WSJ A BIG SALE OF STAR FEED MILLS. During the Street Fair and Carnival we are coinc to ofl'er the creaeat bar Cains in Grinding Machinery over offered in the State of Oregon. We want every iarmcr to have n Star Feed Mill, because it will help to pny your taxee ; it will mtg you time; it will make your old horee fatter; it wi'l please your wife to pet cracked grain for her chickens; and this is a sure way of cettinp it at a sacrifice, for we are positively coing to close out the mills now on hand at ACTUAL COST, A chance in the business compels ub to do this, and now is tho time fjr you to reap the benefit. For further particulars inquire or write to Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at much less than wholesale prices. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must "be closed out before 30 days. All poods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fittinp Corset and Dutterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Cull early and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second nnd Court Sts. State fioimal School, MONMOUTH, - OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. The students of the Nnruinl School ore prepared to tnfce the State Certificate Immediately n graduation. Graduate! readily sejiirc cooa positions. Kxpanse of from ?1 to $lfl0. Strong Academic Hml Professional Courses. New Soclnl Departure In Manunl Training Well equlpted Training Department. For catalogue containing lull announcements nddres 1'. U CAMPHEI.t,, ITiulilent. or V A. ANN, Sjcretiiry of KncuHy. HUDSON & BROWNHILL, The Dalles, Oregon. The Dalles Daily Ghroniele. FKIDAY OCT. 5, 1900 For President WILLIAM M'KINLEY," or Ohio. For Ylce-l'restflent THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of New York, TRUSTS JX POLITICS. A writer in the iNevr York Sun gives out the following sensible re. marks on the illogical and thorough ly demagogical way business comoi nations are treated in the United States, as contrasted with the wny they are treated in the countries of Europe. The illogical attacks of Mr. Bryan and bis party upon business combinations astonish the nations of Europe. Their experience with trusts has extended over a far longer period than ours, but they are not accustomed to a demagogical treat ment of the question. These combi nations flourished in all the great trading countries of continental Europe long before America know them because the conditions that made them desirable existed in Europe long before tbey appeared in the western world.. But European demagogues have not succeeded in dragging trusts into ; politics as has been done in this be passed to prevent the abuse ot the power that comes from the combina tion of large interests and to remed3' those evils that now exist." This is a fuir -statement of the views and policj not only of the re publican party, but of the great busi ness nnd commerci:;! interests on both sides of the ocean. A Difficult Problem. j It is among the most difficult prob- , j leuis of natural science for one to beconif ' I expert in several lines. J. E. Adcos&j L(0., by their combination, have uver-j cotno tin? difficulty in a practical innn-. ner. J. E. Adcox is nn expert watch! maker and is" pood on jewelry, optical work and enpravint:, while Tlieo. H. Liehe is an expert optician and is pood , on watch repairing, jewelry work and -engraving. Their price is ae low us con-' sistent with pond workmanship. They ; are prepared to do all work in their : several lines, on short noticfi. Work ( sent by mail or express will receive ! prompt attention. Sign, "Big Red' Watch." ! Capt. Ben Tillman's tongue has not lost its cunning and it has been putting in some of its linest licks in J Missouri. At Trenton in that slate he said thqt democratic senators were .' bought to vote for the ratification of the treaty of Paris and that "thei devil would roast them for it in tbe i next world." Meanwhile Hie cap-1 tain is roasting them in this. He! said that "the pension department is a rat hole into which millions of dol- i lats are annually poured and wasted," i nnd he made this graceful appeal to! the forcign-born voters : "There is I one sentiment which is ground into! my very bones and mixed with the; i lime, America for the Americans and : to hell with all others." Capt. Ben, must be making votes, but perhaps I he is not making them for his own side. ! OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON . HESTAUAHtfT And CAFE. J. B. Orossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street. Complete Cipe of at $1.00 per month. Strictly lirpt clnxn loenl nn I lonjr distance teleplioni) eeivlco within your homo. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con veration will be kept a secret. No cost for installing. You pet tho standard llunninn Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and itipht service. Wo will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel same on giving tie thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. ar-.K-r..-r-x?TcrA,- REGULATOR LINE, j DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA KAY. COMPANY Stcumorn ot Uid Kcijuliitor l.lno will rnn imjr tlc- (ol om it u'liultili', the Ciiinininy rwerrine tho rlcht to change 'jj M' i.nlc ivitimut notice. -5 r Are you ready to buy your fall shoes? We are solo agents for the celebrated Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.'s line of foot wear. If you want the beet ehoe for the least money, call and see us. No trou ble to show goods at the New York Cash country. Even in Austria-Hungary, Store. "where there has been some sort of' Clark & Talk's drug stcci is new, VOBT organization ngainst business combi-(re6h Qml complete, Tififirinc flip nnrmln will nnt fnllnw I the lead of the anti-trust agitators. The reason for this is Austria -Hungary as in Germany is, as Conaul General Mason writes from Berlin, because trusts are regarded by the people as giving steadiness and regu jaruy to uusmess antl as necessary under conditions that tend to stirau late Gcrce and reckless competition which is ruiuous alike both to the selling and buying public. The European nations regard trusts as a purely business matter, serving legitimate purposes and sub jeet to regulation by law so that the interests of all may be conserved. Trusts, both in Europe and America, acquire and retain a large volume of trade only by the mcrita and cheap. ness of their products. uur tiemocratic menus themselves Lave repeatedly defined and indorsed those views on trusts that ore held by intelligent men the world over. The Hon. B. T. Clayton, democratic congressman from Brooklyn, for ex ample, said in the bouse last winter: "I would not advocate or assist in passing any law that would injure legitimate business or prevent com lunations, whether of men or of capital, for honest and proper pur poses. We must protect capital when used to develop our resources, to establish and carry on our manu facturing establishments, our rail roads, our various industrial enter, prhe), and our commercial business. Hi it only necessary that laws should Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager. ..GfiAS. FRflflK.. 1 M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Butehers and Farmers ..Eehange.. Keeps on drsucht the celebrated COLUMBIA 15KKI!, ncknnvr' eiiped the best U-er In The Ilslles, at the usual jirlee. Come In. try It and be convinced. Also the Finest brands ol Wines, Uquor and Clears. Sandwiches o all Kinds always on hand. Just What Yoa cttant. F S. Two Nights, October 10 anil llthGUftniftCJ, rL h. r. 1 IK i 43U a m w mm Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. nor second & IwM, 'Piione 157 SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ThiB Keoson'e Big Succcefi. The great Chine ee-American Sonaation, KING of the OPIUM RING.,.. The Scenic Marvel of the 20th Century. A Monster Kaloidoecopo ot Oriental Magnificence. I'AIOKS. First seven rows. 75a: general adtnis ioo, 60c. Becure yoar seats at Clarke & Falk's drugstore. ar i mis trade marko Designs Copyrights &c. Anrono JcniHtitf a nketcli nnd description ma' quleklr rucortnln nut oplfilon frvo wlictlicr a' liivi-iilluii Is probably patentable. Connuunlcj. (loiisstrlctlrwnlhloiitliil. llaiulbookon I'utcnte sent free. Oldeat iiuanny for eecurliiKJ'atcm!!. I'ntci.u taken thrciuuh Munn it Co. rtcelvu tpeetalnotlet, without chnrt'C, In tho Scientific JVnierican. A bsnileomclr lllnatrated weekly. Ijirvest fir rnlutlon tit nnr clenliun Journal. 1'errng, t3 a tear; four months, th Bold brull newtbalur. UNMtCo. New York Branch timco. C2i V HU WuhiUKton, JJ. V DuGUNN'S ONI FOR A DOM. .ntmoTO rimplM. FrATnt rum a OHIO Nuw ideas in Wall Taper hore. Such wide variety as we are dhowing never be I - . . . ore Krucuu a Bitipie BiotiK. iteal imita tion creton efluutB at ordinary nricoe. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant deaiRns, tasteful coloritiKS, vours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full lino of house jiuints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Tne CoiumDia Packing Co PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANOKACTUBER8 Or" Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JP.JKP BEEF. KC. J.B. HcitBtiCK, rrcuiuent, .r a. si, iikaii., C'HAhlUI First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREQON A General Bankiny Buslnese transacted xwpoHiiB received, euo.r. to Hhiht Draft or Cheik. ' Collections uede and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of oollactl nn. Siaht end Telegraphic Exchange sold oa New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRBOTOtta. Ed. If. Williams, Gbo. A. Liaai. H. M. fiSALL. r 1 5' 15' Str. Roculator DOWN. , I.V DllllCH lit 7 A. M. TtieailM" , ThtltMly SHtunliiy , Arr. nirtniitii , Ht-liSO p. M. l.v l'nrthinri it' 7 a. t. Mnmlny nlnenclity Irldny Arr hnlk'K ut : l: M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line Str. Dalluo City. JlOWJf i l.v. Dulles nt 7 a. si. j Mnmlny . ' Wiilrieeiliiy . rrldnv ! Arr. rirtliinil ! nt -i ::it f. v. it, l. rnrttnnl ut 7 Hi i IL TucMlny ' TlmrMluy , Mtutilay Atr Unlit ' lit 51'.)!., FOB COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, , Tnivul by the Stenmi'rx ol the lleculiitor Mtie. 'l'he Comjmny will ctulcavor tn Rive It limn fcuu injrti ruwvv jiir-s.uiUt i in iuiiiiui til nil lUHtluu iiiiuicn , l'ortlatKl onicc, Oak-Street Duck. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt. ,J. .VXX4.V.UUKIJ Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters ton Flour We tiell our (jooiIb lower tl can anu not our priuea anu ire for Seed Grain of ail kinds, for Feed Grain ol pll kin for Rolled Grain, an kinds for Bran, Shorts, XlLtD for "Byers' Best" Pendle- This Hour ih manufactured expreeBly for family u?e : everv Hack 1b guaranteed to give Batmiaction. inn any hoia-e in the trade, and if you don't think so convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wh-aat, Barley and Oats. h. Mf -j3h5? h0!N? f oAY ! JLend Me Your Ear! Po you know that John I'ashefc, the tailor, la agent for two of the largest merchant tailoring houfiee in America? Do you know that he will fell you a suit, mnde to your order, ns cheap ae tho hand. u.o-down, reudy-inade, you buy in the stori'F, and guarantee a lit or no sale? Do you know that lie hue alroadv on hand for the coming f"H and winter trade the ImmUouiL-et and fliu-st line of emnplee ever nliown in The Dalle6? JOHN" P A RTTTntV TVrQ-nrV.o-r. rp0Jl A o-onf fytytyZ aw mW J. E. FALT & CO-4 Proprietors Commepejal SampIe 9 Purest Liquors for Family Use? )olivorod to any part of the City. l'houeo: fil Local, . . , y 858 Loiif nietance. 173 Second Street, y PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.