Xhc Dulles VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1900. NO. 356 M'VEAGH IS FOR ......ij.!!..,!,,..!,,,,. il AYcfjclablc Pr cpnralicmfor As similating IlicFoodandReguIa lini Hie Stomachs andBowols of Promotes DigcstionChcerfuF m;ss rind Rest .Contains neillicr Opitiiu.Morpliinc norUiicral. 'OTRCOTIC. 'lrtif ofOUUk-SAMUamCHKIl ISmyJmt Serti' ,l!x.Smtut IbtMIt &Uts -sUurSrtl Jhfffmurtl - It tutlKJitalrStJa lltttSrJ - rirmtirJ Sumr tn ruxnr. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ni'SS anil LOSS OF SLEEP. l'nc Simile Signature of xew yohk:. LXACT COFV OF WRAPPER. Notice, To whom it niny concern : My wife, Llllie HminlngHcn, bavin.; lutt my bed and board, J will not be responsible for nnyilulits incurred by bur. Mneiei, Or., Sept. 27, 11300. 27 2iv Peteie IIenninose.v. Von will not bave boils if vou tuke Clarke A Fulk'd sure euro for bulla. A representative of this well-known firm will be at the NEW YORK CASH STORE, Oct. 8 and 9th. BORN SUITS CUTAWAY (VtRY 4TVU4M) fiisf MORfi&COaPAW. We carry a fall line of vords, Coverts, etc, for CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CCNTftUII COMPANY. WtW VOHIt CITY. We ofl'tir for n limitel period the twic9-n-week Chuonici.e, prico $1.50, and the Weekly Oreonian, price $1.50, both papers for $2 a year. Subi criptiocs under this oiler must be paid in ad vance, tf A full line of Eastman films and sup pliee juet received by Clarko & Falk. Bears the , i Signature W ' WIT. AKL KLFKLaUILU irAAA mvAnrrrnr LirrtfM i i.TC V m mm a a n a a a k- a a n w m m aas by i a v kav-.u a a a m m ami m m w rnVFDIAir. FVFRY STATE IN union. $ our samples 300 Styles to select erom. 133: AC.comcrrrttniuiiiJjl-.iWid Clwrlcs Place. atlCtycjo. A ailARTCR Qf lAaflTiJRY 1 753mm TAILORS Worsted and Cheviot Suitings ; also a full line of Overcoats. MR. M'KINLEY His Reasons for Supporting the Re publican Ticket, Philadelphia, Oct 0. In a letter to the Ledger, Wayne McVeagb, wbo was ambassador to Italy under President Cleveland's administration, gives his reasons for supporting McKinley. Speaking of the war with Spain he says: "If congress had left the matter a few days longer in President McKinley'e hands, 1 believe ho could have persuad ed Spain to withdraw her flag from the American continent in peace, as the other European nations, with only one excrption, have withdrawn theirB. Then followed the ignoble, hysterical con dition into which we lashed ourselves over victories won from an enemy whom we outnumbered more than five to one in population and more than twenty to one in all the resources now needed in war. It was in that mood the treaty with Spain was negotiated and ratified." The amendment to the treaty placiug the Philippines on the same footing as Cuba was defeated by Mr. Bryan, be says, and adds: "I do not question that his motives were patriotic, but extend the same charitable construction to President McKinley. When the treaty was rati fied without that amendment and thus became a part of the supreme law of the land, the deplorable conditions which have followed would have followed just the same in my opidion, if Mr. Bryan had been president. "Nor can I believe anybody with or dinary common sense Is in danger o' re garding President McKinley's re-election as an indorsement of the war in the Philippines. It Eeems to me the pres ent tendency of President McKinley's mind can be discerned in the true Amer ican policy he is now pursuing in China." Mr. McVeagb says he finds himself in harmony with the Republican platform on tiie gold standard. "But the controlling reason with me TAILORS BY RADN SUITS THE WKSUIT H IJV.TTOM) jj3a It was not an acci.Sent that our store was crowded all last week. 3ran Today we mention BOYS' CLOTiHING- evor lie needs, or you think he needs, and less to Largest Variety Boys' Suits. Good, well-made suite that fit well, lock well and will wear well at $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, up to $7.50. Special values at $2.50 and $3 00. Vestee Suite, Sailor Suits, Heefer Suits. Name your style for supporting McKinley and Roosvolt, ' be Bays, "is the unwillingness I feel to entrust the government of the country to the men who now represent and con trol the democratic organization, stand ing as they do upon the Chicago plat form of 1896." Catarrh Cannot He Cured, with local applications, as they cannot reach the eeat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's .Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of tho best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifieie, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combination of tho two ingredients is what nroduces such wonderiul results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggiRt8, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills aro the best. 12 Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; thoy dry up tho eccrctions, which adhero to tho wembrauo and decom pose, causing a far moro sorious trouble than tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry iug inhalants, fumes, smokes and euuUa and uso lliat which cleanses, soothes and heala. Ely's Cream Balm is uuoh a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho bead easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All di uefiists sell tho 50o. bizo. Ely Brothers, CO Warren fit., N.Y. Tho Balm cures without pain, does not irritato or causo anoozmg. It spreads itself over an irritated mid angry eurfaco, reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed against Na6al Catarrh and Hay Fever, Hustling young man can m eke $00 per month and rxponnep, Permanent posi tion. Expeiionca uiiuf ciss. ry. Write quick for particulars. Clark & Co., Fourth and Lccist Streets, Philadel phia, Pa, 68-tf Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior palntB when you can buy James E. Patten's eun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years, Clark & Falk, agent. ml Mrs. Phillips is prepared to furnish cut flowers and nil kinds of floral de signs on short notice. Phone number 307. slOlra Ilou'c ltub It III, Just wet t lie a (reeled pari freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and tbe pain Is gone. Sold by Clarko & Falk. -At Lowest Prices. Boys' Cape Overcoats at $1.75 and $4.50. Each line repre senting the best thatamount of money will buy anywhere. Boys' Neat, . i . aoie to we have Williams cfc Oo. ....MEET US ON October 9 to This will bo tiio greatest event in the hittory of tho City of Wheat, Wool and Fruit and an Open River to the Sea. The products of this pro lific region will bo on exhibition, and farmers, tlonkmastprs and all others will witness an exhibit that will bo both interesting and iustiuctive. SPECIAL SOCIAL ATTRACTIONS! BAND CONCERTS EVERY DAY! A NOVEL STREET PARADE! Excellent entertainments day an:l night. Five days of sight-seolng and pleasure, There will be amplo accommodations for all guests. Como and Tliu Dalies will entertain you. Producers from all sections requested to mako exhibit?. No charge for space in the lair buildings. No outranco fee, Reduced Rates on all Railroads and Steamboat Linos, COME TO THE DALLES. Miami Hiiktir Uuuiidury I.lno. Chicago, Out. fl. A spr olal to tho Record from Now Wha'om, Wash,, says: In the present dispute of tbe in ternational boundary line locat'on near Mount Baker, it is etat d on ruthority that a peculiar phenomenon transpired during the survey at that point. When tbe line was leing run, ulong in tbe early days, the coureepf the needle was deflected, it was supposed afterward by the metal in Mount Baker, and the sur vey was inaccurate. This made tho line several miles out of the way before the mistake was rectified and the advantage was given to tho Canadian side of the line. When the mistake was found out, it was rectified, but may not have been sufficiently marked the second time, Look around before you come here. The more you look, the moro you'll be pleased when you reach us. for rough wear or dress-up. pa than you expect. What- Overcoats. Reefer Coats dressy and prefer- . i p . most Doys lor over- uuui wear. v $2, $2.50, $3 and $4. THE MIDWAY.. AT THE- 13 inclusive. The boundary is tho -40 1 tt parallel and It is siniplv u problem of locating this par allel. Tho O.unpbell A Wilson millinery parlor is the place lo buy np-to-dato head wear at right prices. All tho new things in etreut hats. Patterns anil trimmed hats can La found there, also a fine lino of children's echool hats and baby bonnets. tf Tho largest and most complete line of fall and winter millinery ever displayed in the city at tbe Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. The prices will sell the goods. e8tl Clarke & Falk's Savoring extracts are the beet. Ask your grocer for them. Ciii Street Mr