Ill 3 he Hulks )tonkk. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 6, 1900. NO. 355 .id hi .itnTi.trr AYa'cfnblc Prcparationior As similating HicFoodandRcguIa lint Hie Sloinnchs and Dowels of Promotes Digcslion.Chocrfur ness mul RcsLContains neillier Oimim.Morpliinc norIiucral. Kor "NAIIC OTIC. Aiyr tjf t)M lirSAMUELttTCHER SunJim Seal' JLx.Smnrt lUh.ll, Sclts - Jhifirimml - HfsrioiudP.Sxla Clnrtfiti Sugar Kntnymm flavor. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ncss ami Loss of Sleep. I'nc Simile Signature or NEW YOIIIC. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Notice. To whom it tuny concern : My wife, Ullie llenningben, having lelt my bed and board, I will not bo responsible for any debts incurred by her. Moeler, Or., Sept. 'Si, 1000. t27 2tw I'iitkk IIkkninuskn. You will not have boils if vou take Clarko & Fulk's Hire euro for boils. A representative of this well-known firm will be at the NEW YORK CASH STORE, Oct. 8 and 9th. K WEARE REF1 BORN SUITS CUTAWAY (vtY4rruM) c -1 iMORrt&COflPAftY. lliop We carry a full line Oxfords, Coverts, etc., for CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMI CCNTOUR COMMNT. MW TOK CITY. We ofHr for n limitel period the twice-a-week Ciiuo.vicle, price $1.50, and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1. 50, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions under tliie offer must be paid in ad vance, tf A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Fulk. O LSEN ED PL f nVPRlNfi EVERY STATE IN UNION. SEE OUR SAMPLES 300 STYLES TO SELECT EROM. P nLiW. .u'rr---1 ihbiNbi - mmrW A I riiTiiiB Rlilllw. II WSIIMFD IXY It AC.conicrnunKlinir.AinJ Charles PI ACC ChiCigo. AmRTERQfACCQTURY TSVSBffim TAILORS I of Worsted and Cheviot Suitings ; also a full line of Overcoats. PAYING DUTY IN KIND. One Cnae Where n Thieving: Turk Wm llltlen Himv Justice la Metei! Out. The rapacity of Turkish officials of all forts is notorious, but that of the customs ofiicers exceeds all other kinds. An interesting" instance of paying duty in kind is to be recorded. An oflioinl of the British embassy bought in Pari's u dress for his wife, for which he paid .CIO. The customs ollicial valued it at .CC0 and demanded duty on that amount. The Englishman protested, and, knowing the law, said they might keep the dress, paying him the value they had fixed upon it, less the eight per cent. This was done, and a month later at the public action of confiscated g&ods lie "bought back the dress for .CO, thus getting the dress for not h- ini' and makinc a profit of 30 -Is on the bargain. Justice is meted out rapidly in Tur key. On one occasion, a Kurd picked up a tobacco box in the street, which was promptly claimed by an Armenian. Just as they were coming to b'.ows a policeman interfered, lloth Arme nian and Kurd claimed the box, when the former suggested that the Kurd should say what was in it. '"Tobacco and cigarette paper," promptly an Kwered the Kurd. "Nothing of the sort," cried the Armenian. "It contains only a five piastre piece." The box was gravely opened by the policeman", who then said: "The Armenian is right and the Kurd is a liar." Here he smote the Kurd's head. "Furthermore, Al lah he praised! for my trouble in de ciding this complicated case I keep the five piastres." Wine In Titnk Cars. In France, where winu is almost as abundant as petroleum is here, it is transported in bulk in tank cars. Wnnt to Keep Cool. Most of the business houses in Mex ico arc closed for an hour and a half in the middle of the day. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of AILORS BY TROON' SUITS THE WKSWT (-1 IWTTO.1 4 AIM i i PROPOSES A COM MON PROGRAMME Punishment of Culprits, Importation of Arras to Be Prohibited, Perma nent Guard in Pckin, Kpuitablc Indemnities, Disarmament of For tifications. Paris, Oct. 5. The following official note was issued this afternoon : "The foreign minister has instructed the representatives of France to sound the. powers whose troops are cooperating with ours In the extreme East regarding the adoption of a common programme for the negotiations with China. Our representatives acquitted themselves of this mission and left with tho various foreign minieters a copy of the following note: " 'In eending their forces to China, the powers proposed first of all, to de liver their legations. Thanks to their union and the valor of their troops this aim has been attained. It is now a question of securing from the Chinese government, which has given Prince Cuing and Li Hung Chang full power to negotiate and treat in its name, suitable repartition for the past and serious guar antees for the future. Penetrated with the spirit wich inspired the previous declarations of the different govern ments the government of the republic believes it sums up their real sentiments in the following points, which it sub mits as a basis for negotiations to be en tered upon immediately after the usual verification of the powers : " 'First The punishment of the prin cipal culprits, who will be designated by the representatives of the powers at Pekin, " 'Second The maintenance of the prohibition of the importation of arms. "Third Equitable indemnities to states societies and individuals. " 'The formation of a permanent guard for Pekin legations. " 'The dismantlement ot the fortifica tions. " 'Sixth Tho military occupation of two or three points on the road from Tien Tain to Pekin, wbicli would thus be always open to the legations wishing to go to the sea or to forces procteding to Pekin from the sea. " 'Presented collectively by the rep resentatives of tho powers, supported by the presence of the international troops, it appears impossible to tho government of the republic that these conditions which are so legitimate, would not be accepted by tho Chinese government at an early date.' " Now llounilary .11urkih IHicoverctl. Nkw Whatcom, Wash.. Oct. 5. It is reported that a new boundary marking has just been discovered in the disputed portion of the Mount Baker district, by members of n railroad surveying party. They found tho monument in tho vicinity of Challiwack hike, in the mid dle of wide swath which years ago was cut through the timber. If the bound ary follows the lino of this swath, P.ed Mountain and all tho disputed strip is on the American side. It is expected the report of tho dominion surveyors will be made in u few days. If tho Canadians the linn is south of the present location, tho Washington au thorities will bo asked to make a sur vey. A question has also arisen as to whether tho 40th parallel was correctly fixed by the boundary commission, and tho settlement may become un inter national affair. Many mines aio lo cated in the disputed territory. Stove liluwu to Atiiiim. lluitNH, Or. Oct. 5. Geer & Cum minga' hardware stove was blown to atoms yesterday afternoon by having cast into the fire along with a lot of rub bish, some giant percussion caps. Four men in the building at the time were seriously injured, Hon. 1. S. Geer's clothing was badly torn and his face and hands, fearfully lacerated. Another piece of the metal cut a great gash in hi left thigh. William Cummings bad his right eye torn out. Frank McCllnt rock received a painful wound on the leg. George Hill's leg and face were badly cut, A. M. WIXaXiIAIHS t CO. ...MEET US ON AT October 9 to Caraifa ill This will be tho greatest event in tho history of the City of Wheat, Wool and Fruit and an Open lliyer to the Sea. The products of this pro lific region wilt be on exhibition, and farmers, flockniaster's and all others will witness an exhibit that will bo both interesting nnd instructive. SPECIAL SOCIAL ATTRACTIONS! BAND CONCERTS EVERY DAY! A NOVEL STREET PARADE! Excellent entertainments day and night. Five Mays of sight-seeing anil pleasure. Tliero will be ample accommodations for nil guests. Come and The. Dalle's will entoriain you. Producers from all sections requested to make exhibits. No charge for space in the lair building. No entrance feu. Reduced Rates on all Railroads and Steamboat Linest COME TO THE DALLES. Dull'l ICllh II III, Just wet thu all'eoted purl freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and thu pain is gone. Sold by Cluiko it Falk. I'or Mule. Fine need wheat for sale; red Russian, Price, 75 cents per bushel. W. W. Rawbon, seplO-lm The Dulles, Or. Hustling young nmu can make $00 per mouth and expenses. Permanent posi tion. Experience- unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, Olatk it Co., Fourth and h'jcust Streets, Philadel phia, Pa, fcS-tf Why pay $1.75 per gallon for Inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton'a sun proof paints for $1.50 per iallnn. guaranteed for 5 veurs. Clark & Falk, ageuts; ml Mrs. Phillips is prepared to furnish cut flowers and all kinds of floral de signs on abort notice, Phone number 307, elO-lru Sefyool Qlotr;e$... for Boys. If ever sham cheapness is to be nvoided, it is when choosing a School Suit for a healthy boy. A boy's back and legs are a poor -place to put shod dy and scamp sewing. We had the active, sturdy boys in mind when we planned the l.H.U.OQ3.5pGial" $3.00 Suit$. They look smart and spick-and-span; yet they "wear like Iron." The fabrics are absolutely All-Wool, nnd every seam is double-Bewcd with silk and linen thread. The knee pants have double thickness of cloth on scat and kness, and elastic waist baud. Made of blue, black and fancy cheviots. Sizas 9 to 15 years. THE MIDWAY.. . TnK- TU 13 inclusive. lrj iii? preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; thoy dry tip tho soerotions, which adhcro to tho moiubrauo and decom pose, causing a far moro sorious troublo than tho ordiuary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and tmuU'n ami tiso that which cloansos, eoothos and heals. Ely's Cream Palm ia euch n remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial eizo will bo nmilod for 10 conts. All druggists noil tho 50u. bizo. Elyllrothors, fiUWarrou St., N.Y. Tho Halm ouroa without pain, does not irritato or cause mioniug. It spreads itself over nn irritated nnd angry surfaco, reliev ing Immediately thu painful inflammation. With Ely'ti dream liahu you aro aruiod aguiubt Nasal Cutanh and Hay Fever. Tho largest and most complete line of fall and winter millinery ever displayed in the city at tho Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors, The jrlc?a will sell the goods, s8tf Clarke & Falk'a flavoring ixtracts are the beit, Ask your srocer for them. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full lln of paint and artist's brushee, ( it' ; !4 r j 1