The Dalles Daily Chronicle. JT TUESDAY OUT. 10 1BG0 cording to a late dispatch, American - I rrnlil hlnnna n n enllinrr nr Kl 0 For rieMdont WILLIAM M'KINLEY, Of Ohio. For VIcc-l'reslilent THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of Jiew York, Mexican, and the Britisk sovereign, which 13 not rrorlb ns much as the American 5 gold piece, sells for 14 ' Mexican. HISTORY -REPEATS -ITSELF. The New York democratic address of 1848, written by Martin Van Buren and Samuel J. Tildeu, said, in referring to those who attacked the administration while the country was "lnvolyed in war with Mexico : "IIoweTer we may differ at home every lover of his country must desire that we should he known abroad as one and undivided ; that leing at war the only question would be, how it might best be brought to an honorable conclusion." Further along in this address it was said the men who attacked the president in time of war sought to "wound the executive administration through the bleeding sides of the couutr'.'-' "When Tilden and Van Buren laid down these doctrines they were try ing to do what many old-fashioned democrats have sought in vain to accomplish in recent years save their party from a destructive ele ment bent upon rule or ruin. Cal houn and his following, in their effort to push slavery into the new territory acquired from Mexico, in sisted, just ns anti-expansionists do now, that the constitution followed the flag. Said Tan Buren and Tilden : "The doctrine is therefore plainly stated that wherever the ling of the union goes, it carries slavery with it; it overturns the local institutions no matter how strongly intrenched in the legislation, the habits and affec tions of the people, if freedom be their fortunate condition, and estab lishes in its place slavery ; it repeals the .local laws, if they guarantee personal freedom to all, and author izes slavery." Tilden and Van Buren thereupon made an exhaustive review of the question, and utterly repudiated the doctrine of the constitution following the flag, and showed that congress had full authority to rule new terri tory as it thought best. Tilden and Van Buren said in further review of the Calhoun dogma: "Nowhere found in the constitu- tion, repugnant to its spirit and ab horrent as we have shown it to be to the principles and convictions of the illustrious men who framed it, we ate called upon to interpolate this new theory upon the constitution as a sort of mvslical common law, not implied in any particular part, but to be inferred from the general nature of that instrument." Thus the anti-expansion dogma of today has John C. Calhoun for its author and originator, while such Northern democrats as Samuel J, laden and iUnrtin Van Buren con demned it then, as thousands of old fashioned democrats do now A Wnlla Walla man is selling fin ning mills in this way: If Bryan is elected the farmer pays nothing; if McKinley wins the buyer pays $50 for the machine. It looks queer, but maybe he figures tint if the demo crats win the mill will be like the rest of the institutions out here in the west unable to raise the wind. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HESTflURAflT And CAFE, J. B. Orossen & Oo., Props. 87 Second Street. mays 4 Giowe The only store tt this city where tlu Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold. A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen pieces of so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has the name Strausky - Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at l International E::hi bitions. Highest award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by the best cookinpauthorities, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because A Difficult Problem. It is among tLo most difficult prob lems of natural science for one to become expert in several linea. J. E. Adcox & Co.. bv tbeir combination, have over- I come this difficulty in a practical man ner. J.fc,. Aucox is an expert watch maker and ia good on jewelry, optical work nnd engraving, while Theo. H. Liobe is an expert optician and Is good on watch repairing, jewelry work and engraving- Their price is as low as con sistent with gond workmanship. They are prepared to do all work in thoir several lines, on short notice. Work sent by mail or express will rei-eivo prompt attention. Sign, "Uig Red Watch." BEST. We invite the Times-Mountaineer's attention to Governor Roosevelt's second denial that he ever said at Chicago, or anywhere else, that "any person who would join a strike, or go near one, ought to be shot." The governors denial will bo found In nnother column of this issue. If it is not sufficiently explicit wo add on our own responsibility that the story wns concocted by men who know it to be a lie, to be circulated by men who knew it to be a lie, and is now being circulated by men who know it is a lie. Do you hear that, Mr. Times-Mountiineer ? Sixteen-to-one Brynnlte campaign era ami editors who find themselves out of a job after next month could possibly make a fortune, and at the same time learn some cold, hard, commercial facts that would be aervicable to as many as are mentally Remember this celebrated ennm eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. & It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is not affected by acids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, stew, roast and bake without imparting flavor of previously cooked food and will last for years. We cau tion tha public against imitation l! 21 TOWNEV'S !! Complete ii?e of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. $1.00 per month. Strictly ilrBt cIiihb local and long diBtuncn telephone service within your homo. I.incH do not crnBMnlk. Your con. verention will ho kept a Bi-orut. No cost for installing. You get tho ntBiidurd Hunning Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night service. We will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel Bam'e on giving us thirty days writ ten notice. PAOIFIC 8TATEB TELEPHONE CIOS. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIRECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. J. A. EBERLE, pipe Jailori A complete lino ol Fall and Winter Suitings, I'autings and Overcoating, now on display. 100 different varieties to se lect from. Suits, $20 ar?d up. Call and examine goods beforo going elsewhere. Second street, opp. Mays & Crowe's. Just What You uaant. lifers CONTEST NOTICE. U. 6. Lahu Office, Tiik Dalles, On., I K-ptember IS, 1I. A sufficient contest ullidnvlt luiviru b-.-cn filed in this :oflico by Jotcph II. tiheriir, contestant, HKalnst liotncsto d entry No. "152, niwle Juno 3, le'j. lor a hi NV qr f-eo 2e, nnd K lif NK ir Sec 1), Tn 3 It II K, by William GUI conttstec, In which It ii aliened Mid William (Jill has wholly abandoned enld traot nnd changed hU residence therefrom for mote than Mx month, since mnkinir tnid entry, and next nrlor to tint o! contest; nnd thut he did not abandon the i tract to enter the military or naval service of the United States, said purlieu ate hereby noti fied to apiwar, respond nnd oiler evidence touch i nir said alienation at 10 o'clock a. in. on October -'7, IWjO, before the rcalnter and receiver at tho united PtHtc land otllcc in llie JMlles, ureipm. The tald contestant huvlnir. In u iiroixjr ulli dnvlt, filed Auirust 11, l'.OO, tet forth facts which show that after duo diligence pertonal tcrvlco of this notice can not bo made. It in herebv ordered and directed that such notice be givuu by duo nnd protier publication. kepl9 JAY 1'. MICAS, IlCKlster. F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing1. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & Laiblin. 'Phone 157 New ideas in Wall Paper here. Sneli wide variety aa we are showing never be fore graced a Bingle fitoitk. ileal imita tion creton efleeta at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant deaigim, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Aleo a full line of liouao paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. r dicta Lice Conperei. NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby clven th it the undersitrned has duly tiled with the County Clerk of Wasco County, Oregon, his final account ar.rt rejort as wlmliilstnitor of the estate of Adolph Aslcllii, aeceakefj, ami mm tnu iiouoramo county court has fixed Mondat.theSth day of November. 1WQ. at 10 o'clock a in. of said day as tho time, nnd I tnu Loumy uouri room 01 tne county i.ourt house in Dalles city, Waico County, Oregon, ns ino piace tor Hearing snu mini accouiuana re- on. ah pertous wiercsiea in sain estate are lerebv notified tommcarat tald time and nlueo ni;d show caute, It any there be, why said teport should not be annroved and said administrator IhcharKCd, uuieci tins stu uay 01 uctober, iyw. J. 1. AOIDIUS, Adrnlnlttrator of thoestatoof Adoli.h Aeidlns. deceaud, octo J. F. MCORK. JOHN CUYIN MOOItE fe GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT I..VW Rooms fit and sO.ovcr U. g. Land Oltl po -USE Carbolineum : Avenarius. The most efficient Wood l'reervin(r I'aint also a Radical Remedy against Chicken I.lco, Its application to In fide walls of poultry nouses will per manently exterminate nil lice. Re sults healthy chickens, plenty of ckb. rltu for circulars and prices, Mention this paper. Jos.T. Peters & Co., THE 1IAI.I.KN. OltKGO.N, ..GlflS. FRBW- Batchers and Fapmefs ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the cclebralcd COl.UMIilA REEK, acknowl edged the best beer In Tho Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try It and be convinced. Also the Finest brands ot Wlnos, Ll-juor and Cigars. Sanduuiehes nl nil I'lrrlc 1. V J 5 J. 8. BCIIKNCK, President. U. 31. IIRA1.I., Cashier WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington 8ts. All ordera attended to promptly. Long uuiance pnone m, Local, ivv. DO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRACE ryiAWKS 1E8I0NB C0PVRIGHT8 &C. Anronoiendlntr nihetrh anddcjcrlrtlon inn1 i wli Con ik on tentlreo. Oldest nuencyfumecurliiK Patents. Invention Is probably patentable. Communion. ini. I'atei.tJ taken tlirouch llunn &. Co. receive i(flalfW(i, without, clinriio, In tho Scientific flmer.catt A lisndiomely lllaitroted srceklr. Tjireost clr rnlatlou ot nnr f Itntltlo lournal. Terms, 13 a roar I fcnir luunths. tl. Hold brail newidealera. Uraucli Ornco. tti V 6U Waililrmtoii. V. Clark & Fttlk'fl drug recti and complete. utock la new, First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Bueineao transacted Hrnft nr ni.onb- Collections made and proceeds promptly remuieu on uav oi collection, flight nnd Telegraphic Exchange sold on Now York, fian Francisco and port- , i ;unu. DIKBOTOH!). D. P. Tiiompkon. Jho. 8. Bohbhcv, bU. M. W 1U-IAMB, GkO. A. LlBBIi, H. M. Bbam.. REGULATOR LINE. iiiiii'i. iimi'iw itit i iiiijiiiii it t ii finiinii-i. 1 1 1 I . I r I I IIC I 1 .1 l 1 1 iT ft.X II III A WW I IIUIMll li.kiiUljrJ I viiit,.i,iif v iiuiuiutl Alii I, VUJllailJ L.' . .. ... .1.. I....... I...... It It...... .. .. ....itff rM.tiiiti,,., ii, ..i,i,...,tj .tot t.iit, mu lltjlll w CEKp M'!'.. (nik' without notice. Str. nerjrulntor DOWN. , l.v. lulU's at 7 A. i. Tuo.-day . Thuifday . . Htiturilay. Arr. Portland , tit 1:0 r. M, ur. l.v, rortl.ind nt 7 A. M. . . . . Mninliiy . Woliieilny . . . . Friday Arr. Iiallett at Ii r. x. Sliip your Freight via Regulator Line Str. Dalles City. j DOWN ! l.v. Dalles ! lit 7 A. M. Monday ' Wi'dneMlay . 1 rrlday Arr. Portland , nt I :Si) v. l. rr. Stl.Wl.l FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, K Trnvttl w Hit. (llf.fttniiru if Hi., lliwrti Itttnr T.I, it. Piilininnv U'lll ,.llilii,vn- til (rll'plt. Mt. rous tne IjOM tetvicc p(siiii)ie. i or iiirtuur iniormaiiou iniuress l'ortlitnil Olllce, Oak -Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agt. J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors of Commercial Sample t)ooms, 5 Purest Liquors for Family Use f. Delivered to any part of tho Oit'. A ni.n..Mn , r.i t r..,., T sss Lone Diauuice. 173 Second Street. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Pancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer G-rooer. Tne CoiumDia Packing Go., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANOFACTUKKHB OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RIED BEEF, KTO. ONI FOR A OOSE. HI! I A Vuto JltwdMi,,, ,n,l ii,p,p,i,. JLJJESz ta ly U cvfurr umon. Tocon. 'fw. or (nil boi far ft Hold If 4tB(ut. OB. BOM Wasco Warehouse Com pa a I o 1 T LJl m m W Bh. f JU1 1 mam W'm AT All U I I1U Headquarters for Feed Grain ot piiwn W 1 . J wm m , I P . 1 1 IV1TI fc T M - I B-S I . c a. D .ak - a I I r w i iiih I'liiiii in iiiiiiiii iiiiti.ii ri.ii i.z iiinnnii . UWXX 1U IjLX I. I 1 . onlllU unoi uvury num. in Hllllrlwi:ii 10 ",v ,,iMt us nun uur uqoub lower uiun uny iioueo in mo initio, una 11 you im" can iiiiu cm cur jiriuoa nun lie convinucu. Higliest Prioes Paid for Whea,t, Barley and Oats SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! Do you know Hint John I'ualiuk, tlio tailor, is agont for ivod tlio larval morclmnt tailoring liotce In Amorluu? .rrr Do you know Unit ho will noil you n eult, mndo to your order, chenp ns tlio hnntl-iuo.dowu, roftdy-umde, you buy in the Htorei, 'IU Kiinrnutuo u (It or no eulo?, T)n Vnll 1 rtnu; llm lin linn alrliailn nn l.n.i.l tff III,, rOtnltlff and winter trade tho luuideoiiieBt and finest Hue of Etinipleti ever b"""" in The D.I1h? JOHN PASHEK, Merohant Tailor, Agent.