I'KUriiK COMINO AND OOINO "Pap"" Chandler arrived hero from Wamic Sunday to attend the carnival. Mrs. Levi Clarke catni1 up today from Hood Kller on a visit to her eon, Frank. J. Wood Oilman was in town yester day and lett on the noon train for his home at Fossil. Prof. G. L. Gilher.t cimc up today from Hood River, after spending Sunday with his family. Mrs. H. V. Oudc left yesterday for her home in Los Angeles, having spent some time visiting her eon, A, L. Gude. Mrs. Wm. Floyd and Mrs. fitacey Snown, who have been visiting relatives in Wheeler and Gilliam counties, were in town Saturday on their way h mie to Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell, of Kingsley, were in town todav on the way to Portland where Mrs. Campbell goes for medical treatment at St. Viu cent'hospital. "NOT GUILTY." CliarRP of Jllirriircsentatloii Against Davis ami ! nhiiKton I)luilel, Saturday the subjact was waxing warm on tiie floor of the Jacobsen Hook & Music Co. store. The special piano under consideration was the Weber. A well-to-do family here have wanted a piano for a long time, but for one reason or another have been putting' it on", the tubject bearing particularly on the Web er's durability and lasting tone quality. Tihs. and Miss Baldwin are acquainted with the family contemplating the pur chase of a piano, and they were all in i the store toaether at tho time. Mrs .Baldwin spoke right out, as one well knowing whereof she spoke, "Twenty five years ago my father purchased a Weber piano in Portland. It was oue of the first pianos in The Dalles. I used it energetically and later my children have used it. In fact it lias been in use for a quarter of a century, and in all that time has never had a single thing done to it except to tune it. When it comes to pianos there is but one, and that one is the Weler. The tone is never 'tin-panny' nor harsh, but through all the years producing a full pure tone, not especially loud, but full of content ment. You make a mistake if you do not. uft a Wt)ber." Our friend was much impressed by Mrs. Baldwin's testimonial, and, on our part, we are deeply grateful for it, com ing as it does, wholly unsolicited. Sell ing high grade pianos is easy when once you get the friends o( the piano talking for it, and that is just esactly the reason we are iffering high grade piano at cost now. We want your talk. If a piano man says its so, it may be so; but if your frieud says its so, it is so. The Weber was ordered for the gentle man Saturday evening from our house in Portteud. It will be delivered Wednesday. We can give you the names of many people like Mrs. Baldwin ; Mrs Pollhe mus, of East Ash street, Portland, for instance. She has a Weber upright which has been in use for over twenty five years, and the tone quality is as good tcday as it was then. Be sure and call at the Jacobsen Book & Music Co.'a store and investigate our methods and see the high grade pianos exhibited. Every piano will he sold by Fiiday or will be returned to Portland. Eileks' Piano Housi:, Davis fc Johnston four representatives.) Advertised L.eitors. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the posloflice at Tho Dalles un called for October o, 1900. Persons calling for tho same will give date on Which they were advertised: GE.NTI.UMEN. Brakey, E C Cameron, Frank Davis, E S Ferguson, Jesse Ferguson. Richard Hase, Gugh Huston, Roscoe Hamilton. J M Lane, A W Lyle, Al Page, W W (2) Jteece, A I Ross, John Jr Usher, W J Knight, Elmer Lunke, G Martin, Frank Oliver, Ed Patterson, George Richardson, Lyman Sausdaker, Dr Wakefield, Dr Wallace, J w wolf, Clint Walthers, J A White, Walter i-aniKs. Davis, Bello Edwards, Charlotte Mink, Mrs F H McGregor, Minnie Weaver, Mrs E C Carnival Hate. The O, R. & N. Company have made I tho fi Rowing loiindtrip rates from the stations named below to The Dalits, for ! October 0th to 13th, inclusive: Portland $3 50 Fairviuw 2 95 Troutdale 2 I0 Latourello 2 Co Bridal Veil ......... 2 40 Bonnavillfi 1 90 Cascade Locks ; i .... 1 75 Viento ... 1 20 Hood River., 1 95 Mosier... .' 70 Bigg 80 Grants 95 Arlington 2 15 Hoppner Junction ,., 2 55 Heppuer 4 35 Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Janie E. Patton Btrictly pure liquid paints A BIG SALE OF Durinc tlio Street Fair and Carnival wo are aoinc to ofl'er the greatest bar gains in Grinding Machinery over offered in the State of Oregon. We want every farmer to have a Star Feed Mill, because it will help to pay your taxen; It will eive yon lime; it will make your old horse faiter; it will please your wife to got cracked grain for her chickens; and tnis is a sure way of getting it at a sucrlfieo, for wo are positively coing to close out iho mills now on hand at ACTUAL COST. A change in the business compels us to do this, and now is tho time for you to r.-ap the benellt. For further particulars Inquire or write tj HUDSON & BROWNHILL Sale of tliu Loudiin Times. New Yobk, Oct. G Mysterious ru mors respecting the sale of the London Times have been current for several days, 1 ut have not yet been coDtirmed, says a dispatch to the Tribune from Lindon. The projected purchaser is Alfred Harm9worth, who is sighing for , Iresh conquest. He is credited with having an ambitious scheme for recast ing the leading journal, reducing the price from three pence to a penny, and experimenting in various ways with it. i The tempeiature has fallen in Fleet I street since this rumor reached the ears of the owners of penny journals. . The staffof tho Times is represented! to be vehemently opposed to a change of i ownership, but Mr. Walter is described as willing to dispose of the property for a large sum, and the chief obstacle to j tho transaction is said to be the right of , several small stockholders who have received bequests. These stories nro neither confirmed nor contradicted by Mr. Ilarmsworth or Mr. Walter Harmsworth's meteoric career in English joii'iialism brinirs even the incredible account of the fusion of the Daily Mail and the Times within the range of possibilities. Cured of Chronic IJiarrlKinu After Tlility Years of sutler hit;. "Sufl'ered for thirty years willi difr rhoea and thought I was past being cured," says John S. Halloway, of trench Camp, Miss, "i had spent so much lime and money and suffered so much that I had given up all hopes of recovery. I was so feeble from the effects of the diarrhoea that 1 could do no kind of labor, could not even travel, but by accident I was permitted to find a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after taking several bottles 1 am entirely cured of that trouble. I am so pleased with the result that I am anxious that it be in reach of all thoso who sutler as I have." ! For sale by Blakeley druggist. I.uiiiiiaulau .lews. New Yohk, Oct. 9 A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: Robert Watchorn, ono of Mr. Powder., iy's lieutenants, is starting for America, after completing effective work for the i repression of the emigration of Rouma nian Jews from their own country to the United States. He received orders from the American government while in England to go to Roumonia and inves tsgato the matter. He ascertained that tho government of that country was dealing harshly with its Hebrew sub j'Ctfi and that they were emigrating in largo numbers. He represented to the Roumanian ministry that the United States government would be compelled to adopt vigorous repressive measures against this undesirable class of immi grants and cited various rabbis as his authority for the statement that the Jews would stay at home if released from official persecution. The ministers agreed to relau tho enforcement of vari ous anti-Jew statutes and tho immigra tion movement ban cejeed. Tho Amer ican government, through Inspector Watchorn, hns dealt cleverly with a difficult problem. Chamberlain' Cough Itemed? n Great Favorite. The eoothing and healing properties of this remedy, Ufa pleasant ami prompt and permamnnt cures have made it -a great favorite with people everywhere. it is especially prized by mothers of small children for colds, croup and whooping couph, as it always affords quick relief, and as it contains no opium or other harmful drug, it may be given aa confidentially to a baby as to an adult. For sale by Blakeley druggist. Clarke & Falk have 00 sale a full line of paint and artist's brusbee, STAR FEED MILLS. 7. The Dalles, Oregon. RC5-1TMC9 CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIRECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. J. A. EBERLE, pipe Jailorip A complete line of Fall and Winter i Suitinus, Pantingsaud Overcoating, now on display. 100 dint runt varieties to se lect from. Suits, $20 atyd up. Call and examine goods before going elsewhere. Second street, opp. Mays & Crowe's. erjtrxpsrrxp L. Lane. (JEN Kit A I. 1 1: Wagon and Carriage Work. Fl3h Brothers' Wagon. TIM and Mown, Phone 159 FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TltA.N"3ACr A JSNEHAMIANKING ilUblNKS Lettere of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on Now York, Chicago, St. Iouis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, nnd various points in Oregon and Waolunirton. Collections made at all points on fav orable term?. C. F. Stephens ..Donlor In. Dity Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Voota, Sboca. Hutu, C'npi, J.'otloii. fur W. U Dougiux tiboc. Agt. Telephone No, 88, 131 Second St., Tic Dalles, Or, BUI!) ...AND... Horsesiioei 1 i n V f 35 135 !! 0 I Hfc .. .GOMJjWBm BKEWEKY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of thie well-known brewery tho United Stated Health Reports, for June 28, 1900, says: "A more aupeiior brew never entered the labratory of the United States Health reports. It la absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on tho other hand is composed of the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities aro of tho high est and it can be used with the greatest benellt and satisfaction by old and you 113. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by thu physicians with the cersaintv that a better, purer or more wholesome buvenigo could nut possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. v vww''w Grandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS rfs EMBALMERS Tho Dallas, Or. DEALER.S IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies i, i C. J. STUBLIflG, WIIOI.EStAI.1: Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to A. Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. Mrs. Annie Luckey, Hair-Dressing and Shampooing Facial Treatments and tho MORMON TREATMENT. Room f)9, third floor, Umatilla Houso, Hours from 0 to l'J a. m. and 1 to 5 p. in. Paint yoor house with fully guaranteed to lust, have them. paints that are Clarke & Falk The Chronicle, Tho Dalian, OP. Job Printers. ... - I i: . CELEBRATED sv fvvm.i Robes, BuriaSh Etc. V, AND HI'.TAII. ft : . ; M. Williams & Co. vj.r'I.'i,uS House Painting,.. The undorfllgned has lalu-n possusalon of R, A. Splvoy paint ohop, next door to the Vogt opora houeo, and has pur chased thu tools ami ladders. Ho has good mechanics working for him, and will guarnnleoall work to jjlvo satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. riubscribe for The Chronicle. nnrAtiT timk iu:iikiiui.k, .... Vint Mall I 'M p. 111, rinlt I-nki, Denver, Kt, , Worth, hlt.Hlm, klltll'l f ""; . unmii.1, Kmi ' jf. CulcnRu nnn Hhhi. ,,w f " Atliintlp Kxtirvss Knit Ijiks, llonvfr, Tl. jov. Wurlh. uninha, Kin, mtu IMIv. M, I U:M n. in. Yin Ullllt ItiSton. uiiiciiKii mill Kan. Hpnkiinu Mull unit 1) i. ni Wnllii Walla, Hj.ofc.ini., MltilieuiolN. Hi. I'iujI unlutli, Mllwnnkec, (Ihlr-.neo mill Ham, via Kr'HiHtiyiikil IHiiilltiitu SjvikiM Mm m Kifrcsi. iiiu; nun mi Junius n WiiililiiKtiiii mitt KuM ' 3.11, i-lll Orcuoii. " fc ). m. VllOM I'OKTI.ANti Or-citn HHviiililjr. Vor hull l'ruiicln,. Kvcry 1'lvo linvi. p.fl. K.x.aiiiiilnyiCiiliimhlii Itv. mwen.,ifxirnt. To ANTuiu.v 1111.1 Way ' P.UUirlliy I-lllllillHS. 10 Ji, III. I Oil. 111. i WILLAMKT7K ItlVUIt. liMn B v.r HuiniMyfm..i ciiv. NnwiMTB, i:uK i Milium A Way Ijiml's, ' Tiles,') mi r.i him. l;tvi;i!s. Hoii.Avm- mill mi t. Oregon City, iMvturi, auJlfrl mill Wrty.Jimlinv HllAXK lilVCII, l!lmrlii In Iwlsiiiii. l.v lilMrlni , W' 1 y.r.i a. in. l.riwirro.t lallr 3:C0.u CIO; 1'nr les dvMriiiK n m to llcppnn cr i.ointMiii roliiiiililu himtlierii vu iliouU liikti .No. 2, lunvliitf I lie 1 t M j. n, innbliiK Oireet iiiniieeilims ut I lepimer junction mill HIkkh lleturiiliiK tnmiliiKillnvteoimecUoti tit Heiniiiur Jiiiicllon mnl llic ulth No. l,u. tllK ut Tin' HhIIi'mii U i p. 111. Kur full t'lirllculiiih 01 iiKCMl 1 liu Jullcii. 01 in. , i-- I 1.1. In- ri iiriii.nt'i'.T. I'lirtlimd.Or . 3 nun Jrn.i fl II WIMM Yellowstone Park Line. tiii: diking (i.vn itoi'Ti: ruoji roitTLtND to tiii: i;akt the only dikkktmkk to tuk ykll0w HlONi: l'AUK lanlon Depot, nilliani! isis arwti. M-:VK. No. ; Vuit mull forTiicnimi, Pcnttlu, Olymplii, dniy No. I iniriior nun huimi itvuu iioitila, Hi.kmii), llii"' llmiil, II. C, I'ullniaii, .Mox cnv, uih iHiiiii, iiiu 11:1.') A. M. inlolIiimiuiiiiiliiKi'imii 5',U.. try, nciL'iiii, -Miniinipo IIh, Ht. run!, omiiliii, KmiMis (Jlty, Ht. I'itn. CIiIciiko mnl nil j.cliit.1 cam mnl nm lu-ust No. I. No. 3. ll;i0 1. Sl.'fur THCoinn nml K-nlt'lo 7;00..M. I mul liitvrniiilliito pDims I, ..(..,. U..11111I lv..r..M I'nllmmi ntt clH3 mul touri t tlwcn I) .v.lnnniiilh,Ht. rmilnnu Mlwouri rlvvrjolnii wltliiiiit i:lmnne. VuHtlliiiliMl trultm. Dillon ik'jMit coniicctloti In nil jirlnclpiil cttl(99. . , , lliiKKuKv ohwkcil In (IcMlliiilInn nt tickets. Kor liiiii'lfonioly IllimciaU-d iU-.-cili'Uvv-mtter, tlckuts, slcopliiK fnr rvMirviilliiim, cic.,c4llnw wrllo A. D. CHARLTON, Akslslmit OciKtrul l'Mi'iiKcr Auen. '0"' ion Htuut.cornor Tlilnl, I'lml.um, Oreieon. SOUTH and EAST via r . Shasta Route Triilini k-iivoTlio IMllfji for l'ortlninl aaJ WJ itutioiiN at Ir.'.i 11. 111, mul .'! I. in. l.vnvc I'nrtliuul " Albany . Aim a in 7:00 pw .12.30 111a 10:Wpw ,VWnn lift" . 7.1., pin Sil5" W Arrlvu Aclilmiil " HiKjraiiH.'iilo " Han Francisco ... Arilvo OkiIiiu ,'. " Dvnvcr " KmikiiHCHy.. " (Jllllll0 , uiWH in a:'';" 4. 1 j 11 111 Slu Arrlvo Uim AiikoIos i:i I'.uo " Kurt Worth " (illy ofiluxlco .... " Houston " Susv Orli-ans " Wimlitiijttoii " NcwYork, . , 1 it) ji in p ia ,. (lliHIII in ,. ii:i'ni in ,. :0i)iiiii , d-iiii m ., il; l'J 11 ia i:i 'i" 7;00il CMOpW (ii;iiu ): 1 ;oo a in c.JU"" C'llUlD J-UI'tf rnllinici unit TourUt earn on ''.'''Vlpiso! unmrcarH Kiiurmiivlito in vgavn or mnl tourUt cur to Chicago, Ht Louis, Wu' U'liiiHimit WimhlliKtou. ConncotltiK ut Him Kninoliico ivltli wvf'jj Nhiiiiinhli IIiiom for Hnuolillu, Jap'iiii u"u ' 1'lilllpiilutw, Cuntriil unit Konth Aim-ticn. See iit'cnt t Tho Dallun ntutlmi, or tulMu C. H. MARKHAM, Guiiorol l'wwnger Agent. I'urt.and. Or Jj It. Jt. K. HA11TII. Osteopath. Uooma 10 alio, 11, Gbapnuu Mock, Tho "" Oregon. a,r S0I11 iUliO