1'KOrLE COM1NO AN1 OOINO. Hon. M. A. Moody la n visitor in Hootl liiver today. Srott Hozivorth nnd F. A Welch are registered at the Umatilla from Salem. Mrs. Moser rottirneil to Portland to da, niter (mending two weeks in the city with relatives. Misses Anna and Heseie Lang went down on the boat this morning to spend the day at Hood River. - Miss Georgia Sampson is in Portland, where she went to attend the wedding of tier friend, Miss Eunice Scott. A. W. Gieey, special agent for the Isorwlch Insurance Company, is in the city in the interest of his company. Frank McFarland is again among his friends in The Dalles explaining to them the excellency of the New York Life Insurance Company over ail others. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Wells, who have spent the summer months at Prosser, Wah., where Mr. Wells has been look ing after his flocks, returned to the city this morning. G. Wooilhurv who was formerly a resident of The Dalies, being employed by the D. P. fe A. N. Co. during the flood of '94, is in the city from Shaniko, where he now resides. Mrs. J. W. Gllman, of Fossil, and Mrs. D. E. Gilman, of Heppner, who have apent the past ten days in Portland, re turned last night nnd'luft for their homes on the noon train today. Miss .leannette Meredith, who came to the city to attenM the wedding of her cousin, Miss Bessie French, and has epent the time with relatives here, re turned to her home in Salem today. Mrs. D. M. French, accompanied by her son, Paul, and daughter, Constance, left on tiiis morning's boat for Portland, where Mrs. French will remain during the winter and Paul will enter the business college. Lt rslnlit's Concert. The visit of Mrs. Klein to our city has furnished music-lovers a trent which has been" greatly appreciated. While here she has' not only kindly given the attendants nt each of our churches an opportunity to enjoy her beautiful voice, but the public in general have had the privilege of listening to two entertain ments in which her singing has been the principul attraction. The last one wns given last night at the Methodist church, and while not being so largely attended us the merits of the program deserved, there was n good-sized audi ence present. The ease with which Mrs. Klein Tenders the mcst difficult selections makes the pleasure of hearing her the more pronounced and each number re ceived a hearty encore, which she gen erously answered with whnt may be termed the "old songs," but are ever new, nnd by most of the listeners the more enjoyed from that fact. The program opened with a piano duet by Prof. Birijfeld and Miss Schmidt, nnd if there were any in the audience whose tastes are not educated to classic instrumental selections and do not usually appreciate them, last night was nn exception, for the rendition was not only faultless but the musicians especial ly happy in their selection. The quartet by Mrs. Groat, Misses Micliell and Willerton and Prof. Landers and Dr. Eshelman was so well appreci ated and pleasing that they were com-! polled to answer to an encore. Although having been p-jrsuaded with difficulty to repeat the duet which lias twice before been given by them, Misses Micliell and Bonn certainly felt that it was none the less enjoyed from the hearty applause and encore given. Misa Jenkins, while a stranger here, won for herself many admirers by her rendition of "The Whistling Regiment," nnd the encore which followed and was of an entirely different character gave proof of her versatility os tin elocutionist of merit. Carnival Itatrn. The O. H. & N. Company iiave made the following round-trip rates, from the stations named below to The Dalies, for October 0th to 13th, inclusive: Portland $3 50 Fairviuw 'i 05 Troutdale , . 2 'M Latourelle 2 55 Jiridal Veil 2 40 Uonneville 1 00 Cascade Locks 1 75 Vleuto 1 20 Hood Kiver 05 Mosier 70 liiggs SO Grants s. 05 Arlington "? 2 15 Heppuor Junction 2 55 Heppner 4 35 OUR CHURCHES Services will he held in the Christian church tomorrow morning and evening by the pastor, Elder Paul Kruger. Calvary Uaptiat church Rev. W. B. Clifton, pastor. Kegular services at 11 u. in. and 5 p. in, in the frame school building on Court street. Sunday school at 10 a. m. There will be services at St, Paul's .Episcopal- church tomorrow morning, Sunday Oct. 7th, Bishop Morris officiat ing; Baptismal service at 10 a. tu ; Con firmatlon and communion at 10:30; Sunday school nt 12:15. Mrs. Klein will sing the olTertory. Methodist Episcopal church Corner Fifth and Washington, Hev. U. F, Hawk pastor. Morning worship ut 11 ; SnntlaysclioolatlOa.m.; class meet ing nt 12:15; Epworth League at (1:30; evening service nt 7 ilit). Morning theme, "Forward Movement Questions." Even ing, theme, "The Anatomy of Atheism." Zion Lutheran church, Seventh and Union stre its Services at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m ; German services 2 :30 p. m ; Lutheran League meeting 0:30 p. m. Subject, "The First Article of the Align I burg Confession Thu Trinity in Unity." ' Cntechiatieal class will meet on next Wednesday evening at 7 :30 o'clock in the church. Rev. W. Brenner pastor. Congregational church corner Fifth and Court streets. Rev, Poling, pastor. Morning worship at 11; Sunday school at 12:15; Young People's Society G :30 p. in.; evening service nt 7:30. Morning theme, "The Elder nnd the Younger Son." Evening "The Vuluo of West ling to Him Who Wrestles. Mrs. Klein has kindly consented to sing in the even ing the selection being "1 Will Trust in The Lord." bv Saure. ' GOING EAST- If you intend to take n trip East, nsk your ticket agent to route yon via The Great Wabash, modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train lias free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets nt Ni agara Falls. Ross C. Clink, Pacific Coast Pass. Agt,, Los Anceles, Calif. C. S. Chase, G. P. A., St. Louie, Mo. Catarrh Cannot lie (Jurvtl. with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrli is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hali's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and. acts directly on the blood nnd mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for veers, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is wiiat produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh, fc'eud for testimonials, free. F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold bv drruggists, price 7nc. Hall's "Family Pills nre the best. 12 One of the many features in "The King of the Opium Ring," whicli'comes to the Vogt on Wednesday night, h the famoui acrobatic clown, who, assisted by a company of clover gymnista, lescue the heroine from the balcony of a Chinese restaurant nnd carrry her across the stage to the opposite building. There are many other new and novel specialties introduced during the action of the play, among them being the "Opium King quartette." Iled 11 ut From the- Gun Wae the ball that hit G. B. Steadmnn 01 Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible ulcers that no treat ment helped for twenty years. Then liuoklen'a Arnica Salvo cured him. It cures cuts, bruised, burns boils, felons, corns, skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakele-y, the druggist. ; 3 WorlUiiK Night unit Hay The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's Haw Life Pills. Evory pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Iilakeley, tho druggist; 3 Through the months of June and July our baby was teething and tool: a run ning off of the bowels and sickness of tho stomach," says O. P. M. Hollidav, of Deming, Ind. "His boweie would move from five to eight times a day. I had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrtmn ltemedy in the houso arid g.tve him four drops in a tea- spoonful of water nnd he got better at once. Sold at lilukeley'e drugstore. Clark & Fnlk arc never closed Sunday, Don't, foraet this. Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors Mrs H. L. Jones lias oponed ice cream and oyster parlors in Carey Bal lard's old stand, rjlie carries A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. The place has been thoroughly ren ovated, and a share ol the public patron age is solicited. To Itollnquant Tnxpnypr.. Tho County Court having authorized the immediate collection of delinquent taxes, 1 am compelled to comply with its request, and will therefore proceed at onco to advertise. If you are delinquent you will save cost nnd expenses by Im mediate payment. All personal prop erty unpaid will bo attached at tho cost and expense of the owner without fur ther notice. Roiikiit Kki.i.y, Sheriff of Wasco Co., Or. Tho Dalles Sept. 17, 1000. 17-29d-w "My baby was terribly sick with tho diarrheal," eays J. H. Doak, Williams, Oregon. "We were unable to cure him with the doctor's assistance, and as n last resort we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhof.i Remedy. 1 am happy to e.iy it gavo immediate telief and a complete cure." For sale at Blakeloy'a drug store. For lull. The two buildings owned by Mrs. E. Julian, on Court street, between Second and Third, now occupied ns a lodginc house and dressmuking shop. The buildings will bo sold, furnished or un furnished, cheap fur cash. Apply to Mrs. E. Julian. sIMtnd Tho New York Cash Store is tho solo agent for thu Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.'s line of footwear. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIRECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. J. A. EBERLE, pipe Jailorii A complete line of Fall and Winter Suitings, Pantings nnd Overcoating, now on display. 100 diiiercnt varieties to se lect from. Suits, $20 ar?d up. Call and examine goods before going elsewhere. Second street, opp.. Mnjs & Crowe's. I I L. Lane, I UE.NKKAL BiacKsmiin .AND. r , Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. Third aud Jelroii. PhoiiB 159 FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. VKANHACTA KNEKAl.IU.'JKINll HUKINKS Lettere of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on Now York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon und Wmilungton. Collections made at nil points on fav orable terms. C. p. Stephens ..Dealer In, Dry Goods, Clothing, (: Gents' Furnishings, j1 Hoots, Bancs. Hutu, t'np, Notions, Agt. fi (or W. I.. JJougluH tihoe. n Tclephouo No. 88. THe Dalles, Or, .... rf V-. -Ttt r Horsesnoe 1 k i ' 't 'i pi: ? ? it ft i i; a h nEi' I ' Sf:, , i ? f Si, ' I 1 SB. I f fi JuninituamiuuimmiiuiJiuiuijiiuiUJiuiii THE CELEBRATED .. .COIillJlBlA BREWERY ... AUGrUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-know 11 brewery tho United States Health Ueports for June US. 1000, says: "A more mi potior brew never entered the labratory of the Tinted States Health reports. It isjib'iohitely duvoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but 011 the other liuud is composed of the best of malt mid choicest of hops. Itu tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can conscientiously bo prescribed by the physicians with the cersaiuty that a bettor, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly bo found." East Second Street. THE DAIT.ES. ORTiianN Grandall&Baftjet DEALEHS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS iP EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies C. J. STUBLIHG, wiioi.kham: Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Phone 234, Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. Mrs. Annie Luckey, Hair-Dressing and Shampooing Facial Treatments and tlio MORMON TKEAT.MKNT. Room 5U, third floor, Umatilla Houso. Hours from 0 to 12 a, in. and 1 to 5 p. in, Paint your house witli paints Unit are fully guaranteed to laat. Clarke & Fulk have them. m IV The Chronicle, The Doltca, Or. an 3S Job Printers. as ! Jh, 1 133 aC las Ik, 55' 83 3 13 -rr-f mimim S 0 fjobes, BuriaSh Etc. 5 and iiktaii, Next door to A. M. Williams & Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. House Painting... Tho niidurfliuntd has taken possession of ii. A. fjpivey paint shop, noxt door to the Vot opera house, nnd has pur chased thu tools and ladders. He lias Rood mechanics working for him, nnd will Riiaranteo all work to ulvo Hatlsfao. tion. S." K. KELLY. tiubscrlbo for The Chronicle. D.R.&R DKIUIIT 1'Otl TIHK M.'IIEIHJI.K, KllOM liAM.Kh. Krnit Mull Hi'Jt l.nkr, Worth, I'unvcr, Ft, p. h, Olimliii, Khii-i vVii Uty, hi. U,i, j. "'II vi:'S ii. in. MIS ClllCIIRO Atlantic KxtircfiH VJlfiOn. in VIh Hunt IllStOII. Hull iJikB, Ilctiver. Ft., worth, Utnntm, Kim. N.i City, Ht. Umin,, .ra. Hpokiiuo Mult mill KxplCKH MttliieHioll. St. I'aul Hr?.!.M UUlUtV.MIllMllllire il'i1 Hiukiiiionkillliimiiii;.; prw tnii'. iilmi nit imlnlH In :l!A p. in xiiHiiiiiKiuii nun i;,,t em OrcKim. p. m. KltOM I'OKTI.ANIr Omni Rteumxiitti', Kor Bull Krniii'Wro Uveryi'lvu bavi, 8 j i. m. Ivx.Hiiniliiy Kiuiirduy in 1 1. m. Coininiilii iiv. i!iiin,i u. J.':. - To AMOlilA ami W . ,ouu" 1..1IIHII1KS. ii ii. in. Kx.huiniiiyiOrcK'iii -,.....11 llv v...., 1 L-K'Dll City. Kcv.Ura. b u mi,'. Hiilcin A Wny Ijimrn. ' Th. m. WtMAJivrrK anii Yah Tni-h.'l liur. 11iLi.lt1v1.1ts. Mun.,W mid Mit. , orcirmi city, linvton, uudlU nnd Wuy-IinilliiK HNAKK llivnit i(l)itrlii to lAivvlstim. I-eivi l.r.BuitM 1UH7 3:Wa.m l.v liliuirlii, dully i .i -:;.' u. in, I I 3iT- 1'iir.icM ii'-Hirinc t.i nn to lli'ppm or ' iKimtt. nn columiiiii Koiitlicrii vlu llliw, ihoutl I tnkuNii, J, Iciivltii: 'I In-. IinlliN nt u to p. b, I tniikliit; Hired ciiniiwlliiiiMit ilcppucr Junction I Mini HIkjjk. lletnriiliiK iiiiKliiKiliri'otccmntelloii i ' til If. ,,.,.,,. I,it..tl. .,1 HI...... .. Itl. V.. 1 .. I rhl'ic nt I he Imlk'siii U.j ,. in. I Knr lull mirtlRiitiiiH cn i hi o. . .t N. ivl'i iiRuntTliu Uiillta. nr in' c " II Tit" 111,111 KT, 11 1 11- . 1'ttrtluiit!, Or I) Yellowstone Park Line. Tin: dining CAit kouti: riio.M roitmsD to tiii: i:aht. TH1C ONLY DIKKtrr LINK TOTIIK VKLLOff HlONi: I'AKK I.K4VK. Union Depot, nrih and I sis ariv.. No. ". FhhI mull fur Tiirnum, Hvnttlu, Olyinpln, Uu No. iniriior ana huuin iiciui 1 1 XI 1 1 1 1, KllllklllH1 llnvi I limit, It, C, I'lilliuiin, .MOMMIW, U'HlHtllll, lllll 11:13 A. M.' Into! 1 unit) intuitu; l'imiii SiSOl'.U. ' irv. iii'iunii. jiiiiiii.'iiiiii' tin, Ht. l'lllll, OiiimIiii, Kinimis City, Ht. bulla, Chli.'iiKii urn! nil l'nliith i'ii nt unit kiiiitliciiHt. No, I, 11;B0 V. M, No. 3. I'uiiMt Kmiliil I'-xjirt-i-.s for TiicDinu mill bvulllu 7;00A.JI. mid liituruiiilluni putiiLi l'lillinmi llrHt rln!" mid tiinrl t tUxpM W .MlnnuiipiillH, Ht. l'mtl nnd MUwiurl river i)tuti wltluuit clinniiu. .. . Vuitllmleil tniliiH. Union depot conuwtloni In nil principal cltlwr. , , , , lliiKKiidu olit-clitil to de.itluiitlim ot t ckets, hur liimiliioiiiuly 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 ti t ti 1 1 1 c c r 1 pit vi? nia t wr . tlckutH, Klcp!iiK'i:iir rt-Korvotloni etc., wit on or wrlto A. D. CHARLTON, AsMdtiint (iunonil rnkMimcr Airent. 'JX Morrl MiliHtrcut.cornurTliltil.-l'orlwml.Orwoii. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route TmIiih Ifiivo Tim DiiSliiK fur 1'orMrtiid unci wT Mtutlims ui 'i;2.i ii. in, mid p. ui U-vo I'ortliiml 8:.;o.im 7;m p 11 Allmny 13 Win in 10:Wl'M Arrive AhIiJiiiiiI U-.vmm ll,:9 ! S Hiictiimr.ili) fi'.wipm " Kan 1'rmicbco 1 l-M'in 8'IJI' Arrive Ondoii f- Vum 1,l.--wi2 Denver Uicmnm M'Jg KuiisiiMCliy T, !"""! .VmS " Uliludifci 1 I"" I'1 y"iUaW Arrive Uk AiujoIm l'V I' J'J I'.lS KU'.mo muipm t-m ' Kurt Wortli 1 :i n "WHnniii " i',.nillll " Ni'iv OriemiH i. '.Mil in l! -w " WiiNliiiiKton ii i'r' (J jpn " New York J'.'.M p i" ,J'M l'lillinmi nnd Tourist i.'iirs on ''"'.'Vt'rlloi (Jlmlr enrH Hmtrmiiuntii to OkiIcii "iiot HiidtimrlNtcuiMtolMilciiKo. rit wv U'iiiik uud WiiHliliitfton, (.omicfltliiK nt Hnu KmiiclMio Willi wil HtemnMilp llncH for lloiiolutti. J'"l" u" I'lilllpplncii, Cuntnil mid Hiiutli Aiiit-rltn. Kee uiroiit at Tho DuIIch Htutlou, or "'l'1""5 C. H. MARKHAM, (leiiural I'(t:iKer Afiftit, IMrtiandi ' Y)U. It. U. HMlTUi Osteopath. KouinvlOanrJ U, CUimim Week, "jf' Uregou. ii n Pip; i II II .III! 1 .iUlll hum Pacific i r .