THE NEW PASSWORD IS PIANOS A MARVELOUS UNDERTAKING, lirniarknhtn Sliowlns Milc In One Duy In Th Ilallm. A copy ol the "Wool City Special" was left at your door today. Please road it. We have carefully considered "wave nnd means" to increase our ronnlry trndo in high-grade pianoR. Our plan is embodied in the "Special." Our Portland business lias been phenomenal from thp day we started In 'OS, Our energies have, heretofore, been directed to that trade; but now we are biddlnc for tha trade outside of the city, and yet nil this time there has been astronp un dercurrent running in our favor. We have made friends, and tneir kind words have made more friends, until today W balieve we do not exaggerate, when we inform vou one-half of oar country trade hue been conducted by mail. Right from the start we have sold foods on tho money-back system, if not us rep resented. This kn uiakee the cus tomer feel secure from the minute he ordered his piano, and this applies to yon. Read the "Wool City Special" care fully. I', means money to you now, and it means money to in i.ateu. You know our ; they are known everywhere as the three greatest Ameri can manufacturers 'and that means the best in the worUh the Chlvkurins;, J? Boston, the Weber, of New York, and the'Kimball, of Chicago. Here is a list of yeaterday'e customer: : St. Mary's Academy purchased a beau tiful Cabinet Grand Weber in oak. This is the second instrument of this make the academy has purchased from Eilers' Piano House. Mrs. Polk Mays, of this city, bought a magnificent stle eiirht Kimball. (No tice cut of same in the "Wool City Special.") J. A., of the Times-Mount aineer, bought another of the world's- famous Kiniballs in rosewood Prof, ttirgfuid is enthusiastic over his selection. It is a Weber in Sau Do min io mahogany. By courtesy of these friends you are invited to inspect the pianos in their homes during this sale. Mrs. Sarah Crabtree and Mr. James B. Bundy both made selections yeiter- dny. These instruments go into the interior. You can have them at cost, just a3 we Eay in the "Special," and for the reasons stated in the "Special." Come to Ja Jacobsen Book & Music Company's store tomoriow morning, where wo will go over the whole subject, and if you do not Eee tho consistency of our method we can hardly hope to send an elegant and thoroughly up-to-date $400 piano to your home tomorrow evening for $286. Remember, this is no poorly devised scheme to sail pianos; hut n bona fide introductory sale arranged nnd conducted by Eilers' Piano House, of Portland, and the Jacobsen Book & Mu sic Company, of Trie Dalles. Youra Respectfully, Etr.EHs' Piano House. Messrs. Davis and Johnson, repre sentatives. A SllnUloi's Oooil Work, "Iliad a severo attack of bilious colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholerand Diarrhiei Remedy, took two dossa and, was entirely cured," Hays Rev.. A. A. Power, 'of Emporia, Kan. "My neighbor across; the street was sick for over a week, had two or thrr e bottles of medicine from the doctor. He used them three or four dnye without relief, then called in another doctor who treat ed him for tome days and gave him no relief, so discharged htm. I went over to see hi in the next morning. He said his bowels were in a terrible fix, that they had been running off so long that it was almost bloody fins. I asked him if he had tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and DiarrhwJ Remedy and hd said, 'No.' I wont home and brought him my bottle and gave. him one dose; told him tp take another dose in fifteen or twenty minutes if he did not And relief, hut he took no more and was en iroly cured." For sale at Blaketey'a drug store. Nasal CATARRH In all Its itagea ttiero should bo clcanlinew. Ely's Cream Balm cleansce.BootliMandheila tho diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and driven away a cold In llie bead quickly. Cream Balm li placed Into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and Is absorbed. Itellef is Im mediate and a cure follows. It Is cot drying does not iroduco sneezing. Large SUe, 60 cents at Drug, gilts or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. . IX.Y 1KWTUKKS, Si Warren Street, New York. Yet Perfectly I'enRililr, Vlirn CnimlilnriMt In It Trui Light. The ftne.t anil most costly assortment of tine pianos ever seen In tills city can be examined at the store of tho Jiuiobsen 1 Hook & Sluslc Company, of this city. It Include!) the world-renowned Chlckorlnp i pianos, of Boston: tho now-fnmous Klni I ball pianos, of Chicago, and the beautiful i and most artistic Weber pianos, of York, besides a haU'-dozcn Instruments of medium Krade. and quite a number of very tine organs. Among this most coni- prehenslvo exhibit of line pianos, in nil of the choice nnd fancy woods known I only in high-grade, up-to-date plano hulldliiff, there may be found an exact duplicnto of the celebrated World's Fair premium design of the now-famous Kim ball make, In rich, massively, hand ! carved case of choicest English quarter I sawed oak. There Is also n. dupll , cato of this make as exhibited at the ! Omaha International Exhibition, where 1 Kimball pianos carried off the tlrst prize and onlv gold medal nwnrded. The splon i did assortment of Whitney, Llndoll. Mil 1 ton nnd Singer pianos deserves special ; mention. ' But tho marvelous feature of this beau , tlful array of musical Instruments is that tho Eilers Piano House, of Portland, for ! the reasons announced In another part of I this paper, propose to dispose of the en tire lot ol tnese ueauuiui pianos in me Dalles nnd vicinity, to retail buyers, with in the next ten days, an undertaking which would seem utterly Impossible to accomplish, were It not for the extremely low Ilgurcs and easy terms of payment at which each and every Instrument In this stock is now offered for sale. The prices at which these Instruments are now bilng offered are the lowest ever mado anywhere on pianos of same grado and qua'.ltv. and since musical Instru ments now no longer classed as ar ticles of luxury, but are being pretty gen erally considered as an actual necessity in cverv well-appointed home. It would 5-eem reasonable to predict that out-oi tho thousand homes in The Dalles and vicinity, there are thirty-live families who may be able to take advantage of the unprecedented opportunity now pre sented. , Kverv instrument is unconditionally warranted bv the resncetlw manufac turer, bv Eilers Piano House and locally by ih" jacobin Book & -Music Company, and thus u pu-rh:.?er Is fully prot-i-ted in ever instance. Tit ftolliiqnpnt Taxpayers. The County Court having authorized j the immediate collection of delinquent , taxes, I am com polled to comply with its request, nnd will therefore proceed at once to advertise. If you are delinquent you will save cost nnd expenses by Im mediate payment. All personal prop erty unpaid will he attached at tho cost and expense of tho owner without fur ther notice. Roiikkt Kei.i.y, Sheriff of Wasco Co., Or. The Dalles Sept. 17, 1000. 17-29d-w "My baby was terribly pick with tho diarrbau," fays J. li. Doak, Williams, Oregon. "We were unable to cure him with the doctor'u neeittance, and as a last resort wo tried Chntnhei Iain's Colic, Cholera nnd Dinrrhma Remedy. I am j hnppy to any it gave immediate relief and a complete cure." For sale nt Blakeley's drug store. Tor Salt. The two buildings owned by Mrs. E. Julian, on Court street, between Second and Third, now occupied ub a lodging house and dressmaking shop. The buildings will ho sold, furnished or un furnished, cheap Kt cash. Apply to Mrs. E. Julian. tlt-lind The New York Cash Store is the tole agent for the Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.'e line of footwear. legs &Ciois The only store ft this city where the Oenuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold A little higher in price, but outlastj a dozen pieces of so called chenp enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look likeit.butthegenu' ine has the name Strnnsky - Steel "Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize nt K International Exhi bitions. Highest award at World s Columbian Exhibi tion, Chicago Pre ferred by the best cookinpauthorities, certifled to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because I I : ?! 4 ft f ft 9 as , t n ft ' 'It The Dulles, Op. The Chronicle, Job Printers. f .It K a t si Si isi: 33 i IN Id 1 3l as I3S! US' 1 'i tuiximuuiiujiutuiutMMjCDi"tiiiuittut ittf'Muu 1 '.IS IS I lit IIKrAIlT POIt Kn.t Mull 12.'.' . in, TtKK H(!lini)ULK, Fliosi Dalu-.h. Aiikvi fllOU Atliintle K.xiffe.1.1 n:Mn. in. VI11 limit IllKtoli. ti ml nxprciis U .'.'f. p. m (n p. m. Hnlt Jjiki', Denver. Ft. c, Worth, OMiHlm, U, Vi mis 'Oity, ht. UuK. i."'1 "win, wiiiiiiiii, kuii kiik City, fit. Ijuis., Uhtcugo and :Mt. Will la Willis, HiKikniic, Hnnii,,,. MlliueH.ollR.St. I'niil T,5!"5 ,1,1 1 ti ,1. mil 1 " -""a Chlnico mill F.imt, vln' hi'dkanoHtd Jluntlni; Inn hImii nl 1 ,l r, m I .. ...... ,"',.,r, ,, U IIMUIIKIUI! II1KI l.HM era (.irvKOil. 3.1Ura Know l'oi:Ti.AKr Orriitt Sll'iitllhlilit, Kor Sim l'ritiirjJsj- Kvery I'lvo luys. h 11. in. I 1 Kx.hliin!nyi0oluiml!. Uv. KtTOLi-:s. Eshiiw. To Arror.lA :.a Vay sol'u, ,a.uruny Ijiii.iihj,,. LU 111. fi.H. 10. ' U ll.US.V.TTK itivi:n. -l-ain B hi.3Uii(!tiy'Oriiti City. .Ncvlicrtr. i: m ;,i,'. j j Kiiltiiu .t V.'hj- IjinO'ii. ' 7 ii. in, iiVmAiintc and Vam 3,3) p. a Ttitrsl smr., niu. ItiVKKH. Mmi.,W mill f-ut. DrcRiiti (!ity, liuytoi: naa Fri I imil Wny-I.-itiduiuv l,v Itliuirliii ; iinliy I 1 :t :) 11. 111. I flNAKK ItlVKH, l!lnirln to l.ovMiiii. I.tArr. I.Kwisio.1 ilnllt H:C0. m sm. mi. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIRECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. BEST. r Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and Bold in this city ex clusively by us. A It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; i not affected by acids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, stew, roast nnd bake without imparting flavor ol previously o o o k o u food end wflt lost for years "We cau. tion tha public ngainst iinitationj Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. J. A. EBERLE, pipe yailorip A complete line of Fall and Winter SuitiriL's, I'antinns mid Overcoatinp, now on display. 100 difl'ereut varieties to pe lect from." Suits, $20 ai)d up. Call and examine goods before coing elsewhere.' Second street, opp. Mays & Crone's. THE CELEBRATED .. .60ItUHfiIA BKEWEfiY ... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-knoun brewery the United .States Health Reports for June S, 1900, Enyp; "A more superior brew never entered the lahratory of the United States Health reports. It is uhHolutely devoid of the plihtest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is cotnpoHOd of the best of tnnlt nnd choicest of hops. Ite tonic qualities are of the high est tind it can he used'with the greatest benefit and Hatisfaetion by old and young. Its use can conscientiously he prepunbed by the physicians with the cereninty that a better, purer or moro wholesome beverage could nut possibly be found." 'East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. rnr.ii'.i ticMMiiK in Kii to Ilt'iiii! or iHiiutn (in Coluinblii SoutinTii vU IllKifH, nhom lukeAo. J, Iciivtiic 'Ihu Iiallin nt 12. p.m. milking' clrtTt wmi'i'dloni. nt Ili-piiticr junction mnl liiut-H li'.iirnltii; inn. I tir: ilrift tr icctlmi at IIohuht Jutiiitliiii mid II'uki villi No, l,sr rhlUK at 'I'tic lwl!c.tii U.;J n in. 11 0. A X. Co.' Kor full inirtiniiliiri i ngi hi I'liu lJullu.1. 01 1 1 I ItUiriiT, I'nrtinml.Or TO. lAW-AIAIAH CT3TT1 L. Lane, GEXKHAL mm Mrs. Phillips ia prepared to furnish cat flowers and ail kinds of floral de signs on short notice. Phone number 307. slO-lra Clarke & Folk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Clark. & Flk are never closed Sunday. Don't tercet this. Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors Mrs H. L. JoncH has opened lee cream and oyster parlor in Carey Cal lurd'e old etaud. She carries A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. The place hag bepn thoroughly ren ovated, and a share of the public patrou ago is solicited. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker urj Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All ordors attended to promptly. Long distance phone 433. Local, 102. BiacKsmiin DEALER? IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandali & Burget UNDERTAKERS f$ EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Hobes, BuriaSh Etc. A N D Hone r Wagon and Carrlago Work. , Fish Brothers' Wagon. ,! Third and JcUcroD, Phoue 159 FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rUANBACTA KXKKALi BANKING UOel.NEU Lettera of Credit lesued available in the Eastern States. Sitibt EichanKO and Tolejjraphis Transfers sold on New York, Chicao, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and WauhwKton. Collections innde at ull polntE on fav orable Usrni. G. F. Stephens ...Dealer In... j Dtry Goods, Clothing, J Cents' Furnishings. Uoota, Shoca. Hani, t'np, Nation. Agt. for W. U iiougla Shoe. , ans;M' Tie Dalles, Oj, 3 C. J. STUBLIMG, and iiijtail Wines. Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to A. M. WillintuB & Co. Phone 234, THE DALL PR nBrr.nw ,i -l (j r '8 liifi m 1 J Yellowstone Park Line. THE DIKING CIA It KOf'l E KltOM rOI'.TUSO TO T1IK KAHT TIIK ONI.V l)IIti:CT LINK TO THK VELWW- HIONK l'AUK I.KtVK. ( Onlou Dsrjot, Firtb and I sis mm. No. ! KHKt mull for Tnomnn, jfiuiittlo, Olymplii. (jtny' iiiuiinr in mi nouui iiunii I lKllllttf, KHkllll(l. UoiH' tlulifl, II. C, I'lillninu, I Mommiw, U'w inliin, llul ll;I5 A. it. titloIIuniiiiiiiiliiK('(iuii try, IIoli'iiii, MiniiL-iiiHt- lia. Bt. I'lilll, Omiiliu, ; KmittiH City, St. Uilll.i. CIiIoiiko mid nil i)Iutf No I, cunt nnd noutlitiikt. I'uuet Kouiiil KxiiriK:! 11;SU I1. M. (or Tiicimm and Hviitllc mid iiituriuedliitu jMittitu No. 6;S0r.3I. No. 3. 7;00A.)I. l'u 1 1 tmiii llrnt-cln.Hn uiid tourlit hlwin'W H Mliitieiiiiillii, tit. 1'ittiluud Mlsvmrl rlvcriolau wlthmit (iliuiiKu. VuntlliuliM trnliiN. Union di'jxit rimntcUoa lu nil irlnelnil vltluH. JliilTimnt cheeked lo dvntltiiitlon of tlckcU. l-'fr Iiiiiidxtiinely IlluntiiitwIdcsoripUvemntWi tlckuth, blt'0iiiiK'eiir rcsurvatloiiiii etc., cull on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Akslslniit ftouurnl riimciiBtfr Accnt, aVi Morrl win Stttut.fiiriiur Third, I'ortlmid, Oroii. SOUTH and EAST via . T Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. Mrs. Annie Luckey, Hair-Dressing and Shampooing Facial Trnnttnnnln nn.l l. TUISATMENT. Room 69, third floor, IT. .III. II m uiimiiiiH uonse, Hours irom l) to 12 a, in. and 1 to 6 p, m, Paint vonr hniinn with nalnla ti.oi fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them, House Painting... Tho undurHluniid hua taki-n poBKeeElon oHt. A. Splvoy palm bhop, next door to tho VokI oporn house, und ,ttH pUr. chimed tho toola nnd Inddera. Ho hua Rood muclmnlcs working for him, and will icuarantoo all work to glvo eatUfac tion. S. K. KELLY. tiubacrlbe for The Chronicle. Souinem Pacific Co. Shasta Koute Trnlim Icnve Tilt' Dullea for I'ortiaiiJ nnd way HtatldiiH at it. in. mid U i. in. Leave I'lirtlniiil " Albany Arrive Atdiland " Kiiunniii'iito . . . " bun i-rauulnco ... h::i0am 7:Jl ...W.SOiim lOiWl'W . U::i:iiim ltiai"1 :::"wi.m ,.,7 1jiii ;ww Arrive Oijdou " Duiivitr " KutihiihlUty... " Uliluutio r, is a m Jl 7:'jSlllil ':W,B!? ...7:1.1111 u:3Uani Arrlvu Iw AiiKulu" " El I'llMI ,,. " i-ort Wi.rtti " (Uty of .Muxiuo . . " IlounUm " New OrK'iiliH.... " WtibliliiKtou.... " New York .. l.'VOiiin li:uu in .. lijaon m ,, l);Mn m .. -i:(X)u hi ,. fii'i'ia in 7:00 w GlOOpH CW ;00tiU , ruiaii in ",;.7,,w 1: lap in 11 "i" I'lillinnn nnd Tourlit earn oil lt.l M'".' CIiulruurH Hiiciinmiiito to Ok'iIoh 'l''u or anil loiulht earn to Clilcauu, at lnuli Iu' u Icaiu mid WriHliIngtoii. . . ,.. !.,.,. Willi HW?''1 utoamHlilj. llnoM for Honolulu, Jl" uu" rhlllilnii, Cuntrnl and Houtli AinwH-''- Boo iiBCllt t TUo Dulles utatlon, or uddM C. H. MARKHAM, Gcuurul laneiiKcr Agent, I'orttand.Or TJK. It. K. HMIT1I, Osteopath. Kooim 10 and li. Obutiinnu Xllwiki Oregon. '