The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 16, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 363
I) e Hulks
v .. ,ii,pn iiku.itinrimgir
A'cgclablc Pr cparationfor As
similating ihcFoodandBeguIa
ling QtcStoinuchs andBowcls of
Promotes Digcstion.CiWFur
ncss find Ifcsl .Contains neither
Opiuni.Morpliinc norliieral.
Mrtv orOMJJrSlitaPfrCWl
iwkui Seal"
Jhtfjriminl -
Hi CetiontUrScdn
Ctmtiid Miagr
Walnynrn flavor.
Apctfrci Hcrnsdy forConstipa
fion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhocn
iuul Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile SignnJurcor
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the t
fv JjV In
rtJ Use
For Over
Thirty Years
Declares Ex-Senator Mitchell, After
a Tour of Observation in Several
Ex-Senntnr .Tntin IT Ml.,. I. oil l. .
.... ... iiiilkusu UHD IV
rued from tho East, says the Telegram.
"Tliere ie no dotlllt nllnnt th' nlnpitnn
McKinloy," said the seuator when
- --j ... mi, uuiui uurriuura at mo
. niDufta irum uusurvuuuii,
. in niiKnH i. . : : i . i it
ho Yiniiou wasniogiou,
tho New Englund etates and nioflt
be important states of tho Middle
et- Hie statements, thorefore, are
unu imp nuu ma nncrnr iinnn inn
I... . .
iiuiuo oi me counirv.
ATerVWilOrn." onnllnnoil Mr Mil.
J vwmI,1MVU I ki
ll . ""inn .1 . .
I ...u jiujuuuerance oi sentiment
'"llVOrof MiK n nv. T tnlliarl with
- . A VIU Y
..w. uuoiiiuau raen gnu oiuer
ma ? . ...
r u iuuch wuii oven me
ninat ni. . .
v.noaor, unu mey an conceae
'it eiecuon ta agiureu."
"Of about the German vote In tho
uiuu which me juryanues
t)nMx,.')l) .
-.o.K, WHB aBKeU.
frnin ...i.... t i . . ..
muni coiuu learn." reo ed
' Mllchell, "disappointment awuita
-lumiwHiR mere. Moat of the
"mil uurnmna nr Nnu Vni oinii
'ill ni ll n.n m... .m .....
M iuiiii:b, win vuiu
McKinloy. From tlieno Germans in
WW alntea of tl10 Union tnku tl.oir
llio Now York Germans vote,
111 till) m, )rI,., nf (I, n "'..,..,., I..
. .-.-. w i ktllJ vicitiiiikia .i
" "tales vote.
j"liort, the pooioKonerttlly bolleve
""K well enough Bione. All the
"tlvo business element is stroiif
CMnley. There aro comnarativel v
"" nines nu over the country
--v uriiiiin if,. x
experiments by voting for a
i. - .uiiio ujr vuiiug nir n
I ttlllch 1h nlnilcnil in imi.i il.i
Inn.. . i .
mat have created this
" HIllDlll. .,,,1 Ml. M... It.........
'"'"NUTO.V, Oct. 15 Th fnllniBimf
- me rejouo of Captain Shields
command from th. 17111 nlnna has
MifitMn.i ...
vvurii a t-ktA M .i . i ,
war uepnrimenii
! ""'UlnCtOIl Tlllnrmallnn fnm
NUaUB ).,. ..f..j .. ..
Shields nnd forty-eight men, Company
K, Twenty-ninth Kegiment, U. S. V.,
Inftiutry; two corporals, Company C.
Twenty-ninth Begiment; one civilian,
American lipcro. who were prisoners in
hands of insurgents, have been turned
over to General Luther R. Hare. More
particulars soon, giving names of killed
and wounded." Mac Akthuk.
Lur.uu Ilui Be on Thoroug;Uly rclUel.
New Youk, Oct. 15. Lieutenant Ed
ward Flaherty, who has recently been
honorably discharged from the army
after recovering from illness contracted
with the Twenty-seventh Infantry in the
l'hlllpinoc, believes that the island of
Luzon has been thoroughly pacified.
"There aro no Filipinos fighting
against the United States now," said he
last night, "save struggling bands of
robbers or ladrones. They are still
thick in several provinces, and were no
ticeably numerous in the Province of
Morong until the Twenty-seventp In
fantry drove them out in a campaign
euding with the battle of Tain ay last
"All the Filipinos, except the Tagalos,
are in favor of American supremacy.
Some of tho Filipinos have actually
turned their arms against tho Ladrones
mid killed some of them. It is feasible
to supplant a large number of soldiers
there with natives enlisted iu tho Amer
ican service, and it ought to be doue to
spare our men. The Ladrones obey to
a lurse extent the orders of Agulnaldo,
though their bands are widely .spread."
That I ntornntluuul Uoundary Line.
Nkw Whatcom, Wash., Oct. 15.
News was received here today that the
dominion eurveyors who have boon en
gaged iu an effort to locate tho interna
tional boundary lino where it paises
through the Mount Baker mining dis
trict in Whatcom county, abandoned
their work on October Oth and left the
country. According to their field notes,
the lino passes two miles Boutb of where
it wiih always supposed to have run,
which their scientific observations place
the 40th itarallel, which is tlie boundary
Hue. withlu a quarter of a mile of where
it Is iilwuya auppo8ed to havo been.
Should the field notes stand In the
mntarltv. the finest mining properties
in the country will bo on the Canadian
side, The matter will undouutedly Have
to be made the subject of negotiation!
between the two governments as to
where the line shall be.
Sneclal values in Men and Boys cloth
ing at the New York Cash store.
Railway Men Regard It as Too Onesided.
New Youk, Oct. 15. Whether or not
tho demand made by the miners will be
granted by the operators was a question
upon which definite information was
not obtainable in this city yesterday.
Efforts were made to see W. H. Truesdale,
president oi the Djleware, Lackawanna
& Western Itailroad; E. B. Thomas,
president of the Erie Railroad, and
Alfred Walter, president of the Lehigh
Valley, but roporters who visited their
homes were informed that all three of
them were away from town.
The coincidence of their absence from
the city upon the same day led to the
presumption that they had been called
away to attend bo me conlerence to con
eider the men's demands, but other offi
cials of the companies who were seen
professed to have no knowledge of the
holding of any meeting by the heads of
the coal-carrying railroads. The three
companies referred to will be largely con
cerned in any decision that may be
reached as to the accptance or refusal of
the terms formulated by the Btrikere.
Another dominant factor in the delibera
tioiis of the operators who control the
situation would he R. M. Oliphant,
president of the Delaware & Hudson
Coal Company, but he is lying seriously
ill at his home in this city, and can take
no part in the controversy.
Some of the individual operators who
were eeen Bald that tbey had no idea of
what attitude the railroads wauld take,
but they agreed that whatever action
was determined upon by the coal carry
ing roads would of necessity receive the
acquiescence of the individual mineown
ere. More than one of the independent
operators expressed the opinion that the
railroads would not agree to arbitration,
iuaemuch as Buch an agreement would
be one-sided in the face of the readiness
which the men had manifested, as shown
in the instance of the employes of the
Markle mine, to disregard, when it suit
ed their purpose, contracts which provide
for the settlement of disputes by arbttra
"Nor do I think, one of the independ
ent operators said in discussing the sit
uation, "that the mlneownera will con
sent to bind themselves to pay so large
an increase until April 1, when the fall
ing off in the demand for coal, which al
ways occurs in the Spring, might very
greatly reduce prices.
"While I do not think that the de
mand to abolish the sliding scale would
in itself be rejected by the operators, if
that bad been the only additional con
cession asked for, I am inclined to be
lieve that the answer of the railroads to
the men will be that they have made
their offer, and will not go beyond it, or,
in other words, the miners must either
be contented with tbe present proffered
advance of 10 por cent in wages, or re
main idle."
Cured of Chrouto Diarrhoea After Thirty
Year of Buffering;.
"Suffered for thirty years w ith diar
rhoea and thought I was past being
cured," says John S. Halloway, of
French Camp, Miss. "I had spent so
much time and money and suffered so
much that I bad given up all hopes of
recovery. I was so loeDio irom tue
effects of tho diarrhoea that I could do
no kiud of labor, could not even travel,
but by accident I was permitted to find
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, and aftor taking
several bottles 1 am entirely cured of
that trouble. I am so pleased with the
result that I am anxious that it be in
reacli of all those who suffer as I have,"
For sale by Blakeley druggist.
Two Meu Held at Arlington,
Akmnoton, Or., Oct. 15. W. J. Par
ker, who lias been employed In various
harvest fields in thij section for the last
month or so, was arrested on a charge of
issuing checks on the Arlington Nation
al bank. The aggregate of the .checks
amount to about 17. He is now in jail
awaiting nis preliminary examination,
which is set for tomorrow morning,
The authorities today arrested a man
who is supposed to be wanted at North
Yakima for horsestealing. The sheriff
of Yakima county is expected to arrive
here tonight to take the prisoner to that
place. t
Catarrh Cannot Be Cored,
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the beet
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. Tho perfect
combination of tho two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hall'B Family Pills are the bent. 12
North Yaklinu l'eanuti.
Nohth Yakima, WobIi., Oct. 15. F. E.
Nordyke, of the Wide Hollow district,
has been experimenting in the growing
of peanuts. He planted one-half acre
in the Virginia nuts this season, and has
made a success in growing eome fine
specimens. Tbe crop motured thorough
ly, and the nuts are of the finest flavor.
The experiment will open up a new
agricultural avenue for small farmers
and market gardnere, and Yakima valley
may become one of the great peanut-
growing districts of the Northwest.
Suicide at State Asylum,
Salem, Or., Oct. 15. John F. Adams,
an asylum patient, who was received
from Jackson county in 1S9G, committed
suicide this morning by hanging himself
from a steam pipe, with a rope made
of a strip torn from a blanket.
Adams was 51 yearB old, and was in
tbe asylum on his third commitment.
He was a man of quiet manner, and had
never given indication of suicidal propen
sities. He had been confined in the in
firmary ward, and slept with a fellow
patient in a room adjoining the main
sleeping apartment.
Worked the Wrong; Way.
Woodbukn, Oct. 15. John A. Jeffrey,
populist, addressed a small number here
Saturday afternoon. The effort was to
gain votes for Bryan, but the sentiments
expressed by the speaker made votes for
McKinloy. Mr. Jeffrey advocated re
linquishment of the Philippines to
Aguinaldo and his followers. Several
ex-volunteers present left the hall in
Chauiberlalu'a Cough Remedy a Great
The soothing and healing properties
of this remedy, its pleasant and prompt
and permament cures have made it a
great favorite witli people everywhere.
It is especially prized by toothers of
small children for colds, croup and
whoopinir couph. as it always affords
quick relief, and as it contains no opium
or other harmful drug, it may be given
as confidentially to a baby as to an
adult. For sale by Blakeley druggist.
Cuts and ViuUei Quickly Healed,
Chamberlain's Pain Balm applied to a
cut, bruise, burn, scald or like injury
will instantly allay the pain and will
heal tbe parts in less time than any
other treatment. Unless the injury is
very severe it will not not leave a Bear.
Pain Balm also cures rhumatism,
sprains, swelliuus and lameness, For
sale by Blakeley druggist.
Are you ready to buy your fall shoes?
We are sole agents for the celebrattd
Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.'s line of foot
wear. If you want the best shoe for the
least money, call and see us, No trou
ble to show goods at the New York Cash
JJlmululluu of l'urtuurbli,
The partnership heretofore existing
between J, A, Curuaby and J, W. Blake
ney is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent. Tho business will be continued
nnder the style and firm of Garnaby &
Summers, who will collect all bills and
pay all obligations of the late firm.
The Dalles, Oct 1, 1000. ol0-w4w
HuBtling young man can make $60 per
month and espouses, Permanent posi
tion. Experience unnecessary. Write
quick for particulars, Clark & Co,,
Fourth and Locuet Streets, Philadel
phia, Pa, e8-tf
j ill ramorannTs
Ready-made, but equal
to best custom-made.
$12.50 to
A brief wor.d concerning the new fall styles. Rough
faced fabrics are prominent in this gathering. They
are greatly liked and are ready sellers. Those in striped
effects are partioularly stylish goods. Blues and blacks
are plentiful, of course. The new coat this fall is a
"Military" sack coat. Among frocks the "University"
is the latest. The "Military" is made to fit closely;
large shoulders, however, will remain the fashion
even larger than ever. Well-made "suits-, carefully fin
ished and of honest materials in short, "Williams &
Co." suits in the recent collection, at .$12.50 to $30.
All delayed lines now in ; some of the earlier lots al
ready closed out. Last week's rush made quite an in
road on certain sizes, yet tho assortment is still larger
than elsewhere.
A. IYI. Williams & Co.
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry .Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at much less than wholesale
prices. Will Bell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers.
Entire stock must "be olosed out before 30 days.
All goods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets
and Butterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early aud secure
Corner Second and Court Sts.
State flotfmal Sohool,
Pall Term Opens September 18, 1900.
The students of the Nonaal School are prepared to tako tho State Certificate Immediately on
Graduate! readily secure (rood positions. Kxpeaso of year from 1130 to 150,
Strong Academic mid Professional Courses. New Special Departure iu Manual Training
Well equipped Training Department.
For catalogue containing full announcements address
1'. 1.. OAMi'llKMi, I'resldciit. or V A. WANK, Secretary of Faculty,
If you intend to take a trip East, ask
your ticket agent to route you via The
Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date
railroad in every particular.
Through trains from Chicago, Kansas
City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York
and New England points, All trains
ruu via Niagara Falls and every through
train baa free reclining chair cars, Bleep
ing and dining cars.
Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni
agara Falls. Ross 0. Clink,
Pacific Coast Pass, Agt,,
Los Angeles, Calif.
0. S. Cuank, G, P. A., St. Louis, Mo.
Strayed from my place ou the bluff,
a- 2y ear-old Jersey heifer; dehorned;
ear mark on both ears ; branded bar Z ou
both hips, Liberal reward paid for her
ol0-4tw Bkrt Baulky,
Gall on Mrs. Morgan for art embroid
eries, alio decorative work in oil and
water colors, 2tf
Drying preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh ; thoy dry up the secretions,'
which adhere to tho membrane nud decom
pose, causing a far inoro sorious troublo tlmu
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalauts, fumes, smokes nnd snuiTa
and uso that which cleanses, soothes aud
heals, Ely's-Cream Balm is such n remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho
COo. bizo. Brothers, 50 Warron St., N.Y.
Tho Balm cures without puiu, does not
irritate or cause sueozing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surfaco, rolioy
iug immediately tho painful inflammation.
Witlt Ely's Cream Dal in you aro armed
ugaiust Nasul Catarrh and nay Foyer,
Tho largest and most complete line of
fall aud winter millinery ever displayed
in the city at the Campbell & Wilsou
millinery parlors. The prices will sell
the goods, e8tf
Eight tons of good grass hay, baled.
Inquire at this office, octlldaw
Wanted A boy of steady habits to
work In a store, Inquire at this office.
"'l-7-A CM.
1 i
icLxiveu iua( uaptaiu
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