The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 06, 1900, Image 3

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Hero nri! 11 fi'w ofi'erlnjrfl of the neaBori'B latest arid most at
trnctlve materials for Fail Wear:
lilnok Camel's Hair at $1, $1,25 and $1.50
Murk Pebble Serge nt $1.25 arid $1.50
Venetian Minings, "0 in. wiili', (I different colorings $1.50
Hup. Cords, Z'liislinite, Whipcorde, Ottomans, ArmuroH and
li.iratlieti", in nil solid colors, from $1 to $1.50 per yard
A line r jhrction of English Piorolas nt . . . .$2.5(1, $15 and $3.50 yd
Blanket and Comfort Department.
Fine I.nnitmtcd ComfortH $2.50, $11 and $.'i.50
Hull Ihwn $7.50, $8 50 and $10 each
BlnnketH in SO different qualities.
Wo tittle uvorvono to make thomsulvea nt homo in our storo.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
OUT. (i. 11)00
At Androw Roller's.
Wanti'il hoy of steady habits to
otk in (a ntore. Inquire at this officii.
o5 lw
fall on Mrs. Morgan for art oinbroid
triej,al?o deorativu work in oil aud
water colore. 2-(it
Oat) hour's Instruction given with
ery pillow purchased Hub week ut
Mm. Morgan's. ii-(lt
Wednesday the ladies of the Catholic
tolety will havu on sale at Maler &
iiinton'B store, pius, cakes and all kinds
ol pastry.
Hev. Frank Spatilding is being con
ciliated upon the arrival of a girl at
Mi house. u is the happy father of
(even lioys and ono girl. -Glacier.
Lost A brown Cocker Spaniel, with
"ma of owner, I'. F. Mohr, on collar.
A reward will bu given for his return to
Hie owner at the Europeau House. 2t
Word received today from Dr. Giesy,
ho Is attending MiB Elizabeth School
'"tattlie (..mhI Samaritan hospital in
wriUnd, Is oneuiiraglng'ntid the doctor
,a)he is improving.
Mr. Jnapar Wymim, of Albany, has
'"uf'ti'il a portion in tho drug store of
JI; '( ; Hinell. .Mr, Wymaun comes
"'Hi Urn lw.-tof recommendations and
11)6 firm is fortunate in socuring his
Work on the Baptist church is pro
Wwlng ai,nvv 0, n(!Connt of (U.k 0
"'pouters, Jt h hoped, however, to get
portion of H In a condition to bo used
"""Bllie convention, which convenes
"oii the 1(1 h.
About fifty of Portland's business men
ia!l through thocity on tho 0:15
,J,!('i'Kr lust night on their way to visit
""'"lit fair nt Walla Walla. A stop of
ety minutes was madout Hood Hiver
, 'm',Iu t'li'in to view Hid exhibit at
""U plllCl!.
''artlnnd has at last titruck something
mc" mys butter than tho time-worn
'Potion, and will go in for street fairs.
'"Jhiiul report of the eoniiultiuu shows
' tliu Klk' lodgu nutted $0000 on tho
'"ire. Tim total receipts, including
. J'iptbiiH amounted to f!3,777. Tho
"enellt to the cltv cannot lie
v. "uiiuiiK oi ft iiko cnai'iicier
XT. ..I I... ...
., or attracted so large a crowd to
; " nttracted so large a crowd
"""City as
did the carnival.
-'ifruay water was again
struck In
Ti,i, : "u" near uio reservoir.
Momnn vVU ti mm r ti...
18 till) H i. i
!).. , hhiu wuicr nan uuuii
! nml nt 11,1a time under a thick
, "o Imrd thnt tho ponderous
Itili i ' " liinr" 'Ivo'polnled Iritnl s',ecl
lKlilnir 1500 pounds, and falling
Wo are showing an
exquisite lino of Fur
Jackets, Capes, Collar
ettes and Scarfs, from
$1.50 to
$40 each.
distance of three of four feet, at ihe rate
of about forty times per minute, only
went throng!) it a foot in a day, for al
most a month ; this last water being
reached at a depth of -115 feet.
Mrs. J. U. Forwood, of Tho Dalles is
up onjjying a visit with her mother,
MrB. T. W. Ayore. Mrs. Forwood's
health had been very poor, but the
brief stay in Ileppner's invigorating at
mosphere hue already benefited her
wonderfully. Times.
Tho editor of Tin: Chiioxici.i: is pay
ing a visit to our neighboring town of
Hood Kiver today and taking in the
horticultural exhibit there. The pleas
ant rivalry which the Glacier uinii anil
Mr. Gourlay have kept up for the pad
few months regarding the merits of the
fruit of the two sections, has perhaps
awakened an unusual interest in this
particular exhibit, although the CmtON
wi.v: man goes down not with anv in
tention of criticising or making com
parison, but to share in the pride of the
Hood KiverlteB over tho superior quality
of fruit which Wasco county can boaBt.
Heebies this is his first vielt to that
section in eiaht years.
Mrs. Lunelllu moved down from Cloud
Cap Inn lust Saturday, and that famous
reeort is closed till another season. Tour
ist travel to the Inn was very liht dur
ing the ee.ASon, tho Inn not paying ex
penses. Tho absence of forest fires dur
ing the summer left tho atmosphere
clear of smoke, und the trip to the
mountains waB never more desirable.
Sept. 22d a severe rain and wind storm
raed at the Inn. The wind was terrific
and if the building had not been anchored
to the mountain witli strong cables it
niUBt havo been blown away. Sept. 2.1.1
it snowed aud a drift four feet high
gathered in the rear of the hotel. Col.
Pat. Donan, the writer of boom articles
for the 0. 11. & N., visited the Jnu in
August. He said tho 0. It. & N., would
send 5,000 tourists to the mountains
next summer aud build hotel room for
their accommodation, and that be
fore two years an electric railroad will
be built from the town of Hood ltlver to
Cloud Cap Inn. Ulacior.
Last night a man by the name of
William Ilendron, was arrested by
NMghtwatchmtin hike at the Umatilla
House, charged with robbing a man at
McMinnvillo recently during tho fair.
Description of him had been forwarded
to this city, and ofllcers were on tho
lookout for him, as ho was said to be
following up the various carnivals and
fairs and running bunco gamos. Ilend
ron Is not n stranger In Tho Dalles, hav
ing been employed by Mays & Crowe
a few years since and he was recently
an employe of S. Walters in Golden
dale. Meeting V. Cervling,from tho lat-
, ter place, last evening he endeavored to
Induce him to Introduce him to some
comrades who hud brought over wheat
yetterday, with a view of taking them
Into a saloon nearby and drugging them.
Discovering hia llttlo game.OrovlIng fol
lowed him up Intending to inform nn
nflWr ui the first opportunity: but Like
was ahead of him and recognizing
nabbed him. The Bherlll'of
All we ask
is an opportunity to prove that our news
paper talk is not simply the use of space
and big words.
a little of your time
You'll find it time well spent, and we can
convince you of the good points of our
clothing. While you are hero we want to
show you a few of our specials:
No. 1. Overcoat at $10.00
A handsome dark blue and black garment, very stylishly
made up. good sorgo lining, medium length, box cut. We
call this ppeciol because as values go ordinarily this coat
would be cheap at $12.50.
No. 2. Large lino of men's overcoats,
from ... $5.50 to 20.00
No. 3. Men's all-wool wove suits 8.50
No. 4. Men's cheviot, oxford, kersey
suits $10.00 and 12.50
No 5. Men's dark fancy worsted suits,
single and d.-h. vest '.$15 and 16.50
No. 6. Men's fine tailor-made fancy
tweed, cheviot and serge suits,
from $20.00 to 25.00
Buys' Department t9B
so well
its immense variety
and economical prices that it is hardly worth while to mention
it. The fall aud winter stock is now at its beet. We show nov
elties and staples in great profusion. No trouble to ehow goods.
hill county will arrive on tonight's train
and take Ilendton to McMinnvillo to
morrow. C. W. Moore, who has lived in Sher
man county for the pnst 17 years, in
forms the Grass Valley Journal that he
estimates the irrain yield of Sherman
county lor this year at three million
The ladies of the carnival committee
on fancy work would like all persons
who have fancy woik of any kind that
they wiBh to exhibit, to send or leave
tho tame at the women's booth in the
carnival grounds any time after 10
o'clock, nest Mouday morning.
E. C. Pease and F. L. Houghton, who
returned from Shaniko today noon, in
form us that their clerks there are all
huey invoicing goods and they now dis
cover more goods were saved from tiie
(Ire than they anticipated. Businees
will be resumed by both firms at once,
buildings having been procured until
they can rebuild. v'
The local G. A. K. post has issued a
call for a meeting of all soldiers who
have ever fought for the American flag
to meet in Fraternity Hall at S o'clock
monday night te give expression to what
opinions they may hold on the question
of expansion and the policy of the ad
ministration in relation to the Philip
pine Islands. The general puolic will
be welcome.
Upon inquiry concerning the condi
tion of tho -"Scarlet fever cases in tho
family of F. T. Sampson, we learn that
Frankie lias almost entirely recovered,
Miss Kloronco Is much better and about
tho house, while Miss Clara, who has a
more serious case, is getting along fairly
well, but being constitutionally weaker
will have a more difficult fiege thai) the
All persons having in their possession
mineral samples are requested to parti
cipate In tho exhibit to he given at the
carnival. And will kindly leave them at
tho office ofN. Whealdon on Monday tho
8th Inst., with the assurance that tlioy
will he returned to thorn after tho
carnival closes; also bring all Eerial
samples to Mr. Parr's office not later
than Mouday noon. I5y request of Parr
and Whealdou, committee on serials and
We are pleased to announco to our
patrons that, a representative of M.
Horn it Co., tho well-known merchaut
tailors, will bo at our store Oct. 8th and
Oth. At this time we will bo pleased to
meet our customers aud show thorn tho
nobbiest line of suitings ever exhibited
in this cltv. We will Jinvo 100 l.yard
samples of the latest patterns in suitings
and over coats. Havu your meaeure
taken free of charge. No trouble to
show goods at tho New York Cash Store.
The Campbell & Wilson millinery
parlor is, the place to buy up-to-date
head wear at right prices, All the new
things in street hate. Patterns and
trimmed hats can be found there, also a
flue lino of children's school hats and
h:iby bonnet, tf
Clark & F.nk'd drug
fresh and complete.
stock is new,
There is no economy in buying cheap
shoes for boys. Here is the stuff that
stands their racket:
Seal Grain, heavy soles, riveted seams;
sizes 1H to 2 : 2.25
Same, sizes 2-h to 5h 2.50
Buffalo Calf, heavy soles, riveted seams;
sizes 12 to 2 $2.00
Same, sizes 2-h to 5.... 2 50
Kangaroo Grain, heavy soles, seamless;
sizes 1H- to 2 $1.75
Same, sizes 2k to 5i 2.00
Pease & Mays.
All goods marked in plain figures.
known for
Kveiytliloc Booming at tho UrouniU
AccdinuiuilnlluiiA Will Not Be
Inclilnc--Otlier Notes.
The committee now finds it difficult to
provide all with space witiiin the
grounds, having more requests thau
Monday an office will be fitted up just
within the entrance to the grounds,
here all exhibits will be received and
business transacted.
What about tho baby show at t he fair?
Such is the question asked by ninny
mothers, all of whom are anxious that
the babies be given a chance at the
The matrimonial committee lias run
up against a snag. They are now be
sieged by a young boy who is desirous of
being mairied at the fair, but will have
none other than the queen herself.
Tuesday morning all shopping must bo
done previous to 9 o'clock, as from that
time till 12 all business the butcher,
the baker, the candlestick maker will
be closed till 12, or during the parade.
While our people were particularly
happy in ttieir choice of a queen, and
could not have made a better selection,
no doubt the young lady who has been
given the honor already feels that "un
easy lies the head that wears tho crown"
for in sjiito of tiio assittanco of her com
mittee, tho duttes attending the prepara
tion for such a position are arduous.
She, however, may rest assured that she
has the hearty good will of tho entire
community, and that she need have no
fears that the unjust criticism which
was so prevalent In Portland concerning
the queen will be thought of in The
Dalles, where she is greatly admiied.
If any had doubts in their minds when
tho street fair was projected as to its suc
cess and the benefit which would bo de
rived thereby, they are fast disappearing
as the work progresses and our city is al
ready alive with interest concerning it.
Already we are informed that the capaci
ty of tho city for accommodating visitors
will be taxed ; but as mail) of our people
urn preparing to open their homes that
all may be madecomfortnblc, any incon
venience will be obviated. There is ono
side of this question, however, which
should be considered aud a mistake
which has caused much unfavorable
comment concerning Portland averted.
We refer to the undue advantage which
is often taken of visitors and the ex
orbitant prices charged for accommoda
tions. It is the intention of our peoplo
to afford a diversion for our visitors from
tho country and surrounding towns, aud
to give them as much enjoyment as
poeeit'le for tho least remuneration. It
is hoped no deviation will be made from
this rule, but that all, whether directly
interested in tho euccees of the under
taking or not, will bear it In mind.
Fifty live mice in gcod condition
wanted at Van Noiden's jewelry fturo
not later than Mouday night. Five
cents 0 piece will be paid (or them.
Nickelsen's Book
and Music Store.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
'& Falk.
h One thousand styles and sizes. ,
f For cooking and heating.
rnces ironi
PThe genuine all bear
and are sold with
Awarded First Prize
Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere
br Tho Michigan Stove Comnanv.
Latgott Maker of Btovoa
A Clone Iluyrr Flint Wtint tin Want
In The UalleR.
Among tho sales made yesterday at
tho Jacobsen Hook & Music Company's
introductory salo was the greatly ad
mired duplicate of the Kimball piano
as exhibited at the Chicago World's
Fair, which was sold to Mrs. Polk Mays
of this city. Her friends are congratd
lating her upon her selection.
Wo are actually offering tho choice of
three of America's greatest pianos tho
Weber, Kimball and Chickering at
prices below what dealers ordinarily pay ,
for these instruments. Here is an in
stance of this: Mr. H. S. Smith, of
1108 Clinton street, Richmond Heights,
Portland, Is tho general northwestern
agent for tho White Sewing Machine &
Bicycle Company ; he has been "talking"
piano for a long time and every dealer
in tbe Northwest knowB it. Mr. Smith's
agencies arc held by not less than eight
different piano dealers in the Northwest,
from Spokane to the Sound, and from
the Sound south to Ashland ; in fact tho
White agency itself is held by a piano
store in Portland. Aside from this, Mr.
Smith, himself, was a piano dealer in
the East aud knows just what a piano is
and just what it costs.
Yesterday Mr. Smith passed through
The Dalles, and noticing our "Wool City
Special" called at the Jacobsen Book &
Music store "just to Bee what we wero
doing." We referred him to the prices
tugged on the pianos and, sighting a
beautiful Chickering in dark mahogany,
(the same style piano lately purchased
of us by Dr. Geisendorffer and also by
Senator Williamson) he asked if we
really intended selling the piano at price
indicated. We told him "certainly."
Without a moment's hesitation ho
ordered a duplicate of the piano sent to
his home. This order will be-filled from
our Portland store today. You can have
the same style piano for the same money.
The wonder is, so many fine pianos still
remain for sale at Jacobsen's Book &
MuBic Company's store.
Do not fail to investigate the merits of
this sale before it Is too late, as the sale
will positively not last longer than ten
days, and everything is to be closed out
within that time or returned to head
quarters. Eii.eiis Piano Housk,
Messrs. Davis and Johnston, repre
sentatives. You are not in .it now unless you are
wearing a new carnival button, Harry
Llebo received a carload more or leas,
yesterday and they are numerous
throughout town today. The design is
novel and very apropos, tho background
being a deep blue, with yellow border,
on the latter being the inscription "The
Dalles Stree Fair and Harvest Carnival
Oct. 1900." The design represents
Eastern Oregon's chief industries, n
sheaf of wheat anil the horn of plenty,
filled with fruit.
U. A. K. Notluu.
All members of J. W. Nesuiith Post,
all soldiers of the rebellion, and tho late
war with Spain, and Sons of Voterana
are requested to meet at tho G. A. 15,
hall on Tuesday, Oct. 9tlt, at 9:80 a. in.,
to participate in the carnival parade.
By order of
R. L. Akin, Post Com.,
O, H. llitow.v, Adj.
Clarke & Falk haye received a carload
of the colobrated Jame E. Patton
strictly puro liquid paints
$5 to 50. easp
the above Trade-Muik,
a written guarantee.
Paris Exposition 1800 1
and HaugeB lu the World.
0k StoM