Futiirn ii r tlio Negro. Indianapolis, Iiul., Oct. B Hijltop A. Grant, of the A. M. E. chinch, n ferring to the remarks emitted to him while lit the conference ut Oxford 0., in which lie is quoted ns snylni:, ami tig otlier tilings, that "the negroes were considering the question whothor they would allow the while tnnn to remain in this country or not," paid today: "That such an interpretation should be placed on my remarks nt Oxford is truly surprising. What I said and the thought I meant to convey was that I was in Africa last year am! saw my own condition and what I wag 3C0 years ago. And whatever the process ot develop ment had heen, I would not discuss and hnd no complaint to make. I said the American negro is the biggest negro in the world today, anil there is no use in his standing around asking what the white man is going to do with ti9, but he aiionld nsk the question, 'What are we going to do with ourselves?' That we had reached the place, after being here nearly 300 years, where he had as much right to consider what wo should do' with the white man as ho had to con sider what he should do with us. The fact h that 1 took the optimistic view of our future in the United States." Oureil of Cliruntc Dlarrlintm After Thirty Yur tif MilTerlng. "Suffered for thirty years with diar rhoea and thought I was past being cured," says John S. Halloway, of French Camp, Mis3. "I had spent so much time and money and suffered so lauch that I had given up nil hopes of recovery. I was so feeble from the effects of the diarrhoea that 1 could do no kind of labor, could not even travel but by accident I was permitted to find a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chole and Diarrhoea lleuiedy, and after taking eeveral bottles 1 am entirely cured of that trouble. I am so pleased with the result tfiat I am nusious that it be reach of all those who suffer as I have." For sale by Blakeley druggist. Soutliorn l'aclfie Ordered OS Ciikiiii-8 Niw Yoiii;, Oct. S. Announcement tliat tho Cooke Locomotive Works, in Paterson, X. J., had received an order tor fiity.eight engines, to lie built for the Southern Paihvay Company, has caused universal rejoicing among the locomo tive-worliers m Paterson. as since tli closing of the K jdgers Works the out look for engine-building had been rather discouraging. As the locomotives are to bo built in a hurry, night and day forces will be organized. The work is to begin at once, and the men have been prom lsed steady employment for six months Already 300 men wi.o were formerly in the Rodgers Works have secured em ployment. Each of the locomotives to be built will weigii 1C0 tons, and the cost is esti mated at $10,000 each. There are about 1000 men in Paterson who were employed in the Rodgers Lo comotive Works. Three weeks ago Mr, Rodera announced that he would close the works and quit the business. The city has since been making efforts to save tho industry. An. Ire, 'a llulloon. Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 8. Harry S. Knappen.a newspaper man, returned today from a perlious trip to the Hudeon Iljy country in which with nine while men and eight Indians ho sailed COO miles up the east shore of the great in land sea. Mr. Knnppen was assured by Eskimos whom he met that a "skybont" had come in the region on the extreme njuueaet snore oi trie uay two vearB ago, that it came to the ground and that the eavages who inhabit that country had killed the white men in it. This ho explains, was Andre'd ill-starred expe d tion. Cuts anil I'.iuUus Quickly JImtl.tl. Chamberlain's Pain Halm applied to a cut, bruise, burn, scald or like injury will instantly allay the pain and will heal the parts in less tiino than any other treatment. Unless tho injurv is very severe it will not not leavo a scar Pain Halm also cures rhiimatiaui, sprain?, swellinns and lameness. For sale hy Dlakeley druggist. A i'riiclumiitliiiia n r I'vnce, Miw oiiK. Oct. 8. A dispatch to the Journal and Advertiser from Capo Town eiys: A proclamation of pcaco in South Africa la expected to bo issued hy Field Marshal Roberta on Thursday next, that being tho ainiversary of tho declaration of war, .Lord Roberts leaves at the end of the month for England, to assume his now duties us ouiinander-in chief of the British army. Wu are pleaeed to announce to our patroiiB that a representative of- M. Horn & Co,, the woll-known merchant tailors, will ho at our store Oct. 8th mid Oth. At this time we will be pleased to meet our customers and show them the nobbiest line of suitings ever exhibited in this citv. We will have 100 l)-yard samples of the lateit patterns in suitings and over coats. Have your measure token free of charge. No trouble to show goods at the New York Oath Store. A BIG SALE OF Uurinti the Street Fair nntl Carnival we are going to offer the greatest bar gaiin in Grinding Machinery ever offered in tho State of Oregon. We want every farmer to have a Star Feed Mill, because it will help to pay your taxew ; it will Bive you time; it will make your old horse fatter; It will please your wife to got cracked grain for her chickens ; mid this is a sure way of getting it. at. a sacrifice, fur wo are positively bo nig to close out the mills now on hand at ACTUAL COST. A change in the bnsiness compel us to do this, and now is tho time for you to r.'ap the benefit. For further particulars inquire or write tj HUDSON S BROWNHILL GOING EAST If yon intend to take n trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date . railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kinsas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. xll trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets ut Ni agara Falls. Ross C. Cline, Pacific Coast Pass. Airt Los Angeles, Calif. C S. Crane, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Are you ready to buy your fall shoes? We are sole agents for the celebrated Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.'e line of foot wear. If you want the best shoe for the least money, call ami see us. No trou ble to show goods nt the 2ew York Cash Store. Excellent line of shoes nt low prices at The Fair. Cotton blankets for sheets, 10-4, 60 CJnts at The Fair. If you want fair goods at the right prices try The Fair. -Tho Fair A new store witli new goods and new prices. Take a look at the prices on our men's underwear in the east window at The Fair. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping a id sunburn. Manufactured by Clarko & Falk. Clarke & Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated Jame E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints . EXTRA BARGAINS in Organs and Pianos during Gatnhal Week. Nickelsen's Book and Music Store. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third nnU Washington 8ts. All orders attended tn promptly, Lgnar distance phone -133. Local, 102. It. K. K. FEUGUHON, Physician and Surgeon, Offlce, Vogt Block (over Poto8ic), gkpltno-dw TUE DALLES, OHEUON. STAR FEED MILLS. The Dalles, Oregon. RCSIITIMD CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIREOT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. J. A. EBERLE, pipe Jailori A complete line oi Fall and Winter Suitings, L'antiuus and Overcoating, now on display. 100 different varieties to ee lect from. Suits, $20 arpd up. Call and elsewhere. & Crowe's. examine goods beforo going Second otreet, opp. Mays i Lane, OKNKI '.AI. Gksml Wagon r.nd Carrlngo Work. Flch Brothers' Wagon. Third and Mgwii. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TllAHSAUr A KNKUAMIANKI.NT, JttJalNlia Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Tolegraphi', Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, Gt. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wnflh,, rtnd various poinip in Oregon and Wanlnugton. Collections made at all polntn on fav orable torru:. , Dealer In... Dvy Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Bboca. Hutu, (.'Hp. Notlotm. Agr. lor w . i vouguu suoe. Telepbono No. 88. Ut Second St., Tie Dalies, Or, ipj LowNEys tv:v7 mi j If I lie ...AND... (X I PW159 41 3 I Hal , r ar ir 4 as H - jl BE i '(; f iHjj' f ME '( ;LLUMuiiiUMtV-UMiJiuU1MtUJU'-iJUltiuuit I Hh UhLbbHAThD .. .COIiUIWBm BREWEKY ... AUGUST BUOHLER, Prop. Of tho product of this well-known brewery the United States Health Hupnrts, for Juno S, 19110, says: "A more supoiior lirew never entered the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand ia composed of the best of malt and choicest ot hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can bo used with tho greatest huiiolll and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can conscientiously bo prescribed by tho phyHicians with the cersainty that a bettor, purer or moro wholesome beverage could nut possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES. OREGON. Grandall DEALERS IX fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS Funeral Supplies: EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. C. J. STUBLiING. wiioi.hham: ines, Liquors Cigars Famify Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to A. Phono 234, TWF Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. Mrs. Anni Luckey, Hair-Dressing and Shampooing Facial Treotmonle and tho MORMON TREATMENT. Room 60, third floor, Umatilla Uoubo. Hours from 0 to 12 a, in. and 1 to 6 p. m. Pint your homo with paints that are fully. gunranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. "i f i 1 The Chronicle, Tho Dullco, on. Job Pmntcfs. IS & Barget Robes, BuriaSh Etc. 1 r '1 7 1 1 and i!i:T.ir, M. Williams & Co. nai i rre rnir, (It House Painting... Tho uiHlnrelgned has taken possession of R. A. Splvey paint Hhop, next door to tho Vogt opera house, and has pur. chased tho toola mid ladders. Ho has Rood mechanlcj workinK for him, and will Kuarnntoo nil work to ulve satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. S.RSH. msr.viiT run TIHK HCIIlllilll.R, r'HOM IUl.l.l;s, A:Tt Kt.t Mull l J"il p. m, Hnlt l.nlii . Doiivcr, ft I . . n!ly, m. 'ijmili,, mS11" Chicogi) Mini Kmt. w P " Attmitlo lixitea I'iiMlll. Ill) Vln Hunt IliS'lnn. Hiilt Ijik?, Denver, ftj 7"" v'".( IJMIIS. ChlciiKu (1111I Emt, BliukHiiu Mull lllllt Uxprensi WiilU Walln, Hi(mivJ l I,. 1.41. ...II. LI. .... ' ...tivMi.iiiiii. ni, rnijj. l II III til, .MIIUMIkN, t;nii'nai) mni'i'.tr. ,.1. ti'iik.imu ukil Hiintlnc. tun : 11U11 nil niiitit 1.. I 'J .W p. tn V asttliiKtnn Mini i.an. ptn Oregon. 8 1 1. Ui. I'llOM t'Or.TI.Al.I? t)ciaii Ktciimaliiin for full rrimfcisi-n--Kvery five l).ita, tp.i N l. III. i:..hiiiituy r-iuutiliiy ID i, m. CnliimflH Itv. Kto.iiii.'nKs.i'iS, TO ASTOIItA mm, I v.ay ,'lc(' ImiMIiii;-. rr ii 11. m. i:-..Si)iii!ny IK lilVKK, ;J)tl B !).c..ii ('tty. N.;w.nfBx"un5r Aileni iV AViij- Jjin,l'. ' pi ii.L.iirTTi: :n) va- .1:30ii.n. uii'K.imir. mti. Uivmi.. Jlon.,Vd ...... iivuwii i.ny, I'l'.mn, auair. mill iiy-l.'iii!iui R.N.i;c JttVKi; Klni;in In ! i-wiMmi. I.v ttlariiii il.iliy i .1.3.1 a. 111. . l.IATS Lr.wiws laity 1 O.Cen.n 1'iir.ii-i Ui'UfinB to k to HcpptiM ot lMiuiu 0:1 ciiiuiiililii snutinvu vi 1 imt,thmi l.ikoNo. 2, IfiiviiiK Da'lcn nt 13:0 p. n, imiklnif tiircct rjniiH'i'lliiiiMit Ikpimcr jutictta hiiiI HIi;r ItoiiimliiK iiiiuliii'illrititc'i'iuKtlfin Mt il';'iti'.'r Jiitii'tlmi mill IHuks with No, Lit rhltiK ut Tin' iMllw in 1 1. tn J-'nr (nil imrtlcillurK r 1 HKClit 'Dili lmllu, ot n I.. I. 'II O, . & N, Co,'i t'l'UI.IUMtT, 1'iitllaiiJ,0i Yellowstone Park Line. Till: DINING CAU ItOL'Ti: l'UOM roliTLAND TO Tilt: I2AHT. Till-: ONLY UIUIXT I.IXK TO THE YKLL0W- 810.Ni: I'AltK i.kvi:. ! Union Dspot, rtrthasd I Sts arhtj. No. Knxt mull fur Tiihihih, St-nltlu. Olt 11111I11. drnv's No. ; II 111 hor mill boiilli lleii'l ii'iliitM, Hiiikiinc, K's- liiini, it. (;., rmimiiii, I itcibfow, U'mInIuii, Hill 11:13 A. M,irii)olliiiiiiiiiliiliiKcmin- A;501'.M. try, llelvmi, jiiiiih'.-i)-Hit, Kt. l'mil, OiiniliHi KitiitiiiH City, Ht bulla. UhleiiKii inn! nil iiint m.t ntnl hoitttii'ittt. 03 Piw.nr M.iiiinl l'ytiti No. I. U;5U 1. M. for Tiicninii 11111I Kenttlu 7;0O..U, mill liilvrini.'iliutu pumlA I'lilluimi fliBt clnia mill Innri't ikri t .Mliiiienpolls, Ht. l'nul liuU .MUmiiiiI river 0lnH Wltllllllt PllllllRC. Ventlliiiltil triiliis. Union t!")t eomiwtlojs In nit principal iMus. , , . lliiKii'tu oliwkcit to ilc-itlnnlltin of ticket!. Kor liiinilooincly 1 1 1 11 a 1 1 ti Ili 1 1 1 crei I ptl vcmatwr, tickets, Nk-fpiiiK-car rwervntioin, cU'Ciillouot wrllo A. D. CHARLTON, Ashlalntit (icmirnl Tusmmikit Am-ut. 'OS Motrl ton Htteut, corner TI1I11I, I'oril.inil, Orison. SOUTH and EAST via Southern Peoifi Shasta Route TriliiKlenvo'IlioDaUi-s fur I'littUiul oml way MtatiouHiit 11. tX. mill ii I. m. U'nvo i'lirtlnml " Albiinj- Arrive AMilnml " Hiiuriiinijiito . , . " Hun hriiiicl'ico W 1 4Jg . 7.1, pm 8lB Arilvu ORilnu " IK-nver " Kiiuai:lty,., " OIiIcik'o ,. v. 1.111m ii""" Arrlvu Um Aimolus " HI I'.uo " I'oHWorlli " (llty of Aluxlco , " llmntiin " Nmv Orlcntis .. " WllblllllKtoll.,., " NevVork . , 1 t'.'fl p in . i:tx p 111 ,. U:.-Mivm ,. yiSiiim . . i:iK)iim ., fi'.i'lll 111 . d.r.' n m .w.wpw llOODl'l C-linm J'lilliiimi mill Tourist curs on If.VV iw, CliiilrcnrN Hftorninuiilo to Ok'ilu," rflof iimllimrUti;iir.sto(!lilcat,M, Ht l-oiii. Nffu leunK mil! Wimliliiittiin. CmuieothiK nt 81111 KrmioUeo wlljj nleniiiblili iTiiealor Honolulu, Jl'"' u,,u I'litlljililiiod, Cuiitnil mill Houtli Aniitlui. Bco aont nt The Dnlles wlutloii, or u'l1"'" C. H. MARKHAM, (loucral I'Mxengcr Agunt, I'ort.aiid. Or Jjlt. It. K. HMITII, Osteopatli. rffllii!;!Piin Pri i nill 1Mb! II i oitall A KoomMOttiid U,CtmpinirIilock, T,l0jijaf' Hubiorlbe for The Chronicle. Oregou,