The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY - OCT. 11, 1000 For President WILLIAM M'KINLEY, Of Ohio. ' For Vlce-rrcMdent THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of Sew York. sonnows OP THE a he at. RICH ASD Pity the sorrows of the poor rich and the wretched who are placed in high stations! says the New York Sun. The duchess of Araylc wrote ing our own, that could be safely entrusted with authority over any other religious denomination. Irrc sponsible power is a dangerous J weapon. "When the miners, by their overpowering numbers, feel that they can do what they will, they 1 will do moat nrbitrnr, unjust and j tyrannical things- Kights should be . acknowledged and guaranteed. It: is not safe to have them dependent ; on the caprice or interest of nnyj person or class." i OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAUWT And CAFE, J. B. Crossen & Oo., Props. 87 Second Street A Difficult Problem. It is among the most difficult prob lems ot natural science for one to become expert in several lines. J. E. Ailcox fc Catarrh Cannot He Cured. wttb local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and I In nrilnr tn rn.-p it vnn lunar. tnk inlpr. ! fv . v thnir rnmliimltinn. hftVR over iue oiucr oay to me emperors, Kings, ; naj princes, and princesses of Europe, asking them whom they envied in . . . . Ti trna trna nrncnrilwil hv nnn nf Mip hPSt on WHICH renilirini:, leweiry wihk kiiu whtcb she received arc heartrending. , .. .' . . , . oncravina. Their nriee is as low us con- pnystcmns m uiw wuiurj mr )eK, m, gigtent wT,h Workinannhip. They remedies. Hail's Catarrh Cure is I come this diHiculty in a practical man- internally, and acts directly ni, 1 ruvint-. fi'mli I Itpn. M. taken 1.1 luu U1UUU UUU uiuuuus euiliiuua. xiuu c rnrl- nml nnr. Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. I Liebe is an expert optician anil is food One can almost see the stains be tween the lines, or fancy the sighs and sobs at the end of a period. First comes the Prince of "Wales with the ll : -i; i ' t t i lonowiuK uismai wan: J envy uic i rri,inua a,,nu n,UTti Toanua ; Willi IU nuuui ik IS H.TU1 UlUll IU uc ' uuuii auuut uciJU iui icsktuiuiii.tic, i is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonica known, combined with the best blood purifiers, actinc directly ' sent by on the mucous surfaces. The perfect F!n5tI, i combination of the two ingredients ie j I i... i l i .. -r. . ! : .. I are prepared to do all work in their several lines, on short notice. Work mail or ex ore's will receive attention. Hign. "Uig Ited slightly indisposed, without the fact "being put in this shape and spread nil over the papers of Europe: 'Ilis Highness is seriously ill' who can breakfast in peace without the an nouncement in the newspapers kHis Highness ate with a good appetite' I free. 1 J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold bv drrtiKirlsts, price 7nc. Hall's "Family Pills are the best. 12 Wanted. A position by a uood all-round me chanic and general repair man. Can do c.irpenter work, paper-hanginc, paint- and who can go to the races without '"'K. catsomining, run steam Heating, R j- . .t 'boiler, repair and construct electric! finding the next morning in the same ,. 11 . . , . , . , D , bell?, annunciators, ami repair work of ! papers 'His Highness bet heavily.' all k,n,,e Can furnish very best refer-1 In a word, I envy the man who be- j ences from present and past employers j longs to his family alone, and whose j for fourteen years past. Have got all movements are not watched and ! tools am 33 -vears old eober " Ameri- j F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith. Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & LaiMin. 'Phone 1! falsely interpreted." From the Princess Charles of Den- i mirk comes the following: ''When I can take a ride on my bicycle, and afterward devote myself entirely to my own family affairs, 1 envy no- J body. But when 1 have to be her Jioynl Ilighnes. I envy everybody." Emperor William II gives this melancholy, but bold reply, poorly calculated to please the saus-patrie: "There is only one man in this world that I do not envy, and that is the rascal who does not love his coun try." From Emperor Francis Joseph comes this answer, doubtless written in the tone of a sigh, whatever that can and anxious to come West. Address, J stating all particulars, j A. Howard, J General Itepairer, 1 3601 Western Ave. Boul., Chicago, I III. oclo-lwk BO YEARS- EXPERIENCE may be: "I envy the fate of the fellow who isn't an emperor." With notes more sustained, assum ing for the sake of symphony that there is music in a sigh, the Czar hums dolefully in this key: UI sin cerely envy every man man who is not loaded down with the cares of a great empire, and who has not to weep for the woes of a people." This is a mighty poor show surely. In the pursuit of happiness, where the mischief are we all at? WHOLESOME WORDS. The Universal Leader, a thorough ly non-partisan religious weekly, edited however for many years by men who have been identified with the Now England democracy, has the following true and timely re marks on the pending strike ot the anthracite coal miners. They arc so far removed from the demagogic trash that fill our political papers and is spouted from Uryanite and other platforms that they will bear repeti tion. The moral of them is, or ought to be, a truism; that while labor has rights that no right. minded man would attempt to deny or curtail, capital also has rights that labor must respect or suffer the con sequences of low wnge3 or absolute idleness, 'The striking miners complain that the railroads and tho operators tyrannize over them. Wo are the more inclined to accept tlioir indict ment because wo notice that the miners, when their turn comes, arc not slow to tyrannize over the owners and shippers and over other laborers. The disposition to tyran nize is so universal that it is the part of wisdom to open as few tempta tion j to tyranny as possible, We havj often said that we know no religious denomination, not except- Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James IS. Patton'a sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & t'alk, agents. ml Tho largest and moat complete line of fall anil winter millinery ever displayed in the city at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. The prices will sell the goods. eStf ! t.xtray Notice. Came to my place about a month ago a red rnooley covr, with white hind feet, branded on left hip with three lines meeting at a point, nnder-crop off richt ear. Owner can have her by paying charues. Pethk Godfrey," The Dalles. Oct 3, 1900. cO-w-Jw Notice. To whom it may concern : My wife, Lillio Henningsen, having left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any debts incurred by her. Moeier, Or., Sept. 27, 1900. e27 2tw I'nTEit Hc.v.Ni.sasK.v. Trace Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anrono i enrtlni; n sketch nnd description mv QiiicKly ascertain our opinion free nhetlwr a. i invention h proimuir p.iieniaoio. vommuniafc. llonastrictlyconadentlal. Handcookon I'ntentA jent free. OMest ni-ency for rccunnir patents. l'.itei.ts taken tlirouuh Jlumi x Co. receive notice, vrlthout cbnrec. In tbo Scientific JSmerican. A Iiand'ometr Illii'trated rreelilr. I.nivajt clr- 'ierma, .i a km n'.nnv ecientlilc journal. yeir: our months, ?h Sold byall newsdealer?. MUNN S Co.3etB'oadwa New York llrcncli Offlco. V SL. V.'AjbtDKton. I. V J. A. EBERLE, pipe Jailori VOGT Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager. Two Nights, October 10 and 1 1 ill. I A complete line of Fall and Winter Suitings, I'antings and Overcoating, now on display, iuo dillerent varietiee to ea lect from. Suits, $20 ar?d up. Call nnd examine goods before going Plsowiiere. beconu etreet, opp. jiays cc Lirowe'8. CHOCOLATE BON BONS- ! DIRECT from the FACTORY , AT EASTERN PRICES. This Season's Uig SnccesH. The great Chinese-American Sensation, KING of the OPIUM RING.... Tbe Scenic Mtrvel o! the 20:h Century. A Moneter Kaleidoscope ot Oriental Magnificence, rlllCKH. First seven rows, 76c: general (drais- too, 60c. becura your seats at Clarke & ralk'a drugstore. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. CONTEST NOTICE. u. s. Unu omen, Thk 1UU.K8, o bvptvuiUT IS, 1W0. 1 A kiiltlclent contest allidavjt IiiivIiik txw.'ii 11 led la tlilH rolllt-u by Jotepli 1(. Hliernr, conluitunt, HKaliist liomesioitl entry No. 7142, mado June a. IbW. lor 8 hf NW fr Hiv.'i, mid K lit NK qrgeo -V. Ti 3 H H II K, by William dill contestee, in wlileh It la nllextd that kald William Olll Iihn wholly abandorud kuld tract and elm used III rttldeiico tlierefrom for rnoie than tlx inunths tlnco making nald entry, mid next prior to duW o context: and that ho did not abandon the tract to enter the .military or imvaUervlcool Complete Cir;e of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THt DRUGGIST. Just What Yoa aiaot. tho united Stat, aald partlea uro Iwrebv uoti tied to aDtiear. reaiiond and filler ovldenen bmli lug aid allegation t 10 o'clock a. in. on October 27, IWAi, before tho reUtvr and receiver at tbo viniat "m ianq oracein ine uauea, wregon, '.belaid con twtant having, In u proper alfl. davttniled Auguit 11, iikiO, act forth faU which how thatulfjr duo diligence pomonal aoivlou of tblt notice cau not bo raad, It is hereby ordered mid directed that tuoh uotlco bo given br due and proper publication. PtJ JAY I'.. LUUAS, JtfgUter. 'I J.J WJ New ideaa in Wall Paper bore. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a einglo stock. Ileal imita tion creton eflecta at ordinary prices. Good papers nt cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yourn for a Bmall price, at our store on Third atreet. Also a full line of bouse paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. TTie CoiumDia Packing Do.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANDFACTUKKR8 OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIED BEEF. ETC. J. S. HCIIBNCK, rresiueiu. II. 11. ilSAU., Ccshlci First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted uepceits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly -...:n,..i j i ii .! ruiuibvcu uu uui UI UUIIUUIIIJU. Hight and Tolegraphic Exchange sold on Now York, Ban Francisco and port- land. DIKKOTOHS. D. P. Thompson. Jho. B. Soiiknck. ftD. 1. WILMAMS, GKO. A. LlKIIK. ti. .M. IiKAI.1,. r ..cflfls. pfifiW.. Butchers and Favmeps ..Exchange. Keeps on draught llio celebrated COI.UMIIIA ItKKit, ncknmv;. fdgwl tho best beer In Tho Ihillcs, ut thouvual pilco. Comoln.try It nnd be convinced. AUo tho Klnvat briuida of Wlncn, l.irjuor and UIgara. Sanduiiehes of all Kinds ahrayi on band. DR.GUNNS ONI FOR A POII. nRwf' Plrnplea. .Prafrat ftiUFiPH'' '"rlfr t Killlood. PU. w m& daru dhhiui Ho. Hold by drof ouw. UB, Bastogh AO itSfi; 425 "ILLS Mb day U dkmStv l ; $1.00 per month. ! . Strictly llrst clasn loral nn.l lone dietauce tclepliouu service within j your home. Linen do not crnse-tnlk. Your con ! vursution will be kept a secret, i No coRt for iiifitiilllng. You get the Btnndurd Huntilng Long Dlatnnt IuBtruiuent. Continuous day and night service. Wo will accept your contract for ten years nnd allow yon to cancel Bfun'e on giving tia thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COB. j r m ct-A-ra.TJcr ArrjrTA-A--r-i'rriTa.T -art -rrrxmrrtrrtcTxr Str. Regulator REGULATOR LINE. I DALLES, PORTLAND i ASTORIA KAY, COfANYi Utentiicm ol tho ItcKulntor l.lno will run ns k.t the lo'..'! mv.iig Miludulo, Hie Cuiiipimy reservliif; tho rlKht to chiiBje'j! fOiiciiule without tiutleo. 3 ! DOWN. I.V llllllC lit A. M. Tuesdiiy ThuiMliiy H.tturilny . Arr. I'ortlnud at t:3J P. M. Ship your Freight via Str. Dnlliia City. UI'. I.v. Portland II! 7 A. St. Momlii WnlnevOHi' 1 A.r. nc5 Regulator Line- ntr i'. u, i DOWH 1 I.v. Dullea I at 7 A. M. i .Miiiulay Wrdnesdity . i'rlilny I Arr. rortliiml I nt I LTD f. t. 1a rnrtland ,1 id " W i. u. i Tuenl.iy 'J ThurNtay ,5 t-alunUy 8 AT liallta J t a r. m I'll t FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, c., Trrivel by the Stcnmerx ol the Itifjiilntnr I.tuc. Thu Comjinnv will cuilenvor to (jive Hi r!- K ions tho iKst vivluo possible. 1'or turthur luloriiiutluii nililreis k C. l'ortbind OBlcc, Oak Htrcot Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Can. Apt Waco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind? Headquarters lor Bran. Shorts, s? iffu 7iL Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- ton FlOUr 'li8 unr 18 manufactured expreeely for fninllr use : every Hack is guaranteed to give Batiefnction. Wa eelt our rochIb lowor than any house in thu trade, und if you don't think 0 call and net our nrieea and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats, s- jh3 h0j- & hk55 SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! Do you know that John I'tiHliek. thu tailor, is ngont for two of tho l.reat merchant tailoring lioueeB in Atnerlcu? Dfl mil hinvc thut lid trfll vnn n Dili iiuwlta rt t.rtiit- rirlnr nfl cheap na tho hnntl-n.o-down, reiuly-tnatle, you buy in tbe nloreti, und fiuarnntee a fit or no Eitlo? Do you know Hint be has already on hand for the coming fall and winter trnilo thu linndsonieat and fltieat line of samules ever hIiowii in The Itollee? JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. I I j. E. FALT & CO., 5 Y n J orfT!r Commepeial Sample Rooms. y Purest Liquors for Family Use 9 Dolivorod lo any part of Uio City. lhoneb. jyJ; Dialnnaii 173 Second Street. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.