The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 10, 1900, Image 3

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Wo aro showing an
oxquisito lino of Fur
Jackets, Capos, Collar
ottos and Scarfs, from -
Here are n few ofTurliifiH of the BoaFoii'n lnteBt ntid most at
tractive iiintcrinlH for Full Wear:
Muck Ciimul'ri Hair nt $1, $1.25 nnd $1.50
Itlnrl: l'ol)lli Hltko nt $1.25 urid $1.50
Wtii'iisiu Mi'tinue, (10 In. wide, 0 different coloring $1.50
Uqi. ('onlH, Zbeliiicy, Whlprordc, Ottomans, Arinurea nnd
li.initlii'iiH, in nil solid cnlnrn, from $1 to $1.50 per ynrd
A fiiii' rilleclion of Enirlibli Piorolao lit $2 50, $U and $3.60 yd
Blanket and Comfort Department.
Finn liiniimled ComfortH , $2.50, $:; and $.'!,50
Ufa I lbwii $7.50, $8 59 and $10 each
RhinketB iu HO different qualities.
Wo iiHk everyone to mnku theniHelveB nt home in our Etoru.
All we ask
is an opportunity to prove that our news-
paper talk is not simply the use of space
and big words.
Just a little of your time
You'll find it time well spont, and we can
convince you of the good points of our
clothing. While you are here we want to
show you a few of our specials:
No. 1. Overcoat at $10.00
A handsome dark bine and black garment, very etylishly
made up. jjood serge lining, medium length, box cut. We
call tide epecial because ay values go ordinarily this coat
would be cheap at $12.50.
No. 2. Largo lino of men's overcoats,
from $5.50 to 20.00
No. 3. Men's all-wool wove suits 8.50'
No. 4. Men's cheviot, oxford, kersey
suits $10.00 and 12.50
No 5. Men's dark fancy worsted suits,
single and d.-b. vest $15 and 16.50
No. 6. Men's fine tailor-made fancy
tweed, cheviot and sergo suits,
from $20.00 to 25.00
Our Boys' Department Z
and economical prices that it is hardly worth while to mention
it. The fall and winter stock is now at its best. We show nov
elties and staples in great profusion. No trouble to show goods.
There is no economy in buying cheap
shoes for hoys. Here is tho stuff that
stands their racket:
Seal Grain, heavy soles, riveted seams;
sizes 11 to 2 ' $2.25
Same, sizes 2h to 5h 2.50
Buffalo Calf, heavy soles, riveted seams f
sizes 12 to 2 $2.00
Same, sizes 1 to 5h 2 50
Kangaroo Grain, heavy soles, seamless;
sizes 1H to 2 $1.75
Same, sizes 2 h to 5h 2.00
Pease & Mays.
All goods marked in plain figures.
The Dslles Daily Chronicle,
OCJT. 10, 11100
At Andrew Keller's.
"KiiiK of the Opium King."
At the 'vt opera house tonight.
l!ev. A. 1). SknggH will preach at the
Christian church at 7:110 o'clock tonight.
Cull on Mrs. Morgan for art ombroid
eriee, also decorative work in oil and
water colore. 2tf
Antelope has the promise of a cam
puiltn speech in tho neur future by Sen
torC. W. Pulton, of Astoria.
Quito a large number of poople ni
'iveil on tho train this afternoon from
Sherman county nnd other polntB onst.
A beautiful and artistic nrt exhibit
nay be eeuu at MrH. Morgun'e studio, on
"iui street, near Court. fl-13
Hert Uiiglcy will be at tho fair tomor
row between 1 nnd !! o'clock with a Hub
cock milk tester, and will test sum plus
of milk free of charge.
Misa Luiiu-'m collection of Indian basic
eiswi'l be on exhibition all the week at
tl'B Inig residence on Fourth street,
'rom 7 to p. ,,, a8 wen aB from t0 5
s announced Monday.
Iton't fail to attend the Hex ball at
''o Ve-Kt nperu house Friday nujht.
J'urinu tlie oponliiK grand miuch the
1 entity of u,,Xi wj, l3 ony tmnVn by
"10 executive committee, wilt bo ro
(lod. Music by tho IHrL'fold orches
tra, Tim cuulval executive committee
ns concluded to have 11 baby ahovv Fri
"y ftllonmun nt SjIiO o'clock. A cash
nf 0 will bo nivon (or tho finest
" ml u tocoiid prixj of $3. A third
"' i ' will bo uiven for tho fattett
I fear of luck of comfortable quarters. The
iJalles has more hotel accommodation
than any town of its size in the state.
In New York City .lames Kildufi', a
wealthy democrnt, deposited the other
day $20,0(10 in cash to be but on the pro
vailliiu odds that Urvan will carry Ohio.
I liookniuker Ullmnu says that the
chances aro five to one against Rryau
and that he will take part of the but.
William Kelly, who robbed the store
of E. J, Collins & Co. Saturday night of
11 quantity of (.'cuts' clotliiui;, was, exam
ined today before Justice lirownhill nnd
bound over to the grand j,lry n the sum
of iffiUO. Not finding ball, he was re
manded to the custody of the sheriff.
A Kcntloinan called at this oflice yes
torday afternoon with a silk badgo that
was worn in the presidential campaign
of 1840. It has printed on it the legend
lVlil. Ktnfa Pntivimtifin 11. Hnrllniffnli-
Vt June 2, 1810. Favoiable to the
Nomination of W. II. Harrison, the Log
Vcabin Candidate, The People's Choice."
Said Harlow AdaniB today: "I have
seen many a fruit exhibit in my life but
I never saw anything to equal tho one
now nt the fair. I would like to Bee u
big streamer in front of tho fruit booth
with the letters painted 011 it In big
letters: 'Wasco county apples ngaluBt
the world,' for the world cannot beat
Jack Daley
Uln county
' mm shape ore hurt! to bent.
ineni ii'nii.iiu r,...- 1 .. 1. I .
T. f"n nun u nan poiiuur, Ulirougll
An Indian, hulling from Columbus,
whilo under the influence of liquor yes-
toidnv. was robbed bv a white man of
$1.00 in money, a pair of buckekin
gloves and a pocket full of arrowheads.
The lobbery was done iu broad day and
iu tho presence of spectutore, who,
strange to say, allowed tho thief to es
cape. -
Representative Moody was advised
today by tho postal autnoiitleeat Wash
ington that tho mail service between
Sluiniko and I'tinovillo had been in
creased fiom bix to sovon times u week,
to take client on tho 14th, and that tho
new service between Tho Dalles and
Shaniko will take ell'oet on the 16th.
Moth of theso contiuats provide for star
route box delivery, which io practically
free rural delivery. ""
Wo learn from tho Wookly Examiner
of thu 4th that Francis Bradley Durphy,
"evnro of thu Trial Rattler variety and (women claim to bo hla lawfully 1
omeeed that Jack brought over from Vvlves, and thoro is talk of a
" ' V U
...t.n .fill Iwi f Ainnii1wrf4I In n.lllnH tlln-
nuu u 1.1HUH1 j -'
hronght ovnr from 3hor-i0 (orchis connection with the North
lot of poUtooB that for In.iiinn lin faetorv. baa cot hiuiaelf into
ore hard to bent. Oneiun hot water down in Eureka, Calif.,
. . ...
being too much married, iwo
Durpliy claims that ho got a divorce
from one of the women in Clatsop
county, and tho woman claims that the
divorce is fraudulent.
President h. 15. Crowe, of the Com
meiclal Club, has re.oolved a telegram
from George Taylor, Jr., prcstdeut of
the Portland chamber of commerce, an
nouncing that Tho Dalles Invitation to
thu momheiB of the chamber of com
merce to attend thu carnival had boon
Bceopted aud that as many as possible
would came here on Friday'n noon train
and leave for home on h special train at
years ago.
Uiuy court hold u short sosalon yes.
L! i (mly U"I"8B transacted
i Krauting of h rotall liquor II
nw tu j0,n Kim., r Moeler, and tho
"faring ()f tl wnrrftnt for 20 tQ bo
n In favor of Aden Glover for work
"on thuTygi, hill Krde.
iinV ? Mr rt1lK,,!'ul o call apeolnl ntten
to tho fact that The D4II08 l,ft8 ,
J wcoWJlU,on for ,lU w0 Wl), vl(iU
''dr, and nt tho rates that prevail
IS .n, ,rtlr 18 iH proiwii. No one
"eu hesitate to cowe here under the
7:110 p. in. President Crowe has ap
pointed a committee of prominent citi
zens to meet the Portland visitors at tiie
Umatilla House on their arrival.
The Chinese quarter of tho city of
San Francisco is the only place in Amer
ica where the Chinaman really feels at
home. Chinatown in nny other Ameri
can city is but a name; iu San Frnnc'iEco
it is a fac-Biinile of men and things in
tho land of Li Hung Chang. Charles E.
IMaiiey and Charles A. Taylor, the
authors of "The King of the Opium
King," which will be seen at the Vogt
opera house tonight, have successfully
copied San Francisco's Chinatown. Tho
environments and costumes are eaid to
be perfect. The story of the play is in
tensely melodramatic. The "king" of
the opium ring falls into the power of
the highbinder, and to save himself
from imprisonment he eells the "queen"
to the wily Chinaman, who proposes to
marry her. The "queen" is abducted
by the highbinder's e mieeariee, and juet
id tho nick of time to prevent the mar
riage there appears upon the ecene
"Ironsides," au old sailor, who has dis
covered that he Ib tho "queen's" father.
While the theme of the melodrama is on
new liuoe, there is lots of fun nnd
comedy in the action.
The J'nlr 11 Urnud Sucocm.
The fair and carnival is so fur an un
qualified success. The attendance yes
terday, d iy and night, far exceeded the
expectation of the promoters and indi
cates that it will be one of the most suc
cessful ventures Tho Dalles has ever
engaged in. Tho exhibits are numerous
and are all artistically and handsomely
placed. It is doubtful if The Dalles over
had us fine an exhibit of fruit and vege
tables, In size and variety it exceeds
tho show madont tho late Portland car
nival ten times, A lame lot of apples
from the Hood River fair wero brought
here, and big and handsome ns they are
beyond all peradventuie, they uio no
handsomer nor better than those exhib
ited from other parts of the county. In
point of fact, tho county liaa outdone
itself nnd beat nil former records in the
lino of fruits. It is uoubtful if a flnor
collection of apples could be gotten to
gether in any other place on the Ameri
can continent. The sight if wort listen
limofl the price of admission.
Tho receipts yesteidny from all sources
wore vory satisfactory, and the attend
ance warrants tho assurance that tho
(air will bo a bucccss financially. While
the hotels were all filled and every room
occupied, the city easily took caro of the
bic crowd without any Inconvenience to)
the visitors.
Tho weather yesterday and today is
on its very host behavior nnd gives
llnslueDH Proposition W'a Postponed
to 1'ay Botnngo to Koyiilty.
promise that it will continue to do eo.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Havi Always Bought
Boars the
giguaturo ot
The big crows in town yesterday
surged toward the throne; we were
headed that way ourselves, bnt it was
worth the effort, for today we are in
spired to wonderful tasks because royal
ty has deigned to notice us. The royal
cortege and equipages chatmed the pop
ulace. The exhibits cf luscious fruits
claimed the horticulturists' eye. The
rich fabrics cling close to many u lady's
heart. The orchestra threw its bureting
notes heavenward, only to be caugtit b
the receptive ear of a delighted people.
The poor piano men wero left alone
And yet how could be, for their instru
ments are certainly beautiful. We found
lately, however, that it was only a
temporary destraction. Town people
and country people for miles around
paid us their respects in the afternoon
and evening. The Jacobsen Book &
Music Co.'s exhibit of high-grade pianos
and organs was second only to the
We ore a loyal people, loving our
queen and obeying her decrees; then,
too, there are other instincts strong
within us it is the power of the dollars
and cents. We respect law and order ;
we follow the precepts of an enlightened
people. Music is a necessity. The
piano is the king of musical Instruments.
The reigning kings of this musical
throne are the Weber, the Kimball nnd
the Chickeiing. Will you not pay your
homage today? Taxes are lightened,
for it is a day of rejoicing.
The Jacobsen Uook & Musdo Co. are
felling nt cost. They have just taken
tho agency for theso pianos aud they
wish to introduce them into twenty
five homes, at least in und mound The,
Dalles, They can't make a mbtako
right 011 the start. Every asset lion and
claim is verified by facts. All pianos
and organs at cost; this much cnly.
Remember this: if20G buys n $400
piano. I
Yesterday Mr. W. II. Dnfur, ot Dnfiir, I
could not withstand our "ut coat" prop- j
osltiou. Ho gets a beautiful oak Kim
ball. Mie. Mary Halfpapp, of this city,
turns in a Une organ for a strictly up-ti.-1
date cabinet grand. She wanted to bi y
next spring, but feeling this oppoituuity I
would probably not come again, waived !
whatever objections she had aud ordered
her piano sent home today. This week '
enda it. Aa a business proposition you 1
should call und see us, We can talk to
you better than we can wiite tojou.,
Come iu today; we want your influence j
iu upbuilding this buelueea in this com-,
muulty. Jucobeeu Rook & MjsIc Co.'s'
r tore on Second street, or at their booth
in .the fair. i
Eilkun Pjano flousK. j
Davis and Johnston (our representa-
tivee. I
Football Teutu, Attentloul
Fred Clarke arrived in the city yester
day from Moro.
J. P. .Tone?, traveling paesenger agent
of the Southern Pacific, is in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Turner, of Horn"
River, came mi -in the Iralda today and
went out to Dufur to vieit friends near
that place.
H. W. Wells left on the noon train for
Heppner, where ho expects to buy a
hand or two of sheep to place on his
ranch near Prosser.
Mr. nnd Mr?. James Kelly, of Kingsley,
aru in thecitv looking over several pieces
of property with n view of purchasing a
liomo nnd residing here. .Mr. Kelly
recently sold his farm of 400 acres tb
John Hieks li V
Strtiy eel.
Straved from my place on tho bluff,
2-year old Jersey heifer; dehorned;
ear mark on both ears ; branded bar Z on
both hips. Liberal reward paid for her
ol0'4tw Beut Baoley.
Dissolution nt 1'urtiierMilp.
The partnership heretofore existing
between J. A. Carnaby and J. W. Blake,
ney is this day diesolved by mutual cqu
sent. The bminP' wijl bo continued
under the btyle nnd fli in of Carnaby &
Summer'', who c ditc. all bills and
pay all obiigntione of the lato Arm.
The Dalle-, O.-t 1, 14)00. ol0-w4w
New f ne.s f ir fall and w inter just ie
ceived a' lite New Yotk Caeh Store.
mags & Growe
The only store ft
this city where th
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold,
A little higher in
price, but outlast!
a dozen pieccsof so
called cheap enani'
eled ware.
Other wares looli
ino hag tho name
atransky - Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 36
International Exhi
bitions. Highest
award nt Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferrcd by tho best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it la
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware isspecial
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb grease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside; is
in fruits or
will boil,
stew, roast
and bake
flavor or
food nnd
will last
for years.
"We cau.
tion tha
Ice Cream and
Oyster Parlors..
Mrs II. L. Jones has opened ice
cream and oyster parlors iu Carey
lurd's old Ft and. She curries
A full line of Candies,
Nuts and Ciffars.
The place has been thoroughly ren
ovated, and a share of the until it: patron
ago is solicited.
Notice is licirby given ""i' tho umlfrg gnml
tins t.ccn duly niioltiU!i by ilui cninil riniitnf.
tliubUtunf Uri'h'on, for U mmmi county, mlinlub.
trutor o( tho cuato of Klimbuth A. southern,
cleeeiiscd. All perMitis Imvliiu ttlulius litfiilnst
tne eitiitc ot mtil ik-ociist'il tiro hereby iiutttlcil
to inuM'uMho Mime, with the vrnicr voucher
therefor, to nut nt my otlleu in 11 cl, Oregon,
within tlx month!, from thoilulo hca-of,
Dnteil hicptember'JI, 111 0.
in W Ailiiiiiiutiiit 'ir.
One thousand styles and sizes. ffggs&L,
i-or cooKing ana Heating. jgpjL,
Hrices from $c to Ifico. saga.
-r u J
Members of the football team aro re
quested to meet this evening at the post-
office at 8:30 sharp in order to practice
on tho football grounds,
Max BAitTKi.1., Captain,
fThe genuine all bear the above Trade-Alark,
and are sold with a written guarantee
Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900 1
Mi by Flrtt-Class Stove Merchants evtrywhtre. 4
lfadetmir by The Michigan Stove Company,
Largest Maker of Btovea and Bangea la tha World.
$k ttovM