O.RH CORONER'S INQUEST. A Tomim'i ltmaln Knit Aot the Ground Trn Iy After Dratb. We corrliallv invite vou to visit Coroner Butti held an inquest yester-1 day at Hood Kiver ou the body o! a winow, nani"d Maria Sauer, that hss some circomf tancei connected with it altogether oat of the ordinary run c: things in Oregon. The woman bad died oa Friday, 5th instant, tec day previ ntnlr. and bad not been buried. She was a native of Germany and had carae ! to the United States about tbrte years ago, in company with ber fire children J nnrl an elder brother named Fred Merer. ' Thev had moved from Portland to Hcod' Elver valley a few months ago and were living on a piece of rented land about eight milts southeast of the town of Hood Kiver. The brother and son of the dead woman had coffined the remains and, inclosing the colfic in a tin casket which the son made, carried the remains to a vacant spot a short distance trom the cabin and covered it with brush. The Hood River authorities, hearing that the remains had not been interred, had them brought to town Saturday and ' immediately notified the coroner. i.u : . iit m t .i ,.t testified that the reason why the had i npt buried the woman was because they ( intcnrlil tn remnv tn The Dalles a soon as thev got fSO that was expected I ., ' , , i . j . L.l by mail, and they calculated to lake the remains with them. ur. crosius ex amined the remains, which were greatH emaciated, and testified ;hat au anatnm icnl diagnosis indicated that the woman : had died of cancer in the breast and a ( verdict wa rendered to this effect. t Meyer's neighbors all say he is crazy and that his re'nsal to bury his sister j was in some way related to his belief that she had died from the effects of witchcraft inflicted on her by a neigh bor. They had a cow that died sudden ly a short time ago and Meyer accuses a neighbor of having bewitched her. He found out the witch by fixing a horizontal whhiine arrangement on the end of a stick stuck in the ground, with ! a nail attached to the wheel and point ing horizontally. The wheel was givt-n an impulse and when its motion ceased the nail pointed directly to the residence of the witch. After the inquest Meyer promised to bury bis sister but during Sunday night he hired a team and, stealing the body from the morgue, made off home nQlh it. It is not known whether he has buried the body or not, but the chances are that the remains are Btill above ground. The woman's age was given at 42. The brother was some years older. The Campbell & Wilson millinery parlor is the place to buy up tc-date head wear at right prices. All the new things in street hats. Patterns and trimmed hats can be found there, also a fine line of children's school bats and baby bonnets. tf For Dale. Fine seed wheat for sale; red Russian. Price, 75 cente per bushel. V. W. P.AWHOS, epl9-lm The Dalles, Or. Umi't Hub It Id, Just wet the affected part freely with ISJyaterious Pdin Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke ic Falk. . Iteal atate for Bale. Twenty-three lots, located from Sev enth street to Twelfth, for sale at from 50 up. Inquire at the Colombia Hotel. a29-tf A beautiful and artistic art exhibit may be leen at Mrs. Morgan's studio, on Third street, near Court. 0-13 Now is the the lime to buy your winter suit. A full line of Men and Boys cloth ing at the New York Cash store. Clothes that fit the man and fit the pocket-book at the New York Cash store, You will not have bolls if you take Clarke & Falk'd sure core for bolls. Clarke & Falk'e flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Clarke & Fu'k have on sale a full line of paiut and artist' brushes. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Jame E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints Clark & Falk are never cloeed Sunday. Don't foriret this. Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors.. Mr a H. h. Jones has opened ice cream and oyster parlors in Carey Bal lard's old eland. She carries A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. The place has bwn thoroughly ren ovated, and a. htrof the public patron iaolieit4.4 ' THE A new Department Store just goods and low prices kinds of merchandise. THE ft BIG SALE OF STAR FEED MILLS. nnrmcr the trpet rmr anu arnivm gain? in Grinding M3chinerv ever offered in the State of Oregon. We want every farnitjr t0 havs. ft Sur Feel Mill, because it will help to pay your taxes; it will HVe on tjnit.j j. Kil mate your old horse fatter; it will please your wife to set ,.i-t'wi lrain for Iier chickens : and this is a sure war of cettine it at a sacrifice. -for we are nosittvy tromg to close out the mills now on hand at ACTUAL COST. A chance in the-business compels ns to do this, and now is tbo time for you to arii. ,For farther paniculate inquire or write tu HUDSON 1 BROWNHILL, Nasal CATARRH In all la tn? there ihoald be clcaslineis. Ely's Cream Balm deaaws ,'. odLei and heala the diXLd membrane. Hraiei catarrh and drives avray a cold In the head naiefclr. Cream Balm li pined Into the noJtrile, spread , OTer tha meinbrana and Is abo?bed. Relief U im- I Bdiite and a care follows. It li not drjicj does . T i "ro CI-. KO mttl ft 7TT7. ' giiti or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 centa by mall. ELY KK)TUEItS, Warren inrect, "ew Tork. ADMINISTRATOP.'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby siven thut the undcr'Riied liaa tenduly npioiiited by the county court of theswteof Oregon, for rtasco county, adminis trator of the Mrtnte of Elizabeth A. Southern, deceased. All peron having clulms against tne estate of ald deceased are hereby notified to tiren nt the tame, with the proper vouchers therefor, to me at my office In H'jd, Oregon, vrithln six months from the date hereof. Uatedfeeplember,.'l, l:o. C. II. EOL'THEEN. lC'2rJ Admlnbtrutor. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice la hereby Klven that the undersigned have (lied with the ;lerfc of the county court of the State of Oregon for Vco countv, their final aciount as executors of the last wilt and testa ment of Ilenry Barnura, deceatcd, and that Monday, the lib day ol November, 1M0, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., has been fixed by the County Court for said county, as the time, and the connty court room In Wile City as th place for hairing of objections to aild final ac countant the tettlement of thestme. J. W, FKKNCII, i V. MAYB. scpl.s , Executors. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Officii atThk IUilxs, Or., uet,3,im i Notice is hereby Klven that the following named tcttler has filed notice of bis intention to make Dual proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver of the IJ. K. land office at The Walles, Or , on Katurday, Nov. 10, viz: I'eter tollr, ,Ir , of The Dalles, Or., If. E. No. illT, for the W bf . Nv or and cc rjr N fjr hec :ii, i p a ft , k n t, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John IhilrympK Fred Wlckman, O. C. Kng liab, J. E, Johnson, all of Tho Dulles, Or. oct 0 JAY 1 LUCAS, Itcgistcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. L.Na OmcE at The Dallxs, Or., ( heptcmler 10, HOT I Notice Is hereby given Unit the following named cottier has filed notice ot his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that s.ld prool will be made before the KezistCT and Itecelver at The Dalle, Oregon, on Satur day, October SO, !W0, viz: ' Areltoua K, Fox, of The Dalles, Oregon, II. E. No. 3131, for tbo H hf MV or diid W hf BW or, Kcc Vi,1 1 " U E, W. 11. Ho names the following witnesses to prove tils (ontlmious residence iion nnd cultivation of alil land, viz: I. :. llatuey, O. II. Mntney, Charles Oosten and W. C. Claik, all of Tho Dulles, Oregon. sepU JAY I. LUCAH, Uegliter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. La.tv Ormi at The DAttKs, Ork., H(tpi, 1900. i l.otlcc la hereby given that tho following named settler lia filed notice of Ms intention tlon to make ilnul proof In supiort of tils cl'ilm, and tnat said .proof will be made be fore the register and receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, on Haturday, November 10, J'JW, vlx: Calvin J. UnaaklBt , of .Hosier, Or., II. E. No, 3121, for the SE qr, See 3I.T2NYR12E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove tils continuous residence upon, and cultivation ol said land viz; Michael Doyle, It. K. Doyle. The Dalle. Or,, James it, lirowu and Carl J. E. CaiUon, of Ho sier, Or. JAY I LUCA8, ?J tie, tiler 1 til' opened with new up-to-date i It s the place to save i Kemember the place, i FHIR. 133 S6COND J we are Eoxnc 10 oaer in erkfaiesi iar The Dalles. Ofegon' L. Lane. GENERAL r Wagon and Carriage Work. Flah Brothers' Wagon. TM anUeflCTn, Fiione 159 FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANBACTA KNEUALBASKINO B0KKSE8 Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and TelegrapbK Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable term. If C. p. Stephens ...Dealer In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes. Hats. Caps, Notions. Agt. for W. L. Douglas Shoe. i SSaasssiK:"" tub Dalies. Or. jQlt. K. K. FEIttltHON, PJiyeiciun and Surgeon, Office, Vogt Hlock (over I'ostoSice), AUplmo-dw THE DAI.LEH, O'tEOON. JU- OBIBBNOOItrVBR Fliysiciaa and Bureou, Bpaclal attention given lo turnery, Tel.sas Rooms 31 am 2i. Vot Block a iaa. i s r. i n h j -i- i mm 1 ; m 1 ! -j BD Horsesnoe i Axle J irease 1 H helps the team. Saves wear and I expense. Sold every where. M faPjjg suriE by tfajw BTAMDARO OIL CO. aSfe it. ; i t L:l 1 5 i ? r -1 j i :: i r i I ;i 'zi- I , .: i s neyonaii. 5. , m m rt a. , ' , ' " I igg Mail fh K $ ' I ;. : t 1 i 'If I I I t 3t II Athrnl c a STREET. ; ''I 1 ' i V',"i!"r,' 1 1 be, i fk 1 n 11 i-ti o"'"" 1 $ f ? & MhII ; ; The . 1 I 1 i I i ! ll .T.t. n.InaHe 1 ti. a. i I i l 't ! i I S- ; i ! ! ' ' .1-1 11 r 7 r 1 ... 1 f zim 1 1 ' t 1 ( - . 'i ! ..'111! sa ! PKlr3k Ihh 1 -z - : ... BMil THE CELEBRATED Cf) III! MR! A AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-knoRn brewery the United States Health Reporte for Jnne iS, 1900, eaye: "A more supeiior brew never entered the lubratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid ot the slightest trace of Adulteration, but on the othur hand is composed of the best of tnnlt nnd choicest of hop3. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with the cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. tayajyayy1 Grandall&Bupget DEALERS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplied I O. U. O 1 W1IOLE8AI.K Winesp Liquors - Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. r r r r r r I Phone 234, r Subscribe for The Mrs. Annie Luckey, Hair-Dressing and Shampooing Facial Treatments and the MORMON TREATMENT. Room 69, third floor, Umatilla Home, Hours from 9 to l'J a. m, and 1 to 5 p, m. Paint your house with palnU that are fully guaranteed to lait. Clarke & Falk bave them. IMt UfcL.fc.BKAlfc.lJ f, BHEWEfiY ... Hobes, BuriaSh Etc. U t5LllNU, i 4 AND I! ETA II, Next door to A. M. Williams 4 Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. i Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. House Painting... The undersigned has taken possession of R, A, Splvey paint shop, next door to the Vogt opera house, and has pur chased tho tools and ladders. lie has good mechanic working for him, and will guarantee all work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. tinbtcribe (or The Chronicle, AKT Fioa Salt Lakr, Denver. Ft. F,, worm. umn, Kn- ui City, Bt. Umlj, 1:04 pm Chicago and Kant. " m alt ijike, Denver. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Knn ins City, Ht. 1j)U1, Chicago and Kaat. Walla Walla, Bpoksnc, Bpokaue M.H tnd KxprtM Jilnncapom. hi, raui, Ou in th, Milwaukee,, ClllnaKO and Enxt, via Hpokaneakd HuiitlnR urn; nlao nil pulnu in RslittiRtoii and Kail em Oregon. .3a.m FROM 'OKTLltn Ocean Stenianhtpfc. For ban Franclct Every Five Day. tp.m. . O i. tilt nx.sundafiColuruhla Itv. Htcnmors. F.x.sun( Astobia and Way Landings. C. tn. WiuaKkitb Itivcn. 4:Mp.tn. i:r..bundny!Orcsri)n Ctr. Nuwlwrg, Ex.hun4j riulum J; Way Itnd'ii. T a. ni, 'WtUAMrrrt aki Yam Ttint.1 hur.J lilLJ. Kivcrh. mid faut. Orepnn Cltr, Dayton. Hud Way-1 .mdltiRk. 3 30 1. m. MoiL.wcd uud FrL fi.'.'AKE UtVEU. KfjiHrU to I.cwiaum. I.EATX Ltwinon daily 9:C0a. m I'nr.Hn dehlrme to eo to Ilewmcr or iMiiuts on oliimbla pnutliem via iiisks, unnuia iiik-7o. i. li'iivlnc Tlie Dalle at 2 l p. in. nrntlnr rtirwit coni-cctlnnn at ilfiimmT luiictlon ' nnd I'.lcgs. llcttirnliiR niH'liicllrtetcoimectlou I lit ilfippiier iunntlon and ltlte v. 1th No. l.at- tlvitiB at J lie Daneii B' v. i". Km luU particular call ou O. . A N. Co.'s nfiit ine Dutlua. or add . v . 11. HUltLlU IlT, (.rii. rim. Ast , I'urtlaiiii.Or Ifn Pacific Yellowstone Park Line. THK DINING CAlt ROUTE KKOXt !'OKTI..(SI TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIItECT LINE TO THE YELLOW- HI ONE l'AKK. Union Dot, Filth and 1SU Ltivi:. AKIilVE. No. 2. Fast mull for Tacoma, No. Kcnttlc, Olymiila, orays Untbor unci South Hunt) points, BHikanu. Koss land, II. C, rullmnn, Moscow, llston, Hul-1 11:15 A. M. laluliuiuprnliiliiRcoun-i S;S0 1. JI. try, Helena, MliilienixW lis, St. I'aut, Oiaaha, Kansas City, 8t. Louis,. .OhicBRO and all pott! No. i. least mid southeast. n. j. ' niKCt Sound EsprcHN, 1I;S0 I. II., lor Tacoma and Seattle. 7;00 A 'and Intermediate point M. I'nllman tlrst clasa and tourist alecpen; tn Minneapolis, St. l'aul and Missouri river polnti without change. Vuatltmled trains. Union depot connections In all principal cltle. UaKRace checked to destination of tickets. "or handsomely HluatmUddccrlitlvcriiattor, tlckuts, tlueplng-cnr reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General l'assetiaer Aaent. 'iV5 Jlorrl sou Street, corner Third, I'ortland, Orcsoii. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains leave Tho Dalles for I'ortland and war stations at 4:&j a. ra. nnd 3 , m. Leave I'ortland 8:S0am 7:0npm Albany l'J:80am 10:50 jv in Arrive Ashland 12:XI u m UiSOa in ' Hacrameiito &;00pm l;Min " Han Francisco 7:15pm 8:16a m Arrlvo Ogdou 5:15 a m 11:15 a m " Denver u:U0 u m 0:00 a in " Kiiiimus city 7:'itm 7:Wam ' Chicago 7:l5nro UiOuin Arrive Los Angelea 1 :20pm 7:00am " Kl I'aso C:00pm f.iOOjuu " Korl Worth fi;ao mn ";: a in " (illy of Mexico l;M u m U:35 a m " Houston l:oo mn 4;00nin " New Orleans .., OiuSam 0:'J5pm WashliiKtou... 0:12 u in O'lUuin " New York 12:13 pm LT-Upm rullmaii and Tourist cars on both trains. Chair cars Hucramoiito to Ogdon mid El I'aso, and tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis. Mow Or leans and Washington. ' Connecting at 8nu Francisco with sevoral steamship line for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central ami South Amurlca. Hee agent at Tho Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, General I'assenger Agent, Portland, Or jQK. K. B. BMITU, Osteopath. Rooms 10 and 11, Chapman Block, The Utile Offgon. pil TIM KHCDULC. f ROM UALLKS. Soutnem Pacific Co