The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 13, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 361
l)e Dalles
Ill l .IliilH lillt,.M.I.K!t1l.llltl
similniing ittcFoodandllcgula
lmt ihc Slouuichs and Bowels of
Promotes Digc9lion.Cheerfur
iuiss and Itcsi.Conlains neither
OpiiinuMorpliine norlincral.
lmifjwi Snd"
Jl!1nnml -
Harp StfJ -CIhhKhI
llininynm flanr.
Apcrftxl llcmcdy forConslipn
Uim, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
ni'ss and Loss of Sleep.
Vac Simile Signature or
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Thirty Years
All Kinds of lltisiness Corporntions
Attacked by Hryiui.
It 13 not impossible Hint for the next
tliifty ilava Mr. Bryan will muku thu
"triistB" 1 1 1 h theme. Many democratic
speakers ami papers will follow IiIh ex
ample. It may lio the prearranged plan
ottho democratic national committee
Unit tlmy an do B0, if umt jH to bo
tliu cast), thoeo who are to UIbcuhb
"trusts" should agree on some precise
definition uf that word. It would boa assistance to the listeners to itntl
truat speeches and readera of anti-truat
editorials if they know what a "truat" ia
and where the "trtista nie to be found."
At present there ia a remarkable di
versity of opinion reeardiiiL' this matter.
Senator llamia eaya ho "does not believe
tlieru ia etich a thin? na a truat in the
United Statea." Most men will deem
Hub altogether too aweoping a itatomeiit.
Some o his frienda will scarcely under.
etHiul what he meaiiB. Some of hiu op.
rontiiiH nnderatnnil him tu menu that
there are no longer any monopoly com
uinoa whieh have what a lawyer would
wll a "truat" form of organization. That
Is indeed the eaae. Corporaliona wliieh
desire unity of control no longer trauafer
diclr iutereata to gome other corporation
which neta iim truatee for all and man
aKfH the n f I'.t 1 r b of all. Corporations
consolidate now, whore thev once formed
lVnple do not generally use the word
'fiat" in ita legal aense. Many mean
jjylta large industrial eoiiimwiy built up
Hie consolidation of u number of tho
winpauioa engaged in a particular husi
ne, and tlmy ofton assume that aueli a
consolidation ia harmful. Ono of Senator
Hniinu's critics givea u inoro precise deli,
nitloii. Uo aaya moat peoplo iiioaii by
"lata "a combination or consolidation
0'uEliibliahinoiitH embraced in any given
branch of production, powerful enough
practically tocontrol output and pi lour."
H this ia the definition which ia ae
cl'ted by Mr. Uryau and othor demo
tlc anti-lruat orators, it would bo
w well for t,um (0 onurnurato some of
no organisations which muy properly
uo called "trusta." Tliia enumeration
will havo moro eflect on the peoplo if it
C9 bo shown that these orgatlzatlona
have restricted output and thereby re
trlcted conaumptlon, and have raised
I'ricea. 'flio beat evidence of tho power
of a continuation tocontrol cutput and
prices 1b the evidence that it hue done so.
Whoro.thut ia lacking the power of the
combination ia merely alluded, not
Tliere are many conBolidated coru
paniea wliieh are properly called "trusts"
.which have not restricted the output.
They have welcomed iticrensed 'eon
BUtnption because it enabled them to
make ntoro .money. Nor, if able to con
trol prices, have they always used their
power to increase them. This is true of
come of the steel combines. Tho price
of atoel was lower here immediately
after the Illiuoia Steel company was
formed tbun it was before that compnny
was organized. If tho Carnegie compnny
hint the power to control prices it baa
not always exorcised that power. Its
prices havo not been tho highest when
it was the strongest. In fuct, it has
obtained ita ascendency in tiie markets
bv nndoraollini' competitors. The Uiacuit
Company may be said to have a mo
nopoly, but. ia there evidence that it has
so controlled prices as to restrict con
HninptbiiY A control which increases
consumption may not be objected to.
Tho anthracite coal roads are culled a
"ttuat." No doubt they act in unison.
They are in a combine at this timo par
ticularly odiua. They manage to agree
as to price. J!ut when the evidence
that they have made an agreement
which the law can take hold of la asked
for it is not foithcoming. Men will
"think alike" sometimep, oven as to tho
prices which they ask for their yuods.
No law which congress can pass and tho
piesident sign can prevent their doing
so. There is no way under tho consti
tution and laws in which this combine
can bo broken up. Here is a case of a
"trust," according to tho popular defin
ition, which not oven national legisla
tion can reach. Nor ia it easy to see
what national legislation can bo devued
to dissolve the most powerful of so-called
"trustfl" tho Standivid Oil Compnny.
The Itryanitea who mo denouncing
"truata" and iiokiitir to bo given power
that they may destroy them ought to
submit a Hat of the corporations they
think ointlit to be wlpod out, Uccunae lor
reafcona that aliould bo stated, their ex
istent ia dangerous to the puullo wel
fare. They phould explain also in de
tail what Federal legislation thoy pro
pose and ehow how it can be made
effectual either to destroy or control the
tri,iH eoinnlained of. Thoeo are some
of tho things tho people might well be
informed of before the elections.
Htlll iiftlio Stwno Opinion.
Chicago, Oct. 12. A special to the
Tribune from Louisville, Ky.,say8: Ex
President Grover Cleveland has replied
to a lettor written by Mr. John S. Groen,
of this city, inquiring if tho former
president had chanced his view on the
financial question, as expressed in hie
lettor to Chicago business men, on April
13, 1895. Mr. Cleveland, in his letter,
which is dated Buzzard'a Bay, October,
7, 1!)!)0, replied ns follows:
"I have teceived your letter inclosing
a copy of my letter written moro than
five years ago to the bnsinoes men of
Chicago. I had not seen it in a long
time, but it seems to tne I could not state
tho cube better at this time if I should
try. I have not changed my opinion as
then expressed in the least."
I'.nbliMl tills VutlCHti.
Ho.Mti, Oct. 12. A number of the pa
pers here publish the extraordinary
statement that the securities valued at
1157,0(10 lire, the theft of which from the
Vatican waa recently reported to the
Italian police, had been stolen eome
time previous to February laat, and
were Hold in that month on the Paris
Ilourso. They were stolen, it is assert
ed by order of an Italian capitalist. If
the story be true the more recent
burglary was committed with the object
of deceiving the authorities.
This theory lias produced a great im
pression at the Vatican, but it is not
generally credited.
Miners KIuh-1.
Ban Qitcnti.v, Oct. 12. Tho ten men
from Idaho, convicted of seizing a train
near Wardner at tho time of the Coeur
d'Alene mining troubles, have juut been
released from the penitentiary here in
accordance with the recent decision of
the United Stutes circuit court of ap
peals. They have railroad tickets for
Moscow, Idaho, where they hope to ee
cure work in the mines.
tilUH Miinufucturcrs' Stilke,
New Yohk, 0tt. 12. It is announced
here that tiie proposed combine of inde
pendent window-glass manufacturers has
boen accomplished, with a capital of
$10,000,000. Tho combine will control
about 000 potB and tanks, aud the claim
is that the cream of
the trade ia in the
May Sun l'ur Libel.
St'jii'Tiut, Oct. 12. Letson Balliet, the
coppor smelter promoter, has returned
from San Francisco to Baker City, and
the report is being persistently circulated
that a suit for criminal libel is to bo be
gun against Editor Henry F. Cassiday
for his reference to Balliot's methods in
the Baker City Herald ten days ago. As
yet no definite'atep has been taken. The
circulars sent out by Balliet among the
farmers and school teachers of the
Middle Western States appeared in The
Telegram two weeks ago, and in publish
ing these the Herald made rather vigor
ous comments unfavorable to the man
who would resort to such devices to ob
tain money for his enterprises.
Scalp IttiKinnpft linumlnff., Oct. 12. In accordance with
his custom eince the scalp bounty act
went into effect, Secretary of State
Dunbar has issued aquarterly statement
showing tho numbpr of scalps delivered
to the respective county courts of tho
state, in compliance with the act ap
proved February 18, 1899, as shown by
certificates filed with him and for which
warrants have been issued.
Linn and Washington are the only
counties which have not reported.
Linn county's court ignored the law and
absolutely refused to canvass ihe scalp
returns or certify them up. The total
for the year ia 45,820, ol which Wasco
county's quota is 2002, Sherman's 724
and Crook's 31G8.
Cuturrli Can not lie Cured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Bali's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold bv drruggists, price 75c.
Hairs'Fainilv Pills are the best. 12
Tvro Yearn in l'rlsou.
Salem, Oct. 12. Ed Reiser, who plead
ed guilty a few daB ago to the charge
of passing a check to which the name of
Governor Geer was forged, was sentenced
yesterday afternoon to berve two years
in the penitentiary, thelighteet sentence
he could receive.
Are you ready to buy your fall shoes?
We are sole agents for the celebrated
Hatniltcn Brown Shoe Co.'s line of foot
wear. If you want the best shoe for the
least money, call and see us. No trou
ble to show goods at the New York Cash
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your eroeer for them.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
To Soften and Whiten the
To Stop Falling
To Beautify the
Skin and Toilet
ot the
wt ,aJmr of women Mmm
smmBT cuticura soap Wmm:
Kxolunlvoly for liowtlfylng tho fkln, for
Itio Moimlnit of fulling hair, for eoftonliiif
niid wliltuulng reil, roui;li hnutla, in tho
fourt of liuttin for annoying Irritations, for
100 Jrto or offciulvo uonulratlon. In tlia
form of waahoi for ulccrutlvu woaknuMce.
ninny nanutivo nutigeptlo purpoo,
is toilet, twill, uml nunory, OUTioutu
l- nt Onk 1'iitctc, viz., Twbntt.hvk
complexion oap, tho htur toilet and
V aVi V YVf Bli;Vliu? NB vvntu. Coup., Bolo in
"All about Uio Hklo, ficalp, naniU, aud Uafr," fret.
and for nil tho uua
. A 1 1 . . ---. " w " . VI'U.I uu
Phllndolphla,- Pa.,- May 16th? 190fo
Thlslato eertiry that tho John 13. Stotuon Company haa,mademy
hatafortho paat twenty yaaro and thoy have alwayagivon'porroct
Col. Cody and the members of his famous troupe insist upon having
a "Stetson."
There is nothing like them.
We an now offering a full assortment of staple soft hats and new
effects in tourist shapes.
Also tho new Fall block in both brown and black stiff hats.
Carmyal Street Fail1
October 9 to 13 inclusive.
This will be the greatest event in tiie history of the City of Wheat,
Wool and Fruit and an Open River to the Sea. The products of this pro
lific region will be on exhibition, and fanners, flockmastera and all others
will witness an exhibit that will be both interesting and instructive.
Excellent entertainments day ami night. Fivo daya of eight-seeing
aud pleasure. There will be ample accommodations for all guests. Como
and The Dalles will entertain you.
Producers from all sections requested to make exhibits. No chargo
for space in the lair buildiuga. No entrance fee.
Reduced Rates on all Railroads and Steamboat Lines.
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots ami Shoes, at much less than wholesale
prices. Will Bell in hulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers.
Entire stock must be closed out "before 30 days.
All goods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets
and Butterick Patterns. Your pricea will be mine. Call early and secure
Corner Second and Court Sts.
State loffnal School,
Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900.
The students of tho Noruul School are prepare! to take tho Statu Certllleuto Immcdlutdy on
tiradutttoi readily secure Kood positions, Kipunso of ynr from (130 to 1 150,
Strong Aciuleuilo mid l'rofesslouul Courses, New Special Departure lu Mauusl Training
Well equipped Trululug Depurtiuont .
For catalogue coutululng full announcements address
t. U CAMPBELL, rresldeut. or W A. VYANN, Secretary of Faculty.