The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 05, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 354
21) c Dalles
MaiM,! IJ..U , I
tuKT"lii'iiCTrn'i lililTijiiinn
AM'gctablc Prcparalionlbr As
similating ihcFoodandRcgula
lint ilic Stomachs anclBowcis of
Promotes Dige9lion.Checrfui
ncss and Resl.Contains neitlicr
OpuunMorplune nor Mineral.
5h-- orrUJ)r&KULPtTCHER
Smtit -ylnitr
ifivrf '
Jluin-nivHt - .
( CjitKinalr.iida
Clmlitd iBdiv
Mdw7 nanr.
A perfect Remedy forConslipa
non , Sour Stonwch.Diarrhoca
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
ik'ss mul Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile St'finnlurc or
eact copy or WRAPPER.
No Muiu American MulMt Needed.
Ciiic.u.o, Oct. 4. A ppi'cinl to the
Uecortl from New Orleans says: The
British urniy hendqunrtcrs in Ibis city
are to be cloned within the next few
(lave. Since the English ofiicers were
eent litre in August, 1800, to purchase
euppliee, 15,000 horses it ml 42,000 mulcB
have Leen shipped fiom this port to
Cape Town, ua well as large quantities
ol forime and other supplies, the pay
tlitia fur helnis about 1 0,000.000 in Eng
lish gold. Several thousand American
shipped ub volunteers on the transports
'or South Africa and many of them
joined the En (dint) army. The sailing
last night of the big transport Monte
zuma with horses and mules for Capo
Town hus practically terminated the
work of the headquarters.
Miy llncouifi a Trniirily.
New Yoiti;, Oct. 4-Mmk Twain will
Iwve London on Saturday to make hie
home In the Untied StateB, ufter a nino
years' residence in Europe, nays u
London dispatch to the Herald. II re
turns, lm eays, feeling like a boy rejuvo.
"ted In body and spirit and In mind.
The great humorlet will spend the
"luter in New York and will go buck to
old home, Uurtford, Conn., in the
H avers that nine yours' contact with
England and Contlnontals tins assured
nil" that the Anglo American pact
"Knuluiul," lie says, "is the beet
I'luinl we huvo got In Europe, and we
' the only friend she's jjot on earth.
No one ventures to suggest formal of
' "
V HkAh L
lil.n V I lllflA
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For OVer
Thirty Years
fensive nnd defensive alliance, but it le
our mutual interest that sentiment along
that line thould grow in thu heartB of
the people until the tune is comiDg
when ench of the two treat people will
need it in their business. It is out of
my line to be pessimistic, but I think
that the Chinese concert, which basal
ready become a comedy, ie likely to end
in a tragedy. When the crush cornea it
will be befit for England, best for
America and best for the world that the
Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes
bIiouM wave together."
liruvti Mm Full
Victims to etomach, liver and kidney
troubles as wnll as women, and all feel
the results in loss of appetite, poisons In
Uio blood, backache, nervousness, head
ache and tired, listless, run-down feel
inn. lJ"t there's no need to feel like
that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville,
Ind. He says: "Electric Bitters aro
just thu thing for a man when he is all
run down, aud don't caro whether lie
lives or dies. It did moro to givo me
now strength and good nppotito than
HiiytliiiiK I could take. I can now eat
anything and have a new lease on life."
Only f0 rente, at Blakeley's drug store.
Eve'rv bottle guaranteed. 3
Working Nljihl mid lay
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever whs made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength, liHtlessiH'6S into energy,
brain-fag into mental power. They're
wonderful in building un the health.
Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley,
the druggist. 3
Bears the
We'd like to show you some Street Shoetfor Women, which Thoroughly Pro
tect agaiiut cold and damp, and are the Real Thing for winter wear.
$3.00, $3.50 and $4.00.
DeTuntalloD In th Transvaal.
Washington, Oct. 4. An interesting
picture of the transvaal and Free State
in August, after ttio wave of war had
passed over tho country, ie proeented in
a report to the state department from
United States Oonsul-General Stowo, at
Capo Town, dated August 17 last. lie
had just returned to the cape from a trip
through the two republics. He Eays
that for hundreds of miles all ttie wire
fencing is down and cannot be used
again. The posts have been burned for
fuel and must be replaced with iron
poets, owing to the pcarcity of timber.
The plowing in progress is limited, com
pared with former years, and thore will
be large market for American cereals
By March, 1001, agricultural machinery
will bo wanted.
Meat and livestock will continue to be
imported. Johannesburg had only three
days' supply of meat when Mr. Stowe
left town. While the Boers who have
returned are anxious to get to work, sev
eral months must elapse before things
settle down to a normal ba'dis. The gov
ernment Ib building a new lino of rail
way from Harrismith to connect with
tho Orange Colony Bystem, so that the
Netherlands railway, with its -00 per
cent dividends, will no longer have a
monopoly in the transvaal. There will
ba a big demand for bridge material and
electrical machinery and supplies.
Lord Roberts has appointed an ad
visory committee to assist hira in the re
opening of Johannesburg, and to secure
the return of the miuing population,
which the prosperity of the town de
pends upon. It is questionable whether
aud undesirable element common to all
mining towns will be allowed to return
to Johannesburg.
Mlulnter Argue the Rxihuhiuii Question
Chicago, Oct. 4. National questions
promise to take a prominent place in
the deliberations of the Gist annual con
ference of the Methodist Episcopal
church (the Rock River conference), now
being held here. Bishop J. M. Thoburn,
of India, in a lecture hit evening last
evening on the situation in the Orient,
called the attempt to shut his country in
from the world a "eemi-Chinese policy."
"China built b great wall about itself,"
he said, "and a similar attempt on the
part of the United States would result
in the same arrested development. The
world was made for one people; the
people of various nationalties are spread
ing over it; there must be open doors;
no one part of the earth should be shut
up for any race."
The Rev. Thomas U. Neeley, general
secretary of the Sunday School Union, in
an address, said :
"I believe we will keep tho territory
we tiave taken. But whether it remains
a part of the United or not we have gone
into those countries, and wo intend to
"It is not n matter of policy, but of
providential duty that sent us theie. If
God ever did anything for our benefit it
was when lie gave us those islands in tho
Pacific. I hope our army and navy will
SSI ill .1 I .
stand in umna uniu puriect uruer imo
been restored and tho lives of Christians
have been insured for all future, time."
Through the months of Juno and July
our baby was teething and took a run
ning off of the bowels and sickness of
the stomach," says O. P. M. Holliday,
of Detning, Ind. "His boweis would
move from Ave to eight times a day. I
had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Dlarrhcui Remedy in tho
house and gave him four drops in a ten
spoonful of wator nnd ho got better at
once. Sold at uiaKeieys urugaiore.
Tyml1&mf Oregon.
Protest Against Withdrawal of Troops
Tien Tbin, Monday, Oct. 1. At a
meeting of American c'tiz:ns at Tien
Tsin the following resolutions were
adopted :
"We, citizens of the United States de
plore tho contemplated withdrawal of a
large part of the United States troops in
North-China. Wo feel tho work of the
allied armies is far from accomplished
and that the rtfueal of the American
government to take its part therein is
sure to be regarded by thn allies us an
unworthy act, nnd by the Chinese as a
sign of indifference. We urge our gov
ernment to carry to an end the wcrk it
has so honorably and efficiently begun,
nnd to maintain a tuQicient force for
tho protection of American mercantile
and military interests until a settlement
of tho trouble is accomplished."
IMMmler In Southern China.
Nkiv York, Oct. 4. A dispatch to tho
Herald from Hong Kcn say-: The
whole delta land between the Canton
and West Rivers is in a state of danger
ous irritation in consequence of the cir
culation of bogus tdtcts, telling of the
defeat of the allies and of the machina
tions of secret societies, Rioters are
marauding and plundering the villages,
especially the convers' houses.
British and French gunboats are pa
trolling the waterways. This has had a
salutary effect in preventing attacks on
lied not From the Gun
Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman
ot Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. Il
cauEed horrible ulcers that no treat
ment helped for twenty years. Then
Bucklcn's Arnica Salve cured him. It
cures cuts, bruises, burns boils, felons,
corns, skin eruptions. Best pile cure on
earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley, the
druggist. 3
To whom it moy concern: My wifo,
Lillie Henningsen, having left my bed
and board, I will not be responsible for
any debts incurred by her.
Mosier, Or., Sept. 27, 1900.
s27-2tw Piiteii IIkkninqscn.
lteul Kstato for Sale.
Twenty-three lots, located from Sev
entli street to Twelfth, for sale at from
$50 up. Inquire at the Columbia
Hotel. n29 tf
If you intend to take a trip East, nek
your ticket agent to route you via The
Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date
railroad in every particular.
Through trains from Chicago, Kansas
City, Omaha or St. Louis to Now York
and New England points. All trains
run via Niagara Falls and overy through
train has free reclining chair cars, sleep
ing and dining cars.
Stop over alloifed oh all tickets at Ni
agara Falls. Ross C. Cmne,
Pacific Coast Puss. Apt,,
Los Angeles, Calif.
C. S. Ckank, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo.
Drying preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh ; thoy dry up tho secretions,
which adhero to tho mcmbrano and decom
pose, causing n far moro serious trouhlo than
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
ing inhalants, fumes, nmokes and enuU's
aud uso that which cleanses, soothes aud
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a romedy
sud will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily uud pleasantly. A trial eizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho
50e. size. Ely Brothers, 50 Wnrreu St., N.Y.
The Balm cures without pain, docs not
irritate or causo Bnoozinc. It spreads itself
over an irritatod and angry mirfaco, roltov
iug immediately tho painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of tho celebrated Jam E. Patton
strictly puro liquid paints
Tho largest and most complete line of
fall aud winter millinery ever displayed
in the city at the Campbell & Wilson
millinery parlors, The prices will sell
the goods. s8lf
Why pay if 1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Putton's sun proof paints (or $1,60 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
talk, agents. ml'l
This (Saturday) morning, on the way
between Dufur and The Dalles, a valUe.
Finder will oblige by leaving it at Thk
Cukonici-b office. r20-lw
You will not have belli if you tak
Clarke dc Falk' sure care for boil.
October 9 to
Earn tail
This will ho tho greatest event in the history of the City of Wheat,
Wool and Fruit and an Open River to the Sea. The products of this pro
lific region will be on exhibition, and farmers, flockmnsters and nil others
will witness an exhibit that will be bothdnteresting and instructive.
Excellent entertainments day and night. Five 'days of sight-seeing
and pleasure. Thero will be iimplu accommodations for all guests. Come
and The DalleB will entertain you.
Producurs from all sections requested to make exhibits. No charge
for space in the fair building. No entrance fee.
Reduced Rates on all Railroads and Steamboat Lines.
Advertise in the Chronicle
Cuturrli Cannot lie Cured,
with local applications, as they cannot
reach tho seat of thu disease. Catarrh
is u blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies, Hall's Catarrh Curo is
taken Internally, and acta directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine,
It was was prescribed by ono of the best
physicians in thle country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the beet blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces, The perfect
combination of tho two ingredients la
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh, Send for testimonials,
F. J. Giiknky St Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggle, price 76c.
Hall's Family Pillt are the bent. 12
If ever Bham cheapness is to be
avoided, it is when choosing a School
Suit for a healthy boy. A boy's back
nnd legs are a poor place to put shod
dy and scamp sewing. We had the
active, sturdy boys in mind when we
planned tho
f .n.U.BC;o.5p$Giar
$3.00 Suits.
Thoy look smart and spick-and-span;
yet they "wear like Iron."
The fabrics are absolutely All-Wool,
and every scam is double-sewed with
eilk and linen thread. The knee-,
pants have double thickness of cloth
N on scat and kness, and elastic waist-
baud. Made of blue, black and fancy
cheviots. Sizes 9 to 15 years.
Sircct Fi
13 inclusive.
l.tND Okku'h at Ya.ncouvkii. Wash, J
Aug. Ill, HXK), (
Kntli'Q U hereby Riven Unit thu fullowliig
nnmtil buttlur lmu filed notice, of Ids Intention
to make ilnul iirout in Mimiort of Ills iilulni, unit
Unit buiit vroo: will lie ininlo beforo V. II. I'resbj-,
United titiites CommUbloner for Ulstrlel at
Wiislilnnton, At Ida oillpo In lioUIeiutule, Wash
ington, on Oi'tnliur l, VAX), vU:
John Wutsiin,
I. O, mtilrcss Coutervillo, Wiuli,, wlin mmlu
lionitbtiwl apiillciitiou No. UJ:)J, for Uio tiKll
it'll '.'3, Tp 8 N, H 1 1 K. W, M.
Wlio names Uio following witnesses to prove
Ills contluuoun residence upon and cultivation
of hiM liiiul, viz.:
Uliarlea Htranlie, William Wilkinson, Janio
(i. Duly unit rnlilck Huggerty, nil of Centenlllu
i I)., Washington,
iilS-l W. U. DUNllAlt, ItcgUter.
Physician and Surgeon,
Olucc, Vogt illock (over I'oitGffice),