,5 l)c Dalles !.:" m VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON. MONDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1900. NO. 362 VI 1)10111 c I c. liim atiai.RuamaiawwwnwnmimniinniiiiiiiiiiwBw AVcfclablc Pr cpatationFor As similating llicFoodandHcgula liiii ihc Stomachs ondBoweis of Promotes DigcslionXheerPuP ncss cind Hcst.Contains nelllicr Oniiiin.Morpiiine norIincraL NOT "NARCOTIC. linyjiut Stttl W!.x.Smna tfprmu'tl - . lit CctOtMuOr Sola iimnra i runxr. Apcrfccl Homedy forConslipo Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Omvulsions.FcveristV ncss nail Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Si'gnnlure or NEW YORK'. EXACT COFV Or WRAPPER. PARTNERS FALL OUT lO'Reilly anil Lytic, of the Columbia Southern Two New Suits Arc Commenced Former General MauaRcr Makes a Blunt State ment of His Side of tbc Litlgatiou. The Stockholders nf tlin Columbia poothern Hallway Company appear to Mcomo Involved in n general legal le, which may tako some time for llie coorta to Btralghten out, says iho Saudiy Oregonian. In the beginning, Duke 0. O'ltelllv. whn nwtiH atonic in Itbecotnnanv Ifiled auit at Moro, Sherman county, ask mgfor tbe appointment of a receiver, ld lUbataittlflllv nharelHo that the Ipreiident, K. K. Lytle, and others had rogtu to freeze lilm out, iutereating pemselvea in the bnlldlnir of mi ex- rlon of the road to Shaniko. Yeiterdav. thu he la tho ownor of 126 shares in the Frn, illed Hnu i the state circuit powt in tliiH oriiniti, .i.i rvu..t!i "king for judgmont against O'Reilly in r oi t10 company.for $26,000. o'r ni ftmfl nt on FebrUB,y 17 1800 was geuerai manager of the umpanv. nmi mr,r,..., a i. w treaanrv on Itis order and that o'ri V " ytl' l)re8l(1ent, nl ' uely drew nmi mmiiu.i t.t I,. , ...... ufifJIIVII vu HID unii inl ,000' H,tluugh ho pretended rresiiioiit Lytle assist him to I'-MfStho miMw.u It ...l .i. -"VI vhkoii irum uiu ""'y wlthom authority from the WoldirectorB, on the following order: Columhu e WHco, Or., Jan. HI, 1889 wwmWa Southern Railwav Gomnanv I For M , 10 D- 0- O'Kellly. Dr. ColuLh? ni'"8,ntion aR Projector of the mbiab.,thern Railway Company, tliecon. , . . rH'"fdin promoting WMtiuctlon of tho same-25,000 was urn i... !-. . .. j I with h ' ' wai n01 connecteu ci li i i11" ft,tBr cneiderblo portion tbiM , n ,JUilt' ,M,d u,e on'y in rtfl, , KBI,erl manager and di "Wj under salary, which was full com- Icm "'";" l0r "la services, and any eerv . . rmu(l ,,rlor t0 1,18 loorporation Wh Uty' "nd not worb f26000. . " Ue IIIOIIHV uiii lol, .1... l..l...ir 4 !ni!C.0rporRt,on I" dW, and ' ui. iiui miwir HMD M taken. He states that ho CAST0R1A For Infant! and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Thirty Years CASTORIA TMI etNTUH OOMMNT. HtW YORK OtTT. made a demand upon the hoard of di rectors to bring suit to recover the money, und was refused, and cannot np to tho stockholders to have the directors removed because the directors own sub stnntlnlly nil of the stock except what is owned by O'Kellly. Judgment is de manded in favor of the company for 25,000. Henry A. Moore has filed a similar suit against G. E. Lytle, tbe president nf the corporation, In the same court, to re cover 22,700 for tho company. This money, it is alleged, Lytle wrongfully drew for services rendered in the con struction of the road, and as projector. Tho allegations otherwise are almost entirely the same as in tbe O'Kellly case. Kecautly, O'Kellly filed a mandamus proceeding against President I.ytle and others, which is pending before Judge Frazer, to compel the officers of the com pany to allow him to inspect the books. Yesterday the defendants filed a long answer to this case, setting up that O'Reilly has been permitted to make reasonable examinations of the bobks, but his requests have been made with great frequency, and the inspection of the books by him has consumed so much time us to interfere with the general business of the office. O'Reilly's suit asking for the appointment of a receiver is mentioned, and the effect of which it is alleged would bo to destroy the value of his stock. He is charged with trying to wreck the company, and in part pursuance of his plan to havo caused mechanics' lien amounting to $0,000 to bo filed against tho company in Sherman county. Concerning tho suit against him, Mr. O'Reilly said to a reporter: "This is only a 'fuko' ense, to glvo mo trouble. It Is absurd. You know that I am suing Mr. Lytle, president of the '.,in.i.u Hniitliern. In Sherman county, among other things for misappropriating IliiO.OOO of tho funds of ttie uoiumum Southern. This is one of his ways of getting- even.' Knd the compiaiai u01.if ,..! von will see that tho board of directors of tho Columbia Southern re solve that my taking this money as a fraud, and I ought to bo sued; yot.BB tbe cooinla nt bobb on to say, uio uu.u refuses to bring Biiit. Doesn't that look ridiculous? The fact is, Lytle is president, bla wife. 1.1s brother, a brotherof thta plain- tiff, are tho director. Why don't mey let the company eue? Because the ..-,o . r.vtlfl and I. when we were solo owners of the Columbia bouthern, Bears the i t Signature jv JfV In fir se La For Over partners, you might say, divided be tween us $50,000 of the surplus in tbs treasury of the company. This was au thorized and ratified by the board of directors, and W. H. Moore, brother of this plaintiff, was one of those directors. It was, in fact, our money. Why shouldn't we divide it? And this plain tiff got tbe very shares of stock he is suing on as a consequence of tbe agree ment between Lytle and myself, which, among oilier things, provided tor a division of funds on hand. This stock was given II. A. Moore. He never paid a cent for it. He and his brother were bankers at Moro, and lent us money for the Columbia Southern at 8 and 10 per cent, which has been repaid them. "If II. A. Moore did not know of this division between Lytle and me, be is probably the only man in that region who didn't. His brother and partner was one of the directors who officially authorized it. "It is a 'fake' case. They are using Mr. Moore to do what thoy couldn't do themselves; it is conclusive that the rent person suing is Lytle, Some of it is very lnughable, and it is all 'buncombe.' Wiien we get to the merits of the case I will tell my story. At the present time I am devoting myself toeffoits to see the hooke anfl records of the company. I, own more than one-third of the stock, and since June have been trying to get an inspection of the books and records of the company, and every effort in court and out of it has been resisted by Mr Lytle and bis associates. They seem to think that 'might makes right,' and every trick is clever." Catarrh C'anuot lie Cured. with local applications, as tbey cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken infernally, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of tbe best tonics known, combined with the beat blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what Droduces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cuknky & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggistB, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 Xlio Philippine Trade. Washington-, Oct. 14. The diviqion of the war department has made public a bulletin on the trade of tbe Philippine islands. Tbe statement covers a period of nine months, ending March 31, 1900, and sets forth that during that time mer chandise to the value of $15,102,879 was Imported into tbe Philippines and goods to the value of $12,928,404 went out of the islands to foreign ports. During tbe neriod named 54.137 tons of Manila hemp, valued at $8,100,340 were ex ported, 6f which the United States took 18,183 tons, valued at $2,476,920; tbe United Kingdom took $3,904,347 worth, and 4808 tons, valued at $708,808, went to China. The commerce in gold and silver coins bring the total Importation to $10,751,800 and the total value of all exportation to $14,034,230. The trade with the United States alone amounted to an exportation of $2,650,450 of goods and importations oi the value of $1,080,149. Cured of Clirouio Diarrhoea After Thirty Year or Suffering-. "Suffered for thirty years with diar rhoea and thought I was past being cured," says John S. Halloway, of French Camp, Mies. "I had spent so much time and monoy and turTerod so much that I had given up H hopes of recovery. I was so feeble from the effects of the diarrhoea that 1 could do no kind of labor, could not even travel, but by accident I was permitted to find a bottle of Olmmborlaln'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after taking several bottled 1 am entirely cured cf that trouble. I am so pleased with the result that I am anxious that it be in reach of all those who suffer as I have." For sale by illukeley druggist. Are you ready to buy your fall hoes? We are solo agents for the celebrated Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.'a line of foot wear. If you want the best shoe for tbe least money, call and see us. No trou hie to show gooda at the New York Cash j Store. RUDE( BUT CONVINCING. Peter Dennett's Eloquence and the Bffect It Had Upon the Jury. Burnhnm's Leading in Law gives an amusing account of the trinl of a case wherein a doctor fitierl to recover his fee. The case was tried in Georgia many yenrs ngo. Robert Toombs ap peared for the plaintiff and Alexander H. Stephens for the defendant. When the evidence had closed Mr. Stephens told his client, the defendant, that the plaintiff had made out his case, and, as there was no offset, it was useless to proceed further, and the best thing the defendant could do was to pay the doctor's claim. The defendant, who was named l'cter Bennett, scorned this advice and indignantly replied that he had hired Mr. Stephens to speak for him, and he must tny (some thing, Mr, Stephens answered that there was nothing to say; that if Pe ter thought he could saj- nnjting he might address the jury himself, where upon l'eter delivered himself as fol lows: "Gentlemen of the jury, you and me is plain farmers, and, if we don't stick together these 'ere law yers and doctors will jis skin and bury us, This 'ere doctor was a new doc tor and I w.ent fur him to come and doctor my wife's sore leg. He come and he put some salve truck to it and some rags, but never done it bit er good. I don't believe he is no doctor nohow. There is doctors us is doctors, but thte 'ere man don't yearn his mouey, and if you send fur him as Miss Sul Atkins did fur a nigger boy as was wuth $1,000, lie jis kills him and wants pay for it!" "I don't!" thundered the doctor. "Did yer cure that nigger?" asked Peter. The doctor was silent and l'e ter proceeded: "As 1 was sayin', gintilmin, we farmers, when we sells our cotton, has got ter giv vally for the money we asks, and doctors ain't none too good to be put to the same rule. And I don't believe this 'ere man is no doc tor nohow," "Look at my diploma, if you think I'm no doctor," again interposed the plaintiff. "His 'di-piplo-mu.' Gintilmin, that is a big word for a printed sheepskin. It don't make no doctor tiv the sheep as fust wore it, nor uv the man whut now totes it. Ask. his pa tients if he's a doctor, gintilmin. But how kin yer? Where is Miss Beaseley's man Sam? Miss Peak's woman Sarah wus tended by him and her funeral was app'lnted and he had the corpse ready. Where is that likely Bill, as belonged to Mr. Mitchell? Where is that baby girl of Harry Ste vens'? She are gone whur doctors cease from troublin' and the infants is at rest, "Gintilmin, he haset chicken enough at my house to pay fur his salve, and I furnished the rags and I don't s'pobc he charged fur makin' her wuss." The defendant proceeded along this line at some length, and, despite Mr. Toombs' logical statement of the case in reply, Peter Bennett won. Cliauberlalu'a Couth Remedy a Great Favorite. The soothing and healing properties of this remedy, its pleasant and prompt and permament cureB have made it a great favorite with people everywhere. It is especially prized by mothers of small children for colds, croup and whooping coupb, as it always affords quick relief, and as it contains no opium or other harmful drug, it may be given as confidentially to a baby as to an adult. For sale by Blakeley druggist. Terun Are Not Acceptable. Shamokin, Pa., Oct. 15. The terms of the Scrantou convention are not ac ceptable to operators und representatives of coal-carrying companies in this place and Mount Carmel, Tho Reading of ficials do not think the sliding tcale will be abolished by the company, while operators are averse to signing a contract binding them to pay the 10 per cent in crease until April. No ordtn have been received as yet from headquarters of any of the companies instructing superin tendents to resume work tomorrow. Miners say they will not go to until cfll- ci illy adviped by President Mitchell. Outaaud Uiulaei Quickly Ilealad, Chamberlain's Pain Balm applied tp a cut, bruise, burn, scald or like Injury will instantly allay tbe pain and will heal tbe parts in less time than any other treatment. Unlets the Injury is very severe it will not not leave a scar. Pain Balm alto curet rhumatlsm, sprains, swellinus and lameness. For ale by Blakeley druggist. ii I nuaujuyofiio St i II I miwlmm A brief word concerning the new fall styles. Rough faced fabrics are prominent in this gathering. They are greatly liked and are ready sellers. Those in striped effects are particularly stylish goods. Blues and blacks are plentiful, of course. The new coat this fall is a "Military" sack coat. Among frocks tho "University" is the latest. The "Military" is made to fit closely; large shoulders, however, will remain the fashion even larger than ever. Well-made suits, carefully fin ished and of honest materials in short, "Williams & Co." suits in the recent collection, at $12.50 to $30. All delayed lines now in ; some of the earlier lots al ready closed out. Last week's rush made quite an in road on certain sizes, yet the assortment is still larger than elsewhere. A. M. Williams & Co. fetiting from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at much less than wholesale prices. Will eell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All goods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets and Butterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure bargalus. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. State ftotftnal School, MONMOUTH, - - OREGON. Pall Term Opens September 18, 1900.' The students of tho Normal School are prepared to take tho Stato Ccrtllleato Immediately on graduation. Graduate! readily scoure Kood positions, Experuo o( year Irom ? iso to f 150, , Strong Academio and professional Courses. New Special Departure lu Manuel Training Well equipped Training Department. For catalogue containing full announcements address P. U CAMI'HKI.L, I'roJldent. or W A. WANN, Secretary ot Faculty, GOING EAST- If you intend to take a trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabasb, a modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to Now York and New England points, All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair care, sleep ing and dining care. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Ross 0. Clink, raciiic uoast rass, Agt Lob Angeles, Calif. 0. S. Cuank, G, P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Htrayed. Strayed from my place on the bluff, a 2-year-old Jersey heifer; dehorned; ear mark on both ears ; branded bar Z on both hips, Liberal reward paid for her return. ol0-4tw Bictu- Baqlkv. Call on Mrs, Morgan for art embroid eries, alto decorative work in oil and water colors, 2tf flen's Sack Suits... Ready-made, but equal to best custom-made. $12.50 to $30.00. - Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; thoy dry up tbe secretions,' which adhere to the mombrano and decom pose, causing n far moro serious trouble than, tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes aud snuffa and uao that which cleanses, soothes aud. heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo, mailed for 10 cents. All druggists eell tho GOo. size. F.ly Brothers, 50 Warren St., N. Y. Tho Balm cures without pain, docs not irritate or causo snoozing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately tho painful iuUammation. With Kly's Cream Uului you aro armed against Nasal Catarrh aud nay Fever, Tho largest and most complete line of fall and winter millinery ever displayed in the city at tbe Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. Tbe prices will sell the goods. eStf Wanted. Eight tons of 'good grass hay, baled. Inquire at this office, octlldiw Wanted A boy of steady habits to work in a store. Inquire at this office. c5 lw I t Tj II At mm 3 ii.'.'3B .Si m t'ik , re;