The Dalies Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY OCT. 9, 1900 For President WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or Ohio. For Vlce-rreldent THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of New York, is McKinley's prosperity?" nslts a democratic exchange in a long articlo, and the local department answered It in these words: "There is not in Baker county an idle man who wants to work." The full dinner pail greatly wor ries Candidate Bryan, says the Chicago Inter-Ocean. In his frantic effort to get away from that practical proof of prosperity he adds false statement to his usual trick of sug gesting falsehood. In his speech at Kansas City on Tuesday he said: 'Whenever any republican holds up before you the full dinner-pail argu ment, ask him what he thinks of less than $1 a day received by the men mining anthracite coal less than $1 a day the year round." Here is Mr. Bryan's positive statement that anthracite coal miners receive less than 1 a day. "What are the facts? In their own demands upon their employers the men mining anthracite ask: That labors not miners now receiving '.ess than 1.50 a day be advanced 20 per cent, but to not more than $1.75; that laborers now receiviug from 1.50 to 61.75 a day be advanced 15 per cent; that labor ers now receiving 1.75 or more a day be advanced 10 per cent. For the miners proper, as distinguished from laborers, no advance is asked. The miners ask relief from certain grievances as to the price of powder, weighing of ccal, etc., but arc satis fied rcith their present wages. The le-iders of the miners state that in some mines the least skilled laborers are paid as low as 90 cents dty, but they estimate the average wages of this calss of anthracite mine workers at $1.$5 a day. That the average wages of many laborers must bo more than 1.25 a day the men's own demands prove, These figures, taken from the miue workers' own statement, prove the falsehood of Mr. Bryan's assertions as to wages in the anthracite region. Then Mr. Bryan is worried by the 'full dinner pail" in another way. "1 want to ask the laboring man," be wails, "if he is content to live and die with nothing more than a full dinner pail?" Certainly not, nor does the republican party ask liim so to live and die. JJut the re publican party very promptly asks the laboring man to contrast bis present full dinner pail with that vessel's condition when wo last ex perimented with the democratic party. The full dinner pail is in sharp contrast with the soup kitchens of not many years ago. Mr. Bryan dislikes the full dinner pail argument, but he cannot get away from it. And unless the American people j have forgotten their country's his tory and the democratic party's I record the full dinner pail will ab- j solutely block Mr. Bryan's road to1 the White House. One of the many features i'i "The King of the Opium Rinp," which'comes to tho Vogt on Wednesday night, Is tho famous acrobatic clown, who, assisted by a company of clever gymnaets, reicuo the heroine from the balcony of a Chinese restaurant and carrry her across tho stage to (lie opposite building. There are many other now and novel specialties introduced during tho action of the play, among them being the "Opium Ring quartette." VOGT Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager. Two Nights, October 10 and llth. This Season's Big Success. The great Chinese-American Sensation, ZING of the OPIUM RING.... The Scenic Marvel of the 20th Century. A Monster Kaleidoscope ot Oriental Magnificence. PltlCES. First seven rows, 75c; general admis sion, 50c. Secure your eeats at Clarke & Falk's drugstore. mags c ow One of the best expansion speeches of the old soldiers' meeting of last evening was made by a veteran of tho civil war, who was an open and earnest supporter of Bryan four years ago. If all the old soldiers think us Tho Dalles veterans do, it is mighty cold comfort Bryan will get from them. At the close of the meeting B. F. Pike, senior vice-commander of the Oregon G. A. Ii., said to the editor of this paper: "I am not sur prised at. the result of tonight's meet ing. Bryanito papers try to cieate the impression that many of the old soldiers will not support McKinloy, and do not believe in expansion. So far as my experience goes nothing could be farther from tho truth. During the past few months I have visited neatly every post in Oregon ami the old soldiers talk everywhere 93 The Dulles veterans did tonight." The Malheur Gazette rounds up the Baker City Democrat in the fol lowing bandiome fubioo ; "Where Tho only store ft this city whero tut Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel ware is sold, A little higher in price, nut outlast. a dozen pieces of so- called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares looli likoit.buttheRenu ine has tho name Stransky - Steel Ware on each piece Do not be deceived First prize nt 1C International Exhi bitions. Highest award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. ChicacM, Pre ferred by tho lxjst cookintrautnorities, certified to by the most famous cnern ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because- BEST. Remember, this celebrated enam eled ware isspecial ly imported for and sold in' this city ex clusively by uh. It does not rust nor absorb frrease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is not affected by acids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, 6tew, roast and bake without imparting flavor of previously cooked food, and will last for years. yo cau tion the public against imitation tetiwng from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and 8hoes, at much less than wholesalo prices. Will sell in bulk or In lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All goodu will bo sacrificed except Thompson' Glove-flttlng Coreots and Hutterlck Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sis. bargains. State Jiormal School, MONMOUTH, OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. The students of tho Korual School nre projured to take tho Stato Cortltlcntc Immcdlntolv on graduation. GraduutoiroHdlly securojroud position, llxponmof year from to flfiO. BtrotiK Acndcmic nnd Professional Coupes. Now Special Departure In Manual Training Well equipped Training Department. For catalogue containing full announcements address 1'. K UAMl'HKI.L, President, or W A. ANN, Secretary of Faculty. A Difficult Problem. It is anions 'be m9t difficult prob lems of natural Ecienco for one to become expert in eoveral linns. J. E. Adeox & Co., by their combination, have over come thie difficulty in a practical man ner. J.E. Adcos is an expert watch maker and is nood on jewelry, optical work and engraving, while Tlieo. II. Liehe is an expert optician and is good on watch repairing, jewelry work and enirraving. Their price is as low as- con sistent with good workmanship. Tlioy are prepared to do all work in their several lines, on short notice. Work sent by mail or express will receive prompt attention. Sign, "Uig Ked Watch." OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAUOTT And CAFE, J. B. Orossen & Oo., Props. 87 Second Street. ..GflflS. FfifiJK.. Butchers and FaPmefB ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated (,'OI.UMHIA II K Kit, ncknowl edited tho best beer In The Dalles, at tho tmtal price. Comoln.try it arid be convinced. Also the Finest brands of Wines, I.liuor and Cigars. Sandrjuiehes ....... . i p. S. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing1. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, (lor Second & LaMn, Thoiie 157 Complete of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Just What You uaafct. MM BO YEARS-EXPERIENCE I RACE MARKS JESIONS rrTTT Copyrights &c. Anrono sondlnrr a tkctrli nnd doscilptlmi urn oulcltly ascertain our opinion froo wfictljer a Invention II probnbljr iinlentnblo. Communicfc llonantrlctlycoiittileiitlal. Handbook on I 'Attn It scntfruo. Oldest iigcncy for njcurlw.' patents. I'atei.ts taken tbrouKh Munu ft Co. receive tytcUlnottie, without chance, Intuu scientific itmericatt A lianrlsomclr HIiMrate4 lreotlr. T.nrt'eet elr. i erins. a a filiation of unv nelontlllo Journal. juiir: lo'jrmoTiuis.ti. pom uyui newaawiiera. Branch Ottico. (25 V VI, Wetblutoi, U. V Now ideas in Wall Paper hero. Such wide variety an we are showing never be fore Rraced a single atonk. Heal imita tion Creton effects tit ordltmrv nriooa Good papers at cheat) paper prices. r,iegant ueeigns, inBteitii colorings, yotirH for a email price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Tne GolumDia PaGKino Co.. PACKERS OP PORKand BEEF MANUFAOTUKKK8 0K Fine Lard and Sausages Gurersof BRAND HAMS & BACON jJRIF.D BEEF, ETO. J.S. HCKRKCK, I'resldeut. U. i!. JlKAM,, C'llSllICJ ONI FOR A DOII. lEUIS uarvuudacb and Unpii, pifst national Batik. THE DALLES ... OREQON A General Banking Bueinese transacted ueposite received, subject to Siuht Draft or Check. Collections made and proceed promptly reiuittvu on unv 01 collection. Sluht and Telegraphic Exchange iold on New York, Han.I'raneUco and Port land. UIKKOTOHI. D. P. Thomphon. Jmo. 8. Souunvg, Ed, M, WiLLUWR, Gao. A. Liasa. II. M. BULL. $1.00 per month. .Strictly Ilrat uIiish lonil nnd long iliKtanci) teU'phoiiD service within your homo. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con vursatlon will he kept a secret. Nu cost for installing. You itet the stnndard Hunnlng Loiiy blstaut Iustrtinicnt. Continuous day and nlnht sorvlce. We will accept your contraut for ten years anil allow you to cancel sain'o on Hiving tin thirty dnyB writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 008, REGULATOR LINE. 5 DALLES, POllTUKI) k ASTORIA NAY. COM j Ktcntnurx of tliii Kct(uliitor l.lnn will run ns pvr thclol-jj ouiitf; tcliuliitu, tins (,'oiiii!iuy ivtcrvtiiR the rlKht to chanxe'd n'hiihilu without notice. S Str. norrttlntor DOWN. l.v. lhh'f lit 7 A. M. h Tuosility P.. ThniMliiy . . f Hattinlny. K- Arr, I'ortliuiil C, at litM l: m. ur. I.v 1'iirll.inil at 7 a. i. .Monday . VH'iiiit'Miny Ship your Freight via Str. DntltiH City. w imwN l.v. Dalles ; at 7 a. M. Motiitav. . Wrilnosilay Arr.iffi Regulator Lino, j 'fe;;, atr r. m. ! at I r. it. l.v I'nrtlm.d ,5 at 7 t) A, M. i 1 liowhr 'A TliiirHly,5 i-ntMhl.iy i .4 -rn--T) -i-MrTn-n rii Tnnrr.Trir:-v a wn rT TP a OTTtj-m , Travel by the Steamers nt tlm Itcuulator Line. The Company will einleavor to glvi' Iti fut-Ji rona the Ijest tcivlci posslhle. Kor further liiturinatlon aililresh i i, l'ortlnml Ofllcc, Dak Htrcet Dools. W. C. ALLAWAY, Oon. At. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headqiiarters for Bran. Shorts, RtiS, Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- ton FlOTir '"B '''(1,,r ,B mnnnfactured exj)reeflly lor family use ; every Hack 1h guaranteed to give mttiefnctioD. Wa sell our (;ootla lower than nny hoimfi in the tratle, and if you don't think to call and uot cur prices and he convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. dAi ! Liena me your Ear! Do you know that John I'ltflhek. the tailor, is aifont for to of the larueat merchant tailoring hoiieea ill America? 4 Do you know that he will soil you a Htiit, made to your order, as K cheap as the hand. ti.e.down, ready. made, you huy in. tho stores, it ml Kiiiinuiiun 11 111 or no taio c Do you know that ho line already on hand for tho coming fall nnd winter trade the hnndeoiiiuat and lln'cet line of eamploa ever Hlmwn iu The D.iIIsh? ft II JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. I J. E. FALT & CO., 5 uumiucruidi DtllHjJlt; iuuiui. Of- y Purest Liquors for Family Use 9 Dolivorod to any part of tho City. f r honodi fl Local, boh i.oiii? Dlulaiicf. 173 Second Street. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.