The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OPEN DAY AND NIGH" I I - ' I I 'A S3 fa .WTO J9 ilOXDAY OCT. 15. 1KO Tor Frelderst WILLIAM M'KINLEY, Of Ohio. Tor Vlcr-rreldrnt THEODORE ROOSEVELT, or Jew York. t A Bryanite editor has a very de cided advantage orer a republican 5n the respect that he is never hampered bj regard for candor and seldom by any regard for truth, little things like candor and fairness never rorry bira. Here is the Times-3Iountaineer revamping the J old Bryanite tabrication to the effect that Governor Roosevelt, in a speech made at Chicago in 189 4, said. "Any man who engages in a strike should be shot" The editor of the Mount-i aineer knows that lioosevelt has, in the most public manner, denied that he made a speech in Chicago in 1894 or was even there, and has branded the story as ua malicious lie," ,To suppose that the editor of the Times-Mountaineer had neve beard of Roosevelt's denial would be an msnlt to his mtellisence. LASS of Baldwins Celery Soda cana h?idach at cace. It Is pleas ant, prklin. e2rrecen: drink thas acts iraawl'aWr. It cleans and par to tfce itomscfc. trsztlj quiets ILs ntrrw ad rclteres all pam. It cc sicS and jurrous btadirhca, "icir. ard is n tal litni IOc 23c. SOc. Sl.OO Ciarte & Felk, The DUce. Orvgon. The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE. J. B. Crossea & Co., Props. 87 Second Street A Difficult Problem. It ie among tLe most difficult prob- ' lems of natnial science (or one to become expert in several lines. J. . Adcoi i ,' Co., by their combination, have ovet-' come this difficchy in a practical man ner. J. E. Aucoxis r.a expert watch maker and is Rood on jewelry, optical work and enpravinc. while Theo. H. ' Lielre is an expert optician and is rood on watch repairing, jewelry work acd engraving. Their price is as low as con sistent with poAd workmanship. They are prepared to do all work in their . several lines, on short notice. Work . sent by mail or express will receive prompt attestton. Sign, "-Big Ked Watch." mays & Crowe ""Weil sit," said Mr. Dooley, "if they'se annj v-an r-rnnnin' in this campaign but me firind Xlttdy Rosen felt, I'd like to know v?bo it is. It isn't Mack for he Mint away three weeks ago lavin' a note sayin' that be'd accipt th nomynalion if 'twas offered him, an' he ain't been heerd fr'm since. It ain't Bryan fr he's viaitui th' tombs iv th' ancesthors iv th' party, an' if be Iffces th' neighbor hood he may buy a place there. It ain't -Adly, fr athletic spoorts ar're iar fr'm his line. 'Tis Ttddy alone that's r runnin' an' he ain't r-runnin', he's gallopin'. If Nevr York is carried by Br3'an, which God fornid, it will be through the influence of Tammany, the rot tenest political institution' that ever cursed the earth. If TiLmmany car ries New York for Bn-nn it will be by its usual methpcl of levying campaign funds from every brothel, every gambling dep and every dead fall in the city. it any that the religions papers Complete Cir?e of Dru$s at M. Z. DON NELL, TH DRUGGIST. $i.oo per month. Strictly firjt clns local and long -distance telephone service within your home. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will be kept a secret, s Na cost for installing. You piU the standard Hunuing Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night service. We will accept your contract tor ten yenri and allow von to cancel same on eiving ns thirty days writ ten notice, PACIFIC 8TATE8 TELEPHONE COS. The onlv store It this city where tbt Genuine Imported Stransky-Stee! Ware is sold. A little higher in price, but outlast! called cheap enam fc - ,T JS? --r jptt CHOCOLATE BEWARE! BON BONS. Other wares look DIRECT from the FACTORY likeit.butthegenu- ine has the name AT EASTERN PRICES. Stransky - Steel "Ware oneach piece. Do not be deceived First prize at K International Exfci birions. Hichest award at World Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by the best cookingauthorities. certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it i cheapest because Jast What You uuant. Str. Repulator REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASI0R1A NAY. dir. sc' Htitimcr? ot tin- ItCKulotor Unc run as ;r th tol . s nrhrriu'e, the Company icjcrvlng thv right to cbisje '.uiu v ::.iut notice. I vn V V f A .-vs ? l h t iff I - .v'JBIlI i 7 nil r i I-l't . Geo. C. Blakeley, The Drnggist. J. A. EBERLE, piie Jailorip ,ri r down I l.v Uulk f at - x X. J:' Tuevjay 5. Tliutsday ?urdiiy . E Arr. lNirtliii! S, Bt-t:5P. H. ' fr. Lv. l" nt 7 A. M. Monilay . Wtnoa4y Frlilny Arr. VaWit ct 5 Y. X. Ship your Freight via Str. Dalles City. , IKJV.-K ' l.v. Italics I III 7 A Jt. I Monday U'fliit-liy Regulator Line. , 5?'irtU,,d , m -l .20 r. v. fr. nt7:(0i.x. Thtirodtf Atr. lullf! Rtir.x, l FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ff, Tmvel by the StcnnvrH nl the KcKulatnr line The Cunijumr will rnilcnvor tn give ltJ J4t-, runs tuc Wl c:vilv jHtMbiu. or lilt taur ititorniHtiuu nacucsi f. fortUntl OHlcc, Oak-Street Doct. W. C. ALLAWAY. Gon. Afrt. rxj f;r,tTiTir! ct-TATUJr.-'rr.t.y-LTyuju 1 New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such I wide variety as ye are showing never be- lute ttneu n biuic ctv a. aicai luitva ; tion creton effecte at ordinary rices. ) Good papere at cheap paper nricee. Elegant deaipns, tasteful colortucs, yonre 11 price, at onr etore on Third Also a full line of house painte. TAUSE, Third St. BEST. wonder of the country are unanimously opposed to ; the candidate whose hope of election ' is matnbj built on Tammany's ability j to carry New York ? ' The Bryanites have one monopoly ' tbst is doing a flourishing business these days, namely, that of endeavor-1 ing to suppress free speech and using violence toward republican campaign speakers. But what else could one expect of a party that numbers an Altgeld, a Sovereign, a , Bloody Bridles Waite and a Tillman j among its patron saints: 'Bight here in Kliekite.t county," says the Goldendalc Agriculturist,; "democrats by dozens are going to ; Tote the repuolican ticket this year,! the latest prominent acquisition to1 the nartv bcinsr Mr. It. O. Whitbeck. a Eemember this celebrated enam eled ware ia special lv imported for and gold in this city ex-, clusively by us. A It does not rusi nor absorb crrease. does not discolor nor catch inside: u notaflectedbyacids in fruits ot vegetables ; will boil,; stew, roast i and bake ; withoutj imparting , flavor of i previously j cooked! food and ; will last t for years, ! we cau. A complete line of Fall and Winter i SuitinEs, Pantinps and Overcoating, now j on displar. 100 different varieties to ce- i lect from. SuitS, $20 BT)d up. Call and examine goods before soing elsewhere. Second etreet, opp. Mays & Crowe's. Gunning, ..cflAs. mu- Butehens and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kectxi on draught the celebmled COLL'ilBIA HEEK, Acknowl edged the best tK.:r in The Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try Hand L convinced. Alto the Finest brands of Wines, U-juor andCiKrs. Sanduiiehes of ell Kinds always on band. Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. J.B. HCHMXCK, 1 freaiden U.M.JlEAtL, Cashier against imitattosj CONTEST NOTICE. U. 3. Lisa OrncE.Tiic Dalle.. Oj., A lufficient conUst Hllidnvit having tvn flUd In lhl 'r.mrt hr Jfjwnh II. hherar. efjnlb4tan!. M One 01 CUC COUniy S most UlStlngUISUea , ln noaesteia entry .10. . vji. rnaae Jtiue j, J 1 lew. torS hf NW qr See Si, and K hf NEqrfcec . educators and a leading democrat. -'.Jv is k h e, by wiuiam giii contestee, in ' wholly abindoned tald tract ncd changed hi residence thcrelrorn for moje than six month , 5 liUsulutluu of l'artiiralilp. The parlnerabip heretofore existing between J. A. Carnaby and J. W. Blake ney ie this day dissolved by rnutnal con sent sine? raa&ing am amzy, uuu uvxi prior lit uitic 1 1 of contest- nnd that he did not abandon the trct to enter the military or naval service oi the United Ktatts. said iMtllen are hereby noli- i tied to appear, reapond nnd oRVr evidence touch- 1 ..i :. i r. .. 1 , l - - n . - lie businesa will be continued ium, before thorezhter and receiver at the l niidi fum lanu onice in i lie uauex, uitgnn. CMcles Lice Congnered. - USE Carbolineum : Avenarius The most efficient Wood 1'reicrvlnK J'aint also a Kadical Kernvdr agalni! Chicken Ll. It application to In side wall of poultry hono.K will per manently exterminate all Uee. Kt sulu healthy chickens, p.enty of eariH. iv lite for circulars nnd pilee. Jienlion this paper. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Bankiug Business transacted 1 Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. , Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold oi 5 , New York, San Francisco and port r land. I DIRKCTOHS ! D. P. TnoMPSON. Jmo. E. Bcbincx. I En. M. Williams, Gso. A. Libbe. U. M. BBAU.. The tald coiitclant havinir. in n nrui.;r mil. davit, filed August II. V.X), et ftirlh W:u which under the style and firm of Carnaby & Hammers, who will collect all tilln anil . . obligations of the late firm. : 0f this notice can not b mad, It is hereby , ordered and dltected that such notice be given ' .v fin. ar.fl t.rttrur trhlA ttnn Jos.T. Peters & Co., TUK DALLKfl, OltEODX, Cau.vabv & Kfinicns, SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE The Drfllee, Oct 1, l'MO. ol0-4w epi JAV I', LUCAS, lleghter. wisnuu. ( NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT, j A woman to take care of a child, 5 Notice U heieby clvtn th it the undersigned mnntliantil Annlv in I b duly Hied with the County Clerk of Wasco WJU.IIB OIO. AppiV lO I i-n,,ntv Ortinn. hla arMmil r.rt r..r.t ... octiid2t-w:n P. Ilenningeon, 3Iosier, Or. ntv. ( ladmlmttrator of theeslate of Adolbh Aeidlus. deceased, and that the Honorable County Court j ! has fixed Mouda),the3th day of November, IV, i ai w o-oioct a. ro. oi sam nay as rno time, auu Ttnallirio mrniii mnn ran rnnk fi(l ner ,he County Court room of the County Court, iiiiiiiine yonnit man can make ?ou per . h0UM5 hajjcitr. wwo County. Oregon, as the nlace for heatlinr said final account ami re- hi. aii pvrsons inieresiea in sam esiaic are ' month and expenses. Permanent posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars. Clark & Co., Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel phia, Pa, i8-tf Floral lolion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Fftlk. Special values Jq Men and Boys cloth 3eg at th N York Cash store. bort. All r hereby notified to appear at said tlrno and pluce i and show cause, if auy there be. why said report snouia noi tveapproveu anu um auminisiraior diichatKwi, Dated this ith day of October, 1X0. J. V, ARIDIU8, Administrator of Ibc tstntoof Adolph Agidius, deceastd. ociC 1, r. mcobs. jouh oavii MOORE k GAVIN, ATTOKNEVS AT I.AW Koobu it and 40, over L'. S. Land Office ssssssssssssssi TRADE MARKS DCSIONB COkVRIQHTS &C. Anrono sendlnir a skclrh and deserlpllon nia Qiilciily aieerlain our opinion pee whether a.i inrenlmn Is probably tiU'"tanle. Communiex tloiiSstrlctlyviia.1enlUL. Ilondtookou I'alents Milt freo. ((Mild aucncy,forsurinirpateMS. I' taken throutfu Jlutm A tu. rtcelvtv tfttlat mtk4, wlthoot. chartro. In tba Scientific America. A bandsomslr lllDdralcd weekly. Tersest rlr. rulatinn of a.iy seientltln loqrua!. Terms. S3 a renr: boiu byall newsdealer. j Tne GoluiTiDia PacRingCo., j PACKERS OF ;PORKand BEEF Hraodi OWc. CSJ V St. Washlutfon. I). V Clark & Falk'e drug fieih and complete. stock is new, MANUFACTURE K8 OY Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JBIF.D BEEF. ETC. 9 Proprietors Commepeial SampIe fyms Purest Liquors for Family Use f Delivered to ain' part of the City. C 173 Second Street, t) Phones: 51 Locil, S55 Lonj; Dietance. PIONEER BAKERY. iMsssHillBsslssstsjssssssjsjasjfjssssjHSSMMMsjM I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Wasco Warehouse Compan) Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kiads Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, of M?LLFEBD Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle- 1"OH Floill Tn'e 'our 18 tuinufucturtd exproealy for farollj UV,,1A AV' uee : nverv Hack ia Rtiarnnteed to givo BatinfftCtloC' Wa eoll onr ,'ootia lowor thau any house in the trade, and if you don't ttnnk call and cot our iriuee and bo convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. fin Aimmo ems OMC WOK A DOSE. RssariTt PInplM, Priftat '.w rrsftsn lhonnami,itUt Ihelllood. Jre lit adach and UslmlmU. Histoid tvclnHuu. UK.OiAIMtb CO.Wfcrt 9 SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! Do yuu know that John Paahck. the tnllor, is agent for two of the larueat lucrchant tailoring lionet's in America? & Do von know that ho will soil vou a euit. mndo lo vonr order, ns cheap as the hunil-n.o.ilown, icndy-inade, you buy in ttio sloree, mid guarantee a tit or no tale?. Do you know that he has already on hand for the coming Ml mid winter trade the hundeoineat nud tltieat line of tatuplea ever eliowu in The Dallea? TNTtwr A rtTTmy mm m . a J- AffcsfcsfcsfcsfcA sfcssfcssfcsjfcssfcsfcsft ww w-ww ww wwwww w WW WWWWWT'