EflSTEHN OREGON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE. Far Department. Wo are showing an exquisite line of Fur Jackets, Capes, Collar ettes and Scarfs, from $1.50 to $40 each. DRESS GOODS. Hero iiro si few offerings of the season's latest and most at tractive materials for Fall Wear: Ilhick fUinislV Hnir nt $1, $1,2", and $1.50 Ittnil; Pebble Serge at .fl.'J5 nnd .f 1.50 Venenan Suitings. (10 in. wide, 0 different eolorings $1.50 Uep. Cords, Z-bolinet', Whipcords, Ottomans, Arm tires and lt.irntlit'UH, in nil solid colors, from $1 to .ft 50 per yard A liii'' e l!eetiun of English Pieroias at $2 50, 'A and $350 yd Blanket and Comfort Department. F.ne l.miinatcd Comforts $'.'.50, $3 nnd $3.50 K-tti D)n $7.50, $8 50 and $10 each BlcnketB In 80 different qtmllttea. W uk everyone to maku themselveB at home in our store. All we ask is an opportunity to prove that our news paper talk is not simply the use of space and big words. Just a little of your time You'll find it time well spent, and we can convince tou of the good points of our clothing. While you are here wo want to show yon a few of our specials: No. 1. Overcoat at $10.00 A handsome Unrk bine and black garment, very stylishly made up. pood serge linine, medium length, box cut. We call this epeeial because as values go ordinarily tiiia coat would be cheap at $12.50. No. 2. Large line of men's overcoats, from $5.50 to 20.00 No. 3. Men's all-wool wove suits 8.50 No. 4. Men's cheviot, oxford, kersey suits $10.00 and 12.50 No 5. Men's dark fancy worsted suits, ' single and d.-b. vest $15 and 16.50 No. 6. Men's fine tailor-made fane' tweed, cheviot and serge suits, from $20.00 to 25.00 so well known for its immense variety nnd economical prices that it is hardly worth while to mention it. The fall and winter stock is now at its best. We show nov elties and Btaples in ijreat profusion. No trouble to show goods. VCrI3SrX307VJ3. Our Boys' Department ja Boys' Shoes... There is no economy in buying cheap shoes for boys. Here is the stuiT that stands their racket Seal Grain, heavy soles, riveted seams; , sizes 11 to 2 $2.25 Same, sizes 2 k to 5k 2.50 Buffalo Calf, heav' soles, riveted seams; sizes 12 to 2 $2.00 Same, sizes 2k to 5k 2 50 Kangaroo Grain, heavy soles, seamless; sizes 1H to 2 1.75 Same, sizes 2 k to oh 2.00 Pease & Mays. All goods marked in plain figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ThTIMUY - OUT. 4, moo ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Call on Mrs. Murgau for urt embroid eries, nieo decorative work in oil and titer color?. ii-Gt Tho W. C. T. U. of this city will meet ia the Christian church tomorrow ( Fri ihyj afterneon at 2 o'clock. One hour's Instruction given with 'very pliluw purehu-ed this week at Mrj. Morgan's. 2-t A marriage llconee was issued this mornini!, by County Cletk A. E. Lake, to Guy T. Btowmau and Gertrude Fuller, o! Antelope. Cjngreesiniin W. L. Jones will ad lr8 the litizens of Klickitat county at rmoryjiull, Goldendale, Saturday eveu in', Oct. (Ph. Mre. Klein is said to ho generous in answering encores, and always gives onie familiar air, which is much ap preciated, as will be tho euao at totnor ' flit's concert. The members of Columbia Lidne I. 07 - r-'. of this city, will vitit their brethren at Moro, Sherman county, next 1ltl.t.. .. . ! I . ... . . . II --.uiuuv infill vnen special worn in au tlie degrees will take place. A special t"in will leave The Dalles for Moro at 5 "'clock p, m. Saturday. you want to buy au elegant little I'Omc at your ow n figure' We have u no'Ierii culture and two lots, convenient allies High school, that must bo sold " oine price. We also have two nice 'evidence properties for rent at reason Me rates. Cull on or address Hudson Brownhill. he school superintendent of Klicki county says he has been unable to obtain a sufficient number of teacher's ,ot Ms county and is ubout half a dozen ,ho't- I'neuiployed teachers will tnku notice tiud govern themselves nccoiding )' They should address Professor Col w Goldendale. i'endleton East Oregoniuu save uitc a, niiuiber of young men from Pen- I'ttOrt Imve iiniiii in Tim M.illua ilnrlnir Cast f0w months, Including Frauk urp!,y( KMlur Turner( neruia Peters, J Welch, Will JJupuis and Jake ,Ur . The Dallea fair will attract a attendance from Pendleton. Tte drowsy autumn weather acfti" "w-tod .Saint Peter, aud, ahe nodded '"ttxeniin?, a little angel of the female peuaelon crept through the celestial ,le "ml Mid down on a nanbeaiu to the "Ooie hi . i,i. ii .- ... . wuuii j uHiien, i lie iancB uier "'t tailor and president of the Bo. w tlmo, When Join we asked how many nccldents of this kind had hap pened him he scratched his head and suid : "I guess about six." Tho annual meeting of the National Woolprowers' Association is announced for January 19th. It will he held at Salt Luke City. Pendleton will pet the annual meetitrl? nf the Pacific North west Association, which will ho held tho flrHt Tuesday in March. As matters of importance to the sheep industry are to come up nt both of these meetings, they will no doubt be well attended by Ore gon sheepmen. The Antelope Republican says, Chas. Butlor, the stock buyer, was in that iowm Friday and Saturday. He bought MO head of beef cattle from liolter, I). Cram, A.J. Priday nnd Sam Douthit. He paid -3.10 for cows and .3.C3 for steers. The cattle averaged over .$42 per head delivered in Shaniko. Mr. Butler, not beltij! able to make rates to suit him with the S. P., drove them overland to The Dalles. Tho membcrB of tho committee on amateur photography for The Dalles street fair and carnival are very anxious that every person interested in this fascinating work should urine forward specimens of their pictures, be they many or few, but tho more the better. Owirip to unforeseen obstacles the com mittee havo been unable to canvass the town and country as they would have wished, but still they hope to have much help from friends who, like themselves, desire to make a good showing. If you are thluklng of buying an um brella, you should drop in at A. M. Wil liams A Co.'e and look over their new line. All tho newest styles of haudles, including some very odd designs finished in pearl, sliver and gold, nre shown in choicj varieties. In addition to the llnest qualities thoy are showing a well aesortod line of cheaper umbrellas as well, ranging iu price from 50 cents up. Those w ho have n good umbrella which only needs re-covering to make It as good as new, will bu glad to learn that A. M. Williams & Co. have in stock a lull line of covers, which thoy adjust without extra charge. J.LoIland Henderson, tholljod IMver attorney, yesterday mailed to the county clerk a plat of Wnconia nnd a re' plat of South Wacoma that measures nbout four feet Etiuare. with tho request that It bo placed on record. As the record books measure about 14x24 Inches to the page the county clerk very naturally informed Mr. Henderson that the only way a facsmlle record of Wacoma could be made was by nailing the original plat ou the Hide wall of the court house ; hut us "the man who owns the court house" would probably object it was suggested that It was probnbly best to reduce tho plat to the limits of the record hooks. And It was so ordered. An item in u recent issuo of the Min neapolis, Minn., Journal states that in two weekii of September 100 carloads of fruit has been received iu that city. Of this amount elxty carloads had come from Oregon and Washington and forty from Michlgau, Indiana and Illinois. It is such facts as these that indicate in I a practical wav the wonderful natural 'resources of Oregon. A gentleman, who l tiad recentlv come to Portland from i J Minneapolis, informs the Telegram that , Oregon apples sell readily in tho latter city at $2 and $2.50 per box, and that no better fruit is seen there than that which comes from this state. With its distinct air of originality, magnificent scenic environments mid presented by b good coirlpany, the "King of the Opium Ring" w ill undoubtedly meet with the same phenomenal success at the Vogt opera house on Wednesday night next that attends its presentation in other cities. The play, based as it 19 on the real Chinatown of the country, and the way one thrill follows another, is enough to satisfy all who crave lor Ben? atiorif. There are so many thrills that it necessitates the work of no less than four heroes to meet the emergen cies andfoil the machinations of the villainswho attempt to make away with an American girl through the medium of opium. There Is so much in the play that is sightly and picturesque, so much that is novel, amusing and instructive, such rapid movement, so generous a provision of unquestionable strong act ing, that one may venture upon empha sis in proclaiming its merits. The "King of the Opium Ring" is a welcome relief from the marring monotony of the brand of "London thriller," with which the popular pi iced American theaters have long been overloaded. A h)iUiull(l rroenuii. HIS CREDITORS SATISFIED- I'uul .Molir Agrees t ItnUe 8200,000 In Muely Day. Following is the program to he ren dered at the concert at the Methodist church tomorrow (Friday) night: I'AUT I. Overture DIo Pluminu von I'orllcl . HVtfr Ml iScliinldt and Mr. William llti'Kfclil Soprano Solo -The I'Iowit (Jlrl . Jhllynant Jlrs. KUu Lurk-Klein. Quartet Ijlt, the Hound of a Horn. ,1'iuibank I With MJiium obi lira to) Mlvi .Myrtle Mlchtll, -Mrs.. Grout, Miss Wll k'l tuiii l'rof. l.iumltis, l)v. ICaliL'liuan. u . la. ToThro Ulrun bow . 'j'lio J.ust Hosu of Hummer... Mr.-.. Klein. Vocal Duel Si-leeted MlbS Myrtle Mlehell nnd Miss lloiiu. I'AUT II. Aria Anels Kvor Iti ltfht ami Pair.. JfamM Mrs. Klein. Anthem As Pants the Uni t fyoir Mrs. Klein. Ml&s Myrtle Mlehell, -Mrs. (Jioiit, Miss Wlllei'ton. i'rofesior Landers, Dr. Kshelmun. tteeltatlon -Tho Whistling Hi'i:uoiit. Harvey 1th iilaiio uoforii juiil in en t . Miss Mtii'Kuri't .leiililns. Ave Mai la fiom Cn Valeria ltiistlcaiia Illy rriiueM.l Mrs. Kluln. IVIolln ohlluutohy Mi. Win, HlrKfeld. iM3 Sehuilrit at the piano. Admission o5 cents. Program com mences at 8:30. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Havi Always Bought Bears tho Signature of Don't Itub it iu, Just wet the ad'ected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain In gone. Sold by Clarke k Fallc. According to the Telegram Paul Mohr promises to raise .1200,000 with which to pay his creditors their dues and resume work on the portage road at tho dalles within ninety days. This promise was made at the creditors' meeting held in tho chamber of commerce budding in Portland vesterdnv. All the Creditors present agreed to give Mr. Mohr the time he stipulated for raising the money. The representations he made to them Eeemed to satisfy them that the money would be forthcoming. His confident manner, together with facte which ho submitted, seemed sufficient proof that he will succeed in raising the amount. It is understood ttie money will be furnished by New York parties. The deal is now being negotiated. Repre sentatives ot these capitalists, who, it is thought, may be identified with the Northern Pacific, haye been looking the property over and are reported as being satisfied. Several creditors were Been and they said they did not have an idea of where Mr. Mohr expected to get the money and did not care it it came from the North Pole, so long as it was raised. What they are most interested in is be ing paid for the material and labor fur nished by them towards the road's con struction. If the negotiations are successful and it turns out that the purchaser Is the Northern Pacific, it will be good evi dence that that road purposes to build down the north bank of the Columbia. In that event the road would be a link in a railway line, instead of a steamboat line as originally intended. However, speculation regarding the futur.i of the road is premature, as all depend upon the successful Issue of the negotiations now under way. ISIder lirtift'i'ii Keply to lllmuite. stated briefly : First, my stand against a part of the board of Huntsville Seminary, in allow ing a man to leach wtioss breath was at all times full of whiskey, and who would send the pupils to get whiskey for him. Second, Mr. J. S. Rhoades being a bitter enemy against the secret society fought me on that issue. I myself being a member of the A. O. TJ. W. as well as a member of the order of Washington, naturally called down upon me the wrath of the gentleman, and being away from Huntsvillu he beuius to attack me. I lived at Huntsville for over a year and nothing was said against me, but no sooner had I left said place, then tho dogs begin to bark and a sad hark it is. I invite all and ev"ry one of the people of The Dalles to come out to our services next Lords day and evening. Paul Kkucikr. THE NEW RAIN-COAT. The Dalles, Oct. 3, 1U00. KiM-roit D.u.li:s Chuomclk: Duau Sin : In your paper of the 3d int. appears my reply as quoted by tho Portland Oregonian regarJhg tho state ment of J. S. Rhoades written to said paper from Spokane, when in reality J. S. Rhoades' homo is at Huntsvlllo, mid he is pastor of the U. IS. church nt that place). 1 want to thank you for the stand you took In thiw matter in waiting to hear the other side us well. It is u fact that whenever a report is circulated on a minister of the gospel, no matter how false, there are always people ready to believe it, and to some It is a sweet morsel. And this also holds good with some newspapers. I may state here that the Oregonian did not publish my reply iu full. However, I am ready to drop the matter, not that L cannot prove every statement I have made, but Imply because it would help Christian ity very little and my aim and object in life Is to do all I can to aid the cause that will make my fellowinan better. The whole sum and substance of the attack ot Mr. J. S. Rhoades upon me is Unlike the old-time mackintosh, there is no rubber used iu the construction of the cloth. It is perfectly odorless, and use nor abipe. heat, cold nor age will destroy nor impair their water-proof quality. "Wool fllty Mpeclnt." You will find tho new paper ntlvor tised to nrrlve today, enclosed in Tub CilitoNici.K. It will bear tin; closest reading, for it means much to you; that is, If $100 or so ia worth anything to you. The introductory sale the Filers Piano House have inaugurated today at Jacobscn's Hook & Music Co'n store is a bona fide method of introduc ing formally their line of high grade pianos the Weber, Kimball and Chick ering to the citizens of The Dalles, Rainy, though it is, they announce four piano sales today ; tomorrow they ex pect to get six moro sales, tin they know of two" more sure. The fact of It is, the people here can not afford to miss this opportunity of getting a high grade piano at cost. Be sure and call at the store this evening or tomorrow and it the Eilers Piano House representatives do not show to your complete satisfac tion that they are really selling a piano usually sold for $400, for $280, cold facts will in your case have been in'vain. Read tho "Special" carefully ; it has a twofold mission : You make money now ; the Eilers Piano House will make it later on. Tomorrow evening's CmtONici.i: will contain tho names of parties sold to today, to any of whom the Eilers Piano House will gladly lefer. Remember the place Jaeobeen's Hook & Music Store. Carnival Hates. The O. R. & N. Company have made the following round-trip rates from tho stations named below to The Dalles, for October 9th to 13th, inclusive: Portland $3 50 Fair view 2 95 Troutdale 2 !)0 Latourelle 2 55 Bridal Veil 2 40 Bonneville 1 90 Cascade Locks 1 75 Viento 1 20 Hood River 95 Mosicr 70 Biggs SO Grants 95 Arlington 2 15 Hepptier Junction 2 55 Heppner 4 35 Clark & Falk's drug stock is new, fresh nnd complete. plays s Crowe Tho cravenelte Raglan linn-coat is the most popular because thin stylo over garment is juot now ho fashionable. It is made In olive, tan, brown, Cambridge and oxford gray cravenottu cloths, and thoBe thnt are sold by A. M. Williams & Co. ure Ithu best talloted garments thnt can possibly br made. The Raglun can also 1m worn iu line weather, as it looks no different tl.au a swell Raglan overcoat. Woodmen of tint Win lil, AMi'lillnnt There will bo u special meeting held tonight In T. Brownhill'd oillce, op posite the land office, at 8 p, m., for the purpose of arranging a float or some thing suitable for the parade next week. All members are requested to be presont, Timothy IIhowkiiill, O, C, Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Tho only store ft this city where tht Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold. A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen pieces of so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has tho name Stransky - Steel Wnro on eacli piecd Do not be deceived First prize at 16 International Exhi bitions. Higliost award nt Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago, Pre ferred by tho best cookingauthorities, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheape3t bocauso BEST. Remember tU celebrated ontun eled woroiaspecial ly imported tor ami Fold in this city ex clusively by us. ij It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is nqtaftectedbyacidi in fruits or vegetables, will boil, stow, roast and hnku w i t h n u t imparting 11a vor of previously ooo 1; a d fond n ml will last for years. Wo can. tion thj public ugaiiidt iuiittitiouj WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Stu. All orders attended to promptly. n distance phone 433, Lucul, 102,