said war: t nd chasccd hi sfie- the 1: dsy ot October. I'.CO. seil at private , -fnr - nnlpn ars- IwiiLsr receired 1 rMen tWrcm for mme vbau six rajnit salt iu tbe mauoer vroridtd by lnvr for the sa.e ; lor u a awl WOew are " T ' "mafcins aid ettrr, and ant punr to date ! of real vi.yesty by cxeeutury and adminiatM- 3 or jrKMik j rcuiiiir, am jjc gf contest ana taa. oe oc dih aonou ine ; mrt. mi aic ;nui, mc buu ju.cj-. -i -mni.ana haw no fear o to ad- Itj enter the military or hstkI ervi o' Jonathan Juct..n in and iothc ituinwtos de TnerittaBia Me no wr , (tbe Catted it&fci, md parties t b-te'jy ooti-: -cribeu real property, betns In t aieocnoaty. raite in -arte? or warcitr of tea. - v . - .-.t rlw. p tea 1 crow it is brougrht to the towns ta i hn ul tn mpn-haBTg rho eoV-i Kct, assort ana cure it, nd then pm t it nt) in cans., cases and othr sack- It np .n cans rases anu -"- ! are lor transportation. When t -e-athes. that nart of the conntrv i eaene nax pars at -which is now in a state of revolution 1 it ? ready for abfpment to this or any j other country, and the people of Ve- i T!t-tf Hn .flv nnthn. Ijnr or Tttatsin hare reany natniri t more ta do wfth the tea business; thaa s . to act as Jorwarrtctty aarrnts. The tea buTinsr buainer-s b-rrins id Mar and busts cntfl December, and ! tour. As to prices, it lb beaevea taa the Chin "e will not use the present conditions as a lirer to rai.-e them, aithougb tbe opportunity for doinsr so is favorable. But the perupulous hon esty oi the Chinese merchants keep? him from making n.-e oi hi advan tage. In speakiar of the characteri ties of tbe.se teople, Edward Itanire taid: "A Chinese merchant vill drive a close barrrain and do his best to fret his goods at the lowest possible price. He will hnclf and see every competi tor befort hf -ji'-es his order, but once that is done .e live, up to his word. lie sifm? r.o er irrrnet and Bsks no writte-. ru-irantee from tbe man with whom, h" rcakes the bargain. When the coo'is art' delivered be pays for them, and he (!: ?o eheerfrrJly. rt pardle' of th char?- that tear have taken plact- in-the market value of his poods. lie pay? as he airrees he will, end in that particular he is more re liable than many European mer chants. The Japanese has papers drawn, ha there vised and signed by consul and conFt.'iar offcers, and if the t'ocJs Kh'j'ild be cbroper when they are rr-f :Teu he wou;i find an execfe for rrfusitp to fir-crft them, and w 'd -:rr! the prorJuer to re duce hi? yrv. I hate known Chinese merchants to'elub topt-ther and make up a large sum to help a competitor pay his debts, and this spirit of mer cantile honesty exists in all branches oi the trade." Catarrh Cannot lie Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to care it voa met take inter nal remedies. Hali'e Catarrh Care if taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. H&H'e Catarrh Cere ia not a quack medicine. It was was prescrtbe-i by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed . v . . i t . . i of tne beet tonics known, combined with the test blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfanea. The perfect combination of the two ingredients le what produces such wonderfnl results in curing Catarrh, bend for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo 0. Sold bv drrnptefota. price 7nc. Hatl'B Family Pilia are tbe best. 12 The Campbell & Wiieon millinery parlor is the place to buy up to-date liead wear at right prices. All the new tliin;e in hlreet hats. Patterns end trimmed hats can be found there, also a Cue hue of children's school hats and baby bonnets. tf Wanted. A woman to take care of a child, 5 tncntbe old. Apply to P. Hennin(,!on, octlM2t-w3t Mosier, Or. Nasal CATARRH In all Its ctazei there should Le cltaahhes. Ely's Cream Balm clean set, ioo then andheals the civsjied membrane. It care catarrh tad drives sway a cold In the head fioidthr. Cream Balm 1 placed Into the nostrils, sprssds over th membrane sad is absorbed. Belief Is Im mediate sod s core t allow. It Is sot dry Iej does got produce ineezlBS. Large fllxe, CO cents st Drag gists jr by mall; Trial 8 lave, 10 cents by man, . JCY IOTii&8, K Warrea Strsat, New York. tae present triUDies aave not serv?u atepjaeeiurhcannir sjta una; ccnai ana rt- r- . i. -l. mniiv rmfc Tort. All tron lnteristed in said estate are J, to Keep the men who n.-naiiy make n0.jfttd Bp.iir a: aid time and j.luee X the trip to China from Europe and and tbow cause, if any there te. ivny said report J America from mafcintr their usual ;nK?ot be approved and said atiatnistntor 0mh THE CONTE5T NOTICE. 1 fed to atiDr. Tnor.d and raer evidence touch- lnraM iTlWcattuB a: lCoVloek b-m. on Octiber in; W T - aiad -tites land offlee in The Dalkw, Oreson. Tb aid contentant hurlac, in a urojier affi-1 tbOK. y, au cSiu-enee petorml service! of this roUee can i.t be road, it U hereby ; orter-! and di ected tht snea notiee le sica by due aad roper pob'deatton. i wet JaY i UCAS, Jtegbter. , , OTiCiS f 1AL Sr.liUt.AlC..M. Nottrc 5 hcby circa thit the nndersjened i has dntr Sled with the (V.cnty cleric at-o, Ctmntr(J0ncm, bi nualacfocotaud report as . admlt.'iiuator of the estate of AdnSph Acidius. : ; deceased, and that tbe Honorable Connt? .onrt ! ha-! ftsed XoLdaj.thevth dcy of N.nemb-r. :. '.atlOoeioct a m. of ssid day as the time, and the. ..'LV: f 1 house in Dalle tit r, Wasco County. Oregon, as Tmtad this uth dav ot Octobe'M!'K.O. J. V AGIDirS, Adinii.btrator of the csi&ie of Adolph Asidiu. deceased. cct ADMINISTRATOK'S NOTICE. ' 1 Notice U herev.y civen that the undcrs'smed i h ha been duly appointed by the county conrt of i 9 the state of Orestia, for W aco coarjty, adrslnh -trator of the estate of Elizabeth A. Southern, dectas-.i. Ail jierMjns havinsr elairns nzainst ; b tne estate ot f ilia aecaua ore nereoy noi.aeu ti. nrteiit the same, with the nrortr voucher: therefor, to me a: nty othee in lt d. Oregon within six nvictc from the date aeicm. Hated scr.terobcr -S. iS-A. C. if. rOCTKERN. se 3i .'.dramutrar. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby (rfvec that the nnderi;ned have riled with the (..ierk of tbe eouaty conrt :if acotict as ex"cctor. of the las: will and teata- men: oi Henry Uarnura, deceaed. snn -that r , t tha Irh ia V..v.in)w)r Itrfl u! Hi hour of ioo"clecfc a. m., has ta ttxeri by the! County Court lor said county as trie time, ona the cotiutv court room in Italics City at th place for bearing of obictlons to said anal ac count and the settlement of the sitae. J. W. FRENCH, F. 1'. MAYS. seplS Executors. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. La ni Orncz at Tiu DitiEs-. Op, ,..k, e?ff ttrifSwi'n, named tettlcr ha' filed nollce of her intention to make flnal proof in rnpport of her claim, and that said proof wfl! b nude before the Register and Rettjlver at The l)alle, Ortgon.ori V. ednes- day. October SI, lVf), viz. Janet V. Stewart, (nii Dollr, Or, II. E. No. S?bl. for the E1, SE'4 SE qr NE ijr sec , Tp 1 N, K 12 E, arid 6 jr S qt sec SU, Tp I i: is c, n .n. he names the followiic wit3ss!S to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation Of i-ald land, viz : I. V. Nelson, E. F. Sbarr, John Fleming. Uanlel Stewart, all ol The ! !.!. PeplS JAY V. IXCA3, Heswter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lash OmcE at The D.uh. Cr., Oct. s. liito. Notice li hereby clvtn that the fwlov.ln? nanietl settler nus mei notice oi ins iiuimuu to mnfce final proof In mpjort of bl claim, and thot dfd proof will l: made before the reslter and rceeivrr of the T'. '-. land office at The Dalle. Or . on Saturday, ;,ov. 1U, IVJ3. viz: , l'ter rtollrr, .Ir , !r,f Thr- Tlatlcm. Or.. If. E. No. 5IST. for the W hf N W rjr and SE qr N v jr see 5! , Tj 2 N, R 1 1 E, He'naraes the folIowinK wittjiea to prove h 'Xvl-"5"'" UI," caltiva:lon John lialrymplo, Fred V.'ictman, C. c. Ens- lUb. J.E.Johnson, nil of The Dalles, Or. 6 jay K Lucas, RcuUtcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lass Orncc atThb Daw.es, Or., eepterater 10, l'.uO Notlre i hereby Riven that the following named ttler has tiled notice ol bU Intention to moke final proof in tupportof his claim, and that aild proof will be made before the iletristcr and Receiver at The Ualle, Oregon, on Satur day, October 20, 19CO, viz. Art-llou P. Fox, of The Dalles, Oregon. II. K. No. SIM, for the S hf N W or nd W hf KV o,r, sec 12, Tp X fc, It II i E, V M. He name the following witnesses to prove I his continuous residence upon and cultivation of niri Isnd, viz: I. C. Matnev. ('. If. Motncy, Charles Cossen and w, c. Cloiv-.ui: oi uie waucs, ur rrgon. serri5 JAY V LUCA1-. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lash Orrice at The Dalle)!, Oe., ' i fcejift-mtier, 10, 1'jMJ. I ! Notice Is hereby Riven that tbe lolIowir.K l named settler 1ms filed notice ol Ills Intention ' to make final proof In support of his claim, and i that said proof will be madu before the register anu receiver at i ne uaues, uregou, ou oatutuny, Ocffiher 20, WJ, viz.: Cliarlea II.Matuey, of The Dalle. Orecoti, II K. No. .'X.9, for the 8 hf NK fir and W hf feE rjr, fcec 12, Tp 1 8, K II E, W SI. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said laud, viz.- A. H, Fox, Y, u. Fagan. Charles Gosson and , C, Clark, ull of Tbe Dalles, Oregon. sepli JAY Y. LUCAS, fislster. Why pay 1.75 per gallon for inferior paluts when you can buy James . Psttou'e Btin proof paints for (1.60 per (rallon, guaranteed for 6 years. Clark k Fa!k, agentij ml Clothes that fit the man and fit the pocket-book at the New York Cash store. FAIR, 133 SGCOND STREET. , Sale of Real Property. tiremu. tn-wlt: The N'W'. of tke &D nf etion fifteen 'I.': the -i of tbe tE' anl the of the s'4 of , section twenty-tw. : the cE!-4 of the sCSt ' cf ctton ai:etiu toe or e .-. anq :iteE'.sof the Ntv, and the of the M., and the of the it .etrop tweuty eren !2T), an In townjhip Siur .s;Mth. laaae fourteen (Mi e:. W. Jl.; ?aJd al tr be for , eab or upon erettU in the manner yrovioed br Uv for .he .le f JHl p-njy 'upon credit by .M.,Trn- ..n mlmiul :nte-. K. r cALTHAftrstst.. ei!fitc o; Jonathan iuuS:0D, deceased. nei-:-u , , , , , ,- Admtnistratnr, trim tae v in annexed, o: iw rpmTcrtrstrpnM , L. Lane GEXEKAL 4 5' oiioei i , r Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. T ManUeffsrflD. Pbcne 159 . Li1 L-"IT1TvrTT JPr f , X r -' 1 WX2L OO WW., i BANKERS. : "TRANSACT A ENERALBANKINO BCslifES I ; Letter? of Credit issued available in the i Eastern States. i ! Sight Exchange and Telecraphi ' I Trasafers sold on New York, Chicago, ' St. Louis, Sen Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points , in Oregon and Waahmcton ; Collections wde at an point? on fa-; orabi torrs". . . C. F. Stephens ...Daaler In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Udtn, Shoes. HaP" ' nps. Not! ins. for V. L. liongias Shoe. Act. ; i i . 5 J j Telephone No. S.. 121 Second at., Tie Dalles, Or. j Ik WM. MICHELL, ; Undertaker and Embalmer' Cor. Third and Washington Sts. Ali orderE attended to promptly. LoDg distance phone 433. Local, 102. Mica lightens the lead shortens 'Axle Urease the read. helps the team. Saves wear and expense. Sold everywhere. STANDARD OIL 00. JJtt. X. K. KEUGCfiUN, Physician and Surgeon, Office, Vogt Block (over Postcfl.ee), 20aplmr-dw THE DALLE 5, 0iEJ0N. 1,1. MCOBE. J011N0AV1K MOORE & GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Rooms snd to, over V. S. Land Office D K OKlBKNUUKrriCK Physician and Surgeon, Bpsclsl atteutlon glvsn to lurfery. I aooms 21 saa 22, VoctBicck i I i I ! i f : 1 'j I 4 TxTiixTTnZ3-nxrxxirritiwrxxri . THh ChLbbKAlhU - gomiima 9 AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of tliis wel -known brewery the United Mutes Health Uerrts far June i-i, 19-10. says: "A rUvre ea pel ior brew never entered t! e iabrat-jry of the United Mates HealHi reports. It is abo!ntely devoid ( the s. 'r.trtt trace of ftduiteratiyn, butn the other baud is couponed of th- best of ciait nnd rhoicst oi 1-ope. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be u-ted with tb irteatest lietiefit and satisfaction by old and younc. Its use can conseieutiousiy he prescribed by the physician with the eersaiutv that a better, purer or more uholeavme beveriipe could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Lv .i. -v Grandall DEALER-IN fill kinds of Tin rr.--1 C f-v f 1 UNDERTAKERS if EMBALMERS The Dallos, Or. ruuci-ai juyyiico: X A" rA' fA- fATATA t A. 1 AUrAtAWA IA'IAA'Ui'iATATA,A1 AVAt A1 AA WATATA ....... v........... , f G. J. STUBMflG, WHOLESALE Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. 5' Nest door to A. j, Phono 234, f Tjryjj:r.rrjjttJrj.irj.rAyjrrrj.ry Subscribe for The Mrs. Annie Luckey, Hair-Dressing - and Shampooing Facial Treatments and the MORMON TREATMENT. Room 69, tbird floor, Umatilla House. Hours from 0 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 6 p, tn. Faint your house with paints that are folly guaranteed to last. Clarke & Fslk have them. Tht Defies, i tie Or, .4 . r f Loronieie, ;ig . '4 Job Printers. Jl? i' 1 1 iTii tni 1 1 1 1 i mi rnRi"' hJTTl t brewery ... v - w & Budget Robes, BuriaSh Ete. Si ASD IlKTAlt. li I .5 A 4 M. Willianie & Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. House Painting... The undersigned has taken possession of It. A. fiplvey paint shop, next door to the Vogt opera house, and has pur chased tho tools and ladders. He has Stood mechanics workinjf for him, and will guarantee all work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. Subscribe for Tbe Chronicle. i tin. luston. I fltolHite Walla WalU, :i . Mlnuecollr rut. . tBluth, .Vlle ;.-4. f-hltiiio and i.H-r .. voknuiiatdll'it t ton: alo al p . N ; V nlrltit;ttm airl cat Orexuu. Spiiae Still mill Mail and n.vraeta B3 j. tn 59 IB b k ta. OetJin Stoarafch1! For Son l'rui:r!r Every Five Unit. 5 p. m. ' 4 ,,, n Kx3nndayCnlumb!a Rv. 3:nr!,"' Ex.buu, .Sfurday , l-anfllnv i 10 ;. m. 6 a. in. WttiAarm Uivra. i Slp.B. Lr.bundcv -Oregon City. Ni-wIk tc Ex.sundjt ' b.n .t Way ljinrt ! T . tn, WtUAMirrrr. ak Yam 3 33pn. I ru-,l h'tr. mix luvr.tji. Mra.,woi aad s-ut. Orcpon City, lmtir nadFri. I and Way-l-andli.i. save Kirea. l.v !Ufrla datfy ! : :..,n. ; dl!y 9;t0.m CT" l'srMr detrttiK to eo ti neppner ot ,Kiiuti. mi rolurahla Southeri. vu Hisrcs. tttauM tukf .No. 2, leaving 'Ihe bntl at 11 U p. n. niatitiK dlrwt comieolloiin at llipncr Janclfoa ti.: His lip'urnlnir niaincdtrwtciiin!!loD M Hej'poer :nnf Hon and I'-lcm th Jio. Lit inns ut Th' liBlltn at U Jitp ir A X. Co.'i fg-nt 1 he liallc. or il . IJJt KT, i'uiu. Awt urtUnd.b; 1 liro Fn Yellowstone Park Line. THE UtNINO C'ARROCTEKU'iM l'OKTUNU TO THE EAr. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE T.iTUL YELLOW- olONE TALK 'UBioaDspoi.nnhhBi'.sa 1.EAVK. ak u VI No. 2. i Kiwi tnall for Tur- tr.n ,?-attlc, Oiynipta.'.ri'- ' Harbor and houtfc ! ii iHiitit, tp-iUaii-. I'. -s ,liuid, Jl. V., I'Lil: r , MoMf.w, Iuiiito'i, I! .: I1:)3A.M. fulullnmp:utti::-i ' try, Helena, MUuiem ills, St. l'aul, Omi.1 , Kansas City, bt. Ii'i: ChlciiRO and all 1 I: " No I. east and bouthvit ; l'uitet noui'.d Expn--, JI;C0 l'.M. for Titcomii at.d Sto -.c and latcrniwllate poiu'- NO. ...Ml'. SI. So. 3. A, U. I'ulhnan Qrnt-clRss and turi t sleeper Jf MtnneiiiKilIs, Ht. l'aul and Mlwi'if. r.u-riw.nw without change. . Vcfctlbuled trains, Union dej. r ...nectloJi in all principal citley. . . HitKKoge checked to destlniill-ii tlfseti, for handsomely iUHrutiiltlesc.itivem er, tlekets, sieeplug car reservations, call ouur write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General I'sasenger Afte'.t. 'i Jjowl win etrtet, corner Third, 1'drtlauJ, on-jon. SOUTH and EAST via Soumern Pacific Co. Shasta Route i Trains leave The Dalles for Portland : statiuns ut i 2o a. m. nud S p. m. liive I'ortland " Albany , ... 8:H0am 7:WP !...12.;i0am I0:' .. ..: in it; j .... 7:14 jnu t l5ora Arrive Arhland " Kucrami'iito ... " ban i ruuclaco , Arrive Ogdon " Denver " Kansas City. " Chicago .. 6:15am U . . . :Wm -.win i "Sum 7'i,B Arrive Is Angclea ... ' Kl l's " Kort Worth.. .. " city of Mexico , " Houston " New Orleans... " Washington.... ' New York 1 :v0 p in 6-.ua p m C:) a in U:55it Ut , 1 .1X1 a in C 24 u m 7;0OsrB f,:u0pw C;a)sia 4:00 lit" C:2i I' n 0 .12 a in i'ulhnan aud Tourist cars on both '"''' Chair cars Hacramcuto to Ogduii t " 0ll find tourist oars to Chicago, bt Lo"l I,ow w leans aud Wellington. Conitecllng at gun Kranelsco with k'f',1 stcainslilp lines for Honolulu, Jpi l,,lu I'lilllppluca, Central aud Houth America. Bee agent st Tho Dalles station, or addre" C. H. MARKHAM, Geuersl Passenger Agent, PortUndOf JK. K. K. BMITU, Osteopath. Rooioi 10 snd U, Chsprasa fllocki Attantlo )Stt IjiLs, Deir. f. Ft' l.vpreiw I Worth, Om)iK, Knn lJ:.a.' tHtf, rit. 1. u,s VU l!ut Cbioftpo und Eut.