nL...:.u Oregon, has Hie matter in ids uaueb uduy uurumuic. expcU t0 THURSDAY For rresldent WILLIAM M'KINLEY, Of Ohio. Tor Vice-President THEODORE ROOSEVELT, or .N(ir York. hand and call a meeting in a few OCT 4 1900 ys 10 k 'n some centrally located hall in Portland. The tie- , cision of the veterans will be awaited j with interest. It may not have the ; effect of changing the opinions of a ; ' great number of people but it will have a tendency to materially, strengthen the cause it favors. By all means let us know what the TEDDY ANSWERS THE BRYAS- veterans think of expansion and how j ITES. ' uacuy tney are scareo at tne siogey : of imperalism. While at Lexington, 2seb., the J other day Governor Roosevelt gave 1 The deglutition of Washington the following answer to those Bryan-1 populism by the Bryanites of that: ites who have been urging that if he state has been at last accomplished,! were sincere in his opposition to the ; that s to say sit but the tail, which 3sew York ice trust he had the ' refuses to be swallowed, and instead j remedv in his own hands and asjof wagging the Washington demo-i governor of the state had to destroy it, replied : ! Retiring from Business. j Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost, j Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at mnch Jess than wholesale j prices. Will eell in bulk or in lots, or any way to snit jiurchasers. j Entire stock must be closed ont "before 30 days. , All poods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fittinc Corsets and Butteiick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, j Comer Second and Court Sts. ; State fiormal School, MONMOUTH, - OREGON. s Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. Tho tl!ilints nf !hl VnrtHl w-hnnl nrt nwnifftl tn tn -hi Stjit,' fVrttfiPflte lnmedistelY OH the power cratic canine as formerly, will now ; graduation. To this the governor , bitch itself on to the nether extremity 3ttM ACBete nn(1 rrofes,OIm, Coiirscj. New specl nature in Maaui TrahUnc ,of social democracy, commonlv Veii equity iinins ncruutment. x u. kaiis.uv. v. - uitf iuii mi tiuuiiLWUiwiit." nuiiiva P. U CAMPBELL, r.-ttident. or W A. W ASS, Secretary of Facul'r. "That is hardly correct as a matter1 known as Debsism. At the middle-' of governmental knowledge. I can- j of-the-road state convention, held ; - ; not call out the militia to destroy a ! n Spokane Tuesday, it was decided Difficult Problem. trust. "What can be done is to have not to place a ticket in the GeM and , ,-, Q . . . . .1 is auionc tte most uimcnlt prot- the legislature pass and the governor ' resolutions were passed urging all , lews of natural science (or one to become sign a law to do av.ay with the trust, ; populists to oppose the fusion ticket "I1 " r;eral .u.nes-- Jl ?' Alkos & f, "-) r , Co., be their combination, over-- and then have the attorney-general an" support the social dcniocrnc ; come this difficulty in a practical man-; proceed under that law to entorce it. This is the natural drift and tendency uer,- J- E; Adcus ,ia Bn. exn watch-; 1 . ,. .... . maker nnil is pood on jswolrv. optical according to the best of his capacity. ! ' populism which is only a step ' work and enpravine. wnile "Theo. H. . "Xow" are not ihee the onlv 1 nearer socialism, whose end is an-' Liebe is an expert optician and is pood , 'uut vuc t ; on watch repairine, jewrlrv work and tblns that can be doner "Well, I ; archy and ultimate perdition, than encravinsr. Tiieir price iea's low ns con- have done them both. In the first Bryamsm. sistent with cod workmanship. They j are prepared to do ail work m their year of rev term as governor we , ,. , .... several lines, on short notice. Work w,,pd. ' spvprB . tT. w We oSr isK n hame,! PrI01 the:eent by mail or exure's will receive passed a very severe anti-trnst law, . twric8.a.wee Chronicle, price ?t.50, ! prompt attention. Sign. "Big Red, and now the attorney-general is j and the Weekly Oregonian, pnre $1.50, ' Watch." $ i .oo per month. Strictly llrst elites local nn I long dietrttico telepliono service within your homo. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will he kopt a secret. No cost for installinp. You pot the standard Hunning Ixinp Distant Instrument. Continuous day and nlpht service. Wo will accept yonr contract for ten years and allow you to cancel sbhio on giving us thirty days writ ten notico. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 00B. proceeding under that law nsainst both papers for ?2 a year. Subscriptions; The difficulty comes 1 unaer tuu oc,ir raast Pa,d ad-! t vance. tf j trust : i the ice trust. in the delay caused- by the counsel, as they are appealing, as OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line they have a right to appeal, to every j ' P'"t anit artist s "ej legal technicality, and nie making' ., every effort to stop a decision on the 1 - merits of the case. The people wboj Physician and Surgeon, are responsible for the action of the j Siwsiai attention given to Mi-reiy. trust's counsel are the stockholders of Rsisaaj;. vogtcioct the trust, who are, among others, j NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. 3Ir. Richard Croker, the leader Of! Notice Is hereby civ-en Ihnt the nndersiiiitd , , has duly filed with the couiuv clerk ol Wascu the democratic partV in 2s ew York, ' county, Oiecon, his tinal account and reiiort a opponen two years ago, The CLARENDON HESTAUARflT And CAFE. J. B. Orossen & Co., Props. S7 Second Street. Mr. an M vck, who was my : ceased, and that the honorable county coori , J ! rlied Monday, the. :h day of .November, li-.O, nent for governor Of 2CW York WoclocS a. . of ald day as the time, and runumc on an anti- has ut the i county court room In the county court house iu udjies u:j, :iico county, ureton, as the place trust platform, and ho IS now one'' All verjons Interested in said estate are here - .. , , , ,, . ; by notified to aptearHt said time and plact and OI the 0122est Stockholders in the ice : 8b0H' if any there tt, why said rejort J should not be approved and said executor dis trust. Cbarcrtl. , c " Dated this tfc dev of September, 3?."0. FKAXK MENEFEE, Tl , . , . I Execator of the estate of Phoebe J. ilaisnt. I be attornej-general is now pro- deceased. oc; ceeding against the ice trust, and if Mr. Croker, Mr. Van Wyck and the associates who are members of the 0 Sale of Keal Property. Notice is hereby given that under and by vir- . . . , . . , , nut ui nu uiuer iui mue anu eniereu in tne trust were not employing the best County Court of Wasco County. OregorTon the counsel in the state to ilelay action, !ini,5torwitrtheiM oi juuainan jacsson, ueceasm, win, irom and we should have had a decision of the court long ago. The republican attorney-general is pressing that action tinder that law, introduced by a democrat, but passed by a republican legislature, and 6i'gned by myself. TVe are opposed by Mr. Bryan's ardent supporters in 2Tew York, the heads of the democratic part- of the slate. LET THE VETERAN'S SPEAK. 1 Complete of . Drills ' at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. I I- KSS BH REGULATOR LINE. 1 DALLES, PORTLAND & ASIOIUA KAY. COJIPASY j -stcamern of tbi- lUttulntor Line will run ns ot iliefol ( clHtulf. tin; Company locrvlni; the rlpbt to chnuxc 'J sr'.vt.uU' witamit notice. 5 Str. Regulator I.v lallc k nil A. M. TuiTlay ThundKT 1 Snturtlny. J' Arr. I'.irtlBtid p, at-l:SU P. K. UP. I.v. 1'ortliiud nt T A. v.. Monday . VfJie!y I riduy Arr. Halle at ; l' Ji. Ship yonr Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. ImiWN I.v. Drtllw ut 7 A. h. Munriay Wfdiiecdny . . Friday ... . Arr. Tortlaiid at -i :M t. x. l. nt FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, i L". Travel by the Simmers of the IlcKUliitnr I.luc The com winy 1 (, rns the lxrt rvicv ixjusIIjio I or further luloruiution nddrco ' . l'ortlfliid nmre. Out Street Docfc W. C. ALLAWAY. Con. Afrt i K IT I nrtland J " M 1 I. ! 1 hit ilnjr j Thiir.ily ,5 -n'.urilv S A'r luillw "'J J The Coini'itny will endeavor to give lt jt- ,5 U.TUUU Batehens and Farmers Jrom the Portland Telegram learn that it is proposed at an early date tn fill tnopllior the ,!,.. nt :01'ce ls. hereby given that the followinr; uuie 10 tail logeiuer me eterans Ol I named ettler ha liied noUce of his intention to after the 1st dy of October, l'.OO. sell at private sale in the manner provided by lw for the sale of real property by executors and administra tors, all the right, title and interest of the said Jonathan Jackson in and to the following de scribed real property, being in Wa.cot;ouury, Orecon. to-wit; Tho SW'U of the EEli of section fifteen the SU of tae SE' and the 5!- of the 5WV. nf taction twenty'tno r., the cEU of Ihe bEJ.4 I of section rlfieen (lii. the E'3 of the yE' and '. i the KE!i of theSEJi of action twenty-tvro 22). ' iuc i.5s vi me .tjj ecu ine e;4 o: ine Still and the SEK of the SW'H cl ectlon twenty- seven .;), all in township four 4j south, racKelap rr fourteen (U) east, W, Ji.; said sale to be for cssfb or upon credit in the manner provided bv I J ? . law .or the sale of real proiertv uron credit bv eiecu rsand adtnluiftrators. K. E. aALTJIAliSHE. Administrator, with the will annexed, of the eatate of Jonathan JacJtson, deceased. epl-ll NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Lasjp Omcr. at Thk Dalles. oke.,i Ausust 31, I'M). I otIce Is hereby given that the followinc- ..Exchange.'. Keeps on draucht the celebrated COLUMBIA BEEK, ncknow. edirtd the beat beer in The Dalles, at the usual price. Come In, try it and be convinced. AIo the Finest brands of Wines, Uuor and Clears. Sandtxiiehes : Just What You etiant. Gunning, Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pll kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, MlSSd Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- Q1 TplOUr ''H onr ,B inanufactured expreiBly for family v M"L uh! . every pack is iruaranted to give eatiefaction. W e eell our poode lower than any limine in the trude, und if yon don't ttnnk eo call and et cur jiricte and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats Blacksmith, Wagon Shnn the Civil war, as well as those ffiAK' Unreochnoino fought for the honor of their country t1'm'oaVvla9''- nOrSBSnOBIng. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single fitork. P.eal imita tion creton effectB at ordinary prices. j-jicguijt ueaiK"K, iBHieiui coionue, yoare i a: our fitore on Third SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! Do you know that John I'nhhek. the tailor, is agent for toof the lArnest merchant tailoring hotitCH in America? Do you know that he will tell you a suit, made to your order, ns cheap a the haud-iuo-down, reiulv-mutic, you Inly in the atoree, nnd Ktiarantte a fit or no sale? Do you know that he has alreudv on hand for the coming fall and winter trade the ImncUomeet and fititBt line of camples ever fchown in The D.illet? JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent, I for a nmnll nrlcc ! street. Also a full line of house paints. HSHQhO igH&iSwO? u. w. v AUDiii, xnira bt ' u in Cuba and the Philippines, for the ' GeorsB w i"inton, or The uiie, or., ' 1 it. t. i.o. aioa, for the NW Summons. , , . I HeiiBraethelollowicewitneMietoprovebIiii Sentiment m reference to the admin-1 contlnuoiu residence upon, and cultivation oi .... , . . ! said land, viz: IStratlon S Philippine and Cuban, V. Taylor, Wa, Hharj.,J. W. Johmton and , ,., , . . ... .. . n. L. Teague, all o! The miles. Outrun. policy and ascertain their position in jay y. tucAg, i:esir. reierence to the American flag planted on foreign soil. Those who have fought for their jln Circuit court lor the State of Oieson for' country and the honor of Us HagJiMeSw.'w-taiiB; Whether nt home or on foreign SOll, Henry fitcIchiDRer, Peiendant. are believed to be entitled to a re- ! In Jhe name ol the State oi Oregon; , , , " , ou are hereby required to appearand nnirer , spectful hearing. Thev have dem- 5b'. "''pvMnt nied aedirut you in the above r , , " entilled iiiit on or beore the hut daytdthtf ( onstrated by their services what their ' sentiments were in the time of war, ;,VrJ!,ihi tS,???!!: 1 uuu it is ueaireu now 10 ooiain irom , , vuwwuwm m nskum- Cor Second & LaiMiu. 'Phone 157 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE thftm nn fivriroaalrin in iima rtt ariatrer said comiilalnt on fir t?frir. tK,. mh . , ' uc" Novemlier, ltAJ, whleh ald lth day oj No-1 It IS harelv nrtaoiMp that, n , vember, the Iat day of the time tiro I J I w""'"'- -- W tlbUIMI M ' . . 1 L . .1 I., a I . 1 . " ... . . " .iiuraiuiuciiraCT ior ine pulincmiOTl 01 tllU tion from the nation's defenders may ' WIZSf;",' ?n.dJ' .'?" 'l1' anivver, for want -v"-,D "J j thereof plaiJirwlil apply to the aboveentltled hnVA a tlintl.Plnl Unn.tnr. 1. - ' CUU ft IOf tCC rClitf tlfH Ml I ttT I n .l M In 1 1 IT . " " """""B upuu iuCi plan,f t0.wU YhVt , hi iiiaLat nXw action of voters who ore iu douht'..!SM ... . i 7 . " r . wftM nuu Ilia wueiuer 10 sustain the administration in its determination to protect the American flag in the Philippines or to repudiate its policy by voting with the party that is in favor of pulling the flag down. General Summers, of the Second plaintiff and defendant be in all reau.ta ill vorctd Irom each other, and that plalutlrri name be chained to her maiden name, to-wlt, Jna Pole, and (or tach other and further relief a to the court may teem Juit and equitable, Tii lummoim U terved upon you, Heurr ttpelchlnrer, the above named defendant, by publication thereof In Tut Wscklv uukoxicic for ix coniecutive weeJu by oider Of Hon. W. I- Hradiha . indue nt th aV.. entitled court, which order wa made on, and bean date of beit ber 21. laoo, M NED H. GATES, 23 Attorner fori-Ulntlff. TRADE MARKS UE6IGNS Copyrights Ac. Anrone sending a ikctrb and de-Iptlon ma nulcklr asertaln our opinion free ttiether a' InTemlon is probably ndtontable. Ovramunlc. iUmjirinlrcrjriBdeiitl4l. Handbook on Patents sent fre. OMest fursecunneuatenu. 1'atekM Ukan tbruut-a Iunn k Cj. recelvn tptcM notice, without charue, In the Scientific ftmtftm. A handsomely lllosttatcd reklr. Iirirest elr niUnun of any ctcmtrJi- loornal. Terms. $3 a rear: Bold Ly all newsdealer-, lilfiel OWPesS Y rU WasblalulJf JS ONIPOKADOM. S-iri,rs tBTETTTESES , or (all boa low Tfie Columbia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF M ANCKACTDBEK8 OY f Pine Lard and Sausages j Curers of yf BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD BEEF, ETC. 9 J. E. FALT & CO., proprietors Commercial Sample tfooms. Purest Liquors for Family Use ? Deliveied to any part of tho City. l'honee: ol Local, I c$ second btreei. 858 Jjiij,' Difitunce. J.8. HCHRNCK, Prcaldeuu ll. H, Beam., Caablei First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREQON A General Banking Boaineas transacted DapoeiU received, aubiect to 8ibt Draft or Check. Oollectiona made and proceeda promptlt remitted on da of in)lmii Sic bt and Telegraphic Exchange told oa ew York, Ban Franciaco and porl land. r I m Kor r tm D. P. Taoxrao. Jao. 8. BoiuacK. Kd. M. WibUAMi, Gao. Liaaa. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. x m- urn mum. ML H. M. BBALL.