Illolit-'t IJnl In thr World. The little Oram: Dnchi'sn Olira of Ku5ia may lie salt! to he the rii-tie! baby in the world. Tl-e work stvs- vn -born S3.-v, u yrtlird nn! It is viid tlia' this hup- sum was safeij investet in ItritUh an! French Mjetiri. ties. For in a country lihe Hussia no one knows what may happen to mem bers of the reipninir housv. Tin- hituie HfTpot. It Is observed by travelers in Siberia that the effect of constant cold l&prac-' tically the same as the effect of con-1 ant heat. The people develop a dis-1 inclination to work, and become. J strangers to ambition of any descrip tion. Dryinp: preparations simply devel op drv catarrh; they dry up tho secretions, which adbero to tho membrane and decom pose, ciusiug a far more serious troublo than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs nnd uso that -which cleanses, Eoothes and heals, lllv's Cream 1'alm is such, a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head cashV and pleasaallv. A trinl Bizo vrill bo mailed for 30 cents. " All druggists sell the COc. eae. ElyEi-cthors. u"o Warren St., K.Y. Tho IJalm care3 vithout pain, does not irritate or can Gawzinrr. It spreads itself over an irritated at.d nnry eurfnee, reliev ing immadiaiely tho pniuful iuflamiaation. With Ely's Cream IJalm you axo armed against Kasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. Carnlvnl Hates. The 0. P.. it N. Company have made the followinc round-trip rates Irom the stations rwnifd below to The Dalles, for October 9th to 13:1), inclusive: Portland $3 50 Fnirview '2. 93 Troutdale Latnurflle - 55 Rridal Veil 2 4U Bonneville 1 90 Cascade Locks 1 " Viento 1 20 Hood River 95 Mosier '0 Kicas SO Grunte ' 9" Arlington 2 15 Henpnur .Jr.netion. . 2 55 Ilunnner.- 4 35 'it t.'niler 1'ri-o Hiiiiieteail IUI1. Washington, Oct. 10. That part of the Colvllle reservation thrown open to day does not come under the free home stead bill, but pach tettler pays, in ad dition to fee", $1 50 per fee for lite lands. Inasmuch as the records show these lauds to be valuable for their mineralp, the cost is nominal. StrlkeiA III a Itlot. TIazi.eton,, Pa., Oct. 10. A special policeman was killed, another wan wounded in the head, a striker was prob ablv fatally shot anil ten nonunion men were more or leg? seriously wounded at the Oneida colliery, of Cose Brothers, in a clash between the officers and 500 strikers this mornirnr. GOING EAST- If you intend to take a trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad in evi-ry particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louia to New York and New England pointe. All trains run via Niagara Falis and every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Ross C. Clink, Pacific Coast Pass. At Lob Anseles, Calif. C. S. Ciiank. ft. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Hustling young mau can make $60 per month and expenses. Permanent posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars. Clark & Co., Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel phia, P.i, 8-tf l'nr Hale. Fine seed wheat for sal-; red Russian, Price, "5 cents per bushel. W. W. Rawso.v, seplO-lm The Daliee, Or. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. limi't Kuli It In, Just wet the articled part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and tho pain is gone. Hold by Clarke Sc Fulk. Wanted A boy of steady habits to wotk in a store. Inquire at this ofllce, cB lw The Now York Cash Store is the lolo 8;ent for the Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.' line of footwear. You will not have bolls if yon tako Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. .Don't form this. Clarke & Falk's tUvoriiiK extracts are the best. Ask your uroeer for them. A full line of Eastman nlms and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Ileal KtUte for Sale. Twenty-three lota, located from fiev enth itreet to Twelfth, for tale at from $50 up. Inquire at the Columbia Hotel, " Clark A .Falk'a drag stock le new, rath aud complete. We cordinllv invite vou to visit THE FJKIR A new Department Store just opened with new up-to-date ! goods and low prices. It's kinds of merchandise. Eememhor the place, THE A BIG SALE OF STAR FEED MILLS. V; Dnrint! Uif Street Tair and Carnival we aro uoinc to offer the greatest bar p;iiis in Grinding Macliinerv eer offered in the State of Orc-Kon. Wt want every tanner to have u Star Feed Mill, because it will help to pay your taxes; it will pave you time; it will make your old horse fatter; it will pieasu your wife to uet cranked Brain for her ciuckeiis; nnd ihis is a sure way of K'Hint.' It nt a sacrifice, fnr wn are positively unint; to clo?e out the mills now on hand at ACTUAL COST. A chance in the biisin-'ss compels us to do this, and now is tho time for yon to reap the benefit. For further particulars inquire or write t j HUDSON -& BROWNHILL, EXTHR Organs and Pianos dating Carnival Week. Nickelsen's Book and Music Store. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third antl Wa3hlngton Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone 133. Local, 102. Sale of Real Property. Notice is liercliy rIvcji that under ami by vir tue ol an order ilulv inuii'i ami eiitercil in thu l.'minlv Court of Wubco County. Oregon, on the Jlli ilny ol AnxuM, l'JOJ, thu iimlerklKiicd, ml- tiilnlDtraior witn iriuwin unnoxtu, 01 uioeniio of Jotiutliun Jaflitoii. ilcctfaitil, will, from and after the lstdiy of October, W0. tell at i.rivatu e.iIu in llm mniuiL-r urondtd tiv law for Uio Halo of real property by executor awl mlmltiNtra- wn, ail IIK-URIU, line aim niicrem 01 wiueaiu Jocathau Juekiioii In and tothofollowIiiKdo iciIIkhI real proietty, being in Watco County, Oregon, to-wit; 'Ilio SWA of (he SKJ-i of u'Cllon fifteen (IS): the Miof fuoHKjc, and Hie S! of Ilio HW'i of tectlon twenty-two (22,: the riF.Ji of tho nKK of keelioti lllleen (15), the of the KM aim the N K', of thoHK.k ol mctlon twenty-two ti), the I'M of tho NKJ( and tho HW4 lit Ilio NK!( and tho 8K!( of tho NWJi cf Keclton twenty, eeven (27), all In towiuhli. four '4) south, ranKO fourleeii (II) eat. W. M.i nald alo to bo for caul) or uxn crenfl In the manner provioul liv law for IhoKiluof real property upon credit by executors and admliiii trntorn. It. K. hAI.TMAKSIIK. Administrator, with (ho will annexed, of tho eilatooi Jonathan Jacktou, cleccabed, tept-ll NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Knilco Ih hcrrtliv nlveii tbattliouudertlmied have liled with the Clerk of tho county court of ii.ii Htnln of fin-iron for Wasco couiltv.tueir final actount a executors of the last will and tti meal oi iicury uarnuui, uwnw, mm u( . . . . I L l . .1 . .' .......... 1 1 ilJ . . I. Huniiay, Uiu liu uayui uyeiur. wu,v, ut hour of too'clock a,.m,,,iii tmi JtMk Couuty Couitforuld' couajy-M tbetiwe, nd tho county court room' In "Dlle City m the puco lor neariuK oi .opjecuoiia m iu imm u count and tbo ettlement olihenmt. V, I. MAYO. ttfVi Kxecutori. the place to save money on all FHIR, 133 S6COND STREET. It k k c- a; The Dalles, Oregon. 1 i Lane IS- 4 USKUKAL Bttsity ...AND... it rl Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Jeffcrnn. Phone 159 1 IFBENCH & CO., BANKERS. l'ltANSACr A KIi'ERAIi HANKING JiUKINEd Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Siiht Exchange and Tolegraphio Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, fc'an Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Waolunuton. Collections made nt all points on fav orable terms. C. F. Stephens .Dealer In... Dry Goods, Clothing, f. IlootSi Shoes. Unta, Vnpn. Notions. Afjt. for W. h. UouIhs fihoc. Tclenhonc Ko. &3. The Dalles, Or, Hie lightens the load shortens tho road. helps the team. Savin wear aud expense, boiu every vncrc. HAMt. fir 8TANOAHO Oil. CO. yt. K. K. KEllflUHUN, Pliysiciun and Surgeon, OtUcc, Vot Iliock (over I'ojtoBlcv), 20aplmo-dw THU DA I.I. El, OHKOON. jyll- UUIHENOOUriTEIl Physician and Surgeon, HpecUl attention given lo urerj Tel. S2S Koomi 31 aud W. Vogt Blook HOBoer r 4 1 ? t all! i 9 (1 V f .3s l iaaiuivixiu uiiiui uiu'uiijfiiiauliuiliitmuuiiuuuuu UU'U.ujl jrriwoiittt"L'"rtitijTiiiTiiioTltiJjrtSJ?J '1 inj i LiLuittu ill iirlirriiixriirn ...GOIiUpm BREWEEY... AUGUST BUOHLEE, Prop. Of tho product of this well-know u brewery tho United States Health Reports for June 28, 1000, suys: "A more stt potior brew never utitured the hibrntory of the United States Health reports. It is ubsnlutely devoid of the slightest truce of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est aud it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and yotni. Ite use can conscientiously be prescribed by tho physicians with the cersainty that a better, purer or mure wholcsomo beverage could nut possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Grandall & Barget -DEALEKSIN JJ0beS, All kinds Of UNDERTAKERS BUPiaSh Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. C. J. STUBbir4G, WIIObliSAI.i: Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to A. M. THE t Phone 234, 5' Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. Mrs. Annie Luckey. Hair-Dressing and Shampooing Facial Treatments and the MORMON THEATMKNT. Boom SO, third door, Umatilla Home, Hours (rom 0 to 12 u. in. and 1 to 6. p. m. Paint your home with painti that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. A The Chttonicle, Thn Dulles, Or. Job Printers. ASI) ItETAII. 3 5 I i : WHIiihiib & Co, DALLES, OREGON. House - Painting... The uinlersiciied hue taken poeeeealon ol K, A. Splvey paint shop, noxt door to tho Vogt opera house, mid hua pur chased tho tools and ladders. Ho has good mechanics working for him, And will guarantee all work to give eatiifac' tion. S. K. KELLY. riubicribe for Tho Chronicle. 0.R.&N. llBPAKT Kill TIMK HCIIRIltll.K. Fhou Dali.kk. 0X KnKt Mull 12-A'i t. 111. Bull Ukr. Douvor, Ft. ?t oriii. uniain, K.m- jr,., pk uny, hi. urn ii, t-.oj , m Clilcngo nnd EhuL ' Wf8 Atlantic llxjircss l't) ii. in, VU Hunt Ingttm. Stilt Ijikn, Denver. Fl. hi, MOrlll, UlllHllH, him hiik City, Ht. luilii,! (,'lilciif;.) mid K.i-it. iiimkulio Si till iiml Wnlla Wnlla, Himknue, Hnoijiie MluiiCrtiolU. 8t. Pam, it ii i ii i ii, .'inmr.itL'U, gt,(i 1 1 . i . . i i..... ... i.iiK-iiuu nii.i r.iisi, vih HiHikiuieukil liiiiilliiK Inn; uUo all uilntn In WastiliiRluii unit KiiM cm OrcKUii. 0 . p. in 1.31 a. a 6 p. m. fo I'i-.-.Ti.A;n Ooean Htuumaluia For hHll Frniialmti' Kvary Five Davt. I l. m. 8 p. m. I Kx.tminluy Pntiirilny 10 p. in. i p. m tliilunirilii P.v. Hfiimora Ex.hur To AhfOSIA una v.av Iiiulliig'). fla. in. I WiM.AilivrTK HiVi:i- t-Xlu, ra, nr.aiiurlayiOraaiiii Oily. Nawberg, Kx.hunlnj ; sialfm i AVny Ijiiid. 7 e. m, TmVl liar, WtMAKCTrx and Yam hill tt!Vi:it3. 3. no ii.iii. lIonVol Oresmi (Jlty, linytim, uil Fi, ntiil wny.Miuiiuii; ! hKAKS ltlVKX. l.tAVX l.v l(luirtn, Ulimrln to Umlt(iii. I.kwhto.i il.illy ilally 3:aii. in. ' J:C0u.m I'.ir.Kn ilentii'is in t;o tn Ilvpimer or point), on Columbia Southern via lllaai. nhuuM Pim- No 2, leavlutC I ho Ilalle-s at 12 10 p. a, making iliret't .oin.'ivttiins ut I k-).iuer Junction ami ll(iirr I'l.tiirnltii; niHVIiiL-iiliii'teiiimcrtlon at ileppnor Juuctloii ami lilies vlth No. ril:iK at 'l lie Dalles in l2::w p. in. l or full patttcul.-im pnii n O. . & X, Co.'n HRCiit The llallea. in ii'1 i i " . Ii i.'-ltl.lll UT, 1 i . i. i a- A v i , i'.irtlimil,0r SOUTH rtn EA!aT '.n SoiKPeoiilfl. Shasta Boute Trains leave The Dallea for I'orttrtiiil anil w.iy Ntatioun at 1:2.. a. in. and :i p. in. Leave Portland K::nm 7:U)pin " Albany I2.."0am 10:Wpm Arrive Anhlaiid " Hiieraineiitii " tjan t'ratielseo UiXUm 11 -30 am fi:W)piu lil'iam 7: 15 p m hJ.'iam Arrive OriIoii " Denver ' Kiuimm City " Clileairo . . fi: l.t a in . . UllKI II 111 . . ":2. ii in 7: 15 a in 11 15 n m U;W)a m 1 2'lllDI u:30am Arrive Uta Antiolus 1:"0 p in " hi l'ao 0:00 p 111 " Kort Worth fi:;fl) a m " Cltv of Mexico UiM a 111 " lloiiitou uwiani " New Orltalia 0:25 a 111 " W'ltsliiiiKlim 0:12 a 111 " Now York 12:l:lpia 7;C0aw C:t) p in f.; j) a n y:Mam I ;Cfl it m 0.iip" Ii IHDl 12-M pw rulliiian and Tniirlnt cars on both Ir.ilns. (Jhiiirear.s HacraniLMito to OkiIoii and Kl I'jo. mid tourist cars tn ClilciiKO, Bt Iiuik, New Or-lc-iuih and Wimhiuutun. I Coiiiii'CtliiK nt ban Krnnclsco witn M-vi-mi 1 atvatnihip liiiea lor Honolulu, Japaiii ( lil"i I'liiiippuicx, cuiurai mm Monin Ainurica. fiee BKCiit at Tho Dalles alatlon, or addremi C. H. MARKHAM, (ivncral rimeiiRcr Audit, rort'.and, Or 1 fa Flic Yellowstone Park Line. TUU MINING (!.Ul IK1UTK I'KOM l'OltTI.ANIl '10 TIIK KAH'l'. THK ONLY UIItKdT I.1NIC TO THU YKI.I.OW- HIONK I'AltK I.KVK, union Depot, rifmaad l sis aivk. No. a. litis A. M. No, I, lli30 P.M. Fast mall forTacoma,! No. f-'ealth', Olympla, (jray'a Harbor and .South lloiid 1 iiiiintH, Kpokauo, Ho.ih-I laud, II. 0., Pullman, MohuntVi iAiulutnn, liuf-i , falolIuinpinlniiiKcoun-' 6;M ' JI try, llolviuii Miuucaiio-i llx, Ht. Paul, Omaha, ' Kalikas Oily. Ht. Uiuia. OhiciiKo and nil ikiIuU cast and Mintlioant. l'u not Bounil KxprcxN for Tacoma and Hcattlo and iuturmt'dlato points. No. a. 700A M. l'lillinan flrat-olaita and tourlit HlcoirM to Minneapolis, Ht. 1'aulaml Mbmonrl rlvor poliiH without chiuiRe. , VuHtlliiilcd traliiH. Union depot connections In nil principal cities. liaKKitKO ohcokwl toilc.itliiatlou of tlokvti. Kor UHiidknmety llltuttutcitUci.urIptlvomatteri tloketa, ileepliiK car reuervatioim, etc, call 011 or write A. D. CHARLTON, AnsUlant (loncrol 1'ttBseuger AkciU. 2M Morrl ou Hlicet.coruer Third, Portland, Oregon. JJU. It. K. HMITU, Hooiiu 10 and 11, Chapman Mock, Oregon. Tho mile bfp-1