Wage of the Anthmcltr Sllnrr. The Bryuulte press has had very much to nay about the meaner wages of the anthracite coal miners now on n strike. Of course they nre carelul never to men Hon the fact that Anthracite coal is on the free list and that therefore the coal combine, known as the coal trust, does not owe its existence to our protective tariff Inwe any more than the three or four hundred colossal trusts of Great Britain, or hundreds of others in this county, owe their existence to that cause. It would appear that there is another side to this wage question. The men do not work nil the year, and the practice of the Eryanlto press ie to con ceal this fact and divide the yearly wane by the number of working days in the year, instead of bv the number of days of actual work. Tnus a daily wr.ge j B :ale of from G3 cents to SO cents a day ii ilgured, and this truly starvation, wicv, if it were true, is the Brvanite aiswer to the fuil dinner-pail argument ' of the republiwns and is used as a proof of the grinding oppression cf the trusts. That the readers of U he Chkonicku may see the other euie ot tliis picture, we print the following letter, which up- ! peared n short time nco in the New York Sun. The writer is a resident of Scran ton, Pa., and ought to know what lie is talking about : Lust week's press dispatches con-' ' taiued an. account of one of Mr. Bryan's characteristic speeches in which he was quoted as referrinz to the condition of the anthracite miner now engaged in his customary decennial strike. In this epetch Mr. Bryan drew a pitifu! pen picture of of a human heini: toiling and sweating like a beast of the field all day , long in the dark and gloomy bowels of the earth for the meagre sum of 73 cents , per diem. What rot ! Hiving lived in the anthracite coal regions for a period of twenty-einl t years I consider that I am pnviltgsd to say : What rot. The interior of our mines is lighted t with electricity. The miner of today j docs not toil and sweat like a beast of i the held. ,Un the contray it is not an infrequent occurance for a miner desir ous of taking a two or three-day outing at some pleasure resort to go into the mine at 6 o'clock in the morning and before nnon cut sufficient coal to keep his laborer or laborers in some cases a miner emploves three laborers working ' I uiree nays to ioa an i enu wie coai 10 tlia Qiivfii -.- Moru than u n m n ny brother to the mule, who, in sis hours, has worked three "shifts" for which under no circumstance, or circum stances is he permitted to earn a profit of less than $2 50 for each and every "shift." I use the word permitted be cause it is an invariable rule, a custom of the trade, in this coal region that if at the end of the month the miner has failed to average $2.50 per shift a suffici ent "allowance" of powder, oil, and yardage is given to him to makn that average. If a miner works twenty-five shifts a mouth his wages can in no event be less than be less tlun 362 50. During the month of August last 20 per cent, of the miners in tiie Lackawanna region cleared over $90. Mr. Uryan has been sadly misinform ed on this question. If his knowledge of other qnstions is based on no better information than this, his utterances must be the variest sophistry. Method in It. "You voted for Bryan four years ago, did yon?" said the passenger in the skull cm p. "I did,'"' replied the man in the flishy waistcoat. "And you Hiy you are going to vote for him again?" "That's right." "Did you hear or read any of his speeches in 1S0O?" "Lots of them." "Didn't ho make a lot of prophecies absut what would happen if the coun try went republican?" "Ho did." 4,Did any of tliern come true?" "None that I know of." "Don't you think he's either a dema gogue or a mighty small specimen of a statesman?" "I do." "Then why in the name of nil that is decent and consistent are you going to vote for him again?" "I'll tell you. You know that little cqint'cyed Trighauimer who used to live nest door to me?" "Yes." "Well, when McKinley was elected in 1890 little Trighammer was eo euro the country was going to everlasting smash that he told me his house and lot for G00. "That was a bargain, anyhow. You've still got the property, haven't you?'' "No, I sold it afterward for $2,000 What hae nil that to do with your voting for Bryan again?'-' "I want to see him elected so I can buy back that house and lot for 600. Cli.'iinliiirluln'rf C'uiiuli ltcnieily h Qrent Favorite. The eoothing and healing properties of this remedy, itft pleaant and prompt and prmainent cures have made it a great favorite with people everywhere. It ii especially prized by mothers of email children for colds, croup and whooping couph, as it always affords quick relief, and ae It contains no opium or other harmful drug, it may be given cas confidentially to a baby as to an -adult.. For sale by Blakeley druggist. Wo cordially invite vou to visit THE FAIR A new Department Store just opened with new up-to-date goods and iow prices. It's the place to save money on all kinds of merchandise. Remember the place, A BIG SALE I OF Durinc the Street Fair and Carnival we are coins: to offer tln greatest bar-', cain? in Grinding Machinery ever offered in the State of Oregon. We wnnf evi'ry farmer to inive a Star Feed Mill, becaii'e it will help to pav your taxe; it will j cive von time; i' will make your old horse farter; it will please vnur wife to get i rr.irked grain for her etnukene; and this is a sure way of getting it at a sacrifice, tor we art positivelv going to close out the mills now on hand nt ACTUAL COST. I A change in the t-usiness compels us to do this, and now is tiio time for vou to ' reap the beneiit. i or lurtner particulars HUDSON S BROWNHiLL, OUR CHURCHES .n.4.iiiao mii no naif, ,ti rttu i rirtarinn church tomorrow morning and evening bv he t Eder Vm1 K er I - ' Calvary Baptist church Huv. W. IS. Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11 n. m. and 5 p. m, in the basement of the new church on Union street. Sun- dav school at 10 a. m. Congregational church corner Fifth and Court streets. Rev. Poling, pastor. Morning worship at 11; Sundav school at 12:15; Young People's Society 0:30 p. ', in.; evening service at 7:30. ; Methodist Episcopal church Corner j Fifth and Washington, Rev. U. F. FTaicL tviatnr Tnrnim trnrahin if 11 ! Sunday school at 10 a. m.; class meet- ing at 12:15; Kpworth Lague at 0:30; evening service at i :30. The first quar - terly services will be conducted tomor- row. Rev. Robert Warner, P. E., will preach at 11 a. m. and will conduct the communion service at the close of the sermon. At the evening service Miss Myrtle Michel! will sing "Rock of Ages." Cut ami Uniiiex (Julekly IlHal.nl, Chamberlain's Pain Halm ajiplied to a cut, bruise, burn, tcald or like injury will instantly allay the pain and -will heal the parts in less time than any other treatment. Unless the injury is very severe it will not not leave a ec.ir. Pain Balm also curo3 rhumatism, spraniE, pweuinus anil mmeiiess. rort, sale by Blakeley druggist. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Jame E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors Mrs H. L. Jones has opened ice cream and oyster parlors in Carey Bal- larU e olu stand, bhe carries A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. The place has been thoroughly ren ovated, and a ishareof the public patron age it) solicited. Nasal CATARRH .m'u! uffi;!!''0 1 Ely's Cream Ualm tIawrc;,toQtlic-3 andhtiU llio diiea:vil membrane. It cures catarrh an 4 drives airay a coM lu the bead quickly. Cream 11a! m la placed into tho nottrllj, tpreada over the mmbraao and la absorbed, licllef la Irn- rucdlile and a euro follows. It la not dry Ing loea sot produce t oiczlng, Large Sht, CO centi at Drug. glut or by mall ; Trial Men, 10 cent by mall. l.V KKW1KIW, 55 Warren Street, New York. Ileal JSttate for Hala. Twenty-three lots, located from 8ev enth street to Twelfth, for tale at from $50 up. Inquire at the Columbia Hotel, n20.tf 133 SSCOND STREET. STAR FEED MILLS. a inquire or writo tj The Dalles, Oregon. , 1 1 at ii rxAT jcrA1: iep iwa;ata jwj ft' L. Lane, I 5 g' UEXKKAL BiacKsmiin ...AND. r Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. ! g TM Slid MGD. PllOH8 159 S- Eiatj j FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. l'KANSACr.V H'.'Kl'.A I. BANKING I1UK1NKH i Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegrnphi', Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louie, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terra". , - - C. p. Stephens .Doalor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. Hut!, ('mis. Notions, for V. I Douglas Slioi. K. FKItdU.SON, TJiysician and Surgeon, Olllce, Vogt Hlock (over I'oitorUce), iOapliao-dw THE UMA.Y.H, OHKGO.V. UKIBKNIIOIIKFISU Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to urvery. Tel. 32$ Uym 21 auu a, Vott Block Horsesnoe '3 r 3 ! if Tcleplir j 131 Swc 1 it w lcad- 1 helrw flic (mm. fi.iv u'inr nml K jTjlt. K. 9 ll. i ; I Si ' ?, h C I t f '3 I i f I Ii ? S & i i f ! . i f ft THE CELEBRATED 5 .. .GOMfllBlA BHEWEKY ... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health Reports for June 23, 1900, says: "A more aupeiior brew never entered the labratory of the Tinted States Health reports It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the othor hand is composed of the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the. high est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction bv old and young. Its use can conscientiously he presunhed by the physicians with the cersainty that a better, purer or mure wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Gnudall DEALERS IN" fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS tf? EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies C. J. STUBhir4G, WHOI.KSALi; Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. ft g 12, Next door to A. Phone 234, c ...... Subscribe for. The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. Mrs. Annie Luckey, Hair-Dressing and Shampooing Facial Treatments and tho MORMON TREATMENT. Room 69, third floor. Umatilla House, Hours from 0 to l'J a. m. and 1 to 6 p. in. Paint your house with nalhta that ara fully guaranteed to last. Clarke A Falk have them. US as 1 as The Chronicle, The Dullon, Or. i '3D :Si. Job Printers. pa' as' as , 3 i t ttftitr & Barget Robes, BufiaSh Etc. 1 I; AND IlI'.T.MI, I 4 .5 5 3 M. Wllliuuin & Co. THE DALLES. OREGON, il '3 3 House Painting... The undersigned hus taken possession of R. A. Splvey paint ahqj), noxt door to the Vojrt opera houso, and has pur chased the tools and ladders, flu has good mechaoie3 working for him, and will (guarantee all work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. Hubscribe (or The Uuroniole, O.R.&H I IJKVAK7 TIMK fCII KIWI.it, ""717"" MR KllOM llAM.M. jjjj." HllH Ijlkr. IlcMVr.r fi KHKt Mnll Vi.lil p. in, if...... . : .'. ' Jan City, fit. uli, U.ii Atlantic Kxprcss Hiilt Iikp, llcnvcr, Kt I'Jt.Vin. in. nK City, Ht. bmiij nrui. iininiin. Knu. Vln Hunt IllS'tllll. ll!l-IKU I1IK1 I'.llM. Hpokniic Mall mill KxpreNs O.H'i p. m MllltlL'fllWllltl. Ml I l' .MI1M..1Tii1Ih hi. i V j) ll 111 til, Mllwaukre',! Clilriigo inn Kiisi, vlnl 14nnL'fi,ii.iilfit lint.,,.... . Mill in.l ' triu ; iiImi nil nt In HaliltiKtmi Hiul Kmt. a ji.- ern OreKiin. 8 j). in. KllOM l'llllTI.ANII OCL'im Hlt'aiiishiit Tor hail PriinrlM'ii Kvury Five l)is, P.B. S ii. in Kx.Humtny Columnla liv. Btwimcm. ?.x.iii( 1 ink. rimmilny in p, in. in ii.iiiiiia iiiiii tiity i'. n. in. U'lit .ii'T-.. 1'it.t.t. ...... Ux.auiiiIeylOrtsmi (;ity, huwin-rs, Ettandi'i mi em J; av ijiinr. Tfl. nl, IWlLlAMtTTK AKI) YA- 3;Mti, ' Ttic.'riliir.; IllLI. KIVUKH. Mon.,VM ' iiiiill-.it. jOrepim Oily, Dnyton, a4Frl. I iiml Wuj-lmlnixs. KNAKK ItlVKIl. iil)MirIn to l-uwhtun. I I.V iiliurln 1 ilaliy i 3,:t', ii. in, Uwirria dill; 9.00 a. n fSt rur.tiH iicHiritig in co lo llcppw or IHiuitMiii Cnlutiihlii f-niilhuru via ihoall take Kit. 2. k'uvlim '1 lie lialli' at HM r. n. i inaKliiif iiltii-t cmiiifotloiiMii lli'iipnvr junction Kim i.ik'kd iiuiuriiiiiK iiiiiMiiriiirifiiiiiiuccuoa tit lli'iiiii;r Junction Mini IIIck-- "1th No. l,u- rivi-n; hi jiic wanes in rj .ji i m i l"o: full imrtlciiliUK i'ii' on (I I ii'ivnl uio 1 a Ilea, or into . i. m iii.nurj, ' ii . ' . l'litlUn'l.C'r Yellowstone Park Line. Tin: iiiNi.so cap. uoi'Ti: fuom poktund TO T1IK r.AST. THK ONLY DIltKtrr LINK TO Till; VKLLQW. KIONK l'.Vl'.K J.F.kVK. Union Demi, Fifihand I sis amitl No. t!. Kut mull for Titcomu, Ko. Hviittle, Olyiiiiiln.tiriiv Hitrlior mill Houth HimhI lioiiiln, Hnikiiiit', Kos lliinil, II. riilliiiiui, MiKsciiw, Ijewlstim, lliif , ., 11:15 A. Jl. fnliiniiiiiiniiliiliitjcimn 5;MI'.J. try, IIulviui, Sllniifiiiio Us. Bl. I'mil, Omiilni, ' Kiiiiiiih City, rit. l-oiili. lOlilriiKO nml till liolnw No. I. cint imd smitliciiit. J1)-3-. 1'UKUt boiliul i:xirc.v. 11;00 I'. M.,for Tiicoinn nml Svntlle 7iWA.M. I nml liiturmcillutu oint I'lillinmi llrat eliisH mid toiirUt 1cih M Mimicni.ollH. Ht. L'mil mill Missouri rlvcriolaM without iilimiKo. VuiitllmUil tralim. Union ilcpoi coiiwctlom hi nil irlnciuil t:l t !. lliiKK'iiKe olitrkiil to ik-atliiutlnii of tickets. For finiulwMnuly 1 1 1 1 1 m t m t ctl le cr I p 1 1 ve in tickets, Nlix'pliiK'Viir rvorvntlon, etc., cull on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Asiltiint fienural ruwuirer Aceitt. '- Jlorrl rou Htiect, vomer Third, I'nrtbiiiil, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via utnern PacifiD Co Shasta Route Triiliis lenvo Tho Dulled for I'ortlmiil auJ "I Htnlloiif. ut U'ii ii. in. ami S i. in. U-uvo I'ortlmiil 8:3) nm Tpi" ' Allimiy I'.'.UIniu lu.Wpui Arrive Anlilmul . ... " Hiicniiiu'iilo . . " Hun Krunelsco , .12:3:lu m ll:.K)i .l:iiuii liiiin . 7;1A p in o:15o Arrive 0doii " Denver " KiiiisiiHt.'lty " UlilciiKO , ft: IS n HI 11 l18"1 . U:OJMil :UU 7:!iim , 7:15 u in u.a)B Arrive Los AliKolf.i l:in p in " Kl l'ao fijUl in " l'orl Worth o:i)ii in " :lly of .Mt'xk'u u:.Vi ii in " lloiiilmi 1:00 ii m " New Orlvmis ii:W n m " WiiililiiKtou OMJii in " New York' l'J; 1:1 p in 7 .1)1 a rJ li:Wl,w ii.;Miin j Vi a (K)ttW r, iipw r, Uuin iiiiiiiiui nun iniiriat uiirn on onwi Oliiilrcnm Kiioriuiiunto to Ok1uii nml 1 nml lonrl.it cum loClileugo, tit i.ouln, .NcifUr- llMIIIM Hllil VVnulititirtj.il ... .... .. (.,. Ir.lllll. C'oiuieetliiir nt Him Francisco wllli v'1 nU-Mliiiililp lines lor Honolulu, Jnpu, lnll I'lilllpiilnci), Central iiml Houtli Amerlcn. Hco uncut at Tho DuIIcn Htutlon, or mMrttn C. H. MARKHAM, aeneral l'wscnger Agont, I'liriliiri'Ii 0r T)H. It. K. H.MIT11, Osteopath. Iloonu 10 and tl, Cbupiusn Ulock, The l)l'' Ortgon, l,;4 T 1 iin