The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 11, 1900, Image 3

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jfc Mat
Wo are showing an
oxquisilo lino of Fur
Jackets, Capes, Collar
ottos and Scarfs, from
$1.50 to
$40 each.
Here are 11 few nlTeriiiiH of the season's lateBt mid most ut
trai'ti vc mitterialH for Full Wear:
lllnok (Juimd'H Hair nt.. ij-1, $1,23 mid $1.50
Blink l'tibblo Soro nt nnd $1.50
Venetian SmtiiiKH, 00 in. wide, (i difi'erent colorings $1,50
Hup. Cords, ilmlint'H, Whipcords, Ottomans, Armiires and
lt.irutheas, in nil solid colors, from $1 to $1.50 per yard
A dm! collection of English I'iorolas at $1!.50, $IJ mid $.'i.C0 yd
Blanket and Comfort Department.
Fine limiunted Comforts $2.50, $1! and $3.50
Ileal Down $7.51), $8 50 and $10 each
Blankets in 80 diiiorent qualities.
We unit everyone to make thuuiHtilvoa at homo in our storo.
All we ask
is an opportunity to prove that our news
paper talk is not simply the use of space
and big words.
Just a little of your time-
You'll find it time well spent, and we can
convince you of the good points of our
clothing. While 3'ou are here we want to
show you a few of our specials:
No. 1. Overcoat at $10.00
A handsome dark blue and black garment, very stylishly
mado up. pood serge liriinp, medium length, box cut. We
call this special henanpe its values go ordinarily this coat
would be cheap at $12.60.
2. Large lino of men's overcoats.
from v $5.50 to 20.00
No. 3. Men's all-wool wove suits 8.50
No. 4. Men's ohoviot, oxford, korsey
suits $10.00 and 12.50
No 5. Men's dark fancy worsted suits,
single and d.-b. vest $15 and 16.50
No. 6. Men's fine tailor-made fane'
tweed, cheviot and serge suits,
from $20.00 to 25.00
is bo well known for
its immense variety
nnd economical prices that it is hardly worth while to mention
it. Tho fall and winter stock is now at its bept. Wo show nov
elties and staples in grout profusion. No trouble to show goods.
Our Boys' Department
There is no economy in buying cheap
shoes for boys. Here is the stuff that
stands their racket:
Seal Grain, heavy soles,
sizes H i to 2
riveted seams;
; $2.25
Same, sizes 2i- to 5 2.50
Buffalo Calf, heavy soles, riveted seams;
sizes 12 to 2 $2.00
Same, sizes 2h to 5h 2 50
Kangaroo Grain, heavy soles, seamless;
sizes 1H to 2 : $1.75
Same, sizes 2& to 5h 2.00
Pease & Mays.
All goods marked in plain figures.
OUT. 11, 1H0O
At Andrew Keller's.
"King of tlin Opium Ring."
At the Vugt opera house tonight.
Mrs. Geo. L. Zink, of Lltchilfld, III.,
is a guest of Dr. mid Mrs. Eehclinan.
Clothes Hint fit tho man nud fit the
pocket. book nt the Now York Cash store.
Call on Mrs. Morgan for art embroid
eriea, nluo decorative work in oil mid
water colors. 2tf
A llftllllt.lfnl ntifl n.tuftl. nt nvlitlitt
may be seen at Mrs. Morgan's atudio, on
Third street, near Court. 0-13
Now iH the the time to buy your winter
fuit. A full line of Men mid Uoyu cloth
ing nt the Nmv York Gash store."
Hr, Donne received a telegram today
announcing that Grand Master WcllB,
"I Astoria, will be in town tomorrow
iilKht and will visit Columbia Lodge of
O.ld Follows.
Mis Um-'tf collection of Indian bask
"Is whl be on exhibition all the week nt
Hi" liug resldciico on Fourth ntreot,
from 7 to 0 p. m., ay well as from 2 to 5
announced Monday.
1oi t fail to attend the Rex bull nt
the Vogt oporu house Friday night.
During the opening grand march tho
identity of Hex, who is only known by
tl, I'xecutivo committee, will he ro
vtulcd. Music by tho llirgfuld orches
Mr. K. F. Fonts und MSbb E. A. Jukes
"ere united in marriage at high noon to
jlsy In the parlor of the Umatilla Douse.
fln young couple nro from Iloyd Kivor
mid the wedding was so strictly privnte
Unit not even tho name of tho man who
tied the knot is known to tho public.
At tho Vogt opera houso Inst night one
01 tlio acrobats, while turning a liand
"I'ring on tho Hhoiilder of another norobnt
three high, missed his footing nnd fell to
jlmlluor of tho Htajjo, lighting on hia
'"''"I. IIo was unconscious for an hour
ftil h quarter hut wuh gottiiig along
"Iculv this nftornoon.
The carnival executive committee
iiinko special retpioet'thatall bills against
t', -'rnlvnl bo presented to tho seero
,lfy Henry J, Major, not Inter thnn
"I'xt Monday night, If you nro a creditor
Hi" cnrnlvft) please attend to this as
jliu executive committee are anxious to
I'ttvo nil affairs of the carnival settled an
Promptly as possible.
Some inlforennt Inst night stolo from
"io manBgementa' booth all tho anrplua
cxhlbltora' and committeea' badgop, in
"ope, possibly, of using them bo ae to
save the tun cents admission fee to the
carnival grounds. The gate keepers
und special policemen are on tho lookout
for bogus exhibitors and committee men
and will make it verv interesting for
any one found wearing any of the utolen
A poll was taken today of tho twenty
hands at present employed at The
Dalles scouring mill with the result that
eighteen were for McKinley and two for
Bryan. lien it was suggested that
Hryan would get cold comfort from the
mill ono ol tho lads answered : "Da you
suppose that any man who lias sense
enough to work in a scouring mill is go
ing to vote for a man that is a rank
enemy of tho wool industry? Nat much,
wo ain't.
Attorney N. 15. Rrooks, of Goldendale,
is m tho city looking after the interests
of one Charles Beard, a farmer from
near Ccuterville, who (suddenly disap
poared lust Saturday nnd has not been
heard from since. The last seen of him
was nt Goltlendulo Saturday night. It is
known that he had several hundred
dollars on his person, but whether he
line lelt tho countrv or been fouly dealt
wltii cannot be determined. Beard was
a imchelur and iiatl on tho ranch a
Everybody out in tho Fifteon Mile
neighborhood knows tlio old ''Dutch
Mnnu" place. J. T. Achoson purchased
it a short time since nnd nbout three
weeks ago moved his family into the old
farm house. Mr. Achoson was not long
in his new homo when lie discovered n
swnrm of tame bees in a cleft of the
basalt oliii'noar by. Having secured them
ho doferiod further'' explorations till
Inst Sunday when spuing more bees enter
cleft? in the elill' Irudetermined to smoke
them out. Instead of another swarm of
bees Mr. Achuon smoked out twenty
three rattlesidios, a blow snake, a skunk'
and n woodrnt. Just what eho there isj
in the rocks of tho "Dutch Mann" home
stead Mr. Acheson expects to find out
later on.
Tomorrow in addition to its other at
tractions will be school ciiildrens' day
at tho fair. At 1:15 p. in ,1100 of Tho
Dalles school children will form in lino
at the Academy grounds and, headed by
Tho Dalles bund, will march down Union
streot to Nolan's corner, thence east on
Second street to Washington nnd thence
to the carnival grand ontrnuce, where
they will be admitted fice. Each class
will bo bonded by its teacher nnd nil
will carry American fhgo, COO having
been provided for that purpose. In tho
carnival grohudB tlio procosBion will pass
iu review of the queen, sitting on her
throne and accompanied by her ma'ds
of honor. To many this procession of
000 hearty, happy school children will bo
one of tho prettiest sights of carnival
For Infants and Children.
Tho Kind You Havi Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of from tint Jli-cptsrs of Nature,
Art, t'tiniiiiiircp, Gd(p(; iiiiliy ami
ftoilll it IKlCIlMiUt,
L. Comiui has an exquisite piece of
his handiwork exhibited at tlio fair; a
massive block of mnrble supporting a
beautifully-chiseled angel-child'. Jacob
sen's Book & Music Co. has n Kimball
piano on display. Tin's piano is beyond
doubt the result of tho beat thero is in
man, from- nn artistic standpoint. It is
n monument in the realms of piano forte
construction. Eilers' Piano House, in
tho exigencies of trade, seo fit to oiler to
the people of Tlio Dalles this rare work
itt cost. The amount saved will be no
little monument itself.
Mrs. S, J. Wilson, of Monument, saw
tiie monument of the piano-makers's
art, and, taking advantage of the inonu
mental enterprise of the new agents
tiere, elected to Bave a considerable mon
ument of gold coin, ordired the in
strument shipped, at once to Monument,
This is a monument in favor of tiie
lady's good judgment.
Only two days more. Get in while
you may. This is truly nn opportunity
that seldom comes to good investors.
First N If; lit Receipt! Kreieiitert 7800
Ti-u-Uent Admission Fr!S--Threo
Scorn Horticulturist Contrib
uted to tlin Display.
married conp'o who kept house fojjiuxJJacobBen's Book & MubIc Co. are the
agents forour line of high grade pianos
the Weber, tiie Chickerlng, the Kimball
Davis Hiid Johnston (our reproEenta
Tomorrow's llnby Show.
Tlio baby 6how tomorrow afternoon
ought to bo one of tiiu most attractive
nnd interesting features ol tho carnival.
H there is a shadow of doubt that all the
world loves n lover, there is never a
shadow of a doubt that all the world
loves a handsome baby.
The merchants of Tho Dalles and the
farmers and fruit men of tl.e county
have acted nobly in making ao exhibit
that is not only a credit to The Dalles
and Wasco county, but in some respects
rivals the exhibits at the late Portland
carnival where they had a population
ten times greater nnd twenty times
richer to draw from. .
Will tho mothers of Tho Dalles nnd
Wasco county do their duty tomorrow
and help demonstrate to the world in
general and Oregon in particular that
your bunch grass fed youngster takes no
back talk from any youngster on the
American footstool? Wo have got them,
ship loads of them, singly nud iu couples
and triplets, let us have them out.
The committee offers a cash nrizu of tG
for tho ilneet baby, 5 for t lie next finest Joi,"i
i .1. . ......... i.i. rAnilrp
nuu ior inu uiuesi uuoy.
Tim babv show will take place tomor
row afternoon nt 3:S0 o'clock,
Strayed from my place on tho bluff,
a 2-year-old Jersey heifer; dehorned;
ear mark on both ears ; brauded bar Z on
both hips. Liberal reward paid (or her
ol0-4tv BkrtBaolxy.
Eight tons of good grass hay, baled,
Inquire at this office, octlldw
There is not a man in Tbe Dalles who
has contributed a cent in. money or time
to the harvest carnivaHhat is not proud
oi the result. Itfar exceeds the most
sanguine expectations of any body. The
cash rf ceipts of Tuesday night repre
sented 7800' ten-cent admission fees.
There was a natural falling off last
night nud a large number of counter
attractions outside; still the rccoiptc
represented 4500 ten-cent admission
fees. Comparisons are not always
odious, and we hnvo it on the best au
thority ttiat tiie first night receipts at
the late Walla Wnlla fair, in a town of
double tho inhabitants of Ttie Dalles,
were not one-third of the first nilit re
ceipts here. The management are more
than satisfied witlt the result, and are
living on Easy street so far ns the finan
cial outcome is concerned. And this is
not the best of it. The vistors are
pleased and delighted.
Tlio ganeral expression is' that the
horticultural display is tiie' finest ever
seen in Oregon, aud manyof them add,
"or any where else." A ono said this
morning : "I tell you sb, Wasco county
beats the world in cliiuate, fruits, vege
tables, cereals, and everything that con
tributes to the material happiness of
the race."
To show the interest the horticultur
ists alone hnvo taken iu the fruit and
vegetable exhibit, wo submit the fol
lowing list of sixty exhibitors, tho hug-
est number that have ever made horti
cultural eqhibits at ono time in the ids
tory of Wntco countv:
M Emerson, Hany Mallear, Ben I
Southwell, W.I Davidson, Koontz&Mo 1
Ilealey, L L Lane, C. W. Barzee, B !
Laughlin. Fred Fisher, H J Wickham,,
Willis Hendiicks, It J Young, W S1
Faufhcr, J E Kennedy, S F Blytl.e, II
II Hubbard, 0 Dithm'an, W Kennedy,1
H C Btiteman, Peter Ehrick, C R Smead, 1
James Elliott, Peter Htuinigan, J W
Maiqulc, II J Henderson, Henry Klindt, I
Hugh Palmer,- Adam Fleck, II B'
Gordlati, James Nelson, Mr Enckson,
George Burin, A Sandoz, C Siguo, I)r
Hudson, Theodoro Mesplie, Ed Wicks,
L Bonami, Louis S.uidoz, Mike Spheu I
ger, A P Vace, L L McCartney, Hans
Hanson, Wm Taylor, Marshall Hill,!
Robert Cooper, C Morgan, D Creiiihton,
Sam Creightou, I)r Sanders, II W
Sechler, Frank Taylor, China Pete, F C i
Harry Hudson, E I) Colby,
Andrew Linton, 0 W Emerson, Fred
Houghton, Mr Roberts of Multnomah
county, Jack Daley of Sherman county
and Hurry Cummiiigsof Morrow county.
Summary or AsseiMnent Iloll. ""v
The summary of the assessment roll
for Wasco county for tho year 1900,
forwarded to the secretary of state
terday, is a9 follows :
Acres of tillable lands S,K7 ?
Acres of non-tlllnblc Jnnds 332,&I7
JinpiororoeiiU on deeded hinds
Town nnd city lots
Improvements on town and city
Improvements on lands not
Jlili-s of railroad bed C0.7
Mileb of telij. and telepli. lines 215.1
IirlsntiiiR ditches Hiid Humes... 'J)
HoKiiiR Mock
Ste mboats, sailboat-', station
ary ciiRines nnd manufftctur-
ni;; machinery
Mdse. and stoek in trade
rarinin? implement", wagons,
carriages and money
Notes und and accounts
Shares of stock 517
Household furniture, watches,
Jewelry, etc
Horses und raulcj
Cattle .ri,l51
Sheep KL'.IGi;
Swliie V,b67
plays 4 Crowe
yes- it
1M.U.0 1
-0 :
o,G3 1 1 ,
Tho only store ft
this city where tlit
Oenuine Imported
Ware ia sold.
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
a dozen pieces of so
called cheap enam
eled ware.
Other warco look
has tho name
Stransky Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 10
International Exhl
bitions. Highcat
award at Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago, Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled waro is special
ly imported for and
sold in thi3 city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb rjrease,
does not discolor
nor catcli inside; is
not affected by acids
in fruits or
will boil,
stew, roast
aud bake
flavor of
food and
wlH last
for years,
We cau
tion tiia
S5,D 10
Total vat. of taxable property 3,139,120
For the ?ako of comparison, the total;
summary for the year lbUU is hero
given: '
Oross value of all property
Gross value of all property.
Total tuxublc property
AViiitW-tf, ....
A woman to take care of a child, 5
months old. Apply to
P. Henningeon,
ocllldSs :?t Mosier, Or.
N-w shoe for fill and winter just re
ceived at the New York Cash Store.
Ice Cream and
Oyster Parlors
Mrs t'f. L. Jones has opened ice
cream and oyster parlors in Carey Mal
lard's old stand. She carries
lA full line of Candies,
Nuts and Cigars.
The placo has been thoroughly ren
ovated, ami n share of the tmhlic patron
age ia solicited.
Notice is licrebv clven that the unders'sncd
has boon duly appointed by iho county court of
the state of UrcKon, for W ntco county, adminis
trator of tho estalo of lillritbetli A. iiouthcrn.
deceased. All persons having elaims m j; u ( n s t
tno estate of fald deceased nro Itciehy notified,
to present the same, with the proper vouchers
therefor, to me at my olllee In ll'ri, Diegon,
within tlx inonths from tho dato hcicof.
Dated September 2 1, 1UW).
u. ii. soi'Tiir.u.v.
m '20 Admtnifrtrator.
tor cookmc and heattng, pa.r
Prices from $5 to $50. "SSSssr
is:. -
lUulullou of riirtiiiTNlili. j
The partnership heretofore ixistlngi
between J. A, Carnaby and J. W, Rluke
ney is thia duy dissolved by mutual con-1
sent. The business will be continued
under the style and firm of Carnaby &
Summers, who will collect all bills and
pay all obligations of the late firm.
The Dsllee, Oct 1, 1000. ol0-4w
'-rrTt rTm i'
The genuine all bear the above Tra1eMark,
ana are soia wun a wniien guarantee.
Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition I900 '
told fav Fir&t-Class Stove Merchints evtrvwhera.
Made cid? by The Michigan Stove Company,
largest Makorn of Btovea and Hapgea la the World.
Qk llov