EASTERN OHEGOH'S 9r ' DRESS GOODS. Hero are u few offerings of the Benson's latest and most at tractive materials for Full Wear: llliiok Ciunol'tt Hulr nt $1, $1,25 and if 1.50 llliii'k Pebble Serge Bt $1.25 and $1.50 Wm" inn Suitings, 00 In. wide, 0 different colorings $1.50 Itep. Cords, ftibelinee, Will iconic, Ottomans, Armivres itnd Itirnthens, in nil solid colors, from if I to $1.00 pur yard A fm'' cjllcctlon of English Pierolus at $2.50, $,'( nnd $3.50 yd Blanket and Comfort Department. Fine I.uulunted Comforts 2.50, 3 nnd .13.50 Knai 1) ) n $7.50, $8 50 and $10 each Blankets in SO different qunlitioB. We ask everyone to make themselves nt home in oar store. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Flil DAY - OCT. 5, 1900 ( ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Conceit tonight ut the Methodist church. l'logrnm commences at 8:30. Wanted -A hoy of steady habits to ork in .u store. Inquire nt this oflice. o5 lw Gallon Mrs. Morgan for urt embroid eries, also decorative work in oil nnd water colore. 2 (it llio Slmniko Lender Buys Shnnlko and vicinity will be well represented nt The IWlts carnival. One hour's instruction given with 'very phlow purchased this week at Mrs. Morgan'. 2-Gt ClmrleH Stewart and Grace Henderson cre united in murnnge last night, Oct. tb, at the Obarr hotel iu this city, by Justice Timothy BrownhiH. Lost A brown Uockor Spankl, wlta- Miuo of owner, IV F. Mohr, on collar. A reward will be given for his return to theonm-r at tho European House. 2t Owing to circumstances over which I'rofeftswr Sandvig has no control, his usual Saturday night dance nt the Bald lnv,l ti it be hold tomorrow night. fho Sanation Armv will have u sale f good-, idiiu a colleti nnd cake social, 0" Sa'urday, October (1th, for tho bene fi ff tl,, ir work In this country. All f web me. 2t TllO i.f . .1 1. . I il l I w '" was uroKen mis morning or the now Wllt0r mu l0 cvosa creek nt the Fourth btreet bridge and 'urniil, U)g Jtlvor fluid to tho residents 'Mc(j,nty avenue. H. W. Weber, who has been traveling through Wheeler and Gilliam counties " tl'e interest of his brother's nursery, ")e the fariiiors over that way ull talk oi attending The Dalles carnival nnd nn lM llio weather should prevent their "'nliig lu, ia assured they will hn hero toigu mimberp. iuu informed that 0. L. Phillips " put on exhibition at tho comlug ''If I liltll or lu'n v l-.lu Itnll' r nulinrn chlckiuiH, liitoly i in norted from the East " T. Brownhill is the owner of u fine wi ol WhltB II Imported white Wyundottos, "ml Burred llocke nnd light "'AlUnaH. u-lilMi olict ...ill ..1 ""on during the fair. A football contest betweon Heppner ajil Tim Dalies ie an assured fact as one oi the features of the coining carnival. ti"i) ilxd for tho game ie the after noon of Saturday, the 13th, the last day 0 "tufair. A epeclal trulu will brintr J"0 Heppner playore here. They will accompanied by at least 160 citizens n probttblytwJoe that number. The PWtol will leave Heppner Friday room Fop -Department. Wo arc showing an exquisite line of -Fu r Jackets, Capes, Collar ettes and Scarfs, from $1.50 to $40 each. Our fng and arrive here on the 1 :15 p. m. train and will return on the midnight train Saturday night. Mount Hood Camp No. 59. W. O. W. of this city, have decided to take a part In the biggest of big parades. We are told they will have something handsome, and you bet they will, for they are noted for tricks of that kind. A com mittee of workers are already spending time and money very freely with that end in view. The Columbia Packing House received today, in a small bunch of beef cattle bought of John Keidro of Klickitat county, four cows of the Polled Augus breed that weighed 5250 pounds, two of them weighing over 1300 pounds a piece. This ie no unusual weight for steers but for cows of any breed it is a record not often equaled. The Indies of the Congregational church hayo secured the library loom, next door to Miss Haven's millinery parlors, where, during the carnival, they will have on sale home cookery, home-made candles of all kinds and fancy articles. Any one having dona tions in these articles will pleaee bring them to the room on the morning of the 9th. While you arc in the city attending the carnival don't forget to call on Hud sou & Brownhill, the leading, up-to-date real estato men. If you have anything in their line to sell list it with them, as they are great advertisers. If you want to buy or rent n farm, or a home iu the city, they can accommodate you. If you want to mnko a loan they are the people to see. Remember they have two teams and are ready at all times to show you property for sale or lent. The old soldiers of this neighborhood, Mexican veteran, veterans of the civil war nnd of tho Spanish war nio request ed to meet In Fraternity hall Monday night, to give expression to what opiniotiu they may hold ou the questions of expansion, imperialism and the policy of the present administration iu relation to the Philippine islands. The general public will be cordially welcomed. Messrs Hudson and Brownhill, the wide nwako leal estate dealers of this city, will have on exhibition during carnival week with tho minora! exhibit the finest collection of rocks and fossils iu Eastern Oregon. This collection has been secured by them Iroin Mr. E. T. Glisan, of Antelope, who spent many years in getting It together, and theeo gentlemen aro to be congratulated for their enterprise in 6ecurhtg so valuable on addition to tho many attractions thut will be on exhibition. Twenty-five capeuters, painters and decorators were ut work today on the carnival buildings and booths and their work is rapidly assuming sliapo as well ae beauty. Every Inch of space within the big luclosure has been taken and epace ie now at a premium. At the ur gent request of exhlbitort who fulled to secure epace till nil was gone, the com. mltteo has felt obliged to encroach a little on the epace devoted to the horti cultural exhibit. The way the people GREATEST All we ask is an opportunity to prove that our news paper talk is not simply the use of space and big words. Just a little of your time- You'll find it time well spent, and we can convince you of the good points of our clothing. While you are here we want to show you a few of our specials: No. 1. Overcoat at $10.00 A handsome dark blue and black garment, very stylishly made up. pood serge lining, medium length, box" cut. We call this special because as values go ordinarily this coat would bo cheap at $12.50. No. 2. Largo line of men's overcoat?, from $5.50 to 20.00 No. 3. Men's all-wool wove suits 8.50 No. 4. Men's choviot, oxford, kersey suits $10.00 and 12.50 No 5. Men's dark fancy worsted suits, , single and d.-b. vest $15 and 16.50 No. 6. Men's fine tailor-made fancy tweed, cheviot and serge suits, from $20.00 to 25.00 Boys' Department J J so and economical prices that it is hardly worth while it. The fall and winter stock is now at its best. We show nov elties nnd staples in great profusion. No trouble to Ehow goods. SEE WINDOWS. j are now taking hold and working with one heart for the Eiiccess of the carnival is exceedingly gratifying to the carnival mn, committee Water' was again struck today in the artesian well tiiat ie being bored a few hundred yards south of thereservoir. This is the fourth time thatwater has been struck in this well which has now reached a depth of 445 feet. The first water ivaB struck at a dofth of 105 feet. The second nnd larger sjTeam was struck at a depth of 200 feet. The third stream was etruck at a depth of 390. None of these streams rose j,(o the surface, and the last one lacks JU5 feet of reaching that point. Borjng will be continued until a depth of euO feet is readied, un loss nrteehu) water is found sooner. At (or ! this depth the well should reach an equal depth with the Seufert well on they edire of the Columbia that has been pouring out a big stream of deliciouely cool, pure water all summer. . Chas. E. Blaney'e elaborate scenic production, "The King of the Opium King," has caught ou with theater-goers in a decided manner wherever presented. It will be seen here at the Vogt opera house on Wednesday, Oct. 10th. The author claims that the play was written from facte, suggested by an incident of real life. Upon this idea the author hns created a play of a thoroughly human diameter, dealing with tho lives of the lowly and picturing in a most graphic style scenes from real life that aro daily enacted in that great cosmopolitan colony of 'Frisco. Four acts are em ployed for tho dealing out of the plot, and, us iu all good melodramas, the story ends with tho triumph of virtue and tho downfall of degradation and vice. A. W. JJullock and J. L. Gilmoie, of the Blockhouse neighborhood, Klickitat comity, desiro io register a kick ugainst tho Itochland ferry because, as they claim, after arriving at tho other side of tho river last evening at not later than ten minutes past six o'clock, and while it was yet light enough for them to ho distinctly mjoii, they wore compelled to camp ull night on tho other tide, sleep in wet blankets and pay the exhorbltant rates for feed that is charged over there to any one unfortunate enough to be compelled to stay there over night. The CiutoNici.i: thinks these men have a right to be heard, just as the ferry men have n right to answer them if thoyeeefit. Hut one thing ie certain; it would be big money iu the pockets of The Dalles business men and others if this city should purchase that ferry and run it, at least part of the year, frco. Messrs. Bullock and Gilmore nrn con vinced that n large number of Klickitat farmers would be glad to contribute to a fund for this purpose. Notice. Fifty live mice lu good condition wanted at Van Nordeu'e jewelry store not later than Monday night. Five cente a piece will be paid for them. UIKU. At Monroe, WIi., Got. 3d, Mre. Juliet L. Hill, mother of Mre. J. I). Condon, aged 86 yeare and 4 montbe. MPAHTMT Boys' Shoes... There is no economy in buying cheap shoes for boys. Here is the stuff that stands their racket: Seal Grain, heavy solos, riveted scams; sizes 11 to 2 $2.25 Same, sizes 2h to bh 2.50 Buffalo Calf, heavy soles, riveted seams; sizes 12 to 2 $2.00 Same, sizes 2 A to oh '. 2 50 Kangaroo Grain, hdavv soles, seamless; "sizes 1U to 2 1.75 Same, sizes 2h to 5h 2.00 Pease & Mays. All goods marked in plain figures. well known for its immense variety to mention A Splendid Program, ro''" lu prugm dilored at the concert at the Methoditt T7-II ; t . t. - church thi3 (Friday) evening: iaht i. Overture Dlo Sturnine von I'ortlcl ....Weber Miss S-elmildt and Mr. William lllrgfcld Soprano Solo The Flower Girl. .. .Hevlgnaiii Mis. Ella Lurk-Kleln. Quartet- LKt , the Sound of a lloni..'airtan- With soprano ohllcato Miss Myrtli! Mlehell, Mrs. Groat, Miss Wll lerton, l'rof. Landers, Dr. Kshelmaii. Kr..n in. To Thee I.ebrun . " It. Tho Last Itoso of Summer... Mrs. Klein. I'AKT II. Vocal Duet-Selected Miss Myrtle MIchell and Miss llonn. Aria Angels Ever Hrlght and Vuir... Hamlet .ins. mem. Itecltatlon Tho Whistling itcglmout.fan-ej fVltli ill 'I nn fi ffritn lift it t mnii t 1 I Miss Margaret Jenkins. Ave Maria from Ca Valeria liustlcana ... Illy reiiuest.l Mrs. Klein. Violin oblinato by Mi. W'm. Jllrgfeld. Miss Schmidt ut the piano. Admission 35 cents. Program com nences at 8 :30. Carnival ISuten. The O. Ii. & N. Company have made the following round-trip rates from the stations named below to Tho Dulles, for October 9th to 13th, inclusive: Portland $3.50 Fairview 2 95 Troutdale 2 00 I.atourellu 2 05 Hridal Veil 2 40 Bonneville 1 90 Cascade Locks 1 75 Viento 1 20 Hood Kiver 95 M osier 70 Biggs 80 Granta 9j Arlington 2 15 Heppner Junction 2 55 Heppner -1 35 I'KOI'LK COJI1M1 itM) C.OINO. Dr. It. E. Smith left on the afternoon to spend Sunday with hid relatives. Ho expects to return Sunday night. County Clerk Lake wont to Hood Kiver this atternoon to take In tho fruit fair nt thut place. He will hn hack tonight. Miss Evelyn Steel, who has been a guest of tho Misses MIchell for the past week, returned to her home in Portland yesterday afternoon. Attention, Oil il I'i.IIimin. The decree team of Columbia lode will leave hero tomorrow (Saturday) evening at 5 o'clock to visit the lodge nt Moro and confer degreos, returning early Sunday morning. All Odd Fellows in good standing aro cordially invited to go with us, No expense attached to your going. El) IIOS'IT.TI.HII, ' Captain Degree Team. lUltulutor Line. Excursion rates to Hood River and return tomorrow, Oat. 0th, 50 cent. On account of horticultural exhibition, W. O. Ammwav.G. A. CASTOR! A For Infanta and Children. Hi Kind You Mm Always Boughl Bears the Signature of STORE. in Organs and Pianos during Carnival Week. Nickelsen's Book and Music Store. Floral lotion will euro wind chapping and sunbti'ii. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Wzsj, One thousand styles and sizes. ,pk, I irftffciy Pr cooking and heating. WW m l tofiilfjl,e genuine nil bear the above TralC'Mark- N fjf I J'smi nnd 010 6o!' wW a written guarantee. JigiSfP m 1 11111 Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900 Wimk I irafA'wS OVER LI- E world. (lrlimM m mmmQA Sold by Flrsl-Class Slovo Merchants evorywheia, JpBI V" (J Made only by The Michigan Stove Company, O f COUNCIL MEETING. Much lliulnepn Trnnxnctril A. A. JCeilK" " C'Diinelliimn. .In j no The regular monthly meeting of the city council wna held Inst night in tho ouncil chamber, Mayor K. B. Dufur presiding. Tho council men present wore F. Lenipke, A. Kellnr, H. C. Liebe, Wm. Sfmckleford, A. A. Jayne, F. S. Gunning, W. A. Johnston and F. W. Wilson. A petition was presented to tho council by N. Harris nnd others asking for the construction of a sidewalk on tho old brewery grado. On , motion of Councilman Guuningithe matter was re ferred to tho committee on streets anil ptibliu property. II. Yoemans applied to the council for tho prlvilego of running a phonopraph on the streets of The Dulles for the period of fifteen days without chatgo. In sup port of his plea he affirmed that he wna an old soldier and had only this meane of making a living, and that other cities had accorded him the privilege he asked here. The recorder was ordered to grant Yoemans the privilege asked. The carnival committee, in the persona of It. B. Sinnott nnd C. L. Pnillips, ap peared before the council nnd requested that an ordinance be passed granting to the officers of tho carnival the exclusive rTrivilegB of any show, exhibition, enter tainment, game or merry go-round or privilege whatsoever that may operate or exhibit during the five dnye of the fair. The requeet was refused all tho members voting against it sayo F. Lempkc anil H. C. Liebo. The matter of purchasing the winter supply of wood was referred to the com-., mittee on Etreets and public property. The marshal reported the existance of a nuisance under the Baldwin restaurant on first Etreot and the matter was re ferred to the committee on health and police. Councilman Jayne tendered his resig nation as a member of the council for the reason that he ie about to change his residence from The Dalles to Hood River. On motion ofCouncilman Wilson the resignation was accepted, coupled with regrets on the part of the mayor and council. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Jayne for his efficient services as councilman. Tho treasurer's report for the month was as folluvs : Sept. 1 Availahlecash in fund..45S9 5S Receipts for September -100 85 Total ?4990 12 By warrants issued if 110 91 Sept 10 Trans to sinking fund. 2000 00 Total JSOHi 91 Bal in general fund Oct 1 $1979 51 Tho following claims were alloved and ordered paid : T J Driver, marshal's salary .f7o 00 Geo Browu, engineer " 7o 00 JameB Like, watchman 00 00 Ned Gates, recorder 50 00 C J Crandall, treasurer 20 00 Dalles City Water Works, rent. . . 50 00 Frank Connellv, labor 2 00 I) E Fisher do 11 00 Win Galbrath, George Harvey, Jumps Walsh, W R Brown do 22 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 4 SO do do do do W D Mardon, T J Driver, 152 meals prisoners. O J Crandall, office expenso 2 75 R G Brooks, wood 5 00 Irwin Julijn, sawing wood 50 L D Oakes, hauling 17 95 Electric Light Co, lights 14 54 Seufert & Condon, telephone rent and nlarm system 4 50, A full line of Eastman films and sup plies jiiBt received by Clarke & Falk. St BENTON. SOLE HCENTS,