O.R.&N. PHOENIX'S SU3IMER BEDROOM. We cordially invite von to visit THE FHIR Xn Arliom Contrivance to lnrrtut tbe roaalbllttj of Crttlnar m LJttlr Sleep. The cottonwc-iwis have ?h;i their i , . i i caterpillar;: tner aa cxen a mcaoer Ftorav. 3"2ine wood has fallen in price; Iadi&uf ore !-t-Ii.nr bows sad ar rows; the rose and the oleaadtir have loci: ixrea out; oranges are in btoota; rhe umbrella tree is patting out lU leaves; la.t suisnier suit has twen cleaaed and pressed; the small "boy ha cone swinuainc in the casal; the vise man stays up nichts and steals irriga tion water from his neitrbborsi; a I Jul: a is most ready to cat ; strawberries have been shipped; mulberries are nearly ripe; strainer will soon be here, ana the Phoenix summer bedroom wiK soon "be a necessity, says the Arizona Graphic Phoenix sleeps out of doors in the yucsaer, and the bedroom is born of that necessity. It is on stilts, is bck." of wire scretn of fine mesh, for the Phoenix mosquito i microscopic in size. It is furnished. accorKnr to the taste of the occupant, with interior curtains, to keep out the moraine- sun the raze of the curious and the sand storm. The bed is a cot of canvas or -woven "wire, covered perhaps with a sheet, but even a sheet feeis Ifke a feather "bed on a Phoenix summer night. Tb "bed coverinr is the roof of the bed room and careless folks who consul" their comfort only don't we3r nirh' shirts. Phoenix is prowl of its climate dur ing eisht months of the year, trc doesn't taOc much in public ahou ir Tcjdfcumaier. It is a right warm c? Tvhen the coverameat weather bu-2' doesn't know what the sun tttr.p r& tare is, sod is enable to tLuierm.Lir .t and that is how hot it rets in Pho--t.ix I calif d on Observer Bums one day Jas-t July and a.-ked him what the "of fjcial" temperature vas in the sun He said he did not knevr, an: tha the cofsnnnta: coindi't afford o et perfment to that end. He said he Lac attempted to catch ths sun tf a;p-ra ture during the summer of J-"-. zn had broken a three-dollar thermom eter in the attempt. To please n.; curiosity he hune a thermometer tr the sun. watched it until it retristerec 135 decrees, and then took it in, fear inr it would break. The dryness of the atmosphere re lieves this rreat heat of any ter Tors to all lirinir things except v. omer and cats. There is a sayinr in I'hoenb "thet in summer women and cats an nervously prostrated: while men anc doge thrive and ctow fat. There is a luxury in quenching one's thirst dur ing the summer heat that is p3ssibl nowhere this side of the hereafter, anr nothing: will quench it so well as ol!t water. The average mortal can dxinj ji gallon of water per day during tht heated tim, and apparently every droj of it comes out through the pores of th( skic. PEOPLE EAT TOO MUCH. . Starvation la Sncciraaf nlly L'aed ma u. Core Ior Macr Dlaenaea by a j "ciai I, A Philadelphia physician of note, D: Edward II. Dewey, claims to cure all sorta of diseases by starving his pa-' tientE, The brain, says this practi- tioner, never loses weitrbt in either sickness or starvation sua O me mind remains clear when the body has wasted away. The head is the power house of the bod v. The stomach is run bv hrain wrnvr Whi in tTnm. run a Drain power. nen tne ecu otjes too mucu vorK it niaKea 100 great a demand upon the brain. "For more than 20 years." -writes this doctor, "I have permitted my sick to do without food so Ion? as there ' waa no desire for it. 'tt a mouthful j was enforced in any cane, not one j mouthful denied on the first hint of , hunger. ' "In this I have had al! the medical textbooks and the entire medical pro-' ffw,irm antf,r.-'tf f imnii'irml ieiion as authority unquestioned against me. That food U needed to sustain the strentrth of the sick has never been a matter of question with j the medical profeitsfon. I "Many of my sick have t-one for more ! than a month without food. One very sick, in bed for more than a month with acute rheumatism, was able to -walk about the room on the forty-sixth day before the first food was taken. Another patient, a woman of 57, went until the forty-third dav before she v,,.-. .t . . i sion of her ordinary duties. A dis- ,riit ''d ptwjf will be made before the Keaister .nr1 im,.i, ,... .i . v i tnd Hecelver at The Dalle, Oregon, on Sattir- eaieo stomach wrifc cured as the result ' day, OctoUsr ), 1!W, viz. nd now, after five jenrs, there has' ArtlionaR.ro. , been no return of the troiybie. I'hyAicians are pretty generally agreed that Americans eat too much especially too much meat. The no breakfast habit may mot be so very silly after al!, With Jlnltcloiia Intrat. lMr. Giblj I have just been reading ' fin llnm tfi ih( ,lTfft tlifil.n memlwr rf , the German jiarliament once talked 42 j notirs without Htonninc. JJo vou 'be- lieve that to be true? Mr. Gibb To be sure I do. "Then it must be the longest contin uous performance of that kind on rec ord. Isn't it?" there Tiave been private perforraancer, that throw Ibat completely in the nhade. Why. J know a woman who has . talked let me aee, dear. How long have "we Kre married?" Mkhmond Dispatch. I A new Department Store just goods and low prices. It's the place to save money on all jkinds of merchandise. Eemember the place, THE FHIR. 133 SeCOND STREET. A BIG SALE OF Darinr fhe Street Fair and Carnival we are zoins to r ffer th creates! bar ca:n3 in CrinJin? ilachicfry ever offered in theiStateof Oregon. We want everv farmer to have a Star Feed JIill, because it will help to pay your Uxes; it will ! sjee rou timr ; it, will make yonr old horse fatter; it wil: pi'ease your wt.V to cet ' reacted r:a;n for !.er ci.icfcens; and this is a sure way of getting it st a aacriSw, for we are psH?:.!Ve y enin? to close oat the mills now on hand at ACTTAL COST. A 'hanse in tit rns,n- corap! ns to do this, and now is tho tiuia ior vou to . reap the nene5r. For further par icnlars inquire or write tj i 8aLaraaSB5fia? HUDSON & BROWNHILL, Nasa! CATARRH In ill its st3;ea tiere iHj's Cream Ealm clean.'ea.iootiita sadhsali tie diiiiv.il xscaJjnce. H ems- dUtt and drirea a777 a coid is th: head Cream Balm U ptned teto the nostrils, apreada crer the tnsnbrzne and b abaorbtd. Bella J ia ls E'diiie and. i csre f oFInrri. It Is nst drjiz; dcxa not prwlace snitezin?. Larje Size, SO cents at Draj- giaa or b7-nuD; Trial Size, 10 cmti br rai'l. ! IX.T KjOTIIEKS, K Wanec Set, 5er Totk. ADMIXISTEATOK'S NOTICE. V has hMjn duly appointed by the county court o ine smko: uregnn, ior naseoconniy, anminis- tniuir ol tfce tnialu al Eltiafcth A. southern, deceased. All persons Imvins claims aptinst Sne estate of aald dsceiued are hereby notlged tr ti?ati( !hi if rrff. with lhi T'rnTf vnnrhr thereto;, to xne as my omce in r. G, urtgon Valid September:!!, IKO. y,. it. ul i-ii t-t;.. AdrnlnUtrato: e-2S vnTTHF rtt- ftvat CFrTr.FVFVT hnno filwl rrllh thf ('It-?t n' the. poimtT pnnrL of the State of Orexon (or Waico cnuntr.tbeir final 1 actountas eiwutora o the hut will and ttr4ta- ment of Henry IMmum, deceaed, and that ' Monday, the h day ol November, H-UO, at tne ' hour of 10 o'clock a. m., baa tetn fixed by the htom-(unJ. Court(orMfd county an the time. and tne county court room in wanes city as in TiLioe fur hairlnz of obtenllrma to stld final ac-' W. FEE.VCH, V. MAYS. Executors. KOT1CE FOR PUBLICATION'. Lirre. Orricc xilnr. Uxtxix. Or., Uct.3jyx. S Notice i hrreby siren that the fullowlnj named iettler ban filed notice of bis Intention timjikf. tiniil rtrrf in tmnirtnf h! i rlalm. and thataald proof will be made before thertRbter and receivr of the t. !. Und office at The uaile(Or,oneaturday,:;ov. lO.lSW, vU: Vetmr itoiier, .lr , of The Dalles. Or., H. K. No. USl, tot the W hf .wMqr and HE qrNW qr.Sc3i,Tp2N, 1: U E, He'namea the following wltceuea to prove D's emmnuous reamence upon ana cultivation of aald land, viz: John Dulrvmplp, Free! Wfcfcraan, C. C. Eng llih, J. E. Johnion, all of The Dalle. Or. oct 6 JAY 1. I.UCA&, Kesiiter. KOTICE FOE PUBL1CATI0K. Office at Tut Dalles, Or., ' feeptember 10, KO I Notice fx berebv zlveu that the following. named etuer naa niea notice ot nis intention to of The Dalles, Oregon, JI. . No. 51,1, for the a hf UV or and W hf SV qr, 6c 12, Tl 1 H, It 11 E, W. ii, I He names the following iritneiiex to prove hu (Oiitlunou. renlrteuce upon and culilvatlon of ald bind, viz: I. (J. Matney, C. It. Jlatncy, ChnrlcJi (iouicn and W. (j. Clark, all of The fallen, Oregon. MrpU JAY I'. I.UCA8, UeRfciter. KOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tut Dallex, Our..,i j,otice u hereby glren that b foliJwiiif . u. I aaniwiiriw nnu aoiiw ( iiw intention tlon to make final proof in auuport of hU icioim, ana ioai aaia urooi.wni us fore the real. ter .and receiver at The Dallei. Oregon, op hjturday, November jp,,lM, rk Cat via J.ilaaakla, of Mo(er,Or., H. V- Ho, 3121, for lha hZ at, Bee 31, T 1 N R 12 W, JI, lie names toe following wltneea to prove bli con tlnootu residence upon, and cultivatloa of "if,. .... , R. ftTle.The ,)alu..nr.. Jamea M. Brown and Carl . . CaiUon, of Mo- leri r JAY i LUCAS, Be, u ter js opened with new up-to-date j STAR FEED MILLS. i The Dalles. Oregon. Lane. 1 GE.S'EK.tL 1 Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. T&irtl and JeSeron. Fnone 159 I' T s BiacRsmnn tiANDt Horsesnoer FRENCH & CO.,:FoneFal Supplies BANKERS. TEAN3ACTA EXEKALBASKtNG BCh'tSEi Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on Key York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. uoliecttons made at all points on fav- . C. F. Stephens .Dealer In. Drv Goods. Clothina. Cents' Furnishings, fi BooU.Bbotti. ifati. Cpa. Nottona. for V. L. bouglaa dhoe. Act. T&b Dalles, Or. 1 Vtl fcecond St.', Mica lightens the load shortena 'Axle Crease the read. helps the team. Saves wear and expense, bold everywhere. kilt. . STANDARD OIL CO. JJH, K. K. rEKCJUaO.Y, Physician and Surgeon, Office, VoKt lilock (over foitofnc), tfktplmo-dw Tilt: UALLKSt OHEUON. jyu- OBiasNOUKrrcB Phyoieian and Surgeon, Bpaclal attention flrtn to lurterr. T1.33B Kooaillaa3 2J, Vot Block F"T """""" " 1 IS S I I ! i ' ! ! . i ! !l I J i ? f ;; i ; i I 1 I ? ! ? r 1 C SB THE CELEBRATED BREWEfiY ... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Oi the product of this welS-knonc brewery the United States Health Ileports for June 23. miO, says: "A more snj:r ior brew never entered the iabratory of the United states Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, baton the other hand is composed of the best of malt and choicest of hops. It? tonic qualities are of the high est anJ it can be used with the preates: benefit and satisfaction by old and youne. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed ly the physicians with the cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome Leverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Crandall & Burget UNDERTAKERS P EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. DEALERS IK I; fill kinds of C. J. STUBliIiNG, WII0LE6.VLE Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Phone 234, IS- Subscribe for The Mrs. Annie Luckey, Hair-Dressing and Shampooing Facial Treatment and the MORMON TREATMENT. Boom 60, third-floor, Umatilla Hoaae. Uoura from 9 to 12 a. to. and 1 to 5 p. at. Paint yotir boaae with paiaU that are (ally gaarantoad to last. Clarke A Falk bare tbem. The bt Dalles, Or. Chronicle, 3? Job Printers 35 Robes, BuriaSh Etc AND KKTAtL Xexl door to A. M. Williame & Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. House Painting... The undersigned lias taken possession of R. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to the Vogt opera house, and has pur chased tho tools and ladders. He has (rood mechanic) working for hlni, and will gaarantee all work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. Sobtcrlbe for The Chronicle. tnrx tr roc rt lSlt Ufcr. Denver, Tt. r.t Mall i Worth, Omkba, Kn- Ujii 1J.35 p. ta.L mi City, St. LouU, 1;0S p n 1 Cblcafo and East. v t i Atlantic iSalt Laka. Denver. Ft. K v, . m I r.xrres j Worth. Omaha, Kan I 12-J().ra. a Cltr, St. UjuIk, ' Via Hunt- ChlcaRO and Eat. iBSton. 5tokano Mall and Exprcs Walla Walla. Srokanp, Minneapolis. St. I'aal, Ualutlt, MlUaukcc, Cl.lcaeo and F.kkI. via Spokane aad Hnntlns trm: bIo all point in Vhluctn uul Em: em Oregon. Spnim Mall and Exprwj j 9.25 p. m 3 30i S p. ra. FfcOX I'ORTULM. tan Sitcacsblrt. p.m. For San FranclMT Everr Five Dt. t S p. xn. 1 p. Ei. Ex.BUaUarColuniDia Rr. Etfaraen. Es.3nf iio Astoria sna n tj l-anil.-igv 10 p. m. 1 in. a. j Wiiiijcrm Rrvrit. I30p. ts. Er-sundiyOrecun Cltr. Ni-wUts, Ex.acBdaj ! bcicta & VVay Ixad'n. I T a. a, 'WtU-AJirrrc xti Yiit 3 m p. ro. Tur,7!inr. EILLKIVSK.. Uor. .t,l end t . Ort-Ton Cltr, lavton, and Fa. and W'ajr-Itudlnsi. t Lr lilpaiia' dal;r J 3:11 c in. ! Snake Rivrr ltlp.rta to iArvrUion. 1.EATZ Lewitos S a.n T- I'ar if dwtrjne to po to Ileppner or (.nit. ii n t ')!ucilila Southern via lilsc. tb-mld tetc No ieiirtnc 'Uie Dnlkv at ti It. p m. rofcstri; dlnt ninfecUuna Kt Heppner jurtiun rtul HIvtr. KrluniliiR amMticdirccicotmeetlon j at Heppnt-r Junction mid l!ICK ltu Sv 1. ar ritln; at lr.i Dtllc ot J;:;m j. in. Fv full irtlculatii o"l on 0. . & N. (.. pcer.t '1 tic Dtilca. or acta !t - ii iiritusr j:t t. ; Ait , l'ortiaud, f!r Yellowstone Park Line. THK DINING CAK ROUTE FROM 1'OUTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY JJIKKCT LINE TO THE YEUjOW. STONE VKK. Ltk t. ' DEiQE Deiot, Ftrife and I Sis ami. No. 2. Kant rnnll for Taeoma, No. .-tattkt, (JlTniiln, Gray , Harnor and Soutn Uend poititn, fejHjliaiie, Koiu tand, B. C, l'utlman, Moncove, Lo lutoii, Duf ll:Ii A. M. falotlump mining conn- 5,501' 31. try, Helena, Minneapo lis, HU 1'aul. Omaha, Kansas Cltr. St. Loula, Cblcairn and atl valuta No. i. coat and southtant. No. 3. 1'iiRct Sound Expros 11;30 1. M. for Tacoma and rkattlc 7;0O A. M. and lntermvdlate iiutuU i'ullmnn tlrnt clax and tournt alcetiur to Mtnncnvolls, Ht. I'aal und Mluouri river jHilnti without cnangc. ViMtlbulcd train". Union depot connections In all principal cltlea. IlagKage obecked to destination of tickets. Tor hnndomely lllusttated descriptive matter, tickets, alccplng'Car reserTatioui. etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General 1'auenRer Airent. 2V Morrl on Hlrvct, corner Tbird, 1'ortland, Oreton. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Tralna leave The Dalles for Portland and vrajr statloui at Irio a. m. and 3 p, m. Leave Portland Albany , Arrive Aabland " Kacramcnto . . " San 'rancl.co . . 8:30 am 7:00 pm ,li;30 a in 10:10 .in .U:S)am lt:30am . f;Ciupm 4;35am . 7:15 pm tiliiis Arrive Ogdon ' Iit-nvcr " Knti.m t:ity " Chlcaifo .... . 6:15a m 11:15a in . Mi m 9:00 a m 7:uflam 7:'iiom . 7;15u m v:uuum Arrive Loa Angeleit ljso p ra " El 1'flio 6:00 pm " Fort Worth 6:30 a ra " City of Slexlco 0:55 n in " llouaton 4:00 a m ' New Orlcnn ...... 6:A a in " naablnxton-... ...... 6:f.'ara " New York U:i3pm 7:00 am 6:00 p m 6;uo a m 9:56 a m 4:u0am 6:21 p in 6' 12 a m lJ-Upro Pullman and Tourlit rani nn lilh trulim. Chnlr cara fiaor&manto io Oirdnn und Kl I'nto. mid touriat cum to Chicago, at Uiula, Now Of- mui nuu nnaiiliiBton, fnnAAt ... O H - I I . I. ...... 1 teanulilp linen (or Honolulu, Japan, Clilnu, Bee Bcent at The Dallas atation, or addreas C. H. MARKHAM, Geueral Paateiifer Agent, Portland. Or JyU. K. X. BM1TU, Osteopath. Rooml 10 and 11. Chanman Rlnnk. The Uillet Ultgon. aanil ilii'i Pile Souinern Pacific Go