I .!'!, COMING AM) GOING. Mrs. Tilinie.who Ims been in Portland the past month, returned Sunday even Hi). F. V. Silvertoath and wife, of Ante lopo, are registered at the Umatilla House. Mrs, T. J. Twohic, of this city, has gnue on a visit to her parents in Pleasant Valley, Klickitat county. Homer D. Angell left several days aco, by wav of Chicago, for New York City where" he will enter the law department of Columbia University. Mrs. Jessie S. Vert, of Pendleton, Worthy Grand Matron of the Eastern Star, is the guest of Mr?. Y.S. Myers. Mrs. Vert is on a visit to the Eastern Star lodges of Eastern Oregon. Geo. R. Campbell, who has been em ployed since April its a U. S. deputy surveyor, left for Eugene today. "Mr. Cnmpbeil is a senior in the University of Orecon and expects to receive the decre" of c'vil engineer next June. Distress after eating !e crated, from the stomach not 1-epiantaft its work Immediately. Until It gets to work you feel d e tresed the food lays in your stom ach liko a weight. To start digestion to make the stomach do its wori: yon must assist it if your stomach is weak or slow to work. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 taken after meals supplies the stom ach with necessary acids and juices which digest the food quickly in a proper manner. To get tho Lest results use llaldwin'b Health Tablets No. : with the Dyspepsia Tablets. The Dyspopsia Tables cost tftj and can bo had at Clarke & Falb. The Dalles, Or.gon. HuBllin? young rr.au can make $60 per momh r.n'i fxpenPes. Permanent posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Write qir.ck for particulars. Clark & Co., Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel phia, Pj, fS-tf Mrs. Phillips is prepared to furnish cat flowers and nil kinds of floral de sign nn sLort notice. Phone number 307. el0-lm Clarke & Falk'a flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your trrocer for them. Clark & Falk are never close-J Sunday .Djn't force: this. New shoes for fall and winter just re ceived at the New York Cah Store. Nasal In all Its stages there should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm c!ean;ee, soothes and heals the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives away a coid in the head qolckiy. Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and Is absorbed. Relief is im mediate and a euro follows. It Is not drying does not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug gist! or by mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by matt. mi IXfOTUEIlS, 50 Warreu Street, 'ew York. To Delinquent Taxpayer. The County Court tmv'n-,; unthorized the immediate co'lection of delinquent taxes, I am compelled to comply with ite request, and will therefore proceed nt once to advertise. If you are delinquent you will eave cost and expenses by im mediate payment. All personal prop erty unpaid will be attached at the cost and expense of the owner without fur ther notice. Koijeut Kelly, Sheriff of Wasco Co., Or. The Dalles Kept. 1", 1900. 17-29d-w A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Fulk. I'or Aule. , Fine feed wheat for sale; red Russian. Price, 75 cents per bushel. V. V. Rawbos, EeplO-lm The Dalies, Or. The New York Cah Store is the sole agent for the Hamilton Crown Shoe 'Co.'e line of footwear. The Campbell & Wilson millinery parlor is the place to buy up-to-dute head wear at right prices. All the new things in street hats. Patterns aud trimmed hate can be found there, also a fine line of children's tchool hats and baby bonnets. . tf 'My baby was terribly sick with the diarrhoea," saya J. H. Doak, Williams, Oregon. "Wo were unable to cure him with (he doctor's assistance, and as s last reeort we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dhwhou Remedy. I am happy to eay it gave immediate relief and a .complete cure." For tale at Blakeley 'd drug store. NO I ICE FOR PUBLICATION. I.v.Nti OrricB at Tiir. Iullks. Or... i Septcmlicr r , UKO. NoJIpo U hereby K'vcn Hint ttiu followinc- niiiuctt cttle 1ms Hied liullcv of her Intention to make fluat proof In Mipport of her cliilm, iinrl 1 thiit said proof will he made before the KeslMir ' ntul r.ecelvcr Rt The Pallet, Orepon, on Vctlnc day. Oetobcr VI, 1W0, viz: I .TKiirt F. Stetvnrt, of The l)nl)r, Or, II. K. No. KN1. for the E'. SK. SH or XK nr Sec 2,"i. Tp 1 X, It 12 K, ami sV qr XW o.r Sec tl), Tp 1 i l.i 1., n .11. he iiimn-b the following wl:neies to prove her continuous residence upon ntul cultivation of "rtlil land, ylz 1). I). Xel.-on, K. T. Sharp. John Flcminp, Daniel Stewart, atl of The I h Itct. .-eplo JAY 1 LUCAS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ijkxu Office at" The luuts, On., j September, 10, li'OO. t Xoltce Is hereby clven that the followliiR named pettier hax filed notice ol his Intention to make final proof in support ol his claim, and that said proof will be made before the reciter Htid receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, October 3), lwxi, viz.: Charles Il.Matii-y. of The Dalles. Oreaon. It. K. No. SOW), for the S j hi. Mi qr ana v lit bK qr, tec n, i P i k 11 E, W ii. He names the following wiince to prove his fontliiiiou residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz. A. tf, Fox. P. i!. Facan. Charles Oosson and V. C. Clark, all of The Dalles, Orison. sepis JAY P. LUCAS, Register. t i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tiik Iullks. On. 1 September U 1P0O. i ' .Notice is henby Riven thai the following named settHr has tiled notice nf her intention ' to make final proof in Mippoit of hei claim, and that Jiiid prool will be nude l.e'ore the register and receiver atl he Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes dy. October 21. HOO.Viz: Ellzn K. A'ictierc widow cf Samuel J. Vickers. deceased, of Mo tier, Orecon. JI. K. No. WSu. fur the X!' WH ' and S-ij XV4 .-ec l.i. Tp 2 X, U 12 K, W. 31. She names- the following ttnesse- to prove ' her ontimious residence upon nud cultivation ' of said land, vis : deoree lienoe, of The Dalles, Oregon: Jmes . 31 lcr. Lee Evans, Eric (irunhiud, JIusier, Or. spl.i JAY P. M'l At. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ! Land Office at The Dali.es, Or., j September 10, liuJ ( , Xotice Is hereby given that the following- named settler hus Hied notice of his intention to make final proof In supiwrt of his claim, and I that s.iid proof will be made before the lljieister , and Receiver at The Dalle-, Oregon, on Satnr i day, October -"0, 1300, viz: A ri-lltilis S. I'm, of The Dalles, Oregon. II. E. No. nl.M, for the hf XW qr nd W hf SW qr, Sec V!, Tp 1 S, R 11 E, W. JI. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: I. C. Jlatney, O. If. JIatncy, Charles Gossen nnd W. C. Clark, nil of The Dulles, Oregon. seplj JAY. I. LUCAS, Uegiitcr. NOTICE FOR PUBIJCATION. Land Office atTht. Dali.es. Or.,( AtlR, lb, 1&0. 1 Xollcc Is hereby clven that the following named settler has tllei notice of his intention to mnke final proof in support of his claim, nnd that said proof will be made before the reKi'ter and Teceiver of the 1.'. H. land oflice nt The Dalles, Or , on Snturdny, Sept. "jy, IW0, viz: Henry C. Giirdlnii, of The Dalles, Or., II. E. Xo. flli, for the X'.; SE' fcec. C. Tp 1 X, R 13 E. W. 31. He names the followlnp; witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Ernest Jordan, Albert Jordan, John Pashek and Jnnies Thomas, all of The Dalles, Oregon. amri i JAY P. LUCAS, Rcslster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or.K.,1 ieptiti, ( Xotice is hereby Riven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention tiou to make final proof in support of his cliim, and that said proof will be made be fore the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, November 10, 1KW, viz: t'ulvln J. DuiiHkln, of Jlosier, Or., H. E. Xo, for tho BE qr, ec 31. T - X, K ! E, W. JI. He names tne followinc witnesses to nrove his nniirlmtniH roMiflnnr'p llhnn. mil! ftlltlvntlnn nf said land viz: James JI. llrown and l nrl J. E. Carlson, of Jlo sier, Or. JAY P. LUCAS, s'JU Re .later NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orncc at The Paixks. Onnno:;, August 'Si, I'M. i Notice Is hereby given thot the following named settler hob tiled notice of hi intention to make filial proof in tupnort of his clirn, mid thut said proof will be made before the Kegisttr and P.eceiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur day, October 0, 1CU0. viz: Kol.ert R. riilllipK, or Jloslcr, Or., JI. E. Xo. 530 for the XEJi NWK, XW'4 XE', bee 9, and BJa SE!, fcec I, Tp. - X., It. Li E lie 'names tne following witnesses to prove his continuous lesideuce ujon and cultivation of said laud, viz- lames Lewis, Dolly Jlosier, Lea Evans, John Jlller, all of Jlosier, Oregon. JAY I' LUCAS, augSTM Register. CONTEST NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, Thk Pallbk, Ob.,) feeptcmber 15, lw:0. A sufliclent content atlidnvlt havliu b';eii tiled in this ollice by Jokejih II fiherar, eontetant, ugalnst bomesteid entry Xo, 71W. nmde June ::, ItM. for 8 hf X W qr See 2s, and E hf XE qr fcec L'J.TpSfellllE, by William Gill contestee, In which it is alleged that said William GUI has wholly ubandnued said trunt and changed bin residence therefrom for more than slx.mouths Mnee making said entry, mid tttxt prior to dut of contest; and that he did not abandon the trict to enter the military or nnvnl n:rvtce of the United Htates, sold partlestc h'leby noti fied to uppear, respond and oiler evidence touch ing said ullegutlou at 10 o'clock a. rn. on October 'Si, 1W.J, before the rezlster and receiver at the United Mite.- land oillcc in Hie Dullea, Oregon. The tuld contestant having, in a junior aill davit, tiled August 11, 1'aO, set forth facts which show that after due diligence pctsnnul siuvice of this notice can lint be made, It is hereby ordered aud directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication.. seplJ . JAY 1'. LUCAH, lleglstcr. ADM INISTKATOIi'S NOTICE. Xotice Is hereSy given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the county court of the state of Oregon, for U uico county, adminis trator of the estate of Elizabeth A. feoutliern, deceased. All persons having claims against tue estate of tald deceased are hereby notified to preieut the same, with tho proper vouchers therefor, to mu at iny nlllce In ll d, Oregon, within six mouths from the date hereof. Dated titiptcmberlH, M, C. II. (SOUTHERN. sctSC Administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hcicby given that the undersigned have filed with the Clerk of the county court of the fitateof Oregon for Wasco couutv.thcir final nciount a executors oj the lust will aud testa nieut of Henry llarnum, deceased, and that Monday, the 4th day of November. 1KW, at the Imiir nf 10 o'clock a. m.. has been fixed bv the County court for said county as the time, aud tho county court room in Dalles City as the iilaee for hearlnr of obiectlous to said final ac count and the settlement of the rae. J. W, FitENLU, V, V. MAYfl. seplS JSxecutors. I caitimiB CHOCOLATE BON BONS. FRESH TODAY. DIRECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. J. A. EBERLE, ! pipejailori A complete line of Fall nnd Winter SuitiniiH, Pantincs and Overcoatitip, now on display. 100 different varieties to Fe lect from. Suits, $20 apd up. Call nnd examine goods before coinc , elsewhere. Second street, opp. Muys ' & Crowe's. 3. L. Lane, GEXEKAL Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. g Third and JetTernn. Piione 159 FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ntAXSACTA EXE11AL BANKING BUklNEB Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telejrraphi', Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore con, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all poiute on fav orable term?. Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors Mrs H. L. Jones has opened ice cream and oyster parlors in Carey liul lard's old stand. She carries A full line of Candies, Nuts, and Cigars. The place has been thoroughly ren ovated, and a share of the public patron age is solicited. C. p. Stephens ...Dealer In... t)py Goods, Clothing, 5 j Cents' Furnishings, t Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Notions. Agt. iiir n, it. iraugms nuue. Telephone No. 68. Ttie Dalles, Or, i.i becouu at., helps the team. Save wear ud r, J 1 1 cxpcuie. cxjiu evwuti I KAUB BY TAiWAM OH. VW, BiactsitH ! ...and... n lorsesDoei i 3 . I t ill lis f f i It:;MiM','M'"i"'tmniJtiiiii'-i:i m. niiiiii nun f tun f -J' l-i tit i?itiiliiii!liiiiMtijiiiiiiuiii! J 1 1 'tJ I BLI ' tiiTitiiTTTiiTiTT?TiiiiTiifij37ijttriiTity.xirtiiiiiiTiriitiiiiirittiiirii TTIlj-5T ''.' THE CELEBRATED .. .GOItUjlBlA BHEWEKY.... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Ileulth licjiorts for June 2S, 1900, says: "A more inipeiior brew never en'urod the lubrntory of the United State? Health reports. It is ubsolntely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other bund is cotnpotied of tho best of mult and choicest of liopR. Its tonic qualities lire of the high est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and Hatisfaction by old nnd young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with the cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Grandall&Barget DEALERS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS tp EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies' G. J. STUBLilNG WHOl.KhAI.E Wines, Liquors Cigars ; Family Orders will receive prompt attention, i Next door to A. II Phone 234, THE S' Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. Mrs. Annie Luckey, Hair-Dressing and Shampooing Facial Treatments and the MORMON TREATMENT. Room 69, third floor, Umatilla Hodw. Hours from 0 to 12 a, in. and 1 to 5 p. in. Paint yonr honte with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. The Chronicle, Tho Dulles, On. !5ii' !.3p :'2i Job Printers. r.lm w Ij II' f "IS. ; 3: : an i!3 ii JI! .-.-.-. -'.'.- t Robes, BuriaSh Etc. ASU IIKT.MI. M. Williame A Co. DALLES. ORFrsoN f 4 House Painting... The undersigned Iiuh taken poseenHion of R, A. Splvey paint shop, next door to the Vogt opera house, and has pur. cliasod tho tools and lnddors. He hug Kod mechanics workinit for him, and will guarantee all work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. Subscribe for The Chronicle. TIHK CIIKHULIC. I'llOK llAUKS, ar:v, F(gn Kast Mall 12 21 p. m, Halt I.tkr. Denver. Vi' .... Vorth. Omnha, k'nu i,V,! win City. St ,i, Ijcb'J' Chlcauo and Kast. p 0 Atlimtlo KxtiTcss HHlt I-ako. Ilenver. Pi i.n. . Worth, Omaha, Knn 12:.MJil. 111. huh City, Rt. Ijiiu, Via Hunt IliKtoll. uuiciiKo ana i.iim. Hiiokauc Mail and Express Walla Wnlla, BKiliWio, Bnnlm. Minneapolis. St. Paul BW nil In th, Milwaukee; ,n,,' ChlniBO and Kast, via plj,,,.. rilHikalieakdlliuitln!; -tnn ton; also nil points In W'HshliiKtoii nud East x. vrn Oregon. 10 U i'S p. in H p. m. KllOM I'OKTLA.NK Oeeun Sleanisliln For San l-raiielM'(-livery 1'lvo Days. V.ffl. S ji. in. Ux.buuday Sa.tndny ID p. m. CnlumMa Uv. fiteamers. Ex sV'iI?. TO AhToutA and V,uv i-mJlngs. (.a.m. W'im.mktte Utvi:n. 4-31-1 n m l .itml.i'.nN.,i. I'll.. v....i...' ,?' .'l''?1- Irrgon City .NouIk-tk. tx.hundAj hiilem i ay Ijind s. , a. :n, W iuamfttk ami Yam :t:!0ti.in lues1 hur. niu. Uivcuk. Mnti.,W and but. iOn-gmi City, Duvton. atidfil 1 anil Viiy-I.:iiclliii-',, 1 . KNAKK IttVKK. l.v Itlparlni itlparia to Iivlston. I.RWtT0S "any 1 ilallr 3 :tra. in. 1 i):a).m 1'ar.ics dt'ilrtnc to eo tfi llomnwr n. 1 Miini 1111 1 uiuiiioia nouiniTil MM illgsi, shouU j take No. leavit.g "I hu Dalles at Vi 10 p. a. I iiinktiig ulrwt ('(iiu'ectlons at ileppncr junction 1 anil I'.lggs Iteturnlng nniklliRillrirlcoiiiiectloa at lleppuer jlilictlnu and llltT with No, !. I rlvl'iR ut The Dalles al li.. ai p. m. For fuli mirtlciilnrr ' 'in (). , tfc M, ('o.'t HKClit The Dullck. nr v ' II ilt'ItUll'ItT, 1 i a . i'oiUuiiii, Or Yellowstone Park Line. THK DINING OAK KOt'TK FU0M rOIiTUSO to thk i:akt. thk only diltkct i.1nk to the vell0w- HIONK I'AitK ;.kavk. 1 Union Detot, riftrj anil lsis arhive. No. 'J. Flint mall for Tiicoiaii, No. Seattle, Olynipla.Oniv i Harbor mid riotith lleiid 1 iiolutH, bpiikime, Uii!! I laud, II. C, I'lllliiiau, 'Mommiw, IaimIhIoii. Iluf 11:15 A. M. fuloHuiiipuiluiiik'Coun try, llulena, JlliiiieniHi. ills, Bt. I'atll, OiiinliM, SiMf.SI. Kiilisas City, Ht Iiuln. ChlciiRo and ut! points No, I. IU3U 1'. east and soutneasl. -'.i. 1'ueet Hound hxprei for Tiicniua and beattle ";0O A. ii. and intermediate hiiiiih I'lillinan llrst elass and loiiritt blwi" i Mllilienpolls, Ht. l'aul and Missouri rlvcr)ln without RhiuiRe. Viistlbiiletl truliiH. Uulou depot cnnntctloM in all prllii'.lpal cities. lliiflitaite cliecked to destlnatlnn of tlekcw. J-or haudkomely itlUBimted deserlitlvi'iyjtt, tickets, KleeplUB Ciir reservations, elc, call oaf write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (Jenural russenitcr Avetit. SV) Mortl sou Hlreet, corner Third, Portland, Orreuu. SOUTH and EAST via r. Shasta Route Trnlim ifiivo The Dullen for I'ur'imul W"J htathuiH nt li'.'j a. 111. and S p. in U'avc Portland " Albany Arrive Ahlilnnd " Kacriiuieuto:.. " Han Kraiiclhuu . . fi .) 11 in . . .i,:so a in ..12 a 111 , .. fiKt pin . . V I. P "I 7;00pDl lOlWl'W ll:: u 4;JUU Arrive Odou " Denver " KaiiMKClty. " Chicago ir.s is.: Arrive Los AiiKclea . . . " Kl Pimo " furt Worth " City of Mexico , " HotiHtou ' New Orleans. ., " WnNhliiKtou. . .. " New York . 1 ".11 p m fiMJOpin . ii;.iu 111 1..W11111 . Iitxiaiii , li & a 111 , CI.' 11 in ,1'J I.I p in 7.00 no il;30ma icMiin 4:00 I'lillman and TourUt cars on holli ' Ohaitiiara Hacramento to OkiIcii '''"ior and lonrlHt nar4n Chicago, t learnt and Wanlilligton. CouncotiiiB at Ban KnmctHCo. with '!' MU-anulilp ITiioh for Hoiiolulili "' v" riiiiippliiui, cuiurai uuu noum Seo ogout at TI10 Dallea Htatlou, or atl"'"1 C. H. MARKHAM, General ftufccnjscr AK-cnt, V'ni,0 JjH, It, K. HMITH, Osteopath. Kooms 10 and 11, Ctilmau Block, Wjjffi iKr a riT run Soutnern Pacific Co. Oregon,