The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 12, 1900, Image 1

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    hc Balk
NO. 3G0
Tho ICiml You Have Always Bought, and which has been,
in uso for over 30 years, has homo tho Hignatnro of
and has been made under his per-
T2?Ji,. soiial supervision since its infancy.
f'CCCCWK Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits Imitations and " Just-as-good" are hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castorlu is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
ixiiituliis neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrontio
Niilistanco. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
iiimI Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
.Milliner of HnMli IJncortHln.
Sam:m, Out. 10. Mrs. Darrnh, n wo
man 7" years (if nK, who wnB living
with her hum near Liberty, whh loft in
tlui lioueo alone yesterday nftomoon,
while her ton went to tho jioetoflico mid
liia wife went to n nuighbor'a on an
err.uitl. Wliun tho hoii lOturned his
mother wna dead, Hitting in her chnir,
hur dollies linmud from liur body nnd
lior llcsli horribly cooked,
Thoro ia aanio uncertainty as to tho
manner of tho death, though thoro 1h no
suspicion ol foul play. Tho old womun
was quite feeble, but was nblo to move
around somu. When iter eon wna pie.
parini; to no in t0 poatoflloti ho moved
her chair back from tho fireplace about
eight feet, and naked hor not to move
until hu returned, but hia coiiaternation
uiy be iinnKinud when, upon returnini;,
ho found her oittiiiR bv tiio corner of tho
fireplace enveloped In flames, which
ero alco attaokinir tlio timbers near
where alio tat. Mr. Durrah tore oil1 tho
hurniug clothea aa rapidly an possible,
hut it was too late. She wna dead.
oho evidently bad moved hor chair from
where hur ami placed hor to tho point
wee to tho Uro wj,uro found, and then
have fullon asleop or died in her chair,
a'ter which lior clothing became ignited.
Coroner Jtuu vun notified and went
to the tceiic, but did not doom an in
quest nceoeanry. Ho ia ol tho opinion
that tho woman wna dond hiiforo tho
fitccniiKht lior clothing, aa eho waa in a
natural sitting posture, and thoro waa
"o evidence that oho bad mndo my
fljrt 10 I'Miiumiih tho (tamos.
'-'''imniulHln'N UiiKi itKiiimly n Qrom
riioeooihinc and heiiliiiK properties
o'tliia reiuudy, He, ploimut nnd prompt
an lierniament cures have made it a
west fnvorltu with pooplo overywherc.
" U ebpeclallv prized bv molhera of
Wl children for colda, croup and
: , p,lK col'li, ns It always nllords
lu'ck relief, and aa it confine no opium
' other hniinful drug, it may be given
88 confidentially to a babv aa to an
Slult. For aalo by WaUoloy drucu'lat.
Tho conforonco lasted nearly un hour.
While it wae not eonelueivo in its reaulta,
tho partiea to it were each and all under
tho impression that they had succeeded
in netting nearer to ono another, while
aa far aa the navy department is con
cerned, it ia believed that there is no
longer the necessity confronting it of
building an armor plant, which was the
alternative provided in tho act of con
ttroaa in the event of failure to secure
nrmor from tho private makers at tho
prices named in tho act. There will be
another conference in tho near future.
by UlaUoloy drugtfia
of llu,uR Arwur I'lanl.
wahiiinoton, Oct 11. Saorotary Loi g
U4 Imd another couferonco with tho
"Presoruutives of the Bethlohoui and
negiu Steel Companies respecting the
9 acltiK of contracts for 116,000,000 worth
ynr,1!or)lato'oronvy. Ab before,
indsrmau represented the Bethle
lit ,0,l,PBnyi while Mr. 8chwabo
" out for the Carnegie Company.
IS r 1 1 1 sit Troops Nmit to Olitun.
JIono Konci, Oct. 10. It is said that
the authorities hero havo received infor
mation that a general uprioing in the
southern provinces baB been planned for
November. Ten thousand troops from
India have been miuiaitionod for Hong
Jvong. Tbu Sixteenth bengal Laucers
and the Hong Kong regiment have been
recalled from the north to Hong Kong.
Tho present indications are that there
will bo a lloxer rising similar to that
which occurred in North China. Tho
whoroabouts of tho rebels in the Hinter
land ia not known, but it is believed to
bo ten milea within the Uriiieh hinder.
A doUohmontof 10,000 Chinese troops
took up a position at San Chung yester
day, and 1000 moro an i veil there today.
Fred Kane Died at Baker City Yester
day Legal investigation Will Not
lie Necessary Now and the Mys
tery May Never Be Cleared Up.
in nil ltd olmroa tliuro
should bo ck'iiiilincfu.
Ely's Cream Balm
cle.ines,eootlicfn(t heals
tlio dUviued inombrano.
It cures catarrh nnd ilrl ea
nwny a cold lu tlio bead
lliUm la placed Into tbo nostrils, Bpromls
over tlio iiicmbrano nnd la absorbed. Itellof la 1m-
medlulo mid a euro follows. It la nol iirymg-uocs
,mt iirndiic.i Hiieezliur. I.arco Size CO ocuta at Drui;-
nlsU or bj- mall i Trial SUe, 10 cents by mall.
" . mi. m XT
IX, Ir.H) l llisto, i arri sniuui,
etm MtKai
Bakhk City, Oct. 11. Fred Kane
died at St. Elizibeth's Hospital yester
day, three weeks to tho day from the
tragedy at Bunker Hill, five miles from
here, in which he figured so prominent
ly, and whose real story will now prob
ably remain a mystery, for there is no
longer any occasion for the legal investi
gation which would have brought out all
the facts. A complaint is on file in the
Baker City justice court in which the
little girl's uncie charges Kane with
murder in tho first degree, in having
wilfully caused the death of Baby Ruth
Loney, but the warrant issued upon it
was never served.
The Etory of the tragedy has been
variously told, but neither of the two
principals have been strong enough to
relate all the details by which tho nar
rative could bo corroborated. Two
cabins were burned ; Kane's four-year-
pld step-daughter's blackened remains
were found in the ruins of one; Mrs.
Kane, badly wounded, was hidden In
the bruBh, from, according to her asser
tion, the pursuit of her crazed huBbnnd,
and Kane himself waa found itli an
ugly wound through hia chest lying a
short diatauce from the smouldering
ashes of tho upper cabin. Storiea and
counter reportB in broken fragments
have since been given out, but the
easiest to believe and most charitable
view is that the little girl's death is the
work of an insane man, who afterwards
fired the shot which has resulted in hie
death. The mysterious stranger, whoen
presence would reflect upon the wife,
and for whom it has been elahred she
has concealed the truth, has nover been
taken seriously by the authorities, and
that Kane's wound was self-inflicted in
its nature, as deterined by recent careful
investigation, together with the powder
burning, would go far to indicate.
Cured of Chronic DlHi ilioeu After Thirty
Years of SuU'erlu".
"Suffered for thirty years with diar
rhoea and thought I was past being
cured," says John S. Halloway, of
French Camn. Miss. "I had spent so
much time and money and Buffered ao
much that 1 had given up all hopes of
recovery. I waa so feeble from the
efl'ects of the diarrhoea that 1 could do
no kind of labor, could not even travel,
but by accident I was permitted to nnd
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after taking
several bottles 1 am entirely cured of
that trouble. I am so pleased with the
result that I am anxious that it be in
reach of all those who enfler as I have."
For sale by Blakeley druggist.
Tho Campbell & Wilson millinery
parlor la tho place to buy up-to-dato
head wear at right prices. All tlio now
things in street hate. Patterns and
trlmmod hata can bo found there, also a
flue lino of children's sohool lmtB and
baby bonuots. tf
Are vou ready to buy your fall shoea?
Wo are sole agents for the celebrated
Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.'s lino of foot
wear. If you waut the beat shoo for the
least money, call and see us. No trou
ble to show goods at the hew York Cash
1LiiiIih to Oregon.
Washington, Out. 11. Naval Con-
structor F. W. Hibba has been trans
ferred from Mare Island to Puget Sound
naval station. This plan is for tho pur
pose of makhiir nrenarationa for the re
pair of fahlps which have been engaged
n China. It is likely that the Oregon
will bo the tira,t sent to that dock. Tho
Oregon cannot bo repaired at Mare
island and would have to bo sent to the
Atlantic were it not for the dock at
Puuet Sound affording facilities. It ie
expected that repairs amounting to about
iflOO.000 will bo made on tho Oregon.
Other ships, when they are sent home,
will also be sent to this dock,
Chief Constructor Hichborn aaye that
while the dock at Puget Sound ia availa
ble at present, at no very distant day it
will bo necessary to have a largor dock
on tho Columbia river for tho purpose of
taking care of the ships of tho navy iu
tho Pacific Ocean.
OntH mul HiiiUch Quickly Jlenloil,
Chamberlain's Paiu Balm applied to a
cut, bruise, burn, ecald or liko injury
will instantly allay tho pain and will
heal tho parts in less time than any
other treatment. Unless the injury ia
very severe it will not not leave a scar.
Pain Balm also cures rhumatlsm,
sprains, swelliuus and lameness. For
sale by Blakeley druggist,
Brenct'n Accomplice Has Confessed.
New York, Oct. 11, A diepatch to
the Journal nnd Advertiser from Rome,
says; The anarchist Bertollani, at rest
ed at Milan as a suspected accomplice of
BreEci, has made, a confession about an
archist plots.
"I have known about theeo plots ?or a
long time," ho said. "It was I who ecnt
the letter to the Crown Prosecutor at
Naples, warning him in advance that
Italian anarchists were coming from
America to kill tho king, but they paid
no attention to my letter.
"At an anarchist meeting in Paterson,
N. J., seven men were eelccted to kill
kings and chiefs of states. One ot them
was -allotted to kill McKinley or Bryan
during the presidential campaign. I do
not know the name of the man who was
assigned to this duty.
"The recent Chicago plot was inde
pendent of that hatched at Paterson. '.
believe other plots having the same ob
ject have been organized in the United
"Anarchists have killed kings and
queens, now they should kill a president
of a republic to show tho world that for
anarchists there are neither monarch
ies nor republics, and that a king is as
cheap as a president."
No Foreign Market JSeeilcd.
New York, Oct 11. A special to the
Herald from Washington says:
"Americans will have good butter,
consequently there 5b a better market
here for first-class gilt-edge American
creamery butter than in any other coun
try in the world," said Secretary WilEon
when be was shown the criticiem of
Professor Drummond, the Scotch agriculturist.
"At the Bame time the department of
agriculture has made a special study of
how beet to make shipments of dairy
produce aa well aa other information re
garding the requirements of the foreign
market that would benefit the American
dairyman. We have sent butter to
France, Germany, and last year ship
ment were successfully made to many
ports of the China sea. Thla shows that
we have not been entirely asleep.
"However, the American haa learned
what first-class daiiy products are, and
be is willing to pay a better price for
them than can be obtained in Europe
There is no more good butter made in
this country than is needed here."
Still ou the llcach,
Astoria, Oct. 11. The stranded light
ship is still on the beach at McKcnzle
Head, aud the prospects of floating her
are becoming poorer cveiy day. The
contractors have been Waiting for the
big tides of October, but aa yet no pro
gresa has been made with the work, and
the opinion prevails that tho lightship
will never bo taken eeaward. It ia also
believed she is so badly strained as to bo
unfit for service even if Bhe were floated.
A very considerable sum of money has
been expended in the fruitless efforts to
get her olf, and, if Wo!fl& Zwicker fail
in their contract, it Is extremely piolnble
that the seaward route will be abandoned.
Perhaps the government will then con
sider the proposal of a local contractor
to take the lightship overland to Baker'
bay, and place her in the water at thut
Didn't Know It Was Loaded,
Aldany, Oct. 11. (Special to The
Telegram,) While removing an actyl
ene gaa machine from the basement of
the Apex saloon this morning, at 10:35,
au explosion occurred, killing S. Stoltz,
a tinner and injuring Fred Reese, pro
prietor of the saloon. Stolz, accompan
by Reese, went into tho basement with
a lighted candle, as they thocjht tho
gas nmchinouas empty. It bad not
been used for several months, and when
Stolz removed tho cover from tho can
the explosion took place. A piece of the
tank struck Stolz near the heart, mak
ing a large hole, aud ho lived only a few
minutes, Reese ia seriously injured
about tho head, but may recovor.
Stolz leaves a wife aud carried no in
surance. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy Jamce K.
Pat ton's: sun proof paints for $1,50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Vk, agents ml
The largest and moat complete Hue of
fall and winter millinery ever displayed
in the city at the Campbell & Wilson
millinery parlors, The prices will sell
the good. e8tf
Phlladolphlar pn, May 16th;-ll9(3j)i.
Thiamin to certify that the John B. Stotoon Company ha3 madermjf
hatafor.tho paot twenty yeara and they have alwaya(jlveri"perfect;
eatlo fact ton.
Col. Cody and the members of his famous troupe Insist upon having
a Stetson."
There is nothing like them.
We are now offering a full assortment of staple soft hate and new
effects In tourist shapes.
Also tho new Fall block in both brown and black stiff hats.
iul St
reel Fa
October 9 to 13 inclusive.
This will bo tho greatest event in tho history of tho City of Wheat,
Wool and Fruit and nn Open River to tho Sea. The products of this pro
lific region will bo on exhibition, and farmers, flockmaaters and all others
will witness an exhibit that will be both interesting aud instructive.
Excellent entertainments day anil night. Fivo fdaya of siglit-scoing
and pleasure. Thero will bo ample accommodations for all guests, Como
and The Dalles will entertain you.
Producers from all sections requested to make exhibits. No clinrgo
for space in the lair liuildingi. No entrance fee.
Reduced Rates on all Railroads and Steamboat Lines.
fetitfing ivom Business.
Closing out my Entire Stook Regardless of Cost.
Dry Goods, ClothhiL', Hoota and Shoes, nt much less than wholesale
prices. Will sell iu bulk or in lota, or any way to suit purcliasera.
Entire stook must be closed out before 30 days.
All goods will bo sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corse
and liutterick Patterns. Your prices will be initio, Call early and secu
Corner Second and Court Sts.
State fiotmal Sehool,
Pall Term Opens September 18, 1900.
The students ol tho Normal School are nrcimrel to tako tlio State Certificate immediately on
Uraduutei readily secure Kood posltlom, Kxpenso ol year from 130 to 160.
Strong Actuleinto und Professional Courses. New Sneelnl Departure lu Manual Trulninir
Well equfpped T rulutng Department.
For catalogue coutalulug full announcements address
r. U CAMPJ1KLL, frcldent. or W A. WANK, SreUry ol Faculty.