The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 08, 1900, Image 3

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By '
Here urn ii few oflVrlneH of tho season's latest and most at
tractive materials for Full Woiir:
Iilaek C.unolV Hair at $1, $1,25 and $1.50
lilac!; Pebble Serge ut. .. !fl.l!5 nnd H,f,()
Wiie'ian mi tings, (10 In' wide, 0 difi'erent eoloringp $1.60
Hup. ('ohIh, Z lmliiii'H, Whipcords, Ottomans, Armures and
Ii.irntlii'HM, in all noltd color-, from $1 to $1.50 per ynrd
A fiin' cdlection of F.nglish I'iorolns nt $L" 50, $.'J and $3.50 yd
Blanket and Comfort Department.
Fine Laminated ComfortH $2.50, $.'! and $".50
U.'rtl 1) jv.-ii : $7.50, $8 59 and $10 cadi
Jtlnnkete in SO different qualities.
We ask everyone to mnko themselves nt homo in our f tore.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
OUT. 8, 11100
At Androw Roller's.
lteiiieinber, yon can do better at The
Wanted A buy of steady habits to
ork in a iitoro. Inquire at thin office.
uG lw
Call on Mrs. Morgan for art embrold-
orii's, also decorative work in oil nnd
water filers. 2 (5:.
Ono hour's Instruction given with,
every pillow purchiuud this week at
Mrs. Morgan's. 2 (!'
A big line of ladies' and children's
miilcrttuar, wrappers and dressing
eacniies at the Fair.
Wednesday the ladies of tho Catholic
toclety will hnvo on sale at Maler &
Benton's store, pies, cakes and all kinds
of pastry. t
Wanted Uy .laeobsen Hook & Music
&.-, 100 hoys to take purt in street
I'ariido. Each boy will receive a suitablo
prosunt from the above firm.
All parties having rooms to rent dnr
ii'fc'tliu carnival will oblige by reporting
tlie eaine to Mcssnrs. Bulls and Wetzel
"t carnival headqimrtorb in tho Gates
i.oal An ICIk'rf charm, either on foot
'till ground?, near Wasco Warehouse, or
on streets Hoginvod "O. P." on one
I'll', "Cascade Lodge, No. 1)03, Ii. 1'. 0.
w other. Suitablo toward to
Under if returned to this ollico. 8 lw
t-stiirday morning sevon homing
PlRtoiKi belonging to Sam Wilkinson, of
tliia city, were sent up the load and
'"fiiu'l loose at r.indlutou. In two hours
nil a half two of them wer'c buck home.
'Hie Indies' ominitteo on uniatuur
I'liotonraphy desire that all persons
wvlny photonrapliH that they are will
IK to phee un exhibition at
"'mil leave the sumo nt the IndUm' booth
"H'tinst Tuesday morning.
During the carnival tho Indies of the
l.utlierii church will serve me.iln In tho
Mnauiilo building, corner of Court and
yiird sheets. Dinner from one I to SV
""PI'ur from ! to 7. All tho beat of
l,fJimi cooking, Meals 25 cunts.
Sioniooonteiuntlblo miseront yesterday
aitornoon went into tlio now Wakefield
li'iusu m. of tho M. K. church and
P'nctlcally ruined the fresh plnster of!
'"Hi and room on the uppor floor by
f.ilcliiiiK and teurlng It with u rough
W nil know who la queen of tho
'HilvH but Hex is a myatery hidden in
" brain of tho carnival committee.
'I tho wont of it in his niHjesty'B
'"entity promises to remain concealed
Wo aro showing an
oxquisito line of Fur
Jackets, Capes, Collar
ettes and Scarfs, from
$1.50 to
$40 each.
till Friday night's ball at the Vogt opera
liouse, when he will unmask.
.1. M. Davis, a prosperous sheep man,
who for a number of yearn has resided
south of the Deschutes liver, has moved
to Dufur. Wo understand that Mr.
Davis lias sold his stock and land ncrots
the river and intends locating in this
vicinity. Dufur Dispatch.
Dr. P. G. Daut, well known anions
the people of this city as tin optician
and rufractionist of pronounced ability,
is au'itiu in Tho Dalles and will remain
ntiiOML us till the balance of this year.
Dr. Daut has secured as offices, rooms
11 and 12, Vot block, over postoflice.
The- young ladies of t tie Kpworth
League will serve coffee and cake durinjr
tho fair week nt the Stadelmnn commis
sion house. They will serve Closset &
Devers' Iilend coffee, which is claimed
to be the best in the world. Cofl'ee and
cake 10 cents.
The Antelope Herald says the manage
ment of the Fair Association have com
pleted arrnngemeuts with The Dalles
hrns baud, whereby the latter will play
at Antelope during the entire race meet
ing, from tho ICth to tho 20th. They
will also bring with them an orchestra,
which will render sweet music at the
pavilion during the evenings. S
Toinonow C. J. Stubljug & Company
will open a new saloon m U0 building
immediately eaet of the First National
Bank. It will be known as the Bank
C.ifu. The opening .of this place in no
wiso effects tho wholesale and retail,
business of Stubling & Co., which was.
opened in the Suliauno building a few
months ago and which will he continued
under the pi rsonal management of Mr.
The local G. A, li. pot has issued a
c ill for a meeting of all soldiers who
have uvr fought. for the American flag
to moat in Fraternity hall, at 8 o'clock
tonight, lo gh'u expression to what
opinions they may hold on tlio question
of expansion and tho policy of the ad
ministration in relation to tlio Philip
pine islands. Tho general public will
bo welcome, and, after tho soldieis have
votoJ, a. number of slant sperohea aro
expicted from prominent local speakers.
Tlio public schools of the city will bo
closed all day toinonow in older to give
the pupils an opportunity to attend 'tho
parade. Friday afternoon they will bo
again c'osed for n half holiday to give
tho children an opportunity to attend
the carnival, when they will bo admitted
to tho grounds froo of charge on the con
dition that each class shall bo accom
panied by Its' teacher, who shall vouch
for tlio pupils. f
Mlse Lang, whose collection o Indian
baskets is acknowledged to be .the finest
In tho Northwest, has kindly consented
to throw tho collection pon to the
public from Tuesday t6 Sjdurday of this
week.ior hii admission eo of 25 ceuts,
the proceeds of TuoBay, Wednesday
and Thursday to go to the public library
and those of Friday and Saturday to
St. Paul's Guild. Tlio collection will be
found at the Lang residence, corner of
Fourth and hlberly streets, and the
All we ask
is an opportunity to prove that our news
paper talk is not simply the use of space
and big words.
Just a little of your time-
You'll find it time well spent, and we can
convince you of the good points of our
clothing. While you are here we want to
show you a few of our specials:
No. 1. Overcoat at $10.00
A handsome dark bltin and blnck garment, very stylishly
made up. good tergo lining, medium length, box cut. We
call this special because as values go ordinarily this coat
would be cheap nt $12.50,
No. 2. Large lino of men's overcoats,
from $5.50 to 20.00
No. 3. Men's all-wool wove suits 8.50
No. 4. Men's cheviot, oxford, kersey
suits $10.00 and 12.50
No 5. Men's dark fancy worsted suits,
single and d.-b. vest $15 and 16.50
No. 6. Men's fine tailor-made fancy
tweed, cheviot and serge suits,
from $20.00 to 25.00
Our Boys' Department
and economical prices that it is hardly worth while to mention
it. rXhe fall nud winter stock is now nt its best. We ehow nov
elties and Maples in great profusion. No trouble to ehow goods.
time for exhibit will be tho afternoon
from 2 to 5 o'clock.
We have a farm of 240 acre?, well im
proved in the famous Klickitat valley,
three miles from Goldendale. Large
creek of never-failing pure cold water,
fed by springs running through the
place; youny: bearing orchard of 127
fruit trees, forty-three grape vlnee and
fifty blackberries; good six-roomed
house; barn 40r.G2; cellar 12x14; seventy-two
acres in fall wheat. Will .sell
cheap and on easy terms. Hudson &
Colonel John K. Ilemington, a former
respected resident of Thompson's addi
tion nnd well-known to many residents
of this city, died suddenly Sunday morn
ing and was buried today beside the le
inaius of hie wife on the ranch of his
son-in-law, Mr. Davis, who lives in the
neighborhood of Ten Mile. The Colonel
was a veteran of the civil war and was
quartermaster of the Fourteenth Army
Corps when hen he was brevetted for
saving the coips train ufter the general
commanding had given it up. He was
an honored member of the local G. A. K,
post. His wife died about five years
go. His ago was 84 years.
The store of K. J. Collins & Co. was
robbed Saturday evening of a lot of
glut's clothing by a tramp who entered
tho store "and carried off his booty while
no one was watching. Charley Liuor
arrested him while he was trying to sell
some of the stud' to a Japanese Part of
tlio stolen goods was afterwards found
cashed under an Eaet End warehoaee.
After his arrest an old iiinn, a stranger
here, accused the prisonerofj stealing
from him a new suit of clothes, whicn
the prisoner had perscaded tlieold man,
while in his cups, to doff in exchange
for his old clothes, when the prisoner
ran off with them and afterwards sold
tbam at tho stcond-hand store in tho
Kist End. llo will answer for his
crime before Justice Drownhlll tomor
row aftemojii.
One of the most wonderful things that
will appear in the carnival exhibit is a
petrified egg, owned by Theodore Prinz,
of the firm of J'rinz & Nlteclike. It was
found a few miles south of this city and
has been In Mr. Priux's possession since
1894. It is as perfect in contour ns the
day it was dropped, and the bird that
laid it muM have been a whopper for It
measures ihj.j Indies around tho longest
circumference and weighs 37 pounds
avoirdupois. Mr. Prinz, who is a skilled
ornithologist, (although, possibly, you'd
never suspect him of HI eays the bbd
that laid it lived away back in the
periiiian period of tho carboniferous ago
nnd lias u Litiu nnmo so long that it
would exhaiut the whole English alpha
bet to put it In cold type. Ho says the
Smithsonian Institute offered him ifDOOD
for It, but he spurned the offer as he did
that of a rich brewer who. ottered him
a half interest in his brewery ii lie
would part with it. Mr. Priuz has this
wonderful egg resting in a handsome
case made to represent a genuine nest
nud will have it on exhibition in the
Prinz & Nltechko booth at the carnival,
where it may be.eeen free of charge.
There is no economy in buying cheap
shoes for boys. Here is the stuff that
stands their racket:
Seal Grain, heavy solos, riveted seams;
sizcsll-J, to 2 $2.25
Same, sizes 2h to 5k 2.50
Buffalo Calf, heavy soles, riveted seams;
sizes 12 to 2 $2.00
Same, sizes 2k to ok 2 50
Kapgaroo Grain, heavy soles, seamless;
sizes to 2 $1.75
Same, sizes 2-?? to 5?; ... 2.00
Pease & Mays.
All goods marked in plain figures:
Opening liny or Ilia Fair Order or Pn
rndv, f.fil by Giauil Mnrehul U'ltnl.
A large force of carpenters, decoratorp,
olectricmne, painters, etc., are rapidly
changing tho rough pino tioards and
tarred paper roofing of tho carnival
booths into things of beauty, and by
1 :30 tomorrow, when the gates of the
fair inclosure are thrown open to the
public, a siht will meet the gaze of the
visitor that Dalles people will not need
to bo nshamed of. Tomorrow is desig
nated "parade day," Friday will be
Bex day and Saturday Iloppner day.
Tonight thi carnival committee will
meet and designate tho remaining days
of the carnival.
The grand parade forms at 10 tomor
row and moves at 10:30 in the following
Grand Marshal T. A. Ward and aids.
Police corner Second and Washington.
Queen and maids of honor on Wash
ington, north of Second.
Band on Washington, south of Second.
O. N. G. on Washington, rear of band.
G. A. R. on Washington, in rear of O.
N. G.
Societies on foot on Washington, in
tear of G. A. R.
Societies' floats on Washington in rear
of societies,
Firemen on Third, west of Washington
Indians on Washington south of Third
Merchants' floats on Fourth, west of
Private vehicles on Fourth, east of
Midway on Fourth, rear of vehicles.
ltouTK ok I'An.un:.
On Second street from Washington to
Union; south on Union to Fourth ; cast
on Fourtii to Jefl'ers;n ; north on Jefl'er
son to Third ; east on Third to Monroe;
north on Monroe to SeconJ ; west on
Second to Washington; south on Wash
irgton to carnival arch on Third.
Dissolution of l'lirtiH-jMilj).
Tho partnership heretofore existing
between J. A. Cainaby and J. W. Blake
ney Is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent. The business will be continued
under the style nnd fit in of Carnaby A
Summers, who 1II cohtct nil hill. and
pay all obligations of the late firm.
CUtXAllY & f-UMMKJ'.K,
Tho Dalles, Oct 1, 1000. ol0-w hv
rii'tniic'ii, Attunlloi.t
All firemen aro requested to meet at
the city lire engine house at 9:30 a. in.
sharp Tuesday, Ootobar O.h, for the pur
pose of taking part in tho carnival pa
rade. By order of the board of lire
delegates of Dalles City.
F. S., Chief.
II. C. I.iok, Secy.
All members of Columbia Hose nud
Chemical Engine Co., No. 2, (ire request
ed to meat at tho englno house thirty
minutes before parade tomorrow (Tues
day) to participate in same. Action In
the matter was taken too late to notify
members by postal card,
A, T. Baldwin, Secy.
Nickelsen's Book
and Music Store.
Floral luiion will euro wind chapping sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Fulk
One thousand styles and sizes.
tor cooking
fThe genuine all bear
ana are sow wnn
Awarded First Prize
told by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere.
VadaoiiiT iy The Michigan Stove Company,
Ltrgent Makeni of Btovea and Batmen la tha World.
Odd I'ello-.rV Visit to Mora.
At 5 p. in. last S.iturdny the degree
team nnd members of Columbia lodge
No. 5, 1. O. O. F., accompanied by dele
gates from lodges nt Hood River and
Dufur, numbering fifty-eight in all, left
Tho D.illcs on a special trnln for Moro,
arriving thero at 0 o'clock. They were
met at. tlio Moro station by tho Moro
brass band and a crowd that seemed
largo enough to comprise the whole
town. Headed by tho band and Louis
Comini's goat, which had been fitly
decorated for tho occasion with the
ensignia of the order, the delegates
marched to the lodge room of tho Moro
brethren, where they found about a
hundred Odd Fellows nwaiting their
The work of initiating six candidates
nnd conferring upon them all the de
grees lasted till midnight, when an
elegant banquet was tendered the as
tetnbled Odd Fellows by the ladies of
ilia town. Whilo the brethren wero re
freshing the inner man the band and a
select orchestra catered to their musical
appetite with n choice selection of
Th8 visitors liavo nothing but words
of praise for tho right royal reception
and entertainment they teceived at
Moro, and, in expressing their gratitude,
they desire to give special credit to the
ladies. Not an incident marred the
pleasure of a visit that will long be re
membered with exceeding pleasure.
O. A. It. Notlco.
All members of J. W. Nesmith Po'f,.
all soldiers of tho rebellion, and tho lato
war with Spain, and Sons of Veterans''
are requested to meet at the G. A. R.
hall on Tuesday, Oct. 9th, atOiHO a. m.,
to p-.rtieipate in the cnrnivnl parade.
By order of
R. L. Akin, Post Com.,
O, II. Iinow.v, xVdj.
AVouiliuen, Attention.
All Woodmen are requested to meet
in Fraternity Hall, with an ax on h;a
shoulder, promptly at 9:30, Tueedny,
October 9, to take part in the patade.
By request of Coinitto on arrangements.
Hans Hansen, C. C,
T. BnowoniM.,
Nollco to Hook & l.ixlilcr Company,
All members of The Dalles Hook &
Lidder company aro rtquested tn meet
at the engine house at 9:30 Tuesday
mornin.', to take part in carnival parade.
By order of board of fire delegates.
H. C. LiEiiK, Sec'y II. & L. Co.
H. Tayi.ok, Foreman.
For Infants and Children.
Tfie Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Signature of
Excellent lino of shoes nt low prices nt
Tho Fair.
Cotton blankets for sheets, 10-4, &0
cuts at Tho Fair.
If you want fair goods at the right
prlcis try Tho Fair.
Tho Fair A new store with now
goods and now pi ices.
Take a look at the priceB on our men's
underwear In the n.tec window nt Tho
and heating.
the above Tra1eAUrk
a written guarantee.
Paris Exposition (900
m a