I) e On 1 1 cg ' is. Chrimfcl& VOL. XII" THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY. "OCTOBER 11, 1900. NO. 359 Tito Kind You Have Always Bought, and wlilch litis been In uso for over 30 ycarH, 1ms liorao the Hlptiatnro of 7 i - und. lias been made under bis pcr- jC&fflflfa Boiuil supervision since Its infancy. 4Uryyt 'COCCUi Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-pood" ore but Hxperimyiits that trifle with and endanger tbo health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Cast aria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Huhstnuco. Its uge is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and flatulency. It ussimllates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tiio Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE OtHTAUR COMPANY, TT MUBKAV STRICT. NEW YORK OITV. FRENCH PROPOS ALS APPROVED With Some Slight Changes in Details of tlie Propositions France Has Laid ilefore the Powers, United States Will Give Hearty Assent to tlie Plans Suggested. Washington, Out. 10, Tliuro i no lonscf any doubt Hint tills Government Heartily approver tho many propositions laid dawn In tho French noto miido public on tlio 5th lust., m regard to n common iirounun to ho adopted by tho powers us u husiH for peace iH jtothitione wiin uiiinn. As to the llrat of tho proposed terma ol eettlement, tho piinlshmont of tho principal mil prite, tliin uovornmont bus already declared itault in unmistakable "ms. As to tho second, tho inulntoii biico o thu Inhibition agaimit tlio import Qfarnie, this government will not do clfru iiHulf to tho point of making it an absolute prorequiaitu to furthor lU'notiii ". A to tho third and fourth Positions providing for indomuitioo to Mutes, aoeiotios und individual!), mid '"Jividtiala, nod tho formation of a Permanent minrd for tho legations in 1'eltin, u cordial useunt will ho given. As to tho fifth, Whc, tqire8 thu dirt ji'ijntk'iiiunt of tho Tnku fortifications, t'danuYcriiiiiont in not deposed t go Hjiltu to th,. lunuth of mnhint' It an in diept'iitablo condition na does tho French noli-, Th" Bixtli of tho French condltioiiH rea'ta "a follows: "Military occupation ol two or threu Points on thu road from Tion Tain to , ki" wl'lch would thua ho always open 0 tho legations wishing to go to nun, or Wees proceeding to IVkln from tho tea." 'Una paragraph would seem to inako 1 obligatory upon tho powers to inula- t!"ri ieoiiH nt thoto points, anil whllo "e conditions are euoh aa to mako their pupation for tho safety of tho mem. m f tho legation and othera dealring 'ravel between Poklu and Tien Tain, "la Koyornmont ia disposed to make e UormuHi a.a tnntter of right, to to wrclaed by any or all of the poweia nt ' The formal note embodying the viowa of thia government substantially as outlined ubovo ia in preparation, and probably will bo handed to Mr. Thiobaut, tho French charge in Washington with in a day or two. 'I'll li' v Mtullis lit Koohe viilt . Fout Way.ni:, Iiul., Oct. 10. Hood lums of Fort Wayne tonight attacked Governor Roosovolt's party. In Calhoun street, ahortlv beforo tho head of the procession ruitchcd the rink where the coventor was to apeak, a party of rougha on tho sidewalk throw a shower of atones at Governor Roosevelt's carriage. Ono struck the govornor on the shoulder, and anothor armed at him, otruek Curtis Guild, Jr., of Uofton, in tho faca. Tho governor was not hurt and laughed tho matter off, Tho horses wero whipped up and got away from the roughs. Chiiiiiliiirlnlii'H Couth Kcmoily a G '" I'UVIllltf. Tlie soothing and healing properties of tliia remedy, itb pleasant and prompt and purinaniunt cures have made it o great favorite with people everywhere. It is especially piiiwd by mothers ol Biiiall ohil'lron for colds, croup and whooping couph, as it always ailbrds quick relief, and aa it contains uo opium or other harmful drug, it may bo given an conlidontiully to u baby aa to an adult. For salo by Hlakuloy druggist. Nasal CATARRH In nil It Btar.'ca thoro elmulil bo cle.iiilluosa. Ely's Cronm Balm cleanses, eootlio nail healfl thu ilUe.ised ineinbrnno. ilcuroacntarrlinml drives away n cold In tlio head Oroain Halm Is placed Into tlio nnetrlls, spreads over tlia membrane, nnd la absorbed. Hcllof la lm modlulo mid a euro follow U U not dryins-docs l ...mlnm mifiwlll". L.iri'0 H1.0. 60 Ct'IltB Ut l)rtlL' gUti or by m:ill; Trial BUo, 10 cents by mall. U'.V i.X)TIIKlia, 03 Wiirrwi trcot, new xgns. Tlio Campbell & Wilson milllnory parlor ia tho place to buy up-to-date head wear nt rluht itrioes. All tho now tilings in street hats. Patterns and trimmed hats can bo found there, also n lino lino of children's school hats and' baby bonnets. H Are you ready to buy your fall shoes? We are solo agents for the celebrated Hamilton Brown Shoo Co.'a lino of foot wear. K you want tho best ehoo for the least money, cull and see ua. No trou ble to show gooda at the how York Cash Store. INSTRUCTIONS TO DELEGATES No Work Will He Done Next Week- Miners' Convention Will He In Session Several Hays. Pottsvii.m:, Pa., Oct 10. The Shen andoah delegates to tho minors' conven tion have received tiieir finul inetrnc lions. Not ono of them will vote contrary to these instructions. At tbo meeting of two of tho local unions of tlio United Mine Workers at Shenan doah, it was decided to demand that the sliding scale, or tho $2. 50 basis, should be abolished beforo the strike is declared ut an cud. Tbo delegates to the Scran ton convention were so instructed. Many of tho delegates from Schuylkill declare that beforo on agreement is reached between the operators and miners a joint conference must bo held huforewhieh tho sliding scale, dockage, semi-monthly pay, and other grievances must bo adjusted. It is not believed that the operators will go into such a conference. President Mitchell and other labor leaders aro strong advocates of annual wage eeale arrangement, similar to that in loree in the bituminous coal fields Tho operators in tliese regions meet their employes each year and fix a wage scale. If this proposition end that re lating to the abolition of the sliding wage scale ore brought before the con vention and negotiations with tbo mine owners are not reported, it will cause considerable delay in the settlement of the strike. Tho convention may be in session several days and it is hardly probablo that any coal will be mined next week. Some of the national ofHeers are unanimoua In their declarations for a settlement and will exercise their in fluence with delegates to accept the offer of tbo companies. At this time tho men nre divided on tho proposition as to whether or not it is a victory. Tho sliding scale and the price of coal at tide water have been an enigma to more enlightened minds than those of the miners in the past, and the real gain or loss will only be demon strated bv netual nraetice. A vote for tbo resumption of work is regaided as certain, but this It is believed will only bo rocured niter considerable difficulty. Most of the mine owners who have granted the increaee do no1, specify in their notices how long the advance shall remain in force, and it ia not unlikely that an attempt will bo mado by the miners in convention to open negotia tions with the operators looking toward an understanding on this matter. This will cause delay, and no ono looks for resumption of work eaily next week. Ourcil of Chronic Ultirrlioeu After Tlility Years uf Hutrorliie. "Sollercd for thirty years. with diar rhoea and thought I waa past being cured," says John S. Ilalloway, of French Camp, Mies. "I bad spent so much time and monoy and suffered so much Hint I had given up all hopes of recovery. 1 was so feeble from tho fleets ol tho diarrhoea that I could do no kind of labor, could not even travel, but by accident I wa3 pormitted to iind a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Iiemedy, and aftor taking sevoral bottles 1 am entirely cured of that trouble. I am so pleased with the result that 1 am anxious that it bo in i. ..r ..II il..... c oj T Ivit'u " rtHM'll Ul till WIVBU Wu Pliiiui in A For salo by Blakeloy druggist. American I'rlzns at l'nrm Kxiuihltlou. Washington-, Oct. 10. A cablegram received hero today from CommiBf.ioner General Peck, ut Paris, contains an an noifucomont of final results obtained nt tho exposition by tho countries In the way of awards. Tho United States re ceived 2-170 awards; Germany, 1820; Great Britain, 1177; lluesia, 1413. Tho United States leads not only In the grand total, but also In all grades of awards, from grand prizes to merely honorable mention. Clarko & Falk have on salo a full line of paint and artlat'a bruahee. Olarke & Falk have recoived a carload of the celobrated Jame E. Patton atrictly pure liquid paiuta Philadelphia. Pa., May ISth; il900 Thleil8kto certify that tho John B. Stotson Corapany4ha3;nadeny hato for tho pant twoaty yeor3 and they have always ijivon perfect Botloraetlon,. I Col. Cody and the members of his famous troupe insist upon having There is nothing like them. We are now offering a full assortment of staple soft hntB and new effects in tourist shapes. Also the new Fail block in both brown and black stiff hats. A. M. WILLIAMS & COMPANY. ....MEET US ON THE MIDWAY.... -AT THE- iimsl n October 9 to 13 inclusive. This will ba the greatest event, in the history of the City of Wheat, Wool and Fruit and an Open River to tho Sea. The products of this pro lific reuion will be op exhibition, and farmers, flockmasters and all others will witness an exhibit that will be both interesting and instructive. SPECIAL SOCIAL ATTRACTIONS! BAND CONCERTS EVERY DAY! A NOVEL STREET PARADE! Excellent entertainments day an! night. Fivo 'days of sight-seeing und pleasure. There will be ample accommodations for all guests. Come and The Dalles will entertain you. Producers from all seotious vequested to make exhibits. No chargo for epace in the lair building. No entrance fee. Reduced Rates on all Railroads and Steamboat Lines. COME TO THE DALLES. fetiMng from Business. Closing out my Entire Stook Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothinir, Boots and Shoes, at much lees than wholesalo prices. Will sell In bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers, Entire stock must "be closed out "before 30 days. All Koode will bo sacrificed except Thompson's fllove-fitting Coreets and liutterick Patterns. Your prices will be initio. Call early and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. State floimal School, MONMOUTH, - OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. Thu students of the Norual Souogl are prepawa to take the State Certificate immediately on graijuntlou. r Oraduutei roadlljr secure good poiltloni, Expouio o( year from 1190 to 1160, Strong Academic and lroletoDttl 4ouro. Now Special Departure In Manual Tralniug Well equipped Training Department , for catalogue containing lull announcement address r. U CAMPBELL, rr&ideut. or W A. WANK, SurreUry of Faculty. A lilt if Oomcily IU'Ihci'Ii TmJn at a New York F.lcvnlvd Itnll riinil Stntlon. A messenger boy, small, trim, retieent and deliberate in his movements, walked up the steps of a Sixth avenue elevated railroad station, reports t.hc Vow York Sun, went quietly along the passageway between the ticket .seller's window and tlie ticket chopper's box, and there dropped his ticket, 'flu tick et chopper being at that momtnl stand ing1, stretching his legs, tjje messen ger kept on around the ticket box and dropped in the ticket chopper's chair without a word or n look for anybody. "I guess you were born tired," said the ticket chopper. No reply from tho messenger. When the next passenger dropped a ticket, in the box tlie messenger boy readied forward and grasped tlie han dle of the lever and raised it up and let the ticket fall down from the hop per into tlie box below, throwing the lever up through its full .sweep slowly, but to the limit with a manner that was at once languid and precise. "There that'll do," said the ticket chopper. "I'll attend to that part of it." Still paying no attention to him, the messenger got up and walked away, lie had chopped one ticket, that's all he wanted to chop; and now he strolled down tlie platform as calm, as grave faced, as reticent as ever, as cool, even in this weather, as the proverbial cu cumber. CHOICE IN COLOR OF MEAT. It la a Fallacy tu Sunnoie That White f la More Ilualrnblc Than Dark. In a recent series of articles pub lished in a German medical journal, Drs. Offer and lloseenquist deal with, the opinion that has been accepted by many that white inputs are more suit able for the bick, owing to greater di gestibility and the presence of less uric acid anil nitrogenous extractive. This belief is shaken by the analyvea made by the medical men referred to, which show that while white meats, such as poultry and fish, do in certain cases, as fish and fresh venison, con tain less extractive and nitrogenous derivatives, the average amount does not appreciably differ in dark and white meats such as poultry, veal, beef, pork, mutton, etc., to make either pref erable. They point out that the only way of limiting the ingestion of these dele terious exi'.'uotive and nitrogenous sub stances is by diminishing the amount of meat taken, rather than by forbidding dark meats. They alio ns;ert that among the extractive present in meat the most important ones are by no meana harmful if taken in small quan tities, as is ordinarily done. The ainuo holds good as regards the other or ganic extractives which are nitrogenous. HOW PLANTS GAIN WEIGHT. Their Growth la AvonliuioU Cornea 'Wholly from Ca in the Air. As fnr as is known the first botanical experiment ever performed was; con ducted by a Dutchman, He placed, in a pot 2M pounds of dried earth, nnd in it. he planted a willow branch which weighed live pounds lie kept tho whole covered up and daily watered theearth wilh rain water. After five .years' growth the willow was again weighed and was found to have gained in 1 pounds. The earth in the pot was dried and weighed and had lost only two ounce. The experimentalist, therefore, looked upon thk experiment assiipportlng the theory that plant. required no food but water, l!ut he was wrong. Later it was discovered that much of tho in crease in weight uf plants was derived from carbonic acid gain tlieuir. Vegetable cells conttdn a liquid known as "cell tap," which is water holding in solution various' materials which have been taken up from with out by the roots, and leave. TIjiih it ii in the Ihlrg colli1 of the plant -that those "digestive" processes are carried on which were once believed to occur in the sull. Uula uml liiulsos Oulekly I leal ad , Chamberlain'a Pain Halm applied to a cut, bruise, burn, ecald or like injury will iustuiiily allay the pain and will heal the parte in lees, time than any other treatment. UnloBs the injury ia very severe it will not not leave a ecar. Pain Balm also cures rhumatiem, sprains, swelliuus and lameness. For eale by Ulakeley druggist. Special values in Men aud Boys cloth ing at the New York Cash store,