1) c On Hi g v VOL. XII THE DALLES. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1900. NO. 358 NEW FRUIT LAW BEING DRAFTED AMULETS IN GREAT DEMAND- Tlio Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has bcca in tiso for over 30 years, has homo the sicmatnre of unci has boon matlo under his ncr- noiml supervision since Its infancy. MM IMMJ ,W ViV lilt . . K K t 7S AU Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" arc but E.v)uriinsnts that triilo with and endanger the health of luitmts mill Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstoria Is a harmless suhstituto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It jronlitiiif) neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic mibsliuico. Its age is Us guarantee. It destroys Worms mill allays FeverishncHS. It cures Diarrhtua and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation mid Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of S7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. the etrrraun company, tt mumiav strcct. new vonit orrv. 1'olitkn WariiiH Up tlio l'urto IClcaim. Ni:w Youk, Out. i). A dispatch lo tlio Herald from Sun Juun, l'urto Kieo, eaya : Tour persons, one of tliotn a wo mini, was killed in another political treet riot In Gnayanin, which lasted all last night. Tim slating started In n cafe when n nituubor of tlio federal party ehot and severely wounded u republican, Kevural of thu iuttur'a par.ty friends tried to lynch tlio federal, but wore prevented by ciyht Americana. Federals from Arroyo hastened to re inforce the federals In Guiiyama, and u bloody street fllit followed. The riot ine was kept up during thu night and three men and a woman were killed, while twenty oihore, including several rollcumeii, wore wounded. Several of ttioso will die. Armed bands paraded the directs later liootint and shouting and terrorizing tlio town. Tlio whole district is nrunnii ! tliu police force is utterly unublu to copo with the riotora. The parties aio nboiit equally divided in nuitibera. lenders of tlio republieaua are urging tlmir followera not to engage in rioting, but the foderals uro determined lo "veiiyo the Hon .luun aH'air und further Woodshed is expected. Animosity between federals and ro publicans is increasing as ilie time for Hie elections approaches, and all over l"e island are evidences that trouble "y break out at uny nioinont. "urtil of (Jiiruiiiu IMiurliom, Aflor Thirty VimrH f Niill'orliiK. "Snilored for thirty ye:rs witii dhu 'boon and thought I was past being cureil," eaya j0, lS( Hulloway, of lftfii Camp, Miss. had epunt so "Well time and money and suileiod bo "'Mi that J had Hi,, up all hopeu of 'Wuveiy, I WHU H0 f0l)U0 (r0U1 (10 flcts o the diarrhoea that I could do no hlntl r,( hvbnr, could not oven travel, l'H by accident 1 was permitted to find a bottle of Ohuiuberlalii's Colic, Cholera a'"l niarrhoea liomedy, and aftor taking Jfivoral bottles 1 am entirely cured of 't trouble. I urn so pleaacd with the '"ult that I am anxious that it be in fac, () ,,! 10(J0 vv)o 8ujror nfl . mvt., of enle by lllakeley drugglat. 'Iitrwln'u AlUtlug llliik, Nkw Youk, Oct 0. A dispuioh to the Journal and Advertteer from I'arie eaya : Ubori, tho eminent proffssor in the "il8 echool of Anthropology, informs 18 Journal and Advurtlsur in connec "to with Goorge Vunderbllt's proposal 10 'end a scientist to Java to Uud thu missing link, that "such pn expedition is entirely unnccofBary." "Tho celebrated billionaire Vander bilt," says the professor, "is in error when lio thinks that through his in atrumatality the animal uniting tho man and tho monkey will be firet discovered. The discovery was made six years ago by the Dutch physician, Dr. Dubois. The scientific name for the 'missing link is 'pithecanthropus erectile. ' " Mnuy HucrH on thu Wuy to America. New Youk, Oct. 9. A dispatch to the Journal and Advertiser from I.ourenco Marques, says: Hundreds of Boers, witii their familie?, nn 11 . from the country of their birth to beg' life again in Home other country. M t of these have Amorlcn as their uuiiuuie destina tion. Tlio refugees are not paupers M any sense. They are taking passage in French and German ships, and are will ing to pay for thu best accommodations. Special trains are engaged to meet the ships at Marseilles' and ivry them through France to Holland, their motherland, wh'ch is tin P stopping place in search for now fortin.us. Jlut Holland is ovetf iw- J, and is oulv a temporary asylum. Tho name Ameilca is on every lip, ; i ! I ttle child ren bidding good bye to their playmates spunk vaguely of Ameriu. u.i .heir new, home. Two Gorman ships left here last woek carrying l-OO 15oers. They worn closely followed by two French ships, will) 030 souls from tho Tram-vaal, mostly women and children. All of those belonged to the better clatq of Hoore, und all were bound for Holland. They do not fcay whore they will go afterwards. "To Americi?'1 ia tho question asked of them by those who are left behind. "I'tobably" is the inv.xiiaOiy answer. "Wo do not know, but we think wo should ho happier in Amotion than else where and wo may establish our homes there." The CamplR-ll & Wilson millinery parlor la tlio pluco to buy up-to-dato hoad wear at right prices, All the new things in street lints. Patterns and trimmed hats can bo found there, also a fine lino of uUildren'a bcIioo! hnta and baby bonnotSj tf Aro you ready to buy your fall shoes? We are sole agonts for tho celebrated Hamilton Drown Shoo Co.'a lino of foot wear. If yaw want tho best shoe for the least money, call and see us. No trou ble to abow goods at the Now York Cash Store. Hoard of Horticulture at Work Upon a Measure Will Fully Cover All Needs. Fall campaign work, and the drafting of a new horticultural law claimed the attention of the state board of horti culture at its adjourned session today. The law!) of tho different Pacific Coast stales will be drawn uppn in formulating a measure which will more fully cover Oregon's needs. To IiiKiifct Nuracry Stock, The Fall campaign work will be the inspection of nurserymen's stocks. Every nurseryman must have a certificate is sued by the board before he can sell any trees. The certificates will be good for ouo year and will expire August 30 ol each year. A i opy of the certificate is aa follows : "Oregon State Board of Horticulture, certificate of Inspection of nurBery stock. "ThiB is to certify that I have, this day of , 19, inspected and ex mined the nursery Btock of and, so far as I am able to aecertain, have found it in good marketable condition and clear of any serious insect pest or dieease. Their methods of handling and growing stock are . "This certificate expires AuguBt 30, 1901. " "Commissioner District." AcroEB the certificate in red ink is written : "The condition under which this certi ficate is granted, is that the party or par ties receiving such certificate shall be compelled to disinfect by fumigation with hydrocyasic acid gas, as described in rule 8, all pear and apple trees, or other stockgrown on apple roots, after lifting the same and before delivery to pur chaser or carriere; and in case said fumigation is neglected this certificats of inspection shall be void and of no effect." In this manner the board regulates the sale of nursery stock and protects grow ers against buyine diseased nursery stock. Iu this new law being drafted will be inserted a clause making it a mis demeanor for nurserymen to sell any slips from infected trees, and drawing stricter lines all around for the sale of stock, so that every grower will have a guarantee that the stock is as re presented. The future quality of Oregon's fruit of course depends upon tjie young orchards, and it is esential that the transplanting shall be from only the most vigorous and healthy parent stoniB. Aside from the matters mentioned and a provision for appointing an inspector to each country, it is not likely there will be many radical changes in the new law, different than those in the present law. Tho law now in force is not pro gressive and up to date enough in every particular, which makes it necessary to draft a new one in order to keep pace with the advancement of tho fruitgrow ing interests in Oregon, In many es sentials tho new will be stricter, in order to encourage those who raise clean fruit. While tho board has delegated tho power of preparing and drafting the law lo its president, that person desires to incorporate the ideas of the other mem bers, so that he may obtain u clear understanding of tho especial needs cf their respective districts, and with that object In view the meeting was adjourned until today. Thu boaid expects to con elude its business session this afternoon. Oullllti HoHiirvation to Kit Opcucil. FroKANi:, Oot. 0. The north half of tho Colvillo Indian reservation will be opened for eottloment at noon tomor row. Hundreds of home-seekers aro al ready on the laud and many aro waiting close to thu borders. Some soonera have already erected cabins and diclaru their intention of holding valuable claims with Winchesters, if necessary. A great rush ia expected at the Spokane and Watervlllo land ofllcea tomorrow, but littlo trouble is expected, owing to the great area of tho tract thrown open, which is about equal iu else to tho atato of Delaware. Clarke & Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated Jame E. I'atton strictly pure liquid paints Philadelphia. Pa., Hay 15 tK; 1900. This ,1a to eertiry that tho John B. Stotson Company has.mado my hats for tho past twenty years and they hava olwayselven porfect satisfaction. Col. Cody and the members of his famous troupe insist' upon having a Stetson." There is nothing like them. We are now offering a full assortment of staple soft hats and new effects In tourist shapes. Also the new Fall block in both brown and black stiff hats. A. M. WILLIAMS & COMPANY. ...MEET US ON THE MIDWAY.... -AT THU- n Cam M ' St feet Fa ir October 9 to 13 inclusive. This will be the greatest event in the hittory of the City of Wheat, Wool and Fruit and an Open River to the Sea. The products of this pro lific region will be nn exhibition, and farmers, flockmasters and all others wiil witness an exhibit that will be both interesting and instructive. SPECIAL SOCIAL ATTRACTIONS! BAND CONCERTS EVERY DAY! A NOVEL STREET PARADE! Excellent entertainments day an J night. Five Maya of sight-seoing and pleasure. There will bo ample accommpdations for all guests. Come and The Dalles will entertain you. Producers from all sections requested to make exhibits. No charge for space in the tair buildings. No entrance fee. Reduced Rates on all Railroads and Steamboat Lines. COME TO THE DALLES. fetMng ibotn Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at much less than wholesalo price?. Will fell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchaeers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All goode will be sacrificed except Thompson's Clove-fitting Coreola and lliitteilck Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and eecuro bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. State flotfmal School, MONMOUTH, - OREGON. Pall Term Opens September 18, 1900. The students of tlio Normal School nro nrenarcd to tulto tho Stnto OrtlflriitH immediately nn graduation. Graduates readily ecourogood posltloui. Kxpense of year froiu flgo to f 150. Stroug Academic and l'roCeagloual Oourien. Kow Special Departure iu Manual Training Well equipped Training Department. for catalogue containing full announcements address l'. U CAMPBELL, freeldeut. or W A, WANK, SiorcUry of FacuPfc A Fad That Ik Growing In Popularity; Among' Women, Hat Hcall- I)e ntanilN Careful Study. Amulets and lucky s'ones of one sort and another are becoming1 more and more popular with women, and the bangle of detested memory is re vived in a more romantic and inter esting form. The modern girl is de cidedly up iu fctichism and though some frivolous fair ones vear jew eled cows and pigs and lizards and shamrocks and bells and boots in discriminately and impartially, the really up-to-date young womnn chooses her tnlismnus fastidiously and is learned in talismnnic lore, says the New York Sun. To be really wise nnd occult one must go iu for astrology and choose one's talismans in accordance with the symbols of the planet under whose influence one was born; but it is ask ing too much of the modern society girl to insist upon her adding astrol ogy to her already depressing reper toire. Still it doesn't requT?b much research tp find out whether Capri corn or Cancer or some other Zodi ncal sign is most appropriate for one's lucky piece. For general mascot purposes a white elephant is about as satisfac tory as nny tiling one could choose. There is nothing exclusive about him. Like the rain, he patronizes both the just and the unjust, nnd lie is n. ter ror to evil spirits of all sorts nnd varieties. In the far east he is worn in all sizes and materials, and the more white elephants one can intro duce into household decorations the surer one is of domestic felicity. The idea ought to be adopted by westera decorators. If n frieze of white ele phants could foil the divorce courts it would be worth having. The pig, too, is a fair success as understudy to one's guardian angel, nnd serpents bring blessings; but a lizard is a hoodoo of the most fatal sort, and tho amount of harm being done by jeweled lizards is beyond calculation. Hoot and shoe orna ments, which have become so popu lar, arc also inimical to happiness, and ns for tiny bells well, only a braves and dauntless soul can wear them and come out with life and morals in tact. Their tinkling, as is well un derstood by every student of Uw occult, calls up nil evil spirits within, hearing, and the -wearer of a bell bangle livc3 in a Wnlpurgis Nncht crowd. The short life and violent death of tho average love nffnir is intelligible when one realizes that by all the laws of fetichlsm the exchanging be tween lovers of hair or any orna ment in shape of n heart is a sure token of disaster. Some philanthro pist should have made a crusade, in hehnlf of ignorant lovers, and have explained the evil occult influence c hair and hearts, in emotional mat ters; but men nnd maids hnvo been allowed to rush on their fato un warned. The four-leaved clover loses nil its efllcney as n good omen when it leaves tho hand that gathered it; and in deed no charm green in color should bo worn, us it is more than likr'y to bring a misfortune in its wake. Tho left hind foot of a gravoyav.l rabbit that was caught in tho light of the moon has its virtues, hut no other rabbit's foot is worth pocket room, and even tho powerful pico of a rope by which a man hns hanged himself will bring nothing but ill luck to the possessor if tho suicide happened to be born under tho in fluence of Saturn. Altogether, tho intricacies of the mascot quest inn are ninny and devi ous, nnd no one should go iu for charms recklessly. Tho twentieth century is, so say the prophets, to be especially noted for its fatal acci dents; nnd that being the case, mas cots tihnuld be in great demand, but unless one has time to study 1 1 its" hid den mysteries of occult lorn it would perhaps bo safer to stick to tho be nign nnd ever nminblo whlto ele phant. tints and Hi ulsos Quickly HenUil, Chamberlain's Pain Halm applied to a cut, bruise, burn, fcahi or like injury will iiutantly allay the pain ami will limil the parts in less timo than any other liuatment? Unless the injury ia v-ry severe it will not not leave a Fear. Pain llulin also cures ihunulism, sprains, swelliuua ami lameness. Fur sale by Blakeley druggist, Mrs, Phillips ia prepared to furnish cut tlowcra and all kinds of floral ile tisns on short notice, Phone number 307. elOlm