We cordially invite vou to visit CLUTTER PLACES. r i Such Cloncta Arc Apt to Ilecomc When Thcr Are Not Properly j Attmiteil Tu. I There is a popular notion that the woman who builds a house ilrst remem bers the closets and pantries, and groups the necessary room's around them. This, says the New York Trlb tine, is because the average masculine builder is apt to be sadly remiss in ar ranging a sufficient number of closets. It is quite possible to have too many! closets', especially when these little rooms are built without ventilation or. sufficient light. It is better to have a lew large closets lighted and ventil ated, so that there is no danger of their being storage places for impure air, than it is to have a large number of small shut-in piaces which are so-dark that they ore certain to become clutter jilaces. It is not desirable to have places where the worn household or the personal belonging.-, of the family can be shoved out of sight and remain for gotten to everything but moth and mold. This is what a dark closet only ventilated from the room into which it opens is apt to become. A clothes elotet cannot be properly built without a small window to light and ventilate it. Kven when this is provided clothes that are dank with perspiration or full of the dust and germs of outdoor streets should' not be hung in them. When a street wrap or dress is taken oiT it should be dusted well at first, and, if necessary, hung in the fresh air in front of an open win dow to free it from all dampness of perspiration before it is hung in the closet. A fine dress, or one of very delicate color, which is likely to fade from long exposure to the light, may be hung in a bag of coarse unbleached muslin. Make such a bag of ample size, and drop the skirt into it, hanging it up at the two upper corners. The waists of "such dresses should lie folded and laid in bureau or closet drawers. Carnival ltntcs. The 0. R. &. N. Company have made the ffllowinv round-trip rates from the atatione named below to TheDalles, for October 9th to 13th, inclusive: Portland 3 50 Fairviow - Oj Troutilale !-0 Latourelle 2 55 Bridal Veil 2 40 Bonneville 1 90 Cascade Locks 1 75 Viento : 1 20 Hood River 95 Jlosier 70 Bicu'3 SO Grants 9o Arlington 2 15 Heppner Junction - 55 Heppner 4 35 GOING EAST If you intend to take a trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains ruu via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Ross C. Clink, Pacific Coast Pass. Aut Lov Angeles, Calif. C. S. Cbank, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. limiting young man can mako $00 per month and expenses. Permanent posi tion. Experience niit)tc?3sary. Write quick fo- particulars. Clark & Co., Fourth and locust Streets, Philadel phia, Pa, s8 tf For S.ile. Fine seed wheat for sal; red Russian. Price, 75 cents per bushel. W. W. R.uvso.s-, geplO-lm The Dalle?, Or. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping aid (-unburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Don't Huh It Io, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain ia gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Wanted A boy of steady habits (o WJrk in n store. Inquire at this office. c5 hv The Now Yotk Cash Store is the tolo aent for tho Hamilton Brown Slioo Co.'s liuo of footwear. Yon will not have boils if vou tako Clarko & Falk's sure euro for boils. Clark & Falk arti never closed Sunday. J)on'i. forgot this. Clarko & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your arocer for them, A lull line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarko & Falk. Ural Jf.Utu fur Hale. Twenty-three lole, located Iron) Bev enth street to Twelfth, for sale at irotn $50 up, Inquiry at the Columbia Hote). - 20tt( Clark .& Falk 'a drug sleek is new, fiosh and, complete. A new Department Store just opened with "now up-to-date goods and low prices. It's the place to save money on all kinds of merchandise. Remember the place, A 810 SALE OF STAR FEED MILLS. Darinc the Sirtet Fair and Carnival we are Koine to offer tlm greatest bar g.iiiH in Grinding Machinery over offered in the Stale of Oregon. We want every 'arnier to have a Star Feed Mill, because it will help to nav your taxes: It will save yon lime; it will make your old horse fatter; it will please your wife to get cracked grain for her chickens; ami this is a sine way of gutting it at a sacrifice, for we are positively iroing to close out the mills now on hand at ACTUAL COST. A change in the business compel? us to do this, anil now is tho time for you to reap the benefit. For further particulars inquire or writo tu HUDSON & BROWNHILL, in Organs and Pianos dating Carnival Week. Nickelsen's Book and Music Store. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embaimer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended to' promptly. Long distance phone 433. Local, 102, Sale of Real Property. Notice la hereby Riven that under mid by vir tue of un order ilulv made unci entered in tho County Court of Wui-co County, Oregon, on tho 29th day of Ausrmt, 11)0), tho undertluned, ei1 uiinisiratorwltli the will annexed, of thocslato of Jonathan Jacki-on, deceased, will, from unit f fter th lit day of October, 11D0, tell ut uivato Bull) 111 tho rammer provided by Ian- for the Milo of real property by executors mid cdtnlnUtra tors, all the ritrht, lltlo and interest of thu said Jonathan Jncktou in and to tho following do icitbed real property, betiijr In Wasco County, Oregon, to-wlt: Tho NWK of (he SKM of K-ction fifteen OR): tho ay.ot thoSIJw air! tlio8'j of thu Htt'K of etctlou twenty two vti s the of tho a?M of section fifteen (10), thu of thoMitfand the HVM of tho.SI'.k of section twenty-two (22), the Wof tho KhH and Hie M'M of Iho .NKjf tnid tho riV.H of ttio hW'A (I section twenty seven (27), all In townvhlii four '() south, ruuxe fourteen (11) eat, V. Jl.i said sale to be for cash or uiwii crodlt In tho manner provided bv law for tho salo of real property upon credit by executors and bdtnlnjttratory. 1!. K. S.M.TMAItaili;. Adminlttratnr, with the Mill annexed, of tho otatoof Jonathan Juckfon, deyyised. upl-II NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT., Notlco Is hereby slvcn that tho underlined have filed with tho Clerk of thn county court of tho Statoof Oregon for Wmhco county, tliclr final mount as executors of tho latt will unci testa ment of Henry liarnum, defeated, ana that Monday, tho 4 fit day of Noyemtwr, IStiu,' at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m bus been .fixed by the Couuty Court lor laid county a the time, and the county courtroom In .Dalles City ua tho nlaoo for hearing of. objections to itld bb1 ac count mid tho settlement of the Hume."" J, W. rtlKHUlt, K. 1'. HAYS, uepl5 Executors. 133 S6COND STREET. The Dalles, Oregon. 1 IL. Lane. GENKKAI. BiacRsmhn .AND. W, Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third anil .TfifTrmi Phniifi 1AQ FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ritA.xJAur.i enkuaIjBankino nnhiNEs Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Siitht Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore Ron, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Waslnnuton. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. C. F. Stephens .Dealer in... t)ty Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes, lints, Caps. Notions, Agt. for W. I., Uouglaa Shoe. Tiio Dalles, Or. lightens tho tJJO rcud. 1 helps the (cam. Saves .venr ana lii 6TAKDAKO OIL. CU. jQlt. IC, K. I'KllfllJHKN, Physician and Surgeou, OIlcc, Vogt Hlock (over l'oitoilice), i04plwo-dHr Till: DAI.I.K1, OUIiOON. Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to nursery. Tel.SS IlooDfs21aud Vogt Block mm 4 ) ? J Tclephono No. S8. 131 Second Ht & e J 1 s 3bug5-u'?mujmuiiMiiiiiiiinMiiijuuiuuwuiujfltjjJi '.'WlVofi fi7fittitiiirrrliy!?,"!Ttltiii!fiiHiirtr THE CELEBRATED .. .GOkllfllBlA BREWERY ... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery tho United Statea Health tteporta for Juno 28, 1900, says: "A nioro superior brew never entered the labratory of tho United States Health reports. It ih nbculiitely davold of tiie slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other band is composed of the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can bo usrd with the reatest be lie lit anil satisfaction by old and young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with tho cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street. THE DALLES. OREGON. Grandall DEALEUS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS rf EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies' ' C. J. STUBLIHG, WHOhKSAhi: Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to A. Phono 234, THE Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. Mrs. Annie Luckey, Hair-Dressing and Shampooing Facial Treatments and tho MOKMON TKKATMEN1'. Koom 50, third floor, Umatilla ilouso. iioura irotu u to li a. m. and 1 to 5 p. tn. Paint your home with paints that are fully guaranteed to Ut. Clarke & Falk have thow. (IS a. to The ChroniGJe, Tho Dnllco, OK. Job Printers. & Barget Robes, ButnaSh J Etc. . . v n 4 1 AND IlHTAlf. M. Williams & Co. DALLES, OREGON. House Painting... Tho tuidersiiied lino taken possession of H. A. fSplvoy paint nhop, next door to thu Vogt opera house, and lias pur chimed the tools and ladders. Ho has Kootl mechanics workiiiK for him, and will guarantee all work to glvo satiifuo tlon. S. K. KELLY. bubacribe (or The Chronicle, IlKrAflT TIMK SCIIKtlUl.lt. i rou KltOM 1UI.I.KS. IMst Halt l.ak', IK-nvcr, rt,! Malt Wofth, Omaha, knii.' K' -rip. m, M-'Clty,.;Ht. Iu.: CIiIojki) iinU Kmt, , Atlaiilla Halt Henvcr. ft. Kxnress , Wnrtli, Omaha, Kan l'J:fi0 a. in. , as City, Ht. Umls Via Hunt- ChlcuRiMind Knit. lnitton, - - Hnokiino Walln Walhi, KpoliatieJ Nlnll . .MinileiipnlU. Pt. I iiiil, and iMi tilth, 1 lln,uikr,i i:.prex Chlrasii and Knit, via 8Vo!ianaktlIlnutlin; tiiiit nUniitl polntiln y.'JJ p. w WiiMhliittton anil Kail em Orviton, FlOM ft Mill l:tb.ta. Bryiiim Mli ni lafrest .1:aUB p. m. FltOJt I'Of.Tl.AS'Tl Ocean Htc.imsh'i I'or Hun 1-tiino.lw -Kvfery Kivc l)avi, lp. n. H p. m. Kx.hunMny Hriitirday Wp. m. - I i( ni UoIiiiiIOIn I'.V. ft.-ttn -.-j, Ks.ttii, To AHtotiM mil Way I.HI llllri-i. ( n, in. Kx.HiiM.'iiy W ir i.i.h-im-i- l'ivt-,1 fOreynn city, ."vl erg, Ux.sundaj n, tn, lu,T hut. and ut. WlLLIM'TTK AKIl VAM- Il.IWli.m. llItl.KlVKiif.. ,1Ioii.,Vm Otcpmi City, iMytoi.. aiidFrl. mid Vny.l,aiultns,. RKAKR ItlVait. Itlpnifn to lwlsl.m. I.XATl Lr.wistos 'lAllj 9:0) a. a I.v llltutla diliy .1;;i'ni. in. i rnr.ie.i ileMntu: to un tu lleiitiner or 1 pointmn Columbia Southern vli IIIki, ihoali ! Uiii- M, ..miv1iik 'lh! ImIUh t li 1) v. o. j iiiiiklm: direct eii'inePllniiJi at Heppner junction i n ml MhtKi lietiirnlni; iniikiiiudiri'CtniiiiicctKiQ at Heppner 'iiuetlon and lllfiii with No, l.tt 1 rlvlns; at The 1)u11imii p. m. For lull luirtlciil.irK '.: m O, . .V; S. I'o.'i . it iinti.m'p.T, - A- I'urtlaii'l.Oi aKcnt'Ihu ifiillo. or i"i . SOUTH unci V31 vin Somuaia Pso Hj Go. Shasta Boute Tralim li-nve The Dalles lor I'orllan l and wij otJitlnnK ut l:'i a. in. and 11 p. in. U-nvo I'ortlniid H:) m 7:Crtpw " Alhany li. 3da m lU:Wpm' Arrlvo Ashland Wisiam ll:20ow " Sacraiin:iito fi:) p m I a in " han hranclsco 7:l.'ipm blliata AritvcOud'tn ri:iram 11:15am " Denver Oifltinm 'J:0iara " Kiin.snslllty 7:i'inl:i V.ilaw " C'hle mo 7: 1.1 a m u;a)aui Arrive UisAiiKClo-s ... ..... livupm 7:00ain " Kl I'hmi :(.) pin C'HOpm " Kort Worth fi:inia O.-naui " tMty ol Mexico u;Miim Sl.ilaw " linn. t. in l.tmnm 1:00am ' New Orloaim fi-.il urn C.2ipn " WashliiKton li: tin m fi-IJan " New York Willi pin WUpw l'lilliniin unit Tontlit ears on holh twlni. ChiilrearN Biieiaiiieiito to Omteli and l''iJ' mid lontlitcarH to t'hlciiKn, Ht Imlsi New or IviuiKtind Waitlilnitton. ConiicolliiK at Han Krnnclseo with nsvewl oU'iiiiiihtp linos lor lloiinlnlil, Japin. .IhMi I'hlllpplnca, Central nnd Honth Aiiictlca, Bi-o iiKt-nt at Tho Dallca stiitlon, or piIIkh C. H. MARKHAM, lit'iifral I'asHMijfer Audit, I'.irt.and, Ot Yellowstone Park Line. THIS 1UN1NU llOU'l'H KltOM I'OHTUVSU TO THK KAHT. TltlC ONLY IHItH(iTI,tNi: TO Till! YlIM Off- HIONK l'AUK Union Depot, Viflli audi Sis! aiuuvk. J.KUVK. No. a. 11:15 A. M, No. 1. llJIlO V. M, I'ast mall lor TiK'oma, No. Seal Ho, Olyinpln.tiriiy's 1 lliilhoriind HiiuiIi llond points, Spokami, Itnss-i land, II, (!,, I'nlliiiaii, Jloj-cow, U'HlsInn, lliif- ,, fiiliilliiiiiiiniiliii;iimn- r ;' I' try, llulenu, Mliiiienpo. lis, HI, I'aiil, Oinahii.i Kunnti City, Ht. I.onls.l UhlciiKo mid nil polntsi eat mid tioutheimt. No, a, 1'nwt Bound HprcM.sl for Tncoina iiud Heuttlo 700 A. mid liileruieiUalo polnU I'tlllnimi llrst-dahs and limrKt slcepurs W illimeiipolls, Ht. I'miland illwnrl rtver p jlut without chaime. . . Vustihnled trains. Union iloiio. coniu'Ctlo'1' In all principal cities. IIiikkiiko checked todcstlnnilnn ot tickets. Knr handsomely llluitruteiilurlptlveiiiattuf tlokuts, lcejiliiK-vur reservations, etc,, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Oenoriil I'asseniter Agent. VS Mrrl ton Hlreet, corner Third, I'ortland, Orwon. Jjlt. (. K, HAIITII, OstoopaUi. ItooniH 10 and II, Ohupmau Blook, 'i'ho liil Oregon, twi" irttoi Pacilie